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An open letter on the Trolls Bane Announcements

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:58 pm
by Lennier
Dear Archduchess Joxia Doral of the Trolls Bane Territories, dear scholars of Gobaiths history,

I am sad, really sad that i can not answer a simple question. A question that i ask me myself since some years regulary. Maybe you can tell me why i am the only one, who can remember on the happen of the past? Why it seems, i am the only one on this isle who can not forget? Okay, that are two questions.

It is an illness of this world or of my mind?

Maybe, your servants will find a document that was announced by the Lord Edward Cromwell. It was published years ago, when he was the only ruler of the town in position of a governor.

With this document he gave me the status to be "resident of Trolls Bane for lifetime". A really honorable gift to me as a little thank for my little support to this town in the past...

Tell me an old man, who persists on his past. And yes, i am. But i am still alive and it makes me sad in a corious kind to see now, that it seems that someone thinks in other way about my state of health.

Or maybe i am also only a forgotten relitc of the past, forgotten by all, but not by my self? I tend to belief the only consistency in the politic of Trolls Bane is to have no consistency.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:13 pm
by Joxia Doral

I was not aware of such a document. It will be my pleasure though to add you back on to the citizens list.

~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 11:10 pm
by Lennier
A new paper is pinned on the announcements of Troll's Bane

Dear Archduchess Joxia Doral of the Troll's Bane Territories, dear citizens...

I am really surprised in a corious kind about your honorable step to hand me all rights as a "full" citizen of Troll's Bane. I thank you. You will see my old mind will remember you on some more, that will helps to get back a situation of law and order in your town.

Maybe your scholars also remember why the contracts between the Grey Orders of the Grey Refuge and Troll's Bane are lost?

Maybe they will find out that a case of violence by your wellknown Dain Laiden in year 23 (he was member of the Town Guard to this time) leaded to the situation, that the contract was broken, in which both sides agreed with the souvereign right each other without any exception.

Until now this case is not clearified. Maybe, as citizen of Troll's Bane i could use my right now to charge Dain Laiden to had acted against high priority rights, maybe to had acted in high treason against Troll's Banes advantage, because by this Trolls Bane lost its oldest alliance partners - The Grey Orders - in official matter?

You should know, that i am still interested on what happens in the town. And for all times - as long as i am the Souvereign - unarmed, harmless and not criminal citizens will find a Refuge in our castle.

But maybe we should use the current situation as a possibility to change the situation, to rebuild old contracts and to speak right about old crimes...

Let me know your answer

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose
Citizen of Troll's Bane~

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 10:45 pm
by Lennier
Dear citizens, dear archduchess

I hope your archduchess goes well. Three days are gone without that i got any answer at my last open letter. Not on private way, not here. But okay, maybe the answer was removed by anyone else before i got chance to read. Maybe the dove was last in the last storm. It that is how its happened, please i beg you for a copy of the answer of the archduchess or her secretary.

Or maybe.. sure! Of course. The archduchess is as busy as i am usually, and i have to wait a bit. True, but i would be glad about a short notice, that the case is in internal process, and that a decision is made soon.

If nothing happens, i am sure, that the archduchess agrees with me, as loyal citizen of this town and its citizenry and as old friend of this town and its oldest alliance partner, that i will continue in reclaiming the chaotic past to a legetime situation with her passive agreement.

Different papers are in preparation.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose
Citizen of Troll's Bane~

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:25 pm
by Lennier
Citizens, nobles of this town.

I need to talk about my respect for Archduchess Joxia Doral.

I was glad to see that my letters seemed to be successfull. It only needed hours that the Lord of 'our' town found the way to the Grey Refuge to talk with me in a diplomatic matter.

I was surprised about that she signed a document to take over charge about all activities of her goverment and all the nobles which stay in her order.

With that the way would be open now, to talk about the old proclamation contract of friendship and respect between Troll's Bane and the Grey Orders of the Grey Refuge.

This contract is basement to make it easier for us to let stay open the Grey Refuge as refuge for all harmess citizens in cases of trouble in town, also a basement to can repair the bridge again, which is so much needed for the town, not only to can reach the only free coal mine in north.

I hope that the diplomatic talks in this direction can be continued soon. News of the town shows me, that the Archduchess is very busy as i am in most time. Lots of tasks need to be solved, to prevent that the town falls down in chaos again. So propably it will take some time before the talks can be taken up again.

With some interest, for example, i noticed the trouble between the Archbishop, also as noble of Troll's Bane and the Knights of Gobaith as long time allies of the town.

But I am sure that the Archduchess will solve this problem like she handled other things in past too. She can be sure about my respect for her work. I will wait paitiently and ready will take care for the material to can repair the bridge until we can take up our talks again.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose
Citizen of Troll's Bane~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:55 pm
by Lennier

I am in fear about you and our archduchess. What did you do with your dearest archduchess? She seems to be in unhealthy stress because of too much trouble with you. So much stress that she can not react on real important issues.

Sure, not everything goes well. Lots of things need to be solved. And i see, lots of you are not satisfied about the current situation.

But to say the archduchess is the only who can do something is wrong. To say that only the archduchess is in charge is wrong. How this young woman could be in charge for the whole trouble of this isle? What she did? Remember, she is elected by the nobles of your town.

I warn you! Serious, i warn you. Do not let overwork her until she is broken under your feets in this situation. Do not harm her with issues, that could be solved by yourself.

If you want a change in Troll's Bane take up yourself and your voice. Work for this town on side of the goverment. I am sure the archduchess and all nobles agree with volunteers, who are in will to overtake some work under their leadership.

If you dont like to have to work on this community youself, i also have an advice: Leave this town! I am sure that anywhere else freethinker and other trouble makers like some of you also will find a place. Maybe Varshikar - in historical view a perfect place of anti-authoritarical teached people.

I hope you will listen so that the archduchess can find some peacefull moments now. For example to can concentrate on her real work. Since my last meeting with her important contracts wait to get signed by her. Important contracts - the contracts of friendship and respect of souvereign rights between Troll's Bane and the Grey Orders of the Grey Refuge. Maybe some few who read my public letters will remember. These contracts are a condition to can repair the bridge to the north.

These materials are ready stored. They only wait to get used. As i promised, i will repair this bridge on my costs. But i am not in will to do this without to be saved by the contracts. Protected by the Archduchess against violence of some few troublemakers.

So, give a chance that the archduchess can do her job. Do not interfere her with your puerility!

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose
Citizen of Troll's Bane~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:22 pm
by Joxia Doral
Dear Lennier,

Let me begin with an appology for my lack of response but as you know and understand there are many duties to see to. Also Lord Verdazar was called away from the island and will be returning in a few more days. It was my impression that an oath from him was also important to you before the repairs to the bridge would be made. I have signed the contract. I have been waiting on his return so that the issue with him could also be resolved. I have sent my bird in your direction with the signed papers so that you will know that the friendship of the Rose is an important one to Trolls Bane. I hope to see you in person to continue our talks very soon.

Thank you for your kind words and support.
~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:04 am
by Deuce
A red cloaked cyan knight rides by, shooting a flaming arrow into the board with parchment attached.


It would seem in your old age, old man, that your judgement is blinded.

Why blame the lack of anything happening on the people, and not where the finger of blame must rightfully be pointed.

I fear, old man, that you use the fact of her age and genetic build up to blind you from the fact that she is as able, and as able as any, to bring this city out of the mud. For never did I see such excuses being blanketed over the likes of Siltaris, or Jorokar. I ask that you think of these words, and understand in your withered mind that the people need someone to be strong, when others ard not. Someone to take on the responsabilty that has been handed upon them.

People should not hide their problems and keep their mouths closed, they should do the opposite infact. And if so be it the the archduchess cannot deal with such stresses, then perhaps she be in the wrong profession.

Any with a brain can stick by their priorities. And if one problem seems insignificant to the other, then it should be lower priority, but in no case thrown away.

You blame the people. I blame people like you.

For I am
~Voice of reason
~Bringer of justice
~Fighter of evil
~Voice of the people.