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Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:16 am
by Fooser
Dear sirs of the town of Trollsbane,

Earlier this eve I was taking a brisk walk out in the cold and I stumbled upon a SWINE in the street. A filthy dirty useless pig. It smelled, and it looked ugly. It turned out to be Brer, that is not my complaint. My complaint is that he was next to an orc that was running around stabbing people while the guards were in the building right next to us GETTING PAID and couldn't even come outside.

What kind of island has this turned into!


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:21 am
by Skaalib Drurr
I had almost forgotten your mad ravings fooser.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:31 am
by Fooser
It's true, Brer Beothach was a pig.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:32 am
by Pyrrho
Was, I am now made flesh again by annihilation!

I've molted into an even more powerful being!


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:16 am
by Clydus
They couldn't? Or wouldn't. My friend nearly died from burn wounds, and i have no idea where the guards where. I spent half the night searching for a Medico, and if it wasn't for certain people, Estelwen would be part of the void right now.

All i know is that, when i needed help, the guards wern't there, but friends were.

My heartfelt thanks to Roland, Darian, Bortak, Shandra, Jaelle anda Luca, you were all there when i needed you and i won't forget it.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:21 am
by Elijah
Guards aren't some all seeing beings who are bound to be walking the streets every aching second of the day. That being said, I apologize on behalf of the Guards (who have done quite a decent job from my standpoint since my inception as Governor) for the unfortunate circumstances that befell this elfess and the stress these events caused you. My attempts to pay the guard only worsened matters and all blame can be placed solely on my weighty shoulders.

Elijah Varrin
Governor of Troll's Bane

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:29 am
by Clydus
Really? Are you being serious? Have you never heard of a watch rotor? Guards ARE supposed to be roaming the streets every second of the day, not the same ones i'll give you as they should be running on a turn based operation. After saying that, i can understand that it is not the easiest job in the world, and that one man can not be blamed for everything either.

I thank you for your sentiments.


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:41 am
by Estelwen
A note is scribbled as if the hand was shaking and pinned under the previous notes
Thank you to Owain for pointing this out to this governor of ours.
Yes they have to be paid, but yes they have to be on patrol.
Never mind those being stabbed burnt or turned into pigs, as long as they get their money and you can sleep at night, its all fine.
Thanks for your brilliant governing of our delightful town.

Estelwen Caladhiel.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:46 am
by Pyrrho
I thought we all had fun at today's sing and dance!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:53 am
by Elijah
You're quite welcome, m'lady. You may bash me as much as you like, for it is I who was most readily on location and whom should take blame for any shortcomings of the guard. The Guard should not be bashed so openly when a great majority of the time, shown by the fact that this is the first real public distaste of their duties when I have been governing for almost five dwarven months), they do their job. The orc in question was chased from the Town of Troll's Bane by our guard and a few other citizens and passerby who joined in.

Guards cannot be expected to be every where at once, nor do I expect them to. I expect them to do their duty when the call arises, and to protect the fair citizens of this town to the best of their abilities. You were attacked and hurt, which has unfortunately happened a lot in the great past of the city of Troll's Bane. I've apologized for the incident and I expect for any further inquiries or public defacement to be directed towards the man in charge, myself, and not the collective body of the guard who strive to protect. You act as if the guard turned it's back on you, when it honestly did not.

If you wish to help the guard, then by all means I invite you to pick up a sword and join them. Or you can send a dove to Captain Anon or myself on ways to improve the guard, instead of stating it's downfalls.

Elijah Varrin
Governor of Troll's Bane

((Honestly, as a basic OOC side note... you can't expect players to want to stay ig patrolling the town all day, or even make OOC shifts. People have lives that come first. ))

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:55 am
by Fooser
Good Sir,

What of the plight of me and Brer? The incident caused us great stress as well. Not only was I turned from a human back to a lizard upon being healed at the cross, but Brer was turned from a pig back to a human. It isn't easy getting used to a new body!


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:19 pm
by Estelwen
A note is scribbled
Hmm, you are right, it is not the guard...
I blame you entirely

Estelwen Caladhiel.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:03 pm
by Zehshirr
A note is posted directly under the last in hastily written hand writing.

"Here is an idea to those who blame this upon the guard, how about you join up and help us do our work? I personally do not know why the guards who were there did not help so i cannot speak for them. But i can speak for myself in saying that slandering my comrades and worse, my governor, makes you seem quite unappreciative. It has been a good while since some of us have received pay, yet we continue to try and help in the town. Do we get any praise? _no_ And now to top it off you'r complaining that just once you didn't get your booty saved?

Just shut up.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:50 pm
by Skull'Fed
An orc reads the notes and sighs

Ib Orteg wus here, he would hav killed them basterds!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:28 pm
by Lia
A note was stuck just below that of Zehshirr.

Code: Select all

Praise for what?
For the work they do?
Small offenders are locked up immediately, but the really dangerous criminals are running free.
Where are you when you need one? Not there.
A guard should ensure that you are in the city feels safe, but that you do not.
It is as if it would not give it you.

~ someone to the welfare of others at heart.
((translate by google))

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:36 pm
by Zehshirr
In more calm writing is yet another note

"If you want us to catch the "big criminals" inform us where they are right then, instead of blabbing later.

When people send me doves of criminals i go to try and catch them, even if i know i cannot. Most of the guards are like that. Do not believe that a few rotten apples who unfortunately do and always will exist ruin your views on us.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:43 pm
by Lia

Code: Select all

Once the worm in the apple, this is usually inedible

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:06 pm
by Zehshirr
Get another apple.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:19 am
by Broktan
Your complaints are well-founded and reasonable, but noone listens to you on the part of the government. If only one would grant me greater say, then I would give compensation to anyone with a complaint.


Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:28 am
by Lia

Code: Select all

No one listens as true.
And if nothing is done.
Crimes happen before the eyes of the government but they make the eyes.

But the rotten apple is not in the Guard, but the government sought.

The government wants no more power. The needs of ordinary people not interested.

~A voice of the common people.

((translate by google))

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:03 pm
by proplayer
"After reading through the bundles of posts, a little halfer decides to write a note as well... (maybe a little too long.)"

Dear People of Trolls Bane,

It appears that we have a problem of either not having enough guards walking the streets or not having enough guards where needed or not having guards at all. But is this really dee problem?

Even I have some concerns myself as I was attacked by mummies, bugs and stuff like that in Trolls Bane. Imagine during Mas in broad daylight and a guard standing there as if me can do it! (sob sob sob...).

Then there are guards who do their duties though. Like sir Zeshirr whom I saw tries to uphold the law (I realized i have a lot of book reading to do).

So I raise a question, would a bad person do something bad if they know a strong good guy is der to stop the bad person?

Maybe it takes one or more people to make a difference but, in these times we should also help whenever we can - whether there are guards or not.

On behalf of our city leader, maybe our kind sir could look into the ranks and weed out those who don't make the cut. I think I saw a few who gets drunk or others who... who... who... just dont do anythings.

Oh well, me fingers are tired now.

Just me point of view,