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The Farmer's Union

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:20 pm
by The Farmers Union
Welcome to
The Farmers' Union

The New Union had a long and vibrant history within Illarion, and more accurately the island of Gobiath. Formally the Farmers Union and then the New Union, Its original founding members have long gone, but its fundamental beliefs and philosophies have not. They have carried on through the years with the passing on of its leadership and guidance to like minded individuals. The New Union was founded by two individuals, Munalunder and Darney de Soley. To this day Darney rests under the old tree forever gaurding the gates of the Union. It started with a simple membership of 12 individuals with a common goal of farming and serving the island of Gobiath. Since about the 13 June 2008 by the Dwarven Calendar the New Union has carried on a tradition of fair trade and service to many of Gobiath’s citizens, communities and guilds. This tradition carries on today with more active members then ever before recorded.

Present Day
Our Guiding Principle
The Farmers' Union retains the original concept of farmers helping farmers but has expanded to encompass so much more. It is a gathering place for those seeking a peaceful, neutral existence away from the troubles often encountered in other Gobiath communities. We are a community of craftsmen seeking to live in harmony with our neighbors and nature.
We encourage our members to practice their chosen crafts and provide them with a neutral, family oriented atmosphere in which to grow and prosper while providing services and trade goods to the rest of the Illarion community. The union itself hopes to grow as well, looking to expand and develop as the needs of our members grow and expand. It is a changing world and the Trades Union will look to keep pace in it. With expanding facilities, better living conditions and increased travel/trade options.

Trade Agreements

So welcome one and all to our fair community. We look forward to serving you.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:20 pm
by The Farmers Union
The following rules are in keeping with the overall goals of the Farmers' Union (henceforth called the union) and are meant to ensure a happy and fair life for its membership.

1. Anyone not associated with a group or groups known to be what is commonly considered an evil or unsavory entity will be permitted to join the Farmers' Union provided they uphold the following laws of the union.

2. Any member found to be in contradiction to these laws may be dismissed from the union without warning at the discretion of the Chairman and one Board Member (Trustee)

3. Three warnings to a member constitute an immediate dismissal.

4. Any Trustee may give a warning except in the case of the third and final warning which must be with the permission of the Chairman.

5. Any member may present his/her case against any warnings they receive to the Chairman and one other Trustee, who will then present the case to the governing board for a vote to dismiss the warning.

6. Each member is entitled to one or two keys for their own personal use, at a cost of two silver coin each. Said Keys remain the property of the union and are to be returned to a Trustee upon leaving the union for a full refund.

7. Each member is entitled to use any of the union’s facilities as they see fit provided the facility is not already in use.

8. Keys are to be kept in the member’s personal depot and not loaned out or sold.

9. The Union fields may be used by non-members provided they are not needed by a member.

10. Non-members must be escorted when inside the union building. At no time may a non-member be allowed to remain inside unattended.

11. Members are free to conduct their own sales and services with no payment due to the union.

12. Orders taken and allocated to a member by a Trustee, which are deemed Union orders, will require a ten percent sales commission to the union. The member filling the order must be informed that it is a union order and what amount is due to the union, before he/she accepts the order.

13. Trustees and the Chairman will use their discretion to determine which orders are Union orders and which orders are personal orders.

14. Members receiving orders for the union may pass them on to a Trustee, Only Trustees and the Chairman may allocate orders to other members, so as to keep a fair allotment of orders.

15. Some preference may be given to newer members if the order is deemed appropriate to the learning and advancement of a new craftsman.

16. All members should be fair and honest with a goal to advance the reputation of the union. They should conduct themselves as representatives of the union at all times.

17. Experienced members should help new members in their trades as best they can with the understanding that there is plenty of work for everyone and we succeed as a team not as individuals.

18. While the union maintains no guard or militia for its defense, it is encouraged for all members to learn to defend themselves and to know which members are capable of lending assistance when needed.

19. Any sparring/training will be done near the fire pit so as to avoid spilling blood on the fields.

Price Rates
~Will be updated shortly~

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:20 pm
by The Farmers Union
Members List



Active Members
Darius Kain
Jhon Sivan
Maeglin Telemmaite
Rubo Twofoot
Zach Dawson

~712.95 Silvercoins
~1000 Tomato Seed
~1000 Grain
~500 Carrot Seed
~250 Cabbage Seeds
~43 Onion Seeds
~250 Carrots
~750 Tomatoes
~160 Onions

Current orders

~To Be Announced~

~Signed by Tak'Zel on the Date: 17th Tanos 31

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:22 pm
by The Farmers Union

The board has been cleaned. All members that are currently active please send me a dove so that I may clean out the list of members. ANY members that I do not recieve a dove from will be moved to the inactive members list at the end of next dwarf week unless I know that they are currently active.

Also, I have a number of keys, so if you are still lacking one you may claim it for two silvers.

Thanks to Zach for making a new board for us, as the other was getting a bit worn.


Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:36 am
by The Farmers Union
Attention Union Members!

The fields have been properly burnt, and taken care of, to help ensure a wonderful growing season this year!

Also, some of you may notice the orchard has been cut down, do not be alarmed! The trees are being replanted in a healthier, and more managable way.

11th of Tanos, Year 31

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:42 am
by The Farmers Union
I regret to Announce that Kitsa, and Phibol are leaving the Union.


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:05 am
by The Farmers Union
What a great day, the union treasury has jumped from none, to two gold coins today!
A fare number of these coins were donated by Darius, Elijah, and Athian. Thanks to them.
Another large portion of this came from the sale of a rather rare item.

I have decided to add the treasury to the board.

Also note, the Grain and Cherries in the treasury, are up for sale.


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:53 pm
by Phib
I would like to request a meeting with you at your earliest convience to discuss a partnership in farming in Northbridge for the Unions benifit. You can reach me by dove ((Phibol)) or I am usually around there.

Thank you,

Phibol D'Woise

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:33 am
by The Farmers Union
Today we Recieved a rather nice donation of five golds from Tirrend. Thank you.


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:08 pm
by Darkform
*a dark form cloaked and hooded, limps onto the land, and to the wall, followed by a cat, wearing cat sized armor*

*posts a few long posts, onto the gild wall* ... e7da74e723

*on a note below, the dark form scribbles*


*the dark form limps back to the woods, the cat following, and as it reaches the woods it starts yelling*

Elle!!! Elle!!! Elle!!!

*until it's out of earshot*

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:29 am
by TiaSarah
Anne approaches the wall and smiles faintly as she reads the words. Looking around, she lays a couple of fish and a bag with some cookies on the ground and whispers into the night. "Here's hoping you come home safely one day, my friend"

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:49 pm
by Aldan Vian

I STRONGLY recommend all union members avoid members of the new "guild" upon gobaith. Notable members include Bindus, and Ace. Threats twords the union were recieved today, unless we pay a price of one gold per dwarven month. I can not stress enough how DANGEROUS these people are, do NOT confront them unless you are skilled in combat.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:02 pm
by The Farmers Union
On another note, please welcome Whisper to the Farmers Union.


Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:16 am
by Aldan Vian

I am leaving the island for about two dwarven weeks, during this time, as I could not find the person who would usualy handle this, I am having Bernie do the usual parts of my job in my absence. I have the fullest confidence that he will do the job properly.


P.S. Do NOT get near the members of the new guild on gobaith!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:24 am
by Juniper Onyx
Thank you Tak, I won't let you down.

I have some keys available for new members should they apply.

It's full growing season and the Union's supplies are very low. We need to grow some vegetables to offer our customers. The 'Chamber of Commerce' has a 'Famine Fund' of Grains and Breads in case of emergencies, and it would benefit the Union to do something similar for 'Winter months'.

Farmers have so much to offer. Everything revolves around providing crops and honey to the cooks and bakers of the Isle. Fish and pork can only satisfy so long. Eventually, people look fr better, lighter foods. Cooks and Bakers need you, the farmers to provide essential supplies for them.

I propose that during this growing season, each member contribute just 100 crops a month to the Union. Whether it's Grain, Tomatoes, Hops or even Honey, it doesn't matter. We need to build up Union supplies so that we have something to 'offer' the people of Gobaith. Ushos has just begun, so let's start growing!

Part of this can be set aside for those 'Winter' months too, but I'll discuss with Tak and members of the Board, just how much to set aside and we'll post this under "Winter Supplies". Maybe 25%-50% of donations. Ideally, the Union should have food to sell 'year' round.

I know you'll all do your best, and we'll get Gobaith 'fed' again.

Thank you,
~Bernie Bottoms Littlethorn
~Acting Chair'lizard'

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:27 am
by TiaSarah
I have 2000 each of tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, grain and honey as well as 1500 onions preserved in my depot. I have some fruit as well if it is needed. As I told Tak, all that is mine is The Union's as well.


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:05 am
by Juniper Onyx
I have this night secured a large stockpile of vegetables and honey from Anne. This will be used for Union business and saving it for winter.

Anne supplied us with:
2000 Tomatoes
1500 Onions
2000 Carrots
2000 Cabbages
1500 Bundles of Wheat
2000 Honey

Thank you ever so much Anne!

I would like to have a meeting for Union members in Ushos. ((Wednesday @ 1700 GMT)) We'll talk about what needs you have, where you'd like to see the Union in the future, and how much should we set aside for customers during the winter months. So let's start growing and collecting for customers, and help the Union prosper! See you all at the meeting!

Many Thanks,
~Bernie, "acting Chair'Lizard'"

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:53 am
by TiaSarah
a note is pinned on the wall:

You are quite welcome Bernie. Happy to help.

On another note, All Union members please be aware that the halfling Bindus was at the Union today. He used the name Ralphy at first, but revealed his true name when Bernie arrived. He was peaceful and did not make any threats... but it never hurts to be cautious, just the same. Please everyone take care to protect yourselves and each other!


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:45 am
by The Farmers Union
A lizard, who still appears to be burnt, walks up to the union and looks everything over for a moment.He mummbles quietly.

At leasst everything iss still in one piece...Perhapss I will have to talk to the memberss when I return from my trip...

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:00 am
by Darkform
*someone came by and tilled the soil, the only signs of them are, cookie crumbs, some fish bones, a tended cropland, and 2 sets of tracks, a humanoid wearing tattered boots favoring their right foot and using a staff as a walking stick, and a feline*

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:54 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Well, the meeting went as expected. We decided to store 25% of the stocked crops into storage for the winter. Everything is going well, and people are using the fields once more.

We still need more crops to be grown to offer customers. I made a sale of 1000 Honey to one, and was requested for more onions and tomatoes. Apparently Tomatoes are in several major dishes in cooking.

We still need to fill some 'offices' for the Union too. Especially Trade Representative. Anyone interested should send a dove.

Well, thats all for now. Thank you all. See you around the fields!
~Bernie Bottoms Littlethorn
~Acting Chair"Lizard"

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:12 am
by Juniper Onyx
I have seen Tak'zel again and wanted to talk to him, but I didn't have time. I suppose he is back. I'll turn over the keys again when I see him again.

I just wanted to say thank you for helping to improve the Union while he was away, and hope we can continue to improve the Union still.

Personally, I'd love to see more people in the fields, or collecting honey. Farming is so important to the cooks of Gobaith, the Union has much to offer. I know that in my work with the "Chamber", I'll endeavor to work closer with the Union and provide work for all those here.

As such, I'd like to Order 500 Tomatoes and 500 Onions from you for the Chamber. Many dishes need these. We have them in stock, but I'd like to pay someone to grow 'fresh' ones for us.

Thank you,
~Benie Bottoms Littlethorn

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:41 am
by Darkform
*a note is left, by the door*

˙uɐʌıs uoɥɾ ɟo 'dɯnʇs ǝɥʇ 'ɯoɹɟ

˙ɥsıɟ puɐ 'sǝıʞooɔ ǝɹoɯ ʇno ǝʌɐǝן 'ǝsɐǝןd

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:41 am
by TiaSarah
Anne is sitting at the Union with Yvanna when the note catches her eye. She smiles as she reads it and moves to her depot, drawing out the requested items. She lays them beneath the board, tossing a muffin in as well with a small note that reads simply:

We miss you.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:29 am
by The Farmers Union
Please Welcome Llyr Hess to the Union.


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:51 pm
by Kanti Lolenthai'
~A house of the Farmers Union is hereby established.
The Elven Elder has adopted a Human Daughter and
wishes her to be afforded all rights and respect that
the elder has thus far or will ever procur.

House of Lolithai' // el Lolithai'
~Kanti, Elder of the House // Älteste des Hauses
~~Ara, Daughter of Kanti // Tochter von Kanti

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:15 pm
by Aldan Vian
*The union chairman walks up to the board and tilts his head as he looks at the note, he then walks off shaking his head*

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:25 am
by Juniper Onyx
In following my own policy with the Chamber, of One Guild & One Town,

I must quit the Farmers Union. I have enjoyed my time here and the people I have met, but I must concentrate on one guild only.

I will give Tak my key as soon as I see him.

Thank you,
~Bernie Bottoms Littlethorn

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:22 pm
by The Farmers Union

Today our entire stock of farmed goods was purchased for more then two gold coins. Donations are of coarse welcome if you are interested in helping to restock the Union.
Also I am adding a standing orders space to the board.

Also there are five silvers to anyone who can fill the onion part of the current order.


Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:39 am
by The Farmers Union

On our newest, rather large order I am offering 10 silvers to anyone who can fill the onion part.