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VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwickler

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:21 am
by Grokk
Deutsch weiter unten

Been dying to ask a question about the VBU?

Now is your chance to have it answered!

With the VBU quickly approaching, Illarion's developers have decided to begin stepping up their interactions with the community. We work on improving this game because we want people to play it and enjoy it, and it is important to us that we keep you guys (who do play it and enjoy it) involved and excited. Over the coming months until the VBU's release, we will be releasing information to the public regarding the upcoming changes to our game. Depending on how much interest is shown, this may include such things as more screenshots, new gameplay videos, website updates, and public IRC chats with members of the VBU team.

To kick off this initiative, the developers of Illarion have agreed to take a few moments out of their hectic schedules for a VBU Q+A session, which will be posted right here on the forums. As to the questions they will be answering, that is entirely up to you. This is your opportunity to have your questions put forth. Anything regarding development, the VBU itself or post-VBU Illarion will be presented to the developers. Any question will be considered, even if it has been previously asked and dismissed. Simply submit your questions in this thread, or, alternatively, you can send a private PM to this account. There will be no limit on the number of questions a single person can ask, though we request that you keep it to a reasonable number.

Just in case I haven't made it clear, the questions will NOT be answered in this thread. After about a week of leaving this thread open, the questions will be collated and then passed on to the developers. As soon as they are answered, we will bang them straight up for you to read. The more questions you ask, the more answers you get!

Unfortunately, we cannot promise that every single question posted here will be answered. Despite nearing completion, the VBU remains in a state of development and, as such, there are features which are still liable to change. We would much rather provide you with concrete information on what we do know, than offer up mere guesswork on that which we don't. Any questions which are not included in the present interview will be held on to, and possibly used in a subsequent Q+A, closer to release.

As always, the VBU team would happily welcome any new additions to their ranks. It doesn't take a programming genius to be of assistance (though we would by no means turn away such an individual.) If you can write, then you can help! The VBU is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to help out and put your own personal stamp on post-VBU Illarion.

Now, fire away!

VBU: Fragen und Antworten an die Entwickler

Habt ihr brennende Fragen zum VBU?

Hier werden sie beantwortet!

Weil das Very Big Update („sehr großes Update“ oder verkürzt VBU) sich mit rasanten Schritten nähert haben die VBU-Entwickler sich entschlossen, in Zukunft mehr mit der Spielerschaft von Illarion zu reden. Sie arbeiten an Illarion, damit es Spieler gibt, die es aktiv spielen und ihren Spaß damit haben. Es ist dem Entwicklerteam wichtig, dass eben jene Spieler – ihr also -, in ihre Arbeit Einblick erhaltet und auf das Ergebnis gespannt seid. In den kommenden Monaten bis zum VBU immer wieder Einzelheiten über die Veränderungen des Spieles veröffentlichen. In Abhängigkeit vom gezeigtem Interesse, beinhaltet das Dinge wie mehr Screenshots, neue Videos vom Spiel, Aktualisierungen der Webseite und öffentliche Chats im IRC mit den Entwicklern des VBU.

Um dieses Vorhaben zu starten haben sich die Entwickler entschlossen, etwas von ihrer kostbaren Zeit zum Entwickeln zu opfern und sich einem Frage und Antwort Spiel hier auf dem Forum zu stellen. Die Fragen, die beantwortet werden, sind ganz von euch abhängig, es eure Chance eigenen Fragen zu stellen. Ihr könnt alles Fragen, dass die Entwicklung des VBU, das VBU selbst oder Illarion nach dem VBU angeht. Jede Frage wird beantwortet werden, auch wenn sie im Vorfeld an anderer Stelle schon mal abgeschmettert wurde. Schreibt eure Frage einfach hier in dieses Thema oder schickt sie alternativ an diesen Account per PM (Anmerkung: Grokk spricht nur englisch, wer kaum oder kein Englisch sprich kann einen der Deutschen CM’s Djironnyma oder Skamato schreiben). Es gibt keine Begrenzung der Anzahl der Fragen die ein einzelner stellen darf, wir bitten jedoch darum nur eine sinnvolle Anzahl an Fragen zu stellen.

Die Fragen werden jedoch NICHT in diesem Thema beantwortet. Nachdem dieses Thema ungefähr eine Woche gelaufen ist, werden die Fragen gesammelt und an die zuständigen Entwickler weitergeleitet. Sobald sie antworten werden wir die Ergebnisse Veröffentlichen. Je mehr Fragen ihr stellt, des so mehr Antworten erhaltet ihr.

Es kann natürlich leider nicht versprochen werden, dass wirklich jede einzelne Frage, die hier gestellt wird, auch beantwortet wird. Trotz der nahenden Fertigstellung ist das VBU noch immer in der Entwicklung, es gibt also noch Spielkomponenten, die sich noch verändern werden. Die Entwickler möchten nur Aussagen zu dingen machen, die bereits klar sind, anstatt noch mehr Verwirrung zu schüren. Jede Frage die nicht beantwortet werden kann, wird aufgehoben um möglicherweise bei einem zweiten Frage und Antworten Interview beantwortet zu werden, das näher an der Erscheinung des VBU ist.

Wie immer würde sich das Entwicklerteam sehr über Zuwachs freuen. Es braucht kein Programmiergenie um eine Hilfe zu sein (Nicht das die Entwickler nicht auch sehr dankbar für Programmiergenies wären). Wenn ihr schreiben könnt, könnt ihr helfen! Das VBU ist nahe, jetzt ist also die perfekte Zeit zu helfen und so seine persönliche Note in das Illarion nach dem VBU zu bringen

Nun schießt los!

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers (post your questions here)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:33 am
by Achae Eanstray
There was a question on the off-topic board if male and female lizards would look the same.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers (post your questions here)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:47 am
by HeXiS
will female vampires and the drow matriarch have (as requested) Epic Jumblies? you know so we are dead certain it IS female.. or at least impersonating a female

and yes i realy did request that they have tata's i can see from space..


Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers (post your questions here)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:15 am
by Po Will
Achae Eanstray wrote:There was a question on the off-topic board if male and female lizards would look the same.
Po Will wrote: But on that note, is there going to be different templates for Lizard genders, or will it be staying as such? :P

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:07 am
by Djironnyma
I have some questions, some which i know other Players ask me, some which interest me personally:
  • It is common knowledge that it is actually to easy to get money and the most Items by the loot of Monsters. It is said that it will be harder with the VBU (specially because you cant beat the monsters with good loot alone anymore, even as master-powergamer). So far so good, but it was also said that there will be no item-wipe, wouldn't that be unfair for new players which start after the VBU? If it become Harder with the VBU to get Money and good items that would mean older players have a enormous treasure in their depot.
  • Will the VBU include any changes at the Magic system or at least at the system of teaching magic?
  • Will there be changes at the lighting system?
  • What for a System/Hardware/Connection you need for the VBU Client?
  • Its known that the map will change, mostly there come new Dungeon but also the island will be changed, Will there be Changes at the settlements and if yes, will these changes come in cooperation with the PO of the Governments of the settlements? Will private owned houses of chars stay unchanged?
  • Comes with the VBU any priestmagic or bardmagic system?
  • Currently there are ig almost no Quests, it is sayed because all GMs are working for the VBU. But if they work for the VBU they are DEVs and if they are DEVs we need new GMs? Is there a lack of proper candidates or what is the reason we getting no? Specially if we get more players after the VBU i think we need more GMs even if these which working currently for the VBU working than as a GM again.
  • When will be the release of the VBU? :wink:

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:30 pm
by Kugar
Will players still have the ability to mould the world of illarion?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:19 am
by Rhianna Morgan
Is there any reasonable solution for the fairy chars (and the other special races) yet?
And I don't mean transferring their skills, I really could not care less about the skills or items of my fairy. This is about the rp. Will they just die, or have to go to the mainland, or is there any chance we might keep them, via a quest or something?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:48 am
by Alli Zelos
Will any magic graphics change?

Will mules still exist?

...Horses? :D

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:13 am
by Orioli
Will it be possible for more people to own homes and to furnish them more individually? Like with more variety perhaps? I also have the questions that Djironnyma asked about the properties of current players.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:39 pm
by Pranck
Wird man mit Illarion bei 0 anfangen (so wie es die Staaten auch machen sollten) ? De facto, werden die alten Spieler ihre Items verlieren bzw. ihre Charaktere und dürfen sich neue machen, um von vorne anzufangen ? :)

Wird die Hintergrundgeschichte verbessert und auch wirklich und direkt in das Spiel integriert ?
/> Wird es auch eine interaktive Spielwelt geben bzw.(/oder) zumindest der Anschein einer sich verändernden Welt gegeben, indem sich die Welt verändert. (z.B. Goblins haben sich in der Kanalisation eingenistet und züchten Ratten, oder die Toten im Mausoleum wurden zum Leben erweckt) ?
Wird es verschiedene Magietypen bzw. Magische Sphären geben --> Wird es für alle Klassen verschiedene Typuse geben ? (z.B. Krieger-->Berserker, Streitkämfper,...; Druide-> Hexe, Krudner,...)
Werden "böse Buben" als Sondercharakter gehalten, die es einer Art Bewerbung bedarf ?--> Wird es Sonderklassen geben, um das Rollenspiel niveauvoller zu halten ?
Werden Religionen verändert, sprich Polytheismus abgeschafft ?
Wird es bessere, schönere und sehenswürdigere Städte geben ?
Wird es verschiedene Fraktionen geben, die auch direkten Einfluss auf die Spielwelt und die Geschehnisse haben werden ?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:52 pm
by Alli Zelos
How dramatically will the effects of attributes be changed? Will previously renowned fighters/mages/crafters become obsolete?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:18 am
by Joey Largefoot
Will the map be the same?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:31 am
by Kevin Lightdot
Will there be tobacco?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:40 pm
by Velisai
Will there be stat requirements for alchemy? (like the minium of 10 points in intelligence, willpower and essence for magic)

If yes, which stats will it be?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:32 am
by Alexander Knight
Tobacco? :D
Will there be any new NPC monsters?
Will the bow damage and actions be updated with the paper dolling?
Is there any time left that the players can help with the VBU, if so how?
What changes will there be to the current systems like druid and crafting and will there be any new items for those?
Will there be an active part used towards promotion and advertisment of Illarion as a game as currently there is very little ways to draw new players in.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:16 am
by Athian
Will monster drops and drop rates finally become equivalent in there Risk vs Reward?

Will there be active balancing and bug fixing of imbalanced or overpowering aspects of the game? (i.e. no more glitch serinjah sword items left to sit for years though the fix is very simple to make)

Will all non-GM tool items be accessible to players to some degree (craftable or obtainable by quest or monster drop)?

Will basic information about the systems such as attributes required to perform certain roles, remain a hidden aspect from players?

Can we see some monster graphics?

Can we see a few weapons and items graphics?

How will updates be handled for future content?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:03 am
by Po Will
Just while I'm thinking.
How's the priest system going, and is there anything you can share in it's regards? :)

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:17 am
by Irania
Will the ground wiping system change any?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:22 am
by Quinasa
Will there be a sort of 'community trash can' where we can drop things we don't want instead of leaving them on the ground to 'blow away'?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:39 pm
by Zehshirr
Will the fighting system become more realistic? I.e. A group of weaker characters can defeat a single much more powerful character. Fighter wise atleast.
@Athian, Serinjahs are already fixed, I believe, :)

Also, will there be an OOC channel, where we will NOT be reprimanded or "kakked on" for talking oocly? We need one.
No, IRC does not count.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:23 pm
by Respen
Will there be more freedom in character creation, such that characters with prior knowledge/skills can be made? This is in addition to a system like the current, where all new characters know nothing and have zero experience doing anything, according to the game engine.

How will the skill system be changed?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:19 am
by Estralis Seborian
Please post questions, only.

The answers will be given by the developers.


Bitte nur Fragen stellen.

Die Antworten kommen dann von den Entwicklern.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:07 am
by Arvemor
Wewttt... VBUuuuuuu! I might start playing again... How does it work when we first go to log in after the VBU? Will we have the option to just choose what our character looks like once we're in?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:12 pm
by Alrik
Gibt es wegen den Sachen die in Depots bzw Eseln oder ähnlichen Lagerstätten liegen irgendwas zu beachten? Nach dem Motto "Am sichersten alles ins Stadtdepot packen", oder wird an sowas nichts verändert in der VBU bzw. beim aufspielen dieser?

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:28 pm
by Grokk
Looks like we've got a fairly decent spread of questions there. Thanks to everyone who has asked one so far.

I'll leave this thread open a few more hours, so hurry up and get those questions in before it's too late.

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:34 pm
by Lord Arcia
Concerning things like enchantments on weapons.

Sometimes I notice that I am still poisoned during the animation while being attacked, even though I parried or dodged. There was no blood-spatter. Is this intended? Am I totally wrong and my computer doesn't show the 'hit' animation? Will this be fixed in the VBU?

Did I sound like maryday? :(

Re: VBU: Q+A with the Developers/Fragen&Antworten an Entwick

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:40 pm
by Zot
The questions have been sent to the developers and the answers will be posted as soon as possible.



Die Fragen wurden an die Entwickler geschickt, die Antworten folgen sobald wie möglich.
