The birth of Rose (open)

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The birth of Rose (open)

Post by Netsirk »

*a petite little fair complected red head sits at a table with quil in hand. A little baby girl lay next to her in a cradle, Red hair like her mothers but an odd dark complection that only the mother knows the reason of. Fleta writes the begining of the letter maybe ten times, throwing away each parchment cause of some mistake. She glance to her beautiful baby girl, Rose, and smiles as the baby coos and giggles. She then brushes a hair from her face and begins to write from the heart.*

Dear my beloved Friends,

I have great news! Two weeks ago this day I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl, Rose. I am still healing up and gaining my strenght. I should be back to Gobiath once Rose is old enough to travel with me. Give it about five more months and you'll see me in no time. Mother here is literally going crazy sewing clothes for Rose and Father has practically built her over twenty toys. I'm not too sure at the moment how I am going to get me and her and all that back. I hope she doesn't get attached to all of the toys or I might have to make Father come with me. It has been peaceful out here but I so long to come home. I hope everything goes well there and that everyone is behaving accordingly. I miss you all!

Love, Fleta

*Fleta ends that note and skips down a space to write Jon a quick note*

Dear Jon,

I miss you dearly and so does Rose. I have been telling her about you and though she is just a baby I think she understands. I can not wait to see you again.

All my love, Fleta
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Post by CJK »

Dear Fleta,
It brings me the most extreme joy to hear that the child not only arrived in good health, but also that her dearest mother is doing so well also. I have missed you so much, and can not await the time when I may see both of you, mother and daughter, together.

All the love this man can hold,
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Post by Netsirk »

*a single tear of happiness rolls down her delicate cheek as she reads his letter. "Five more months Rose!" she says as she wraps a light purple herb up in a cloth and ties it to the owls leg*

Dear Jon,
Here is the herb I wear as perfume. Take it as a token of my gratitude for you and all you have done. I hope it brings a smile to your face.

Love, Fleta
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