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Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:33 am
by Garath
GolfLima wrote: :arrow: warum gibt es wohl so wenig Handwerker, und dann sind die auch noch Alleskönner :?:
- why are there so few crafters and why are they all allrounders -

exactly because of that.
Too many things depend on another. Noone wants to wish and hope someone will be able to supply what they need, so they work it themself.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:10 am
by Respen
David Turner wrote:Why is specialization (as far as character abilities) even necessary? What people are asking for is specialization in terms of character productivity. They want people to buy stuff from other people and be able to sell stuff to other people, and they see all-rounder characters as having no need to engage in either of those tasks. That is why this thread was originally opened, and it is not primarily an issue of character skill levels. If the problem is not primarily caused or perpetuated by the skill levels of characters than it stands to reason that a good solution would have nothing to do with them either. Otherwise you simply add problems with no directly associated gain for the problems that are added. One such problem is the high number of characters who are already all-rounders, in some respect, that would therfore cause the proposed solution with those type of requirements to alienate almost the entire current gamebase of dedicated long-term characters. Because, no matter what you say, power granted to someone else /does/ make your character /comparably/ weaker.
I proposed my idea of the specialization of character abilities as a possible solution to one of the many root causes of the all-rounder problem. This problem is what this whole thread is about. Before I posted, there was much discussion on other solutions to the problem, many of which also solve other root causes of the problem. I felt that there was not much I could say further on those other solutions. I merely wished to contribute constructively to the discussion with another possible solution. :)

In my opinion, specialization would help to prevent this problem from happening in the future by encouraging each character to interact more with others. It would also help to keep characters diverse. Specialization has more long-term benefits for the game than short-term ones, I think.
David Turner wrote:Perhaps if the advantage was particularly weak at high levels than this solution would work (assuming that outside sources are available to fulfill the other required tasks, such as gathering). What if the only solution was an increased production speed on one's chosen "specialist" profession that drops off to zero by 70% or 80% skill? This would encourage specialization in new characters by making it easier to focus on the one area but would not cause any change at higher skill levels, therfore preserving the end-game effects of high skill. It would also help solve the problem that people have pointed out about certain skills taking so painfully long to learn.
This is certainly an interesting approach, but it only encourages specialization in new characters. Once a character becomes a "master" (greather than 70-80% skill) of the craft they have chosen, there is nothing to further encourage them to continue focusing on their "mastered" craft. That is why, like your previous alternate approach, I do not think this would work to help solve the problem this thread is all about.

Any solution to this problem that does not apply its affects equally across the whole game, and all characters, is one I do not think would work very well. I could also very well be completely wrong. We shall have to see. ;)

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:10 am
by Achae Eanstray
I do not like to interact with only the same chars every day. I do not like to trade goods in dimension of thousands of units, only because any single person can sell them cheap to me or can pay so much. And Ido not like to let my char cook his food, only because I can not find a cook and my char does not like to eat apples. I want low scale interaction everyday, low scale trading, low scale RP that touchs the crafting profession of my chars in their daily life. This is what Illarion makes alive for me. Not only to do a new expedition cross the Isle, though the preparing the equipment for such expedition. This is why I give orders to other instead to to do the job myself. I hope that the other players keep active by this.

Maybe I am wrong or missplaced by my own limited view. But what are your strategies to force interaction? Feel free to write your Ideas.

Summary: I do not want buy 6.000 apple boards by anyone who is lumberjack, carpenter, smith, warrior, mage and alchemist (and can do all other stuff too) only because he has so much in his depot. I want the interaction with lumberjacks to cut the wood together!
I know different people have different perspectives on what they desire to roleplay in the game. Having chars with almost all the professions, including a crafter...I honestly am not interested much in the roleplay of trade especially forced trade i.e. you are unable to make something so spend literally days hunting someone that can, including getting online with that char at a certain time in order to meet and exchange coin etc. WAY too much ooc work for me to really enjoy. In order to craft even carpenter items, you would need lumberjacking and smithing. I think if the skills were set up where carpenters can actually make items without the prerequisite of using smithed items, the "all-rounder" would be less needed.

Following someone that goes to chop wood for a project and roleplaying is enjoyable.. but both cutting it together *shrugs* I can take or leave. To interact with others my chars simply stops and time for the other player to also. Some are interested and roleplay back, some not. As far as finding roleplay when desired, I have had no problems and don't mind the "all-rounder" thankful that IF my char doesn't make something, at least I can buy it having run into that char.

As an example, for RP purposes I have one char that will never craft desiring not to have those skills. It has been almost impossible to get some items needed from anyone but NPC's. I would welcome this all-rounder that I could hopefully find easily in game in order to buy from them.
what are your strategies to force interaction
Some people are just learning the game or speak only limited in your language so I dont force interaction but allow for the opportunity for whoever wants. There are a variety of methods and each player will probably have their own. You can:

1. Fall from a tree and ask for help.
2. Get locked in the depot.. that was fun! :D
3. Hold up a finger on the right hand that has been cut and since right handed have trouble putting on a bandage.
4. I had one char strap a rope between two trees at night then trip mine trying to rob them... nice roleplay there.
5. Say the typical "greetings" in a different way to allow someone to answer beginning the roleplay. Even "greetings who are you, you don't belong here" :wink:
6. Go up to someone in the field and ask for seeds is also good.. by the way was very nice to meet Lennier when he did that.

There are plenty more examples however, I think people will learn the skills they are interested in. To change that by engine, or request won't really help establish any better roleplay then what is achieved. Guilds of crafters, fighters etc. would probably work best.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:07 am
by ThisGuy
@Achae I usually just skim through long posts but I actually read all that and I have to say thats well put. you summed up what I was trying to say in your post so thanks :P

for the rest of you who dislike the all-rounder I'll add this: in a world where people speciualize in certain things its because of the market in that area. if you can make 1 thing better and cheaper than anyone else you can corner the market. if you can make only 1 thing and someone else makes it better and cheaper you're screwed. think of a caveman, when he made his tools did he buy his wood from 1 person and stone from another then sell that tool to a fourth? no! in a world where there aren't many people you can't have specializations and you have to make what you need to survive. I think I could also point to small groups of people who live off the land in certain parts of the world...they make what they need themselves, relying on noone else.

in a world like illarion where people are few and far between at times, you can't have a market thats truely specialized because as I said before 'I doubt anyone would be able to get half the stuff they want if there wasn't a single all rounder in the game.' and I said that because its true. most of the people in this game have thier own little clique and rarely interact with others who aren't a part of it. as a new player(this has been pointed out not just by me but also by Uhuru) cliques make it impossible to get anything if you don't know them they're not going to trade with you, and as has also been stated stuff you get from an npc is always crap. so as a new player you're more likely to just quit. those who do stay will, since being excluded by others, do what they can to survive, and that means being an all-rounder!

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:04 am
by S'rrt
So, they complain about throwing items away on the street, because it's clutter. They complain about selling items for low price. And you have to produce items to gain skill.

So what do they want people to do with armor, weapons, and clothes that result from attempt to level up?

On another note, armors having no durability (or having infinite durability) is something that greatly affects the economy, causing an overflow of certain other items.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:55 pm
by Thorwald
Ich will mal das Thema Alleskönner an meinem jetzigen neuen Beruf zeigen

Nachdem ich Thorwald komplett neu aufbauen muß kann ich das Thema aus den Augen eines Anfängers beschreiben .

Thorwald hat sich als Beruf dem Kochen verschrieben .
Um diesen Beruf ausüben zu können braucht es folgende andere Berufe , die da wären :

Schürfer für Kohle und Eisen für Barren
Schmied für das Beil um Feuer unter der Kochstelle zu machen
Holzfäller für Baumstämme , Zweige und Äste
Schreiner für das Nudelholz den Kochlöffel und den Ofenschieber sowie Teller und Schüßeln
Jäger oder Krieger für das Schweinefleisch
Fischer für Lachs und einfache Fische
Bauer für Getreide Tomaten Kohl Karotten Zwiebeln
Kräutersammler oder dergleichen für Äpfel Kirschen Erdbeeren Brombeeren und was ich im Moment noch gar nicht weiß , wegen der noch nicht erlernten Rezepte .

Natürlich wollen alle oben genannten Chars auch bezahlt werden und dabei sollte natürlich ein winziger Gewinn rausschaun .

Bis ein Anfänger ohne das er das alles selbst macht , alle Sachen zusammen hat vergeht eine ganze Weile . Leider kann ich nicht mehr so wie früher fast unendlich lange spielen sondern vielleicht noch max 1 - 2 Stunden am Tag .
Außerdem woher soll ein Anfänger das ganze Geld nehmen um das alles zu bezahlen .
Ich hatte das rießen Glück das der Name Thorwald noch bekannt ist und so haben mich die paar noch spielenden Zwergenchars mit allem zugeschüttet was ich für meinen Beruf gebraucht habe .
Dabei ist anzumerken das der Verlust beim Kochen unheimlich hoch ist und die Zeit die vergeht bis man ein Gericht fertig hat unglaublich hoch ist .
Ich hab das gerade eben mal mitgeschrieben nur für die letzten 2 Stunden im Spiel .
Ich habe in 2 Stunden Spielzeit 40 Gerichte der Sorte Schweinefleisch mit Beilagen geschafft .
Gebraucht hab ich dafür 60 Schweinefleisch die ich leider selber auftreiben sprich Schlachten mußte ( Wobei die Logik das man bei einem geschlachtetem Schwein zwar immer Leder aber nur bei jedem zweiten oder gar dritten ein Stück Fleisch bekommt nicht verstanden werden muß )
Dann hab ich noch fast 200 Karotten und fast genau soviele Zwiebeln gebraucht für die ich 20 Silber gezahlt habe .
Die 50 Teller die dabei draufgegangen sind ( 10 sind bei Mißerfolg einfach mal verschwunden ) hab ich zum Glück mal selbst gemacht .

Das mir für meinen Aufwand und die Zeit die ich für die 40 Gerichte reingesteckt habe , niemand im Spiel das bezahlen wird was ich brauche muß ich nicht wirklich sagen .

Kochen an sich macht mir wirklich Spass , aber es wäre mit dem jetzigen System nicht möglich , wenn ich nicht alles selber machen würde .

Meine rein persönliche Meinung nach jetzt fast 10 Jahren in diesem Spiel ( mit einigen Endgültigen Abschieden ;) ) das jetzige System vertreibt mehr als es anzieht .
Das ist kein Angriff auf die Macher ( durfte das Schmiedesystem ja zusammen mit Nitram machen ), aber es wäre wünschenswert darüber nachzudenken etwas daran zu ändern beim jetzigen Neugestalten ... Bitte Bitte .

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:07 am
by Ufedhin
From a newbies point of view i found i had to be an allrounder for a while or do without ,but now after i have met a few characters i know where to go to get stuff i don't make,and can start to concentrate on my main craft .
I dread the idea of a too easy economy , medieval life was hard, most people were to a greater or lesser degree allrounders they had to be, or seek far to get what they wanted if they had the means.Easy coin for any old rubbish you made was also not an option.But if you got good enough at something you may just get noticed by a rich patron who needs your craft and then your on your way to making it in your prefered profession.

I think the game as it is at the moment mimics that well, i sure notice the difference when i get a tool made by a proper carpenter or smith rather than the one i made for the job. Its a real boost too when a older wealthier player needs what you do.
You have a grand thing going on here,
and remember "nothing good comes easy".( aint that half the fun :D )

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:18 am
by Alexander Knight
That being said, there is a few people who frankly take the piss out of the system.
Trying to max skills like commotio, Desicio, Pervestigato, Transformo, Transfreto, Magic resistance, Library research, Goldsmithing, Smiting, Gem cutting, Carpentry, Mining, Lumberjacking, Tree planting, Herblore, Concussion, distance, Slashing, Puncture, Dodge, Parry, Tactics, Wrestling, Glass blowing, Peasentry, Cooking and baking, Tailoring, Poison, lute and god knows what else. You know, Illarion is not meant for characters to all fight for yellow, it's an RP game and by doing all that it's actually effecting peoples RP.
Making a character that is perfect an is amazing at everything is just not fun at all. Limit yourself! You have 5 (or 7) chracter slots, use them. The crafting system was meant to compliment each other.. Pay someone to mine for you if you are a smith, pay a carpenter to give you handles and you will open a lot more RP and actually help the IG economy.
I would love if we had a cap of levels in each area of skill. If you have 6 main fighting and defence skills and a limit of 300 levels, every time you go up one level you go down in another random one oce you reach that 300 mark. That way you'd have balanced fighters who won't be the terminator or chuck norris but a fair fighting experience. /endrant

Another idea, why not allow 'trader gms' it will stop powergaming and also if its slightly over priced it would work well for a money sink.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:30 pm
by Alexander Knight
Srry to pick on Uhuru but a few things she said really quite bugged me.
Uhuru wrote:When we first began playing, Evie and I were forced to become all-arounders because we were treated so poorly. We had no choice. We either made what we needed ourselves or we did without because we couldn't afford the prices of the NPCs and we refused to talk to the rude town folks let alone ask them for help. Literally, the players we ran into when we started made such a poor impression, it was a miracle we didn't quit.

We had no choice.
Now you're mixing OOC with IG. A rude person IG can be the friendliest in the worl OOC. I use Athian as an example, the charater is an arsehole but the PO is a really good guy.
Uhuru wrote:I haven't seen anyone talk about the loot drops people are getting when they are training or our big PG'rs. They earn tons of coins and things. This is another issue with the "supply/demand" side of things. A few have tons of coins from this very thing. Not from hard work and labor. Not from making and selling items. Sure, Athian has coins to spend and dump into an economy, but where did it come from? Not from his hard work and certainly not from something he supplied to a community or something. (sorry to single you out Athian, you are just the first to pop into my head *winks*) And when Athian does want to spend those coins, people are not willing to toil away in boring tasks like mining all day long all alone.

This is all relative. There can be no true supply and demand scenario if coin and items are "fished" (for lack of a better term) so easily from everywhere. There is no reason to labor away at cooking other than your brother needs to eat so he can go and slay dragons or hunt for latent gems. Why spend time RPing a trade system? I can think of a lot more interesting things to do in terms of RP and I'm sure most others can as well.
Right... Not EVERYONE has to be the awesome mary sue fighter, I know many PO's wont actually shy away from specialized crafting and have no fighting skill at all, why you ask? COS IT IS A RP GAME!! People are not just out to make as any coins as thy can, people actally like to RP playingth simple life.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:14 pm
by GolfLima
Mein Charakter ist auch fast ein Alleskönner, aber selbst zu der Zeit, als er noch wenig konnte (und davon nur 2 Dinge richtig gut) war es so

1) Jeder will immer NUR exzellente nagelneue Dinge
2) Keiner ist gewillt einen dafür realistischen Preis zu zahlen bzw.
3) man kann sich einige dieser Dinge auch auf anderem Wege günstiger "besorgen"
die Ökonomie im derzeitigen System ist TOT.

Ich hoffe mal das sich das nach dem VBU ändert.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:24 pm
by Alexander Knight
GolfLima wrote:Mein Charakter ist auch fast ein Alleskönner, aber selbst zu der Zeit, als er noch wenig konnte (und davon nur 2 Dinge richtig gut) war es so

1) Jeder will immer NUR exzellente nagelneue Dinge
2) Keiner ist gewillt einen dafür realistischen Preis zu zahlen bzw.
3) man kann sich einige dieser Dinge auch auf anderem Wege günstiger "besorgen"
die Ökonomie im derzeitigen System ist TOT.

Ich hoffe mal das sich das nach dem VBU ändert.
But also, a an elf wih 3000 years nder his belt, you CAN RP it as such. Bu with chars who RP being 17 and have all these kills?

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:04 am
by Leon Demelii
I like to powergame. :twisted: Nor am I going to stop, just because some people have a problem with the way I RUN MY OWN CHARACTER.

All this talk is just pointless. The developers made the game and put it all in. If they didn't want some people to go on and max a few skills, well they wouldn't have put that in or even made it an choice. Just because a bunch of players don't understand or agree with it, doesn't mean it's against the rules or is going to be dealt with. If I meet someone IG that doesn't use the skill engine, I don't go off and say "Blah blah, why don't you use it??"'s their own choice, like it is mine to have Leon be the epic character he is. So pay us the same respect and just quit trying to stir shite up. Us powergamer don't care, we'll do what we do and that's that. The end.

Also, the allrounder problem does effect the economy sort of, but there are still specialized crafters and such, you just have to look, the trading board isn't just for selling... You can use it to find a specific item.

I honestly think it thread has been beaten to a pulp, and I still don't get why some of you have such an issue about it. It isn't going to change. You can't run other people's RP or gaming experience, so give it up.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:06 am
by Alexander Knight
Illarion home page wrote:What is "Power Gaming" and is it allowed? Power Gaming (PGing) is a term used to describe a characters actions in the game that don't necessarily follow a realistic pattern of behaviour. An example of this would be to hide your character away from other players so that you can focus on a single task (such as crafting or training a particular combat skill) in order to master it faster than you would do otherwise.
Power Gaming is NOT against the rules but it IS heavily frowned upon

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:18 am
by Sir Gnar
~ I think we all have our idea of a perfected game, but everyone thinks differently so its an impossible task. But my 2 cents on refinement of the game in regards to skilling an allrounder.

Without a larger or much more reliable player-base it is impossible to get all the things you need without taking up a few trades. Slug tried hard not to have to train woodcraft but it was damn near impossible to get handles made no matter what he did because the few chars that did do woodworking at the time were IG like twice a month. But, even with the optimal larger playerbase -

The two problems I see:

1. No motivation for coin. (monster drops are far to generous)
The motivation to stay with your trade would be that you can craft all those items in your trade & have an actual need to get better at making things so that you can sell your items at a higher price and not be poor and hungry, but everyone is rich on Gobaith, from fisherman to warriors.

2. You cannot skill on anything under the top of your range. (same as fighting)

The problem I see being a crafter is the only thing that will raise my chars skill is making magical elven armors, thats it. Why would I want to log in to make hundreds of magical elven armors in a row for no apparent reason? I understand they are the hardest so it would give the most skill but why can a player only gain skill in something at the top of their range. Causing the problem that if Leon came to me and needed 5 pairs of boots for his army there is no motivation for my char to make them, my char is already rich due to overly generous monster drops and has better things to do IG then sit alone in the smithy & not raise his skill any. So even if its the slightest amount possible, why would making chain pants, helmets, even dwarven armors not do anything for his skill? If it took me 15 pairs of boots as opposed to 1 magical elven armor to go up a hair on my skill bar, I would be inclined to do it.

So my char moves on to other trades to get some satisfaction of making something besides his 500th magical elven armor when he's only sold one in the past year because they don't deteriorate & then only to get better in a skill that he can already make excellent items in that nobody wants to buy anyways. Slug only makes what he personally needs unless its a favor for another char. Serves no logical purpose otherwise. I think Slug is the best smith on an island full of warriors who all wear armor, but he would starve to death relying on his profession...

Supply & Demand.. Illarions economy is hit!

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:38 am
by Athian
I use Athian as an example, the charater is an arsehole but the PO is a really good guy.
Well I'm a decently friendly soul when I'm not riled anyway. :wink:
All this talk is just pointless. The developers made the game and put it all in. If they didn't want some people to go on and max a few skills, well they wouldn't have put that in or even made it an choice. Just because a bunch of players don't understand or agree with it, doesn't mean it's against the rules or is going to be dealt with. If I meet someone IG that doesn't use the skill engine, I don't go off and say "Blah blah, why don't you use it??"'s their own choice, like it is mine to have Leon be the epic character he is. So pay us the same respect and just quit trying to stir shite up. Us powergamer don't care, we'll do what we do and that's that. The end.
People forget that skills, while not 'visible' to our characters are still a part of their world. A master swordsmen is still a master swordsmen regardless of if he can check his skill levels on a colored bar. Some RP players want the skill based player to restrain his skill use. In doing so they suspend the realism of the situation which most skill players aren't fond of. Here's a common conflicting scenario:

Character A(RP) has committed a terrible crime. He is confronted by the stronger character B(skill user).

Here is what we can expect from this confrontation:

Character A will expect character B to RP no matter how offensive or violent the crime committed was or how many times Character A has fled in the past.
Character A WILL NOT let their character be perma killed, even if they themselves have committed the equivalent of mass murder.
Character A WILL NOT fight or attempt to win in any technical way, because they know they do not stand a chance..
Character A will not accept any punishment that would diminish their character and affect the image the player has of the character in their head.
Character A expects that Character B will talk to them(RP with them), and find some way to resolve the situation in a manner where they have lost effectively nothing they cannot be without.

Character B wants to attack the criminal and send him to the cross.
Character B wants to attack the criminal and send him to the cross
Character B wants to attack the criminal and send him to the cross. (one track mind eh?)
Character B wants t punish character A in some manner befitting the fact that they are the 'loser' of the scenario.
Character B wants to punish character A in a manner what will impede or discourage repeat behavior, regardless of the characters intended concept.

Does this seem familiar to anyone? it should!

try to remember the following: RP is NOT measured by of the restriction of skill use rather then the incorporation. When these two types of players interact ideally we hope they can compromise. Sadly, quite often the compromises are either lop-sided on non-existent. This is just a vague and bland example mind you but i think many people could do with a refresher course on RPing in illarion. :wink:

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:32 am
by Alexander Knight
Then I say char A is a bit o a dick and should accept stuff like scars and even permadeath. If someone asked my char if they could cut off his ear then 99% of the ime I would say yes. If the crime fits :D I'd happily play 1 handed if I got caught stealing. I was also dead against the jailing being dropped.

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:53 am
by GolfLima
bleiben für mich 3 Fragen:

1) Warum wollen die "ach so reichen" Char. keinen ordentlichen Preis zahlen?
2) Warum sollte überhaupt ein Char ein Handwerk außer Magie oder Kämpfen erlernen?
3) Was macht mein Char eigentlich noch hier? (er kämpft nicht / er ist nicht reich / er betreibt kein PG -> eigentlich paßt er doch gar nicht hier hinein)

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:59 am
by nathi
GolfLima wrote:bleiben für mich 3 Fragen:

1) Warum wollen die "ach so reichen" Char. keinen ordentlichen Preis zahlen?
2) Warum sollte überhaupt ein Char ein Handwerk außer Magie oder Kämpfen erlernen?
3) Was macht mein Char eigentlich noch hier? (er kämpft nicht / er ist nicht reich / er betreibt kein PG -> eigentlich paßt er doch gar nicht hier hinein)
Lieber "Jerem", bleibe einfach weiter beim RP und alles ist gut :D, Alleskönner und Chars ohne Schwächen sind soooo langweilig!

lg nathi

Re: Alleskönner/Allrounders

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:13 pm
by Drathe
While I do agree on Athain's post and all others here. This is where the game, or more our opinions whether they be community induced, self made or a logical thought of traditional game engine use, conflicts with its self.

What is the game? A traditional skill and level up (aka the Hack and Slash) with a heavy RP overture to give it more than the sum of its parts, OR an ORPG Sandbox with a game engine that is like a tool bag, everything you need in it to compliment a role, story, character, group interaction. Flexibility.

The game has both features, heavily saturated by them and two very distinct camps of players who sit on either side. (And all those in the middle :o) )

The (elitists for want of polar opposites) RP'er will never be of the engine skills to rival in conflict with the PG'ers. They don't want to spend the time and energy for the most part grinding skills and hunting magic gems to boost their skills be it fighting or crafting to a godly level above most others. Just as the PG'ers when in a position of conflict or rivalry don't want all their time and effort in creating such a work of game engine induced art go to waste on a perfect opportunity to revel in it.

It all comes down to mature thinking and compromise. On both sides When these two camps meet, there will always be conflict of interests. RP chars want the story to go on and not be a ghost, PG'ers don't want their super char to be taken down by a skill noob and rightly so for both parties. But this is old ground covered so many times. Both can get the best of the situation, have fun without destroying it for others. Just depends on the type of person YOU are.

Same with the all skill player. Does it really matter if a character has all skills and/or uses them all? Lets be blunt here... if the player is a total cock and uses them all to be an all singing all dancing dangle bag. Then you know who they are and just let them to it. IF however, they use those skills to better the group around them, provide for players needs where others cant, use those skills to give in game life to the RP, or better their knowledge to pass on to other players then Kudos for them. Tools in the bag put to use.

Its not what skills you have, how many/less or their level, (to a good extent. I don't advise taking on a pack of Gnolls as a skill n00b) It's how you use them and the attitude that goes with. Both for gain and loss of a character and the players around them. IMO game engine is tools in the bag to better the story and character to allow you to make better the story and characters and fun of those around you.

But that's just my somewhat flawed opinion. If the game were truly all about the RP, characters wouldn't arrive having taken a blow on the head forgot everything they ever used their hands for, having no skill to get right into the RP and doing because, well, they are new, cant trust 'em with skill and they got to grind em like the rest of us! Just as if it were a true hack and slash why have it frowned upon by (encouraged by the game rules), the community and game engine caps in place to stop you?! Conflict of interest much? I'm sure there are more examples but you can see where I am going with this. The games freedoms and bipolar attitude creates it own conflicts and all this constant regurgitation of the same issues of RP Vs Skill, master of all skill Vs Character related skills.

...Or... Does is just give us everything we ever asked for and need, cater for all types like no other game, we just make the issues ourselves?