Chaos in Bane ((closed rp))

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swift hand
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Chaos in Bane ((closed rp))

Post by swift hand »

The timing was perfect. Sunrise was at hand, the guards let their attentiont down, relaxing from another night without any happenings. The young guard at the eastern gate was just stretching his neck as he realized the barrel above his head. Someone placed it there at night, right ontop of the inner gate. He just wanted to ask his partner about it as a flying flame came from the west, hitting the barrel and igniting the gynk-fire in it. The large explosion was audible in the whole city. Within seconds, the eastern gate was burning. Chaos came back to Troll's Bane.
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Post by Mesha »

The Salkamaerian soldiers, along with the guard, were in disarray. Running to and from the eastern gate with water from the river to quench the raging fires; the fire hardly containable due to the volatile concoction used. The glow from the fire spreads over the roofs of Troll's Bane, and can be seen from afar. Troll's Bane was never a true safe haven, but still safer than most. That illusion has vanished now however.

The Prince, in the meantime, is pacing around the Seahorse Inn, accompanied by Edwin Ythyrn, his military advisor. His face is pale and worn, his look stern. There were always people speaking against him publicly, but never an uproar such as this. Who was behind it, and why now? These, and many other questions, were left unanswered by himself and his trusted friend. Hopefully the guards will find something beneath the rubble once the fire is put out, but there is only so much you can find after a devouring flame.

Who knows what happens next....
swift hand
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Post by swift hand »

The people, guards, soldiers and common folk, ran like sheep chased by a pack of wolves. Carrying buckets and bottles in the pathetic attempt to control the flames.
The man, wearing a hood and carrying a small crossbow under his cloak, jumped from the roof of the workshop, walking north, near the guards headquarter. The guards protecting the door were gone, fighting the fire. A small grin was on the mans face as the lit the small bolt, placing it on his crossbow, aiming for the northern gate.
"Round two..."

The early morning in Trolls' Bane was filled with screams, shouting and crying as the second explosion ran through it.

Lowering his crossbow, the man ran towards the Seahorse Inn, ready to do his job.
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Post by Rugh'toh »

The Chief of the Orc Horde entered Troll's Bane through the northern gate. He carried a large bundle of cloth over his shoulders, one who came too close might perceive a smell of blood and deer coming from that bundle. Usually the gate guard stops the Chief and wants to have a look inside such suspicious luggage, though, for some reason the actually was no guard at the tower.

As the Chief left the northern gate tower he stopped and watches the scenery in town: Dozens of people were running around like mad, most of them carrying buckets, others just running around with tears in their eyes and gazes of despair. As Rugh'toh continued his way to the Eliza's he noticed another smell which replaces the stink of omnipresent fear: The smell of smoke and fire. Then he noticed a dark cloud ascending to sky somewhere from behind Eliza's, probably the eastern gate tower.

"Hurr, oomies beh stoopid, though dey nub need to celebrate Chief's arrival so muchs", he mumbled to himself.

Suddenly someone grabed his arm. The Chief stopped and turned his head to stare into a human face black of smoke and sweat; the coat of the man carried the symbol of the town guard. "Chief... the town is under attack... your kind is the bodyguard of the Prince, right? Better go to the Seahorse Inn and take care for him if you want to stick to your duty and preserve your honor."

Before Rugh'toh could respond anything - it would have been something quite rude about touching the Chief and giving him commands - the guard already had turned around and ran to the eastern gate again. The Chief took a breath and mutters "Hurr, fines, although it nub beh mehs job but Jag's, meh keep honor fer Clan. Mehbeh meh can meet da Prince den finally toos."

The Chief adjusted the bundle of fresh deer meat on his shoulders and then made his way through the crowd of chaos towards the Seahorse Inn.
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Post by Lyra »

Lyra had woken up far too early, she knew it as she felt no warm sunbeams on her face just yet, as she left the Fluffy Sheep. Dreamily, she counted her steps towards the workshop without thinking about it, swinging her staff in an arched movement in front of her actually out of old habit, and not because she was afraid to bump into anyone, or anything. She knew the streets of Trolls Bane well enough to sleepwalk through them if she needed to. At this early hour, there were only few citizens awake anyways, there hasty steps only too audible for her trained ears.

She surrounded the Seahorse Inn and turned south, stepping towards the smooth waters of Lake Adron. More careful now, she passed on slowlier until the silent splash of her staff in the water told her the waterside was right in front of her feet. Sitting down, she enjoyed the things she loved most of all, sounds of wakening birds, of a slight wind and swift waves. So peaceful...

In that little moment, it happened. A large explosion hit the eastern gate, as it sounded, followed by the immidiate smell of smoke, as the wind turned. Lyra stood alarmed, thinking about shouting, but it was unnecessary. After a short pause of absolute silence, the upper parts of the town turned into a screaming, rushing chaos she could hear with ease, even from this distance.

Lyra staid where she was, knowing full well that she was not able to help with anything. The second explosion, shortly afterwards, left the blind girl with even more fear.
Slowly, she moved towards the hedge surrounding the Prince's gardens, feeling she might be safer hiding there, in case of a military attack.
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Post by Rugh'toh »

As the Chief reached the doors of the jail, suddenly a second explosion filled the air. The ground was shaking. The shock wave made Rugh stumble, he almost fell on the ground if he would not lean against the wall of the jail. The Chief turned around and saw the gate tower he just walked through in flames, more ruin than a tower.

Rugh narrowed his eyes and grunted. He was very aware that the Father just held his protecting hands over the Chief, just a few moments earlier and the Chief would lie under the ruins of the tower now.

Men and women appeared from various directions to try to extinct the flames at the tower. He did not notice the hooded man who inconspicuous left the jail house and finally ran to the Seahorse. As the Chief turned around to continue his way to the Seahorse, the man was away before Rugh could see him.

Finally the Chief arrived at the Seahorse Inn. He looked around to see and guards protecting the house and then loudly knocked onto the door with one hand, the other hand still hold the bundle. "Hurr... Chief Rugh'toh here to fulfill da job ob da Firrst Knight ob Troll's Bane fer bruddah Jag!" He added in orcish a mumble to himself " protect yoos smelly oomie ass, so yoo whub die by orcen hands one day..."
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Post by Joxia Doral »

Watching from atop the mountain a safe distance away smiles darkly at the black smoke now rising from two locations of Bane, the chaotic screams only spread the smile wider. Joxia pulls her dark coat tighter around her and blends into a shadow to watch. He would come here for the final payment when the job was done.
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Post by Mesha »

The Prince heard the knocking on the door over all the commotion, and sends Edwin Ythyrn down to check it out. He sits down on his lavish bed as he clasps his hands together. A quick prayer to Zhambra, his friend in need, is all that passes over his pale lips. Usually calm in the face of danger and uproar, he is now stricken with fear, his face as white as his bed linen.

Edwin, having arrived downstairs, opens the inn's doors and looks right into the orc's face. A sigh escapes his lips.

"It's good of you to come upon the Prince's request, chief Rugh'toh. Protect this entrance from anyone and everyone, for in this chaos we cannot trust anyone but ourselves. I will go upstairs and tend to the Prince. For some reason, he is fearful and anxious."

He takes one last look over the streets outside, before heading back into the inn, closing the doors behind him. As he does so, he feels a sharp pain in his lower back. The clutches of age are grabbing him, so he takes a moment's rest at the downstairs fireplace.

"Such destruction....I wonder why...."
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Post by Rugh'toh »

The Chief nodded to the words of the human Edwin Ythyrn "Nubudy whub enter dis entrance! Hurr, hurr!" He punched his own chest twice and saw the door getting closed and locked again.

Rugh'toh turned around again and had a look at the streets. The hospital on the other side of the road was crowded. The lizard merchant had left his place. Nobody seemed to waste a look at the Chief as he placed the bundle under the hedge next to the entrance. He then took position in front of the doors under the balcony, he prepared his blades to be unsheathed and stared at anyone who might pass...
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Post by Lyra »

Lyra surrounded the hedge silently, sneaking into the safe garden. Her slim, dainty figure melted with the shadows without her noticing. Her feet, wearing shoes with soft soles, felt every single twig before breaking it. The girl was not trying to stay unseen, but she managed to avoid every single sound, listening to her surroundings even more than usual.

She could hear the loud orcen knocks on the door, and cowering next to the Seahorse Inn's wall, lowering her own breath, she even overheard steps coming down the stairs, and the short conversation at the door. A frown formed on her forehead, as she tried to figure out why the orc might protect the Prince, as he did not seem to like humans.

Lyra did not move now, fearing that if someone discovered her in the Prince's gardens, she might be punished for trespassing. Her fine ears were only disturbed by her loud heartbeat, and her own flat breathing. Whoever attacked Troll's Bane would not harm her here, she hoped.
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Post by Kugar »

Among the chaos and destruction, Jefferson Gray stood on the roof top of the jail building with a knowing glare, his long grey trench-coat blowing wildly about and blending with the surrounding clouds of smoke.

"... And so it begins... This should buy me some time..."

With a faint smile he pulls a black rope from his bag and ties it to one of the roofs columns. Tightening it and testing it's leverage, he then swiftly swings down unto the grass below. As the commoners run in fear for their lives, he adjusts his cuffs and looks around with a piercing gaze.

"... Heh..."
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Post by swift hand »

At the Seahorse he drew his crossbow, putting the crappling-hook on it. Within seconds he was on top of the building, silently moving, listening for any sounds from below, telling him where the prince was. After some time he had found him. According to the sounds he was alone. He remembered the floor plan, placing the last bits of gynk-drenched cloth in the shape of the room. Getting some distance to it, he drew his crossbow and ignited the cloth, blowing the roof up and revealing the room under it. The prince looked up in shock, smoke, dust and wreckage around him. The last thing Anarius of Lonewood should ever see in his life was a raised crossbow, aiming for his heart.


He climbed off the roof, listening to the shouting of the guards inside, trying to safe their dead prince. In the shadows of the corner, he drew his crossbow once more, placing a burning bolt on it. He took a last deep breath before he ran for the street, bumping into a girl in the garden. He went on and got to the street. Then he raised his crossbow, shouting from the depths of his cape, his face not visible:
"Da prince of da oomies is dead! For da Clan of Dar'krest!!"


The guards hunted him until he escaped through the southern gate. Turning around he grinned as they rushed into the tower. He raised his crossbow, aiming at the last barrel and blowing the southern gate into parts...
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Post by Joxia Doral »

Sitting in shadowy comfort among the group of trees her eyes focused on the fourth cloud of smoke which billowed into the air with a satisfied expression. The smoke before the klast seemed to come from the Seahorse...but she could not be certain. It did cause a brief flash of doubt across her mind as fire was no assurance of his death as had been proven all ready. But she easily shook the doubt away knowing that the assassin she hired was quite capable of doing the job right.. A small movement in the landscape caught her attention...the dark speck on the green carpet was on this side of the walls and looked to be possibly headed in her direction. Standing she stretched her limbs and her fingers curled around the gold in her pocket which would be his upon his reported success. Staying within the dark cover of the trees she continued to watch ah the figure came nearer and kept an even sharper eye on who might be following him if had grown careless.
Inhaleing and exhaling a long breath of the air carrying the scent of burning Trolls Bane she spoke quiet words to the birds above her head.... "I think it is finally done....the pretender Prince...Salkamarian scum has no power here any longer...."
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Post by Lyra »

There was a sharp sound, as if something had hit the roof far above her. Lyra's breathing sunk to the lowest level possible, while she cringed next to the wall and concentrated as hard as she could on the sounds around her. She was able to hear some more sounds from above, but if someone had asked her to, she would not have been able to swear someone climbed over the roof. Still, she did hear something, although the sudden explosion startled her too much to suppress a shrieking sound.
Trembling all over, she listened further on, noticing the *whoosh* of a bolt being fired by a crossbow. The next moment, she heard something fall down, and rushing steps in her direction. Someone bumped into her, boots hitting her side and pressing the air out of her lungs. The rushing steps vanished, jumped over the next hedge. Someone cried "Da prince of da oomies is dead! For da Clan of Dar'krest!!"
with altered voice in that very direction, but although the orc must have stood there, she was pretty certain the voice and also the accent weren't orcish.

The blind girl staid where she was, although she had a very bad feeling about what she had just heard. Why would someone destroy the Prince's roof and then shoot a bolt up there?

Inside the building, a lot of steps were audible, shouts of alarmed guards, shouts of shock and anger. Something terrible had happened. Lyra sat up, leaning against the wall, her fearfull fingers started searching the ground for her staff. Without it, she would not be able to walk from here. The gardens suddenly seemed so less secure than they had minutes before.

South of her, the fourth explosion hit the gate, killing several guards and blocking the last of Troll's Banes entrances.
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