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The in-game roleplay temperature.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:30 am
by Alex Heartnet
Because I have found that many players do not seem to know about this.

Look familiar? It should. Note the colored orb in the lower-center of each calender.

This is the ingame temperature. Use it in your roleplay!

This colored orb does not indicate sunrise/sunset(that is indicated above), the weather(you can see it snow/rain on the game screen) or anything else but the temperature.

The picture on the left shows that it is really hot out, even though it is still early in the morning. (It has cooled off a bit since I tooked this). This was taken a few minutes ago, within Tol Vanima.

The picture on the right shows what a comfortably warm day would be like. Red = hot, while blue = cold. If you see a picture of a snowflake in there, it is not necessarily snowing, but it is certainly a pretty cold day.

Use this in your roleplay, ladies and gentleman! Thank you.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:40 am
by orgis
people would if, like the weather it lasted. It can rain for a minute-five minutes then change and be sunny as a warm summers day. I think its too much hassle to go "Ohh this be one heck of a day" when its boiling then the next minute "By moshrans little left tennis ball its freezing here!" when it suddenly changes

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:55 am
by Azuros
I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Temperatures fluctuate, yes, but not that drastically.

What I'll agree with is that weather roleplay is difficult when you move indoors. The people inside can't tell that it just started raining, even though there's windows in the building, and the people waiting it out don't know for sure when it's over.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:32 am
by Alli Zelos
One of the larger problems is that the temperate DOES fluctuate that much... And it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the months.

During the "summer" months, I've seen it go to the snowflake, and etc. In cases like this, I don't go by the temperature gauge.

Also, location doesn't seem to have an affect on that gauge, nor time of day.

So.. yes, use that in your roleplay. But be smart about it.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:57 am
by Pellandria
I have seen that orb turn red hot during the night and green, which I think is "cool" during the midday, thus you actually can't use the orb much, not to add that it doesn't seem to be bound to region or actually outside weather, yes even in winter that orb will turn red hot. Thus playing with it is rather hard anyway, not to mention that half the population run around in metal armour and over half the island without breaking a sweat, I would rather tell them to "play" with the conditions instead of some random colour on a orb.

Another problem is that all weather effects in illarion suddenly "appear", unless you travel from one to another point of the Island it should never "suddenly" be thick rain, fog, snow or whatever, I have never ever seen rain just appear out of the blue, but of course we can't really see any clouds so that's a big problem..and there seems to be no localized weather either will always be one and only one weather for the whole island...and the invisible snow that falls one minute after the midnight of the 24 Olos coats the entire island in matters of seconds into a white island. Not to mention that most weather effects only last about 5 minutes, it more than once happened to me that I stepped into banes guardhouse to run for shelter from a storm, just to emerge from the other door where I see that the sun shines again.

So to stop this little ..observation and critique about the weather...the system itself is great, but there is so much more that should be done there so its just another one of the building sites within the game.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:19 am
by Flux
Last night the temperature was on the hottest thing when it was midnight and green at midday, like Pella was saying.

Oh and Zot is always messing with the weather so it's so unpredictable :P .

It's a good reason to light a fire or stay inside, but I wouldn't go about dying of hypothermia because the temperature's a bit cold.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:48 am
by Arvemor
*Puts up hand.*

I roleplay weather!

Please people. No applause.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:52 am
by Flux
Since I've been a gm I've spied on a lot of people and I've never seen anyone ignore rain, snow or thunder. The community is generally very good about roleplaying weather.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:36 pm
by Olaf Tingvatn
orgis wrote:"By moshrans little left tennis ball its freezing here!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! made me laugh pretty hard that one :lol:

and i do rrrrouleplay the weatha..but no more then a simple #me looks up at the sky with a annoyed frown then stands under the nearest tree/roof.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:41 pm
by Lhosseth
Alex, as I tried to point out to you in-game, in character, that temperature orb conflicts with other temperature messages you get ig. When you enter Eliza's shop the night is described as being cold, no matter what the orb shows, and when trying to plant cabbages or carrots in these months you get the message: "Its still too cold and there is not enough sun to plant this". As I said oocly, I never thought that orb to mean temperature in such an absolute way, as it fluctuates too much and gives an illogical indication of temperature, like Alli, Pella and Flux also said.

Because there are these conflicting indications of temperature, you should not order others to role-play according to your interpretation of your favourite temperature indicator.

It seems much more logical to rp the temperature according to what can be expected for the time of year and use the visible weather signs (rain, snow) for additional role-play influences.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:43 pm
by Drathe
Who are you to give orders anyway?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:46 pm
by Darkshade
WOOYAAH ive been hoping some body wouild say who are you to give us orders since this thread first started

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:47 pm
by Jupiter
And I hope you noticed that we have just one global temperature.

You may be on top of the highest mountain with snow around you or in the deepest cave filled with lava...temperature is the same. I wouldn't give so much about the indicator

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:05 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
We welcome you to a community that requires is nice when a newer player has basic understanding/experience compared to others just learning, because the game can be quite confusing at first. For those that understand the concept of roleplay, I would suggest if something is different from your perception to ask rather then demand. There is usually a good reason behind it.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:12 pm
by Shandariel el Lysanthrai
I always concidered it to be a sign of temperature without a set value. Means, if the orb shows the burning sun, it doesnt mean for me it is actually hot like Siranis curves, but more like showing a temperature change for the actual month. Means, if you see the burning sun on a winter day it doesnt want to tell you that you are sweating now, it means this is a warm day FOR WINTER. Not overall. And the snowflakes in summer is for me a sign that it is a cool summer day. Maybe due of a cool breeze, or clouds. So, it still can be hot in summer with a snowflake, but not as hot as it could possibly with a burning sun...or Sirani doing her "I am bored" strip tease :P

Well...thats how I use it ^^

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:29 am
by Dantagon Marescot
The temperatures in Illarion remind me on Ohio. It could be bright and sunny one minute and then it is suddenly freezing. The temperature device is a neat little gadget, now if it didn't claim it were 80+ (F)/27+ (C) in winter and subzero during the height of the day in summer. I do however appreciate people wishing for the community to actually rp the weather.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:48 pm
by Damien
So, is the weather script also bugged in Ohio ?
And where do i download the client ?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:51 pm
by Pellandria
Damien wrote: And where do i download the client ?
:P ... ports.aspx

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:53 pm
by Damien
Bah, i'm not interested in those commercial mass shooters. Too expensive. Their website is quite gay too, with that concept i wonder why anyone is even playing !

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:58 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
I think the script must be bugged as well. All February it was cold and we had mounds of snow. As soon as March hit we got 16 C weather.

Perhaps a GM could tell us what is up with the script (Illarion, not Ohio).

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:22 pm
by Nitram
Dantagon Marescot wrote:Perhaps a GM could tell us what is up with the script (Illarion, not Ohio).
martin wrote it. What did you expect?