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The Temple is crap

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:22 am
by Gerron Lavace
Hello noobs,

I'm doing some research to try and aid some projects, and also for general knowledge to see what the heck is going on in the players minds, so I would like to ask everyone a question that goes without crazy discussion and simple answers.

Q: Do you think "The Temple" is a quest guild? Or a player guild?


Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:03 am
by Vern Kron
...... Good way to get flamed.

The Temple was at one time a quest guild.

Now it is just a regular one. Most of the old members of the quest guild = gone. Their quest abilities = gone. They still make things interesting, though. So, all in all, I like the Temple. Usually.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:14 am
by Evan Ross
That depends on what "Temple" you are talking about. The Temple from a few years ago was a quest guild, they had GM support and special blackstones. The group of characters that call themselves "The Temple" now is a player guild who do NOT have GM support, therefore are NOT a quest guild.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:28 am
by Gerron Lavace
Oh I should clear that up. I mean this current temple right now that is active. This is just a question to find out what you really think deep down. Don't just say it's a player guild to make everyone happy, if you really beleive there's some crazy shit going on somewhere. Be honest, I'll be kicking ass if flame wars start so have no fear, I need data.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:02 am
by Mesha
I personally find the thing that you still call yourself the Temple silly, since you have no religious or spiritual mindset whatsoever.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:06 am
by Aldan Vian
Would be awsome if it was a group of fanatic cultists these days.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:15 am
by Llama
Gerron Lavace wrote: Be honest, I'll be kicking ass if flame wars start so have no fear, I need data.
Welcome to Illarion!

Here, have your starting package full of love and cookies.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:38 am
by Friedwulfa
I would like to see a temple, which is spiritual, maybe with Rituals which have bearing on the whole community. The temple now just looks like an annoying Killerguild. That doent means that the Temple IS a Killerguild, its just an Impression one can have.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:21 am
by Velisai
The previous Temple was before my time, but I had some interaction with the current one, playing Vel. It is indeed a player guild from what I know and is a mafia-like group, which has great potential for having fun. As for GM support, aren't players encouraged to think of a nice quest themselves and ask GMs for assistance if required? So I ask, does it have to be a pure quest guild to be a fun group?
The temple now just looks like an annoying Killerguild. That doent means that the Temple IS a Killerguild, its just an Impression one can have.
The PK count in the Temple vs. Union conflict was 2:1 over a period of about two real life months, so I personally can't say they, as a whole, are just keen on ghosting people.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:42 am
by Friedwulfa
Like i said: " That doent means that the Temple IS a Killerguild, its just an Impression one can have." And your impressions depend on where you stand, when something happens.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:55 am
by 1d20
Well it definitely shouldn't be called the Temple anymore, I've always said that.

But I don't mind them. I mean, they mostly don't bother people unless people bother them first.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:44 pm
by AlexRose
.. They're a player guild. They don't have GM support. They're just really old characters so they're very powerful.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:52 pm
by nmaguire
Gerron Lavace wrote:Oh I should clear that up. I mean this current temple right now that is active. This is just a question to find out what you really think deep down. Don't just say it's a player guild to make everyone happy, if you really beleive there's some crazy shit going on somewhere. Be honest, I'll be kicking ass if flame wars start so have no fear, I need data.
who is this noob

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:55 pm
by AlexRose


Go home. (I'm not even in the Temple btw but I know this is clearly ridiculous).

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:00 pm
by Gerron Lavace
Stop please!
Friedwulfa wrote:I would like to see a temple, which is spiritual, maybe with Rituals which have bearing on the whole community. The temple now just looks like an annoying Killerguild. That doent means that the Temple IS a Killerguild, its just an Impression one can have.
This is a good reply, short and to the point with a personal opinion! Thank you.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:14 pm
by Alexander Knight
To be honest i joined the temple for like a week and meh i found it kinda boring,
I would like to see a darker side to the temple!
So the name should be whispered only...
Maybe we can pin taliss's disappearance on them :)

But seriously i think guilds shoud cut ties with them ((The temple are strong enough to be freestanding))
and maybe become more dark, more sick etc etc

It would be good to have a common enemy of evil

Oh and deffo change the hiding place :| what good is an evil enemy if you know where they live :S

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:54 pm
by Rye
I have been on the island for about three months now and for the entire time I have heard whispers and warnings about the Temple. The fact that some dark entity exists adds an element of interest to the game for me. From what I gather so far the Temple has degenerated from a group with real goals and a strong focus like the "Cabal" or the "Bene Gesserit" to something little better than a biker gang. As for knowing where they have their headquarters or lair is no big deal. An organized effort of enough people could easily eradicate them as they are now. I believe if they were to restructure and emerge in some coherent form with specific goals and a real identity it would benefit the game as a whole. Secretive societies can have many forms. A large enough organization with a well conceived persona might be able to pull off having a lair out there in Hellbriar. As they are now they seem better suited to a Mafia type existence. One might know who they are and have suspicions as to what they are up to but they mainly exist as an irritant rather than a real threat.

Ich bin auf der Insel für ungefähr drei Monate jetzt gewesen und während der gesamten Zeit habe ich Flüstern und Warnungen über den Tempel gehört. Die Tatsache, dass irgendein dunkles Wesen existiert, fügt ein Element des Interesses dem Spiel für mich hinzu. , was ich bis jetzt erfasse, vom Tempel ist von einer Gruppe mit realen Zielen und einem starken Fokus wie dem " degeneriert; Cabal" oder das " Bene Gesserit" zu etwas wenig besser als eine Radfahrergruppe. Was das Kennen anbetrifft, wo sie haben, ihrer Hauptsitze oder Lagers ist keine große Sache. Eine organisierte Bemühung genügender Leute könnte sie leicht ausrotten, während sie jetzt sind. Ich glaube, wenn sie in irgendeiner zusammenhängender Form mit spezifischen Zielen und einer realen Identität umstrukturieren und auftauchen sollten, die sie das Spiel als Ganzes fördern würde. Verschwiegene Gesellschaften können viele Formen haben. Eine große genug Organisation mit einer gut begriffenen Person konnte in der Lage sein, ein Lager dort in Hellbriar weg heraus haben zu ziehen. Während sie jetzt sind, scheinen sie besser zu einer Mafiaart Bestehen entsprochen. Sind bis zu, ein konnte wissen, wem sie sind und haben Misstrauen hinsichtlich, was sie aber sie hauptsächlich als Reizmittel eher als eine reale Drohung existieren.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:12 pm
by Aust
You idiots, Gerron is being sarcastic with his headline :P We are sorta annoyed that everyone treats the Temple as if it was a quest guild.

And The Temple is clearly GM run. Its power is far beyond that of lesser mortals.


The last time, and first time in ages, The Temple clouded anyone, was when it got attacked by other factions. We're not a random killer guild, although the description: "inactive" guild, is not entirely inaccurate, for the moment.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:01 pm
by Fooser
They should just ban those PK'ers

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:08 pm
by Joxia Doral
we have really tried to get the PKers in hand...but when they others want to PK us when we are showing restaint it gets difficult.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:12 pm
by Damien
Those two which i have seen acting ingame acted very engine-oriented. Both had in common that when they got cornered by other players, stepped into OOC and complained. The one of the two incidents i witnessed closer : The fleeing(but cornered) cultist got killed, then returned from the cross yelling around in a very childish manner trying to engine-push and hop his way through entrance-blocking characters.
When he was cornered and surrounded not only by the dwarves he fought, but also the town guard joined by a passing-by-mage who helped the guard and dwarves (in that case, my mage char. Yes, Damien sometimes shows up if there is trouble in the library ;)), he ooc-ly complained that binding his character with a rope while he was surrounded / petrified would be engine-abuse and "forced RP" - a term misuse that clearly shows that the player did not have an idea what "forced RP" really means.
Also, single members of the temple seem to pick some player groups as personal enemies (take Johann and the dwarves here) and even after they having been killed, return in the next or overnext day and just carry on annoying the same group again for revenge...

Both players - not characters - seemed to have the point of view that their characters had to "win" the conflict they caused. Which again is, in my view, a point of view that really disqualifies a player for rping a villain.

If such behaviour is tolerated or even encouraged in a player group, the whole group quickly has the image of being engine-loving PK kids who don't play for the fun of all, but to win at all cost and with every tool, even unnecessary OOC complaints.
Therefore and from what i saw, i do support Friedwulfa's answer.
The "villains" just become a group of players that developed annoying habits.

@Joxia : Depends on the guild leadership.
Kick people out who misbehave. If the leadership consists of the misbehaving people - don't join it and make an own group ;)

I'd even say : For an "evil" player group like a temple, restrict the allowed PKing to human sacrifices. Capture other chars, bring them to the temple place, and ghost them there in some ritual thingy. They can return from the crosses later, but you will get rid of the "bad rped nice-guy kiddy-necromancers from the neighbourhood"-image.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:26 pm
by nmaguire
I don't think certain players in the temple (to be quite honest, I'm not sure who you mean, but then again I haven't met everyone in the temple :P) are the only ones that are prone to complaining OOC for no reason. I'm looking at a certain group of players that play dwarves and reside in Silverbrand :)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:32 pm
by Kamilar
This begins to sound like something that should not be discussed in a public forum. I'd say any complaints you have to make about another player's roleplay, regardless of guild affiliation, should be handled appropriately and not aired on the boards. Any particular advice for another player is probably best left to PMs.

Flame on.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:33 pm
by Damien
I can only say what i saw. Anyhow, the complainer-dwarf/mage-player doesn't play illarion anymore. And the only ones using OOC at all in the two incidents i witnessed were the temple guys, not the dwarves.
Of course i have to add that i was not close enough to the happenings to hear whispered stuff, only shouted and spoken things.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:34 pm
by Kamilar
*coughs, pointing to her previous post*

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:38 pm
by Damien
That's no flame. I am stating what i saw and what impression these happenings left. Plus it's not about the RP of the people, but about how the ones i saw did not RP, or more like, fell out of the RP as soon as their characters stopped "winning" while playing in a way that could only lead to that situation.

And that is very well a point that deserves public notice. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:38 pm
by nmaguire
Damien wrote:I can only say what i saw. Anyhow, the complainer-dwarf/mage-player doesn't play illarion anymore. And the only ones using OOC at all in the two incidents i witnessed were the temple guys, not the dwarves.
Of course i have to add that i was not close enough to the happenings to hear whispered stuff, only shouted and spoken things.
I wasn't talking about whatever incident you were at, it's something different entirely that happened a good while back. You simply touched a nerve.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:40 pm
by Achae Eanstray
What projects are you talking of, and if you want to know about the temple, why not ask a char ig that is a member of the temple about it, or ask other chars ig what they think of the temple? If you want to know what players think of the temple, IMO that shouldn't matter to in-game play.

quoting Kamilar:
Flame on.
edited to add: I think the temple is actually one of the successful guilds on Illa.. look at all the ones you barely see/hear of and others that come and go. If there is a problem with this guild possibly discuss with the guild members directly. If there is a general problem with PKing in game possibly suggest an alternate proposal *shrugs*

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:42 pm
by Kamilar
Damien, I agree that the general behavior deserves public discussion. I think where you crossed the line was in bringing in the particular details of the incident. Those details destroy the greater purpose of the discussion and make your points murky and flame-worthy.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:06 pm
by Richter Brown
Sorry Damien, but you are wrong. Please dont drag Johann into any OOC Situation.
Johann is no PK Char. No, he is a char getting PKed once a weak. Mostly without any emote.
And no, Johann didnt pick some personal enemies. But he was attacked and robbed several times by some dwarfes, and all he tried to was to get his robbed stuff back. So the dwarfes attacked, because they think"TEMPLE = BAD = KILL ALL"
So please do not call me a PK Player. Thank you.