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The Wolf Pack

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:24 pm
by Donatelo

Bevare creatures of gobaith... The Pack is here!

Our goal is simple.... to stop the creature population's growing and to help the towns


Our Pack Leaders and Wolf Lord will wear black coats, our First Wolfs will wear black robes, our Scouts will
wear green robes and the Wolfs will wear grey coats that the pack will provide them with.
The Wolf Lord is the leader of all the members.
The Pack Leaders lead a pack each and talks with the Lord about any action they do with the pack like disbanding a member, or go hunting in large groups.
First Wolfs get the comand of the pack only if the Pack Leader dies or cant come to a battle. There is only one First Wolf in a pack.
Scouts are some of the most important members with only two Scouts in a pack. They go in the woods and see what dangers there are and then report.
Wolf is the lower rank, they obey only the Wolf Lord or the Pack Leader they cant be ordered by Scouts.

Wolf Lord
Don Andrew

The White Pack:

Pack Leader

First Wolf

Dahinar Sharpeye

Arach Dynck
Mibus Veset
Mandrel Renoe

Anyone willing to join no matter the profession send me a letter.


1 If Anyone Betrays us he will be hunted, killed and his meat fed to the wolves
2 If a Pack Leader decides to disband a member then he must talk to the Wolf Lord first
3 If the members of a pack dont like the Leader there must be made three complaints from three different members to the Wolf Lord
4 Stealing from the pack results in getting disbanded and in cutting a finger off
5 Every donation will be made too the Wolf Lord
6 Every member will be helped if needed
7 When hunting with the pack the higher rank gets the loot then splits it, no pack hunt will be made without the autorisation of the Wolf Lord

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:39 pm
by Donatelo
We will hold a meeting in five days for any details send me a letter.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:00 pm
by Donatelo
The meeting will begin in a few minutes now.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:01 pm
by Ranwyln
Translation in to Old Language for Don:

Nehmt euch in acht, ihr Monster von Gobaith...das Wolfsrudel ist auf der Jagd!!

Unser Ziel: Die Monster die über die Inseln wandeln aufzuhalten und die Städte die bedroht werden zu schützen.

Ränge und Mitglieder
Die Alpha Wölfe und der "König" der Wölfe tragen schwarze Umhänge...
Die Wölfe im Rang nach den Alpha Wölfen (pro Rudel einer " Beta Wölfe") tragen eine schwarze Robe
Die Jäger und Sucher werden Grüne Roben tragen......
Die restlichen Wölfe werden in Graue Umhänge gewandet sein....welche ihnen durch das Rudel gestellt werden....

Der oberste Wolf ( Wolf Lord) ist der Anführer aller anderen Wölfe.
Jedes andere Alpha Tier (Pack Leader) führt ein Rudel an und muss mit dem Wolf Lord absprechen... z.b. jemanden aus dem Rudel auszustossen oder in grösseren Rudeln zu jagen.

Beta Wölfe übernehmen das Kommando über das Rudel, sobald ihr Alpha Wolf gestorben ist oder nicht am Kampf teilnehmen kann. Es gibt pro Rudel nur einen Beta Wolf.

Unsere Späher und Jäger sind der wichtigste bestandsteil eines Rudels, da wir maximal zwei in einem Rudel haben. Sie gehen in die Wälder und Felder und suchen nach Gefahren, welche bestehen, die sie unmittelbar ihrem Rudel mitteilen.

Normale Wölfe müssen dem "König der Wölfe" folgen, ebenso den Alpha Männchen der Rudel...sie dürfen nicht von den Spähern und Jägern des Stammes Befehle empfangen.

Wolf Lord (König der Wölfe)
Don Andrew

Das Schwarze Rudel:

Alpha Wolf: Kulak

Beta Wolf: (offen)

Späher/Jäger: (offen/offen)

Wölfe: Morbius;Wuelfgar

Das weisse Rudel

Alpha Wolf: Ranwyln

Beta Wolf: (offen)

Späher/Jäger: Dahinar Sharpeye / offen

Wölfe: Arach Dynck

Jeder der uns beitreten will egal welcher Berufs- oder Glaubensrichtung schicke bitte eine Taube an Don Andrews.

1. Jeder der uns betrügt, hintergeht oder anderweitig Schaden zufügt wird gejagdt werden, sein Fleisch wird an unsere Welpen verfüttert auf dass sie Gross und Stark werden.

2. Falls ein Alpha Wolf ein Mitglied verbannen will ,muss er dies erst mit dem König der Wölfe absprechen

3. Falls die Mitglieder eines Rudels mit ihrem Alpha-Tier nicht einverstanden sind, müssen mindesten drei Beschwerden von verschiedenen Wölfen bei dem König eingegangen sein (unabhängig von ihrem Rang)

4. Sollte ein Wolf von einem anderen etwas stehlen, wird es mit dem abhacken eines Fingers und der Verbannnung aus dem Rudel geahndet

5.Jede Spende für das Rudel wird direkt an unsere "König" geschickt oder persönlich gegeben

6. Jedem unserer Wölfe wird geholfen wenn benötigt

7. Falls im Rudel gejagt wird, nimmt das Ranghöchste Mitglied alle erbeuteten Dinge ansich und verteilt sie innerhalb des Rudels, für eine Jagd muss es erst die Erlaubniss unseres "Königs" erhalten..ebenso übernimmt natürlich auch der Anführer der Rudel Jagd in diesem Falle die Verantwortung

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:29 am
by Donatelo
I will need reports of the creatures in the following areas:

Goblin camp
Gnoll Camp
Dragon Cave

I will give the members who help the pack very much gifts, so you dont move all that way for nothing.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:44 pm
by Orc Nation
Wolf Pack,

meh read joo boards and see dat joo target creatures and help protect towns. Dis noble cause but da first three creatures on list Goblins, Gnolls and Dragons have history and troubles wid dem.

Da Gnolls are protected by Nordmark. Better ask dem first unless joo want to be sleeping wid da fishes! Our barbarian brothers nub so kind as us!

Da Dragons are protected by Mages and powerful people ob Gobaith. Dey attacked and killed many people ob Trollsbane a few years ago becuse dey were getting attacked. Better to leave dem alone.

Da Goblins are cousins ob da Orcs. Weh feel partial to dem. Weh use dem for labor, slaves and other dings. It different when weh attack dem, but when outsiders attack dem, weh get upset. If joo plan to wipe dem out, weh hab issue wid dat.

Better to pick skeletons or mummies as first choices, keh?

~Krull Karfang, Chief

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:08 pm
by 1d20
A finely scribed note is left under the remaining parchments.

Greetings "Wolf Pack",

I understand and appreciate your cause and efforts, but as the above parchment, let me warn you about dragons.

The Magic Academy of Gobaith, in the past, declared hostile he and any who brought harm to dragons as people were grouping in fighting parties and making their way down the dragons' lairs to assault them over and over again in hopes to find great loot. The dragons, being ancient, intelligent and respectable creatures could not bear with losing their offspring anymore and revolted. They begun attacking and menacing Troll's Bane and other important towns of Gobaith. As such, all mages of the Academy were strictly forbidden to assault a dragon and we do our best to stop harm coming from them - we know better. If you cherish your life, leave dragons alone.

"Bastardized" dragons that tenaciously refuse to let go of your treasures, however, are a different story. Shall you find a treasure map, where said treasure is buried somewhere completely unrelated to dragons' realm or generally known habitat, yet some creatures (including or not dragons) decided to possess the treasure, by all means feel free to defend yourself for what is yours.

Do not go hunting dragons however, especially not in their cave, heed my word. I will share the information of what's in the cave myself if so you wish, rather than you sending a few rookies down there to get mauled.

- Blake Thorn

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:04 am
by Donatelo
Dont worry....we wont kill anything.... we just wanna see how many creatures are there... as for the dragons, can you tell me whats down there? Would really help.... as I sayd...we wont kill any creature yet... and if we do il ask for permission from the guilds. And one more thing... please to all the guilds .... dont kill all the wolves like that..... in the troll woods its just a wolf there...I scouted two weeks ago... now i ask for permission from Nordmark to let us see how many gnolls are there.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:14 am
by Donatelo
For the atack... we will meet at the hospital before the atack and then stay in formation when fighting the salkmaerians. May the gods help us all.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:59 pm
by Ranwyln the ruins in the south of the goblins hidden in the woods their are normally around two or three Goblin thieves and four to five Goblin careful they are agressive i just wanted to count them when they attacked the west of it short before the northmark you can find a gnoll camp..with some gnoll warriors and normal gnolls....

Friendly Greetings Ranwyln...

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:15 pm
by 1d20
There is no way you will venture in the Dragon's cave without attacking something. As soon as you set foot in there, you'll be attacked by its guardians in an attempt to get you out. It's only natural you draw blade to defend yourself.

Just don't go down there, come meet me and I'll tell you what you need to know.

Blake Thorn

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:25 pm
by Kranek
A nordic hunter reads the board, frowns and walks back to Nordmark...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:59 pm
by Donatelo
All members of the pack shall get proper equipment at the next meeting if they show up. We will arrange a meeting as soon as Mas will pass.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:09 am
by Donatelo
I had lots of things on my mind...and need too clear il meditate and train some good my absence I will apoint Ranwyln as leader...please arrange a meeting soon Ranwyln, and train with the boys.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew


Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:03 pm
by Ranwyln
i refuse to be leader or the one named....the prince fighted an honored battle...i will from now on support him to get my kid and wife to live a life in freedom and savety

we lost the battle and it was an honored one....we fighted...we lost...
keep it as it was...

The guy writing for Ranwyln...

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:24 pm
by Donatelo
due to the loss of black pack leader kulak...and many other members we now have just the white pack.

Don Andrew-Wolf Lord

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:53 pm
by Donatelo
To all the members, if you need armors, weapons or any type of equipment please send a dove to Skull'Fed
((board name)) he shall supply you with anything you need.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:43 pm
by Donatelo
Since the leader of the white pack Ranwyln is on the main land for some time, I name Mibus Veset as the temporary leader.

Wolf Lord-Don Andrew

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:28 pm
by Skull'Fed
Meh hab the shaduwarmors fur the folowing memburs:

Mibus Veset
Dahinar Sharpeye

Meh gib armur when meh see yoos next tiem.

Skull'Fed-First Wolf

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:47 pm
by Donatelo
Please welcome Zytion as our newest member. He will learn to be a medico and will help with our injured.
Good to have you on our side.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:44 am
by Donatelo
To all of you. We have an emergency in the south woods. Send me wolfs for more information.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:31 pm
by Donatelo
Thanks to all our members in the south woods who helped out, and they also got promoted:

Skull'Fed-White pack leader since Mibus left the island and Ranwyln hasnt showed up for some time
Banestone-First Wolf since Fed has been promoted
Zytion-Scout since jack hasn't showed up for some time

Also I wish to thank Melodia, Celdea, Rukka, Deschiri and anyone who helped the pack clear the South Woods of the vermin.

Here I give the evaluation of the battle:

Enemy casualties: 5 Liches
3 ghost skeletons
1 beholder
50-60 skeletons
3-6 red skeletons

Our casualties: None thanks to Melodia and Celdea

Don Andrew-Wolf Lord

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:36 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Rukka tank joo for shiny shadowplate armour joo going gibe her for help.


Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:33 pm
by Donatelo
Atention brothers, a necromancer atacked Bane this night and was not killed. This 'Lich' is immune to magic. I believe he shall return one night of Mas, and it is our duty to clear the world of this vermin. I hope most of you will be able to present themselves in Bane at night, because only then he comes atacking. I shall try and stay the following Mas nights in Bane.

Don Andrew-Wolf Lord


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:22 am
by Derion
Don Sir i must speake whit you please.

~ Laros

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:48 pm
by Alexander Knight
Don Andrews.
I wish to join your pack. Through the years we have fought beside each other through countless battles, so as you know I am an able bodied fighter and can take on the undead vermin they call the demon skeletons, wearing only my chainmail with little or no trouble at all.
I will await your reply

~Alexander Knight

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:55 pm
by Donatelo
A small note was pinned by a woman on the board

Don Andrew is dead, the new leader of the pack is Mandrel Renoe.

The note is left unsigned