Petition for the consideration of Her Majesty

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Moderators: Rosaline Edwards, Gamemasters

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rakust dorenstkzul
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Petition for the consideration of Her Majesty

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

For the ears of her Grace, Her Majesty, the most gracious and merciful Queen of Cadomyr, Rosaline Edwards


Ban on sale of goods produced by Galmairian Leon Demelli

My queen. Cadomyr is based upon The Patriarchy, honour and faith in the gods.

Leon Demelli has violated each of our tenets, he has abandoned his heavily pregnant wife, to revel with women of dubious repute and questionable morals.

He has broken the sacred bond of marriage, and his honour is naught in the eyes of gods and men.

I beseech her Grace, Her Majesty, The Queen of Cadomyr to ban sale of goods produced by Leon Demelli in order to show the world that Cadomyr does not deal with oath breakers.


Sir Guy Mitchell.
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