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A Final Decree

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:02 am
by Mesha
There is a notice posted that noone can quite be certain exactly when it appeared but from all writings and the authentic signature and seal of the Prince it cannot be doubted that anyone other than he, wrote it.

Dear citizens of Troll's Bane

With heavy hearts I inform you, that my servant Geralt Devan has been caught red handed enacting an extended campaign of slander and malevolence, with the intention to poison my mind and use Salkamaerian might as a mean of settling his own petty personal vendettas and satisfy his thirst for power. Indeed, for an extended period of time he has been feeding me lies of the group known as Temple, and it has taken until the last days before this web of deceit and treachery was finally uncovered.

It is my regret that we Salkamaerians have been pulled into internal squabbles of various factions on this Island, for My intention is merely to secure what is mine and protect it from threats and evil, something the Temple has proven to me without any doubt that they are not. Moreover, I extend Lord Ross and Edward Cromwell my sincerest apologies, as they were targeted by the ill-will and slanderous words of Geralt Devan, so that he could become my only advisor in the town. I hereby exonerate both men from any doubt, as well as return all proscribed property and titles in full to all those who have been punished under suspicion or accusation of being "Templists".

Due these reasons I cannot rely on the dishonesty and treachery of Geralt Devan any longer. Thus, I duly remove him from all of his current positions and offices, excluding the citizenship of Troll's bane. Nonetheless, I am not an ungrateful liege and remember well his valuable services to me during the times when his loyalty seemed genuine. I hence bestow upon Citizen Devan, for his acts of supplying the town defense plans and positions to me, as well as for masterminding, overseeing and directing the bombardment of the town during the siege, a War Merit Medal in Gold. This reward is to remind Citizen Devan that no good deed goes unnoticed, though rewards for these actions may come with delay.

A truce is between the temple and Troll's bane henceforth with effective, and the Templists are allowed to access the town and conduct their business in Troll's bane all other non-citizens are.

As a consequence of Geralt Devan's demotion, Lord Ross shall be appointed as my principal deputy in all affairs by the virtue of his service length, as it is customary.

These changes become effective immediately.

Prince Anarius of Lonewood