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The spirits defeat?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:53 pm
by Alexander Knight
*A note is quickly and messily wrote across parchment and nailed to every door in Trolls Bane*
My people!

Please heed my advice, i have found the way to release the demon spirit from the bodys of innocent!
The key... FIRE

Please, grab your torches, your gynk fires and anything else.
If the host is even slightly burnt the spirit cannot take hold, although you may cause pain you will release them from the grasp of evil.

~Alexander Knight

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:32 pm
by PopQuiz
A guard strolls up to the notices and reads one with a deep furrow in his brow..

(the parchement is ripped off every place it's posted in Troll's Bane)

Damn vigilantees, no witch burning in this town! We do things by the book, and with compassion!
Burning an innocent person Bah! exactly what I would expect from such a fool.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:51 pm
by Alexander Knight
The note was also given out to passers by with the strict message to save the torches in case they need them

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:54 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
Alexander Knight wrote:The note was also given out to passers by with the strict message to save the torches in case they need them
Sandro takes one of the notes from Alexander hand.
After reading it, Sandro looks angry at Alexander
"Who told you such nonsense? Only the victim by himself must face the spirit, dont try to do with fire what you couldn't did by yourself. Burning the victim will only make him burst more in fear"
Sandro walks away, mumbling angry, and throw the note to the ground

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:07 pm
by Alexander Knight
Alexander shrugs lightly at Sandro's words shouting "Then perhaps you have a better suggestion!" walking away Alex rubs the burn scar on his arm subconsciously

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:42 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
Sandro suddenly stops when hear Alex words and turns around. After seeing the burnt arm of Alex, Sandro, still being angry, approaches to him and takes Alex burnt arm with his hand:
"Dont think that the fire saved you, i saw you fearing that spirit and if you fear it, you are empowering it. Perhaps you should hide your emotions when the sipirit comes to visit you, if your weak mind is able to do that, to avoid his lies..."
Sandro releases Alex arm, and says relaxed.
"Just only calm down when the spirit tries to possess you and do not trust whatever it says, even if what you are feeling seems real"

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:18 pm
by Alexander Knight
Alex looks into Sandro's eyes and whispers " I saw my wife and son die... That would destroy any man" Pulling away Alex walks off grabbing his fathers armor from a chest and heads towards the farmers union

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:20 am
by Sandro Arcanum
Sandro yells while Alex walks away
"But you could confirm that Lura and Nicko are ok! Any mesmer or even a soup cooked with the wrong mushrooms can make you see things, the failure is to trust what the spirit make you see or feel. Now you have been adviced, and know the key to beat it, its up to you use your brain like you use your muscles"

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:00 am
by Vern Kron
Artimer gives a small sigh, and places a flier up on Eliza's wall, perhaps over where one of Alexander's previous parchements was:

Dear people,

I strongly suggest you do not light yourself on fire to fight off ghosts. Not only is that painful, and rather messy, it would probably only fuel the fear. You are so scared, that you are burning yourself. Think about that. You. On fire. Its like roasting ham, except its your arm. Bad idea. Perhaps you should instead go to a place of holy meaning, or seek out some one with holy protection. Such as a priest or priestess. Or places such as, but not limited to, Ushara's Temple. The Fairy's Grove. The Library Altar. The Altar in the Grey Rose. Bragon's Tower. The Sirani Temple in Varshikar. As long as you hold yourself steadfast, and do not believe the lies of a deciever, it would be in your best interest to not burn yourself. Seeing as how burning can cause a great number of health problems, which symptoms include:

Worse disfigurement.
Difficulty in daily activities.
Limit in mobility.
Limit in limb usage.
Limit in social interaction.

So please, do think before you light yourself on fire. Besides, would a ghost really care if it is on fire? It isn't the one burning. You are. Thus, it is just sitting inside while you catch aflame, and die. Like it wants.

With concern for your general health,
Artimer Fault.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:57 am
by Lhosseth
Lhosseth, a white haired Elfess, passes by Alexander and Sandro on her way through Troll’s Bane and halts her steps at hearing the two men talk. She winces at their shouts and watches Alexander turning to walk off in anger. After a short hesitation Lhosseth approaches Sandro, reaching out her hand to lightly touch his arm, she addresses him in a soft calm voice: “Greetings Sandro. We met before, in Vanima, shortly after both being accosted by this angry spirit that you were speaking of.”
She stops speaking a moment, watching the man closely. At the sign of recognition in his face Lhosseth continues: “You then told me and my Elven sister Caelianna that we would be safe from it when standing near the altar.” She takes a shaky breath before she says: “This has proven to be untrue.”
Lhosseth lets out the breath and glances away. After a short pause she looks back at Sandro and continues: “Some days ago the spirit attacked…us, once again, physically harming a few of us. Standing in front of the Altar of the Five in Vanima did not stop or lessen his attack. This angry spirit appears to have grown in strength. All emotions seem to feed it: Fear, Anger, Panic, Confusion, even Pride…”

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:09 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
Sandro turns to Lhosseth, answering with a pleasant smile
"That day was one of the first attacks of the spirit, and we didnt had any information about it, we only followed the advice of Pellandria about protecting us near a sacred place.
Few days ago, the spirit gathered a lot of power by scaring almost all people at Troll's Bane, thats why it is more powerful now.
But now we have clever what to do: Just only calm down when the spirit tries to possess you and do not trust whatever it says, even if what you are feeling seems real."

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:26 pm
by Velisai
A parchment is pinned directly below that of Artimer. It is written in a clean handwriting with black ink and left unsigned.

Not only will you harm yourselves with fire, but also feed the parasite, which lives and grows in power from your pain and fear. The only way to defeat it, is to take it's source of power. Do not fear it, do not feed it.

Should you be one of those unfortunate, who become posessed by the parasite, remember that meditation leads to control of one's self. Learn the techniques of breathing, learn to rid your minds of every worry, thought or emotion and when you reach this point of complete peace of mind, give it the final blow, by thinking of that, which makes you most happy and comfortable and remembering your most joyous moments.

Only if we all band together against it, will we be able to beat it. If we are not able to bring up the will to resist it, it seems, it will become strong enough to be unstoppable and will eventually cripple or even kill us all. Remember that it is never sated for long and that each time it returns for a feast, it's hunger appears to be greater.

If you require detailed instruction in meditation, ask any mage, druid, alchemist or priest for guidance. Then train, for only practice makes a master and the weaker your will, the more practice it takes to finally achieve enough routine, to control yourself even in a dreadful situation like posession.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:18 pm
by Lhosseth
Lhosseth listens attentively to Sandro’s words, looking troubled at his mention of the many people that were frightened by the spirit and slightly shakes her head as he mentions staying calm. She looks down at her feet and responds in a soft voice: “It is very hard to stay calm and collected when this spirit suddenly takes over part of yourself and instils in you the urge to strike one of your dearest friends. To fight such an internal battle without emotions is something that might be done by those stronger than me, but I could not.”

Lhosseth pauses in her speech and looks up at the man in front of her. She swallows hard to keep the pain at bay and her jaw tenses as she continues. “Or to stay calm when you vaguely realise that the same dear brother is being taunted by this spirit. He is right next to you, needing help, reaching out, but you are unable to respond or even understand exactly what is happening because you lie crippled with pain, crushed into an altar…” Here Lhosseth's voice brakes, tears burn in her eyes, and her shoulders lower in a gesture of defeat.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:16 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
Sandro looks at Lhosseth, with firmly voice

"Head up, lady, there is no reason to give up. You can get frightened the first time you suffer the attacks of that spirit, but now that you know how it acts, you must be able to face it"

Sandro looks up to the sky

"Once, the man that i most respect told me not to show weakness, not to be weak"

Sandro turns to look at Lhosseth

"Now those words are a creed for me, and I'm sure that you can beat it if you propose it, if you train hard your mind to be able to defeat it. And I still waiting for the spirit dares to get back at my head, to show it who is stronger now..."

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:00 pm
by Lhosseth
Lhosseth’s posture straightens at hearing Sandro’s words, she nods in understanding as he talks about training ones mind and replies: “You are very right of course. As my Elven sister Caelianna says: We must be strong and we will come through this.”

She glances up at the sun, and ever so slightly nods toward it, seeming to gain additional strength from its light. She then returns her eyes to those of Sandro and smiles kindly at him: “Thank you for your kind words and advice. I am on my way to the mainland, there I will visit with my maternal aunt in the forest of my youth. She is a priestess and will be able to help me find my balance and calm.”

Lhosseth pulls her green robe a little closer around herself, secures her bag under her arm and turns her face in the direction of the harbour: “I must go now.” She returns her attention once again to Sandro and bows to him: “I wish you all the strength you need in these times. May the Five guard you and light your path.”

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:22 am
by Sandro Arcanum
Sandro smiles as he sees how Lhosseth again believe in herself, in her own will, and bowing he farewell to her.
"Im glad to see that i have been useful to you. May Elara guide your mind"
As Lhosseth walks away, Sandro mumbles to himself
"I wish that many people had the enough sanity to prevent that the spirit gets more powerful..."