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Orcen response to the "New Tongue"

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:32 pm
by Rugh'toh
**The parchment sent to the orcs returns, tied on the leg of a one footed crow. On the backside of the parchment a text is written in strange red writing - blood perhaps?**

On the frontside Littlefoot wrote:Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of the "Free Scribes of Gobaith" and would like to offer our services to you and your Guild. We translate from the New tongue ((English)) to the Old tongue ((German)), or vice versa.

Did you know that a full 1/3 of inhabitants of Gobaith speak the old tongue? It would benefit you and your Guild to translate documents and important posts into the old language. Please see our Board for full details on the pricing.

I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you and working with you and your Guild to best serve all people of Gobaith..
~Daisy Littlefoot
~Dean of the "New Tongue"

On the backside some Orc wrote:Stoopid Littlefood!

Orcs nub need yoos help nor da help ob aneh little weaky!

Ib you tink yoo good in translating, den translate dat:

*some strange runic writings can be seen here, they rather look frightening and agressive and might make you a bit nervous. Certainly there is no kindness in these words at all.*

Da Horde,
world championship-clan in liddle-halfer-eating-contest

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:09 pm
by Felbion Lijawyn
Felbion walks out of the Archives. Almost stepping on the crow on the floor, he blinks a few times before he lifts it up, taking both parchments. With a curious expression, he releases the bird, reading the Orc's message. After a small pause he flicks his tounge, walking back into the archives. He sits down, writing a response:

Honorable Horde,

we would like to apologize, should our offer have insulted you in any way. We had no intention of doing so and we would never think to incline that you need our help. We were merely thinking that a powerful, smart horde as yourselves had better things to do than to bother themselves with paper work.

Also, we appreciate your fast answer and understand, that our service isn't needed by the great Horde. Should you, however find yourselves in the situation of changing your minds, we will of course still offer our services to you gladly.

Felbion Lijawyn
Dean of Old Common
The Free Scribes of Gobaith

After finishing, the elf reads through the message again, nodding softly before he walks out of the building, wandering off in direction of the horde's territory. After some time he arrives at the shield that marks the boarder on which he pins the message, looking around before taking off.