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Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:21 pm
by Zzyathis.
The Holy Land of Zzyathis

Centered at the top part of the gates to the Holy Land of Zzyathis, you can see this symbol engraved into the very stone blocks of the gates. The engraved symbol is resplendent with newly painted on colors.


As you pass through the gates, you meet with a large stretch of whale skin that is secured to the stone walls of the gatehouse. Bold and clear lizard markings can be seen on the whale skin.
A map showing the location of the Holy Land of Zzyathis on the island of Gobaith can be seen.

The following writings are found on scrolls of woven kelp fibers and they have been carefully stored in salty water within the Holy Archives of Zzyathis. The holy symbol of the Faith, Lizardom, and Zelphia can be found intricately knit onto each scroll:

Scroll of History

The Holy Land of Zzyathis is located on the very spot where our Holy Ancestors witnessed the miracle promised in prophecies given by Zelphia to her servants, the Priests. The prophecies revealed that where the sacred avatar of Zelphia, a dolphin, leaped into the air to snap a flying fish out of the air above the waters would be where the children of Zelphia would prosper forever. In honor of Zelphia for this miracle, our ancestors erected a holy statue of Zelphia, which still stands today. The holy statue gave birth to a shrine and then to the Holy Temple of Zzyathis where it resides now in the most holy inner sanctum of the Temple. It is a powerful holy relic that is said to have the potency to cleanse the most polluted of beings. Our Holy Ancestors first settled on the Holy Land of Zzyathis in response to the witnessed miracle, and it became the greatest center of Lizardom on the island Gobaith where the holy rites kept pollution at bay. Zzyathis has always been and will always be the holiest of lizard dwellings on Gobaith because it is where Zelphia promised our people would be blessed forever.

Scroll of Society

The Holy Land of Zzyathis is ruled by no aristocrat, king, queen, chieftain, council, or mob leader. No one rules Zzyathis except Zelphia alone. By the grace of Zelphia alone, the multitude of all life is sustained, and to she alone is all the power and all the glory.

Since the dawn of time, the Priests by the divine guidance of Zelphia have interpreted the will of Zelphia through prophecies and miracles. The Priests embody the will of Zelphia, and thus their commandments are holy. The greatest Priest of all time is Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, who first brought us the truth of Zelphia to enlighten us and the Holy Laws to guide us. Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, is the model for Priests of all time.

If the Priests are the mind of Zelphia, then the Temple Guards are her muscles. The Temple Guards carry out the will of Zelphia with force if necessary to maintain purity and destroy pollution in this imperfect world. The ultimate honor of a Temple Guard is to protect the Priests, the Temples, and all Lizardom. The Temple Guards submit to the will of Zelphia, embodied by the Priests, alone.

The Crafters are like the hands of Zelphia. Like Zelphia, with skill and wisdom, they create beauty and excellence wherever their hands touch. One of the greatest honors of a Crafter is to equip the Temple Guards, and do their part in the eternal battle against pollution.

The society of our people has since time immemorial exhibited three states while retaining one essence like water, which may exist as ice, vapor, or liquid. Correspondingly, the three states our society exhibits include the state of the Priest, the state of the Temple Guard, and the state of the Crafter.

“Zelphia is Water”, so it is written in the ancient, sacred scrolls. Indeed, our society being modeled after water is a model after the Great Sustainer, Zelphia. Being modeled after the Great Sustainer, our society harmoniously sustains all that live within it, giving each one purity and joy.

The three castes together form the holy body of Zelphia with the Priests comprising Zelphia’s mind, the Temple Guards Zelphia’s muscles, and the Crafters Zelphia’s hands. All three rely on each other, cooperating to achieve the same goal of glory for Zelphia. Harm to one harms the body as a whole, and benefit to one benefits the whole body.

Here is a diagram that illustrates the tripartite nature of our holy caste system.


Scroll of Saints

Each person here is one that has been proven to be guided by Zelphia through contributions to our understanding of the Faith, the construction of Lizardom, and the worship of Zelphia. They lived model lives that were pure and worthy of Zelphia. Each one is a great hero of our people to be honored for all time. The lizard saints are ordered chronologically with the ones that lived the earliest coming first and the ones that lived most recently coming last.

Ushak-Sskath: The first and greatest Prophet of all time, pure are his ways, who first brought enlightenment with the Holy Truths. The Holy Laws he first established brought order, and the Holy Purifications brought purity. Legends say that he lives still after so many ages have come and gone in the deepest part of the oceans helping Zelphia purify the waters of the world and leading the High Priests with his inspiring wisdom and power. The legendary Temple-City of Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, is the most holy of Temple-Cities, and it is said to be located to the East. Thus, East is the direction in which all children of Zelphia face to pray. There are many holy stories about Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, and some of them say that if a Priest is unrighteous, selfish or evil, he will one day see the sign of Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, over his sleeping place, and if he still does not change simply vanishes one day. Mothers also often tell their younglings, that if they don't obey, Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, will hunt them in their dreams. Many pilgrims go in search of Ushak-Sskath, but none that may have found him have ever returned to report it.

Bror: Although he started as a humble lizard servant to a high priest, he came to perform many great deeds in the service of Zelphia. He rescued the holy statue of Zelphia with the help of other lizardfriends like Damien, Olorin, and Neonfire from fire elementals, and restored the holy statue to a safe haven where a shrine was built up. Bror is said to have led a pure and devout life always honoring Zelphia with sacrifices at the proper occasions. He maintained the ancient traditions when Lizardom was in disarray from the onslaught of foreign settlers on the island Gobaith.

Darzog: Beginning as a novice of Zelphia, he helped rescue a maiden that had been turned into stone with the holy power of Zelphia. Darzog collected funds to raise up a Holy Temple for the glory of Zelphia. He fought against the Drunk Mage Dipstick who had in his evil declared a war on Zelphia.

Esyptheus: This patriarch established a clan for lizards early on when foreign settlement of the island Gobaith threatened the very family structure of lizards itself. The clan known as the Esyklan provided a physical and spiritual home for every lizard.

Shukk Shaah Shenosss: She was a mighty Temple Guard that served Zelphia by crushing polluting evil wherever it was to be found. Temple Guard Shukk renewed the Holy Temple of Zelphia with new blood like the Temple Guards Azato Menta and Saurin Talon. The heroic deeds of Temple Guard Shukk include smiting the evil Lord Darlok of Northerot. She guarded the Northern castle ruins of Northerot for a time, and led the mighty Temple Guards of the Holy Temple.

Xerake: He was well-known for his high level of mastery of our people’s secret combat techniques. Significantly, Xerake compiled the first dictionary of our people’s sacred language Haslus with translations into Common. This famous dictionary, the first of its kind on the island Gobaith, is separated into three parts, and it is still used today to teach young lizards proper grammar.

Salathe Kankas: He was a noted Crafter who served Zelphia with his skilled hands. Salathe forged many fine works of the highest quality that brought much glory to Zelphia. Salathe made famous the lizard game of Onion Ball to the delight of athletes of many races on the island Gobaith. He was also a strong fighter that opened a School of Combat.

Zeshyrr: Known as “Zesh” to his friends, Zeshyrr was a brilliant fighter who traveled the countryside of the island Gobaith seeking new opponents. He was a warrior monk who could easily be identified by his signatory weapon of a spear-staff. Zeshyrr taught his students to fight in the Water Style, which favors flowing, rounded movements that turn an opponent’s power back onto him or herself. He was one of the heroes that brought an end to the longest drought the island has ever known by traveling to another plane. Zeshyrr was a devout follower of Zelphia who often meditated to seek enlightenment. It’s said that the last thing seen of Zeshyrr was a holy shine in his eyes before he wandered off as an “Enlightened One”.

Selisidour: He organized an attempt to build up a Temple-City on the Holy Land of Zzyathis. Selisidour was a valiant lizard that fought and lived as a Temple Guard defending the cause of Zelphia. He exerted himself admirably in trying to gather all the lizards of Gobaith together so that they united could better serve Zelphia. Selisidour proposed economic and military reforms for the betterment of Lizardom on Gobaith.

Scroll of Language

Important Sacred Terminology and Usage

Zelphia: Pronounced Zshel-pheey-ar, it can be roughly described as meaning the "Mother of All Living Things". Zelphia is an ancient, holy name for the Great Sustainer that first appears in written form in the Sacred Scroll of Purity, the first of the Sacred Scrolls. In the Sacred Scroll of Purity, the holy name Zelphia occurs exactly 3333 times. The holy name of Zelphia encompasses a wealth of deep meanings from the concept of an all Sustaining Life Force that gave birth to the Universe and all life to a personal Heavenly Mother that answers prayers. The holy name Zelphia is used as a proper noun to refer to a concept or being. For example, you may say, “Praise be to Zelphia, the Compassionate and Merciful!”.

Lizardom: This is the totality of all the people, land, water, and buildings that are within the pure realm where the Holy Truths first given to Ushak-Sskath, pure are his ways, by Zelphia are recognized, where the Holy Laws are faithfully adhered to, and where the Holy Purifications are ritually practiced. Lizardom can be roughly described as meaning the “House of Zelphia”, but it also carries the meaning of “Home of Lizards”. All the areas where the wise and just jurisdiction of the servants of Zelphia, the Priests or Zelpirh, hold sway is defined as Lizardom. The sacred term Lizardom is a proper noun that refers to a place. For example, you may say, “All Lizardom rejoices at the Purity of Zelphia!”.

Zelpirh: Pronounced Zshel-peer-rah, this holy name signifies the whole Priest caste and may also denote an individual member of the Priest caste as a holy title. Zelpirh can be roughly described as meaning “Zelphia’s Aide” or “Servant of Zelphia”. Wisdom, virtue, and justice are connotated by the holy term Zelpirh, and are concepts that are strongly linked to it. Zelpirh have traditionally expounded on the Holy Truths, interpreted the Holy Laws, and orchestrated the Holy Purifications. Metaphorically, they have been compared to the Mind of Zelphia. Zelpirh are often identified while they are still unhatched eggs by experienced, wise Zelpirh who then take them to be raised in the Temple surrounded by Purity. Zelpirh is a holy term that is a proper noun, for example, you may say, “The Zelpirh are indeed wise and knowledgeable”. As a title for an individual member of the Zelpirh, you place it after the person’s name. For example, you may say, “Zedikess Zelpirh, I seek your guidance on this matter.”.

Zelphian: Pronounced Zshel-pheey-an, may be literally translated as either "one who seeks Purity", "disciple of the Path of Purity", or "follower of Zelphia". Religiously speaking, within the Zelphian faith, the term Zelphian means "one who has faith" or "one who is pious". Most Zelphians accept anyone as a Zelphian who recognizes the Holy Truths, abides by the Holy Laws, and has undergone the Rite of Purification. The term Zelphian is a proper noun and an adjective. For example, you may say, "That upright person is of Zelphian character, is he a Zelphian?"


The Holy Land of Zzyathis is the largest holy settlement ever constructed upon the island. It also seeks to unify the entire community of Lizardfolk and Zelphians and common folk, joining them in The gods names, and helping them thrive as a people and as individuals.


Zzyathis is formed from three castes - The Crafters, The Temple Guards, The Priests.

Each of these castes has its own rules as defined by the leader that watches over it, which dictates the member's duties to the City, and to the rest of the Society.

Every civilian is invited to join one of these castes and aid your brothers and sisters. The Priests can help understand what caste The gods created you for.

The 4 Leaders:

Zel'Reekaa-- of the Crafters
Tak'Zel -- of the Military
Sanskrul Asasabonsa-- of the Priests
Logasssh Anasssark---of the Inquisition

The Counciller of the Crafter's job is to verify that all those crafters who require tools, resources and practice are supplied with them. It is also his job to check that any requests from the Military for stocking are quickly fulfilled. In addition, it is his duty to check that resources are collected for city-building, and trade agreements with outsiders are kept.

The Counciller of the Military's job is to direct the efforts of the Templars. It is his responsibility to verify that they are well equipped, can follow tactical orders, and are competant in combat. He is usually the most skilled lizard with his weapons. It is also his responsibility to decide when war starts, and how it is waged, bearing in mind the competance of the Templars.

The Inquisitions job is to be a personal council to the priests and Citizens of Zzyathis and also help decide in punishment when seen fit. He can also, in the High Priest's absence, perform the Cleansing Ceremony.

There are also some important positions taken by our brethren

Ssaar'izor-- Arbitar of Zzyathis
Rakshasas Asasabonsa-- High Templar

The Arbitar's job is to note where the laws of Zzyathis have been broken, and to pass fair judgment depending on the situation. The Arbitar's judgment may only be upturned by the Arbitar or by a vote in which the entire counil agrees.

The High Templar's job is to act as a Champion for the Brethren upon the field. It is his job to see that laws are upheld while upon the land, and that recruits are well trained and ready for combat. He shall also take the important decisions on the field of combat.

The Council:

Zel'Reekaa-- of the Crafters
Tak'Zel -- of the Military
Sanskrul Asasabonsa-- of the Priests
Logasssh Anasssark---of the Inquisition
Ssaar'izor-- Arbitar of Zzyathis
Rakshasas Asasabonsa-- High Templar

--Should you wish to become a Zelphian, speak to one of our priests, so that you may undergo the rites of purification.

Zelphians - Brothers in spirit, these drylanders have adopted the enlightened ways of the faithful children of Zelphia and forsaken the polluted customs of other drylanders. They are permitted to walk, swim, and live within the Holy Land as they have purified themselves.

Unwelcome Guests - These people are not welcome upon the lands of Zzyathis, and may be removed by the Templars.

Enemies of Zzyathis - Do not speak or trade with the following people.

Rules and Laws

There are 3 sets of rules to be followed (aside from the rules of the caste you are in):

Rules for all People

I) The mother gave you life. May she be the center of your life. May you honor and respect her.
II) Clean yourself twice a day.
III) The Priests convey the will of Mother. If you have any doubts, they can place you upon the path.
IV) A life is sacred, do what you can to protect yours, and your brothers and sisters.
V) Do not profit from a brother's problems, aid your brothers if they require it unconditionally.
VI) Do not raise a weapon against a Brother or Sister unless it is in self-defense. If this is the case, do what you can to avoid their death. Should you kill while in self-defense, speak to the high priest immediately.
VII) Be careful with your dealings with Heretics
-- A Heretic is anyone who has denounced Zelphia, who curses Her name, or does not give Her respect.
-- Do not trade, purchase or sell items from Heretics
-- Do not attack Heretics unless you have been given a warrant for their arrest, or for self-defense
-- If you have proof that a Brother or Sister is a Heretic, report them to the Priests at once
VIII) You shall be given a blue cloak. You are required to wear it for official meetings or tasks, and for praise of Mother in her temple.
IX) Do not take that which is not yours..
XI) Any Lizard that is found to be a user of magic shall be exiled from Zzyathis and become one with the heretic. They will be given a chance to run and all Brothers and Sisters will be allowed to hunt them.

List of Known Heretics:

Rules while upon the lands of Zzyathis

I) Unless you are a citizen or a guest, you may not carry weapons. Sheath all weapons.
II) Do not foul the land with any form of Slander or denouncment of the land or any official leader in anyway without reason.
III) Do not speak ill of the Mother.
IV) Do not litter or damage the land or the structures held within it
V) Do not steal
VI) Treason, or spying against Zzyathis is a grave crime.
VII) No magic is to be used in Zzyathis.
IIX) No magical equipment is to be carried into Zzyathis. This includes but is not limited to wands, mages staffs, and walking staffs.

Rules of the Temple - These are to be upheld when upon the Holy Ground of the Temple

I) The Temple is Holy, show it the respect it deserves
II) No weapons are to be brought upon Holy Ground. Only Citizens and certain guests are allowed to carry weapons, at all.
III) There shall be no brawling or bloodshed upon the Holy Ground.
IV) Do not dirty the Temple, wash yourself before you enter
V) Remove footwear before you enter the Holy Grounds.

Relationships with Other Factions:
Tol Vanima-alliance

Donations -
Donations are always welcome. They can take place in the form of money or even goods. Donations may be made to one of the councillers.

List of Civilians:

Rakshasas Asasabonsa
Sanskrul Asasabonsa
Logasssh Anasssark

List of Zelphian Guests

All Tol Vanima Elves

The Crafters of Zelphia

The Crafters of Zelphia are an important part of Society. Their job is to:

I) Help supply other crafters with their goods
II) Help supply the Military with armor, weapons and other requirements
III) Help support Zzyathis' finances by trading with outsiders
IV) Produce items in bulk for the construction works
A crafter must abide by the following rules, as well as the town rules -

I) You shall not profit from your brother or sister's requirements. Any goods given to other Citizens shall be supplied for free, or if needs be, at cost price or in exchange for the resources required to make it.

You may not profit from your Brother's requirements, we are all equal under Zelphia and we do not steal from each other.

II)Guests of Zzyathis should be entitled to a discount when purchasing goods.

The Crafting Caste is divided into a Hierarchy so it can best serve Zzyathis.

Head Crafter: Zel'reekaa
Head Supplier:

The Head Crafter's job is to oversee how the crafting system works. Any bulk requirements from the other castes should be made either to him, or to a master.

The Head suppliers job is to run all goods and products to and from where they need to be. They also supply for buildings.

Master Crafter: There is one for each type of craft - it is his or her job to see that bulk orders are produced in the most efficient manner, by relaying the job to the other crafters.

Crafter: Each craft has a group of crafters.

Apprentice: An apprentice is a crafter who is not yet skilled enough. S/he should be linked to a crafter who will teach him or her until they are experienced enough. Easier bulk jobs should be given to the apprentices.


Master Smith:(vacant)


Apprentice Smiths:

Gold Smithing:

Master Goldsmith:


Apprentice Goldsmith:


Master Tailor:(vacant)


Apparentice Tailors


Master Carpenter:(vacant)


Apprentice Carpenters:

The Templars of Zelphia

The expectations of Zelphias warriors:

I) You first serve your Goddess,your Government oficials, your people, and then yourself.
II) Defend land and holy lands with every breath in your being.
III) Fight for your mothers name, fight for your mother glory.
IV) In militant matters always obey the commands and advisory of higher ranking protectors.
V) Supply our crafter's caste with needed materials that can be obtained during a hunt.

The Counciller of the Military's job is to direct the efforts of the Templars. It is his responsibility to verify that they are well equipped, can follow tactical orders, and are competant in combat. It is also his responsibility to decide when war starts, and how it is waged, bearing in mind the competance of the Templars.

The High Templar's job is to act as a Champion for the Brethren upon the field. It is his job to see that laws are upheld while upon the land, and that recruits are well trained and ready for combat. He shall also take the important decisions on the field of combat.

Templars are well seasoned warriors that have proven their worth time and time again. They are expected to have mastered the ways of combat as well as displayed deep dedication towards Mother Zelphia through their countless tasks and deeds.

Guardians have shown they are experienced in combat and are ready to accept the responsibility of protecting their kin and home. It is upon this rank and higher that the soldier begins upholding the laws in Zzyathis.

The rank of Novice is that of the brave brothers and sisters that are willing to take up arms in the name Zelphia.

The Councilor of the Military along with the High Templar are able to decide when members of the militia are ready for promotion in rank. Though only for the rank of Templar must all three members of the council along with the High Priest himself first agree.

The Councilor of the Military

The High Templar
Rakshasas Asasabonsa

~Rakshasas Asasabonsa



Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:56 pm
by Sanskrul A.
Deep claw marks etch a parchment into the wall, written in distinct lizard.

Long has the Lizards of this island scrapped for an existence in the presence of foreign occupation. Long have we strayed further and further away from the direction of our mother's intentions. I have returned to the island to find a collection of lizards with potential who are in need of more direction communication with our mother. A voice that speaks the true language of our holy mother.

I place my name into consideration for the open position of High Priest, to help lead our people to fulfill the potential that is there.

In Her Name,

Sanskrul Asasabonsa

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:00 pm
by Rakshasas
Naturally I support my Brother by blood.

I believe he will do well in the position of High Priest. He is the most dedicated priest I have ever met.

In Her Name,
Rakshasas Asasabonsa
High Templar

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:08 pm
by Po Will
As the Mother wills it, so it shall be.
It was clearly her will that our brother should put his name forward,
let us not go without thanking the Mother as we stand behind, with her blessing, our new high priest as both brother and guide.

In the Mothers name,
~Logasssh Anasssark~

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:02 pm
by Dark Zel'
If my brothers agree, then that is more then enough for me. I fully support our brother in stepping forward.

In her name,

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:45 pm
by Rakshasas
That is three of the current five Council members.

Welcome Brother, to the Zzyathis Council!

I am proud to call you my High Priest.

In Her Name,
Rakshasas Asasabonsa

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:20 am
by Po Will
A sleeping Lizard slowly awakens inside the temple. Nodding his aged, scaled head as if agreeing to an unspoken statement he begins to rise. Being on the surface apparently didn't agree with him as he slouched forward as he marched slowly. His tail swishing from side to side in the air as he left the temple, and made his way over to the guard house.

A small smile slips over his snouted face, his tongue whipping out as he hissed quietly. The air tasted good tonight, yes tonight was good. At that, he pulls out a small rock, then begins to carve into the stone. He finishes the wording, which were first written in an elegant Lizard tongue and style, then starts on the common version. After that, he begins to give a rough drawing of the scene. Yes, a good night indeed.
Brothers and Sisters. The mother blessed me with the chance to wash away the past wrongs and doings of our new brother, Tseshsath. May he continue to gleam as bright as he did as the blessed water rolled down him. May the stones of this life never burden him in the next, but most of all. May he accept the Mother to the deepest reaches of his being. For only those who do, shall inherit a gentle and safe journey to her in the next life. Praise to the Mother, our Mother.

In the Mothers name,
~Logasssh Anasssark~

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:23 am
by Rakshasas
Brother's Tseshsath and Giibi have had their names added to the list of Zzyathian Citizens.

Brother Tseshsath has joined the Temple Guards as a Novice.

In Her Name,
Rakshasas Asasabonsa

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:58 pm
by Sanskrul A.
I ask that all citizens of our community meet with me in person. A herder cannot attend to the needs of his flock if they are never seen.

In her name,

Sanskrul Asasabonsa

Re: Zzyathis

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:05 am
by Rakshasas
((please lock this topic for it is no longer needed))