The Vows We Take

All about Cadomyr and its Guilds. / Alles über Cadomyr und die Gilden in Cadomyr.

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Tyan Masines
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The Vows We Take

Post by Tyan Masines »


It was a mild evening when a group of Cadomyrians left the Unicorn Lion and walked up the street towards the palace. Sun was low and shone over the beige walls of Cadomyr, wrapping the city into shades of shadow and light. Where the sunbeams still hit the sandstone surfaces of cadomyrian buildings, it gave them the gleaming golden sheen that resembled the great desert surrounding this citadel of mankind.
The group was still small and stopped before the palace to turn towards the Shrine of Zhambra. Salathe was already there, preparing the ceremony and still the attendants stood casually around, having their conversations.

Tyan still sat in tavern and sipped his wine. Naturally, he had only began writing his oath shortly before the ceremony. It was nothing that was by any means habitual to him, writing and taking an oath. In fact, had someone told him he'd be part of such an Order that was about to be introduced to the land, he'd laughed at that person and said maybe when the air turns to fire and the world to ash. But then, that had kind of happened on Gobaith, although he had not been there to witness it.
All his new comrades had. Salathe, S'rrt, whom he called James and who had given him the first combat training in his life, Gurk, whom he called Gurke, because it was the old word for 'cucumber'. Kraex, whom he had met during his first days in Cadomyr and quickly came to like for the way he dealt with things and for his humor - although Tyan wasn't sure whether Kraex always intended the 'jests' he made, or whether they were only the outcome of his orc language and somewhat foreign and wild habits.
And of course Josy, Josephine, or Lady D'Gemmifus, which he all called her, depending on his mood and the severity of the matter he wanted to address. She was also still in tavern, sitting far from him at the table, polishing her black shield which resembled the emblem of her family. He wondered how old she really was for a moment, as he had never thought of that before. He had assumed something of her when they first met, and of course spoke his mind, as always, which had soured their relationship a lot. She called him "Count" and nothing else, and had forbidden to use the nickname Josy, which was odd for Tyan, since he had nicknames or short-term names for almost everyone. He had tried to be more companionable when dealing and speaking with her though, because she was joining the Order, after all. Having petty conflicts on the inside of the Order was the last thing Tyan wanted.
It wasn't easy dealing with her, though. He didn't know whether she simply despised his humor, or didn't get it. What he knew as that she was noble and he was a stay dog from Gynka, as Djironnyma had called him when he and his attachments had still inhabited Cadomyr. Tyan was nothing like Bronn, the mercenary, more resembling the raunchy type, but still Josephine and Tyan were divided by worlds. She hadn't let him feel that in any direct way, but the way she spoke and looked did that every time.
And all his 'progress' in getting her to forgive him for his early assumption, or jest, or however one would call it, had seemed to be gone again since he has crashed into her with force only an hour before - by accident, of course. The outcome of one of his more severe and long-term jests, telling Kraex that "whorey" meant "hungry" and not what it really meant, had come to the orc's attention in tavern. He had been furious, of course, and charged at Tyan. Tyan of course had tried to escape to the door, just in the exact moment Josephine returned to the group after hours of preparing for the ceremony - especially getting her hair in order and neatly placing white feathers into it. Tyan had managed to dodge her some, still ruining her headdress some, and had crashed into a few chairs and a table next to her. Followed only by Kraex, who'd then slapped him with a sausage. The orc had not really been furious, for he knew Tyan was a jester of sorts. After long lasting laughter Tyan and Kraex had apologized for the incident, but Tyan wasn't really sure whether such actions were not simply too vulgar and rough for a noble girl.
This was Cadomyr, after all. Maybe he should try and behave better. But then, that would not be him. He discarded the thought.

After a while it was time to leave and they both stood. Tyan tried some casual chatter, which was answered only shortly, or not answered at all. Josephine looked quite nervous, which Tyan somehow found very cute in a way he wasn't sure about. Through the shady light that fell on the street leading to the temple, which was still blasting in the sun, they went to join their fellow brothers in arms.

Salathe stood before the altar, while the members of the Order assembled in a line in front of him. "Everyone is certainly aware, but it is with great pleasure that I can now officially state the Crimson Order of Cadomyr is established!", Salathe began speaking. "But an Order is more than an announcement, it is a bond." Tyan liked that. He liked it to be more a bond than an Order. After all, what did he know of Orders and Guilds, he had always been a vagabond of sorts, a restless wanderer, a singer, a mercenary, just some guy - a stranger in strange lands. All this had taught him one thing, though, that friendship was the most important thing. The 'good' of friendship had no weight, unlimited amounts could be carried and distance did not matter to transport it, but it was also the most valuable good, far more valuable than all the gold and gems in the world. It was less predictable in what it yielded then any craft, but it was more reliable. Or speaking in a more martial way - it was like the sword of a warrior. It has to be sharpened once in a while, repaired even, but it was the one and only thing that got one through all peril and though all situations. "I hope everyone has prepared there oath", Salathe continued. "Be sure to address loyalty to Cadomyr, the Order, and your personal goals within the Order. Tyan... As a leader, you shall go first." Tyan looked to the altar, shot a quick whispered Crap to S'rrt who was standing next to him. The often too thoughtful but friendly and humorous lizard grinned on the comment and Tyan walked towards the altar. He might really be a stray dog from Gynka in the end, but he was not infamous or blasphemous as well. He knew how to pray, though not to Malachin or Zhambra, for they were too strict when it came to sticking to rules and regulations. As an older deity, Tyan had chosen Findari, and as a younger deity Cherga. This choice often confused people or even brought him in trouble, but he believed it made sense. He was sending a lot of souls on their ways to the Grey Mother and prayed for forgiveness to her, and also for him not being the next soul on that way.

He got down to one knee before the altar and spoke his oath.

"I hereby swear to be without fear in the face of my enemies,
and that I shall be ever dauntless in battle.
I swear to not take life easily, to not find pleasure on killing,
and to honor the enemy and the dead, as Cherga commands it.
I swear to be brave and upright so that the gods shall be content,
and to always speak truth to my fellow brothers in arms.
I swear to safeguard the helpless and do no wrong,
and to protect and serve Cadomyr and her Majesty.
I swear this before the eyes of gods and men,
for the Gods, for Cadomyr and for my comrades!"

He then bowed slightly to the altar and stepped back without turning, until he was close to Salathe again. He turned to face him and to receive the welcome presents of the guild - a finely crafted Malachín Dagger and a perfectly made ruby ring holding the emblem of the Order. It was the others turn to take their vows now. All were good, but Tyan was surprised and also moved by one particular part of Josephine's oath.
"... nothing will stand between my loayalty and devotion to Queen Rosaline Edwards, eldest daughter of King Sir Reginald, born in Firnismill,
Until that very day I shall meet all members of the Royal Crimson Order with respect and aid them best and with all the Gods have blessed me with, may they be of common or high birth.
My heart shall beat as theirs, my friends and foes shall be the ones of the Order."

Tyan hated being wrong, especially when he was wrong judging personalities. And although her words had lightened his mood up generally, he was a little confused that moment. That soon vanished and was replaced by some amusement, though, and also a very positive revelation: The words of that nervous young lady had just held more wisdom than any words of the so called Elders and Rulers of this land up to now.
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Re: The Vows We Take

Post by Kraex »

When it was time for Kraex to give his oath the young orc immediately took on a serious demeanor. He was by no means an orator, but certainly no one in the Order could say he didn't speak his mind. Clad in battle worn armor he made his way to the altar at a slow pace. Along the way he couldn't help thinking about Tyan's words, and although he didn't fully understand everything Tyan said he'd gotten the gist. Tyan had always been good with words and often bragged about the books he'd written. Whatever oath Kraex could come up with was going to pale in comparison, but this fact hardly bothered the orc. Speeches and flowery words were for humans and elves, Kraex would speak from the heart as any good orc would do.

As Kraex reached the altar he turned to face his fellow Order members with intent yellow eyes. To and fro he scanned over them for a moment. They weren't blood brothers or sisters, but each of them had earned Kraex's respect. He'd seen each of them on and off the battlefield and knew they were men and women of honor. Still it pained the young orc's heart not to be surrounded by his bloodkin for he longed for the leadership and unspoken traditions of blood and bone. Unfortanetly, the orcs of the land were far from those of his upbringing and the Orcs of the Mountain he was accustom to being around. For the foreseeable future he was right where he needed to be.

Once his eyes reached the last person in line he pushed back his tattered crimson cloak to draw his sword. Beneath the open atrium of the temple the rich amethyst hue of his sword glistened brilliantly. Respectfully he knelt before his fellow Order members and brought his magical long sword in a wide arc to settle in perfect balance before him. In the same motion he rotated hsi grip on the sword to allow the tip to swing downward and rest against the white marble. He bowed his head respectfully and placed both plated hands atop the pummel of his sword in a knightly pose. Now that his hands were out of the way six different radient gemstones shine brightly from the hilt of his sword. Without hesitation he spoke in his broken common.

"Kraex oaf simpul. Fur da Queen and da Ordur Kraex gib da onleeh tree dings him lib by. Him honur! Him bluud! And him blade! May all da enemies ub da Queen fall by Crimsun blades and fur hur da glories!"

Using the sword he pushes upward, nods to Salathe and Tyan, and walks back to his position to reform the rank.
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Re: The Vows We Take

Post by themonk »

Gurk approached the alter unhunching his arched back slowly gaining more height as his posture improved. When he stood before Salathe he could hear the onlookers gasp at his unnatural size, especially for a lizard.
His ancient bones made a loud cracking sound as he fell to one knee bowing before Salathe and his brethren. His long dull brown cape with straggles of fur and feathers around its color was flicked back over his broad arm revealing a scared tribal tattoo. As he raises his block shaped head to the crowd and Salathe his glowing serpent eyes pieced them, the colour of the shine was as fire orange like his featured pointed lizard crest. To maintain the unconfortable position he was in, he forced the bottom butt of his feather and bone decored staff into the sand. He exhaled loudly probley to clear his lungs of sibanac smoke and he spoke his oath.

"I Gurk in memory of my tribe and in faithz of mozzer zZelphia hereby sssswear my loyalty, my honour and my life to her majesssty and Cadomyr. I will fight, eat, ssleep or die alongsside my fellow crimssson brotherssss and sssissteersss"

Gurk tenses his muscular arm as he pulls himself up using the staff.

"I pledge myself to the Crimssson order of Cadomyr"

He then decents from the alter and lights his old chewed pipe.
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