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Law and Order

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:32 pm
by Lennier
Lord Malachin, what happenes on this isle? To where you are gone? Why you left us? The circle of violence goes faster more and more. It is like the days of mas would be the whole year now instead of few days in end of the year.

Troll's Bane and Silverbrand are in war against each other. War that could spread about all communities now. War that was not wanted by anyone except of them who follows the Lord of Blood. Gobaith, you became victim of them. Now you are only hostage of the law of the jungle.

Where are your men and womens? Where are your great leaders? I only can see fear in the eyes of the people. Fear, anger and hate. Gobaith, where are the results of your history? To where all the good privilegs of the time of peace and law are gone?

Once ago i was member of the Lyrenzia Foundation. I was leader of Troll's Bane to a time, when citizens were able to take their vote. We took care about the whole isle. We fought hordes of orcs, we fought demons and tyranns like Darlok. But my time is over. I am only an old man today, a relict of better times.

Troll's Bane, i only can charge you now. Cromwell did well, when he founded the current system of the archduchy. He did well with you and stabilized the chaotic situation of the past. But now it seems you are leaded by wrong, weak persons.

Noble men and women, i ask you: Who are you? What do you want? What did you do to save your people? What did you do to keep the rights of Troll's Bane citizens?

Your laws are laws of nobles. Nobles take care for nobles. Your laws decide about everything in this matter, but not about the rights of your people. I ask you. What happened? Citizens, you are ruled. But where are your rights?

In the last days the top of the development is reached, but noone of you asked for reasons.

How it can be possible, that few single events of minor priority lead to a war? What happened, that single leaders can raid neighbour towns and kidnap their leaders without that anyone charges them?

I only can see reasons why the dwarves has to be in anger against this town. Too much happened in few days, without that real leaders prevented the most worst happen.

Changce your ignorance. Once Trolls Bane and its neighbours gave the oath, that they will agree with the souvereign rights of each other.

It is the right of your neighbours to charge everyone on their reign, who acted against their laws. It is the right of your neighbours to find laws to save the privileges of their own people...

I ask again:

Why you raided Silverbrand?
Why you do not want, that the crimes get judged by Silverbrands court?
Why you place senseless sanction to push up the conflict?
Why you kidnapped the leader of Silverbrand?
Why the tavern is burnt down and not involved dwarves are hunted in center of your town?

Give answers that show, that your acting was right or make right decisions now to prevent more violence.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:39 pm
by masbut gobeer
Ich weiss keine besseren Worte als der ehrenwerte Grossmeister der Grauen Rose.

Alle Friedfertigen der Insel, vereinigt euch. Geht den Weg des zivilen Ungehorsams solange die Führer der Städte nicht wissen, was sich gehört.


Masbut Gobeer

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:45 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
A relic or not, Grandmaster Lennier, you words have always proven to be wise and with the best interests of the isle in mind. I can only hope that my bretheren in Trolls Bane will listen. Though I have been here long enough to realize that they most likely will not.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:15 pm
by Lrmy
Silverbrand has caused recent trouble with orcs, lizards and now Bane. Perhaps it is their own foolishness that gets them in these circumstances? Silverbrand's hazing of Bane's officials is nothing short of despicable. They are the ones who seem to need judgment.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge, Grandmaster of the Grey Rose, all powerful Lennier, maybe you should not be so hasty to accuse Bane of being in the wrong on all these points. I would have been surprised, but it is known that the two of you have had an alliance for some time.


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:24 pm
by Fooser
Cromwell did well, instead of a few rich leaders being inactive, we now have a dozen or so.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:45 am
by Zeshyrr
I recall vividly the days of the Lyrenzia Foundation. It was a decent era to be sure although it did have its shortcomings. The strong point of Lyrenzia came from the courts and judges that made Lyrenzia up. Nowadays you have many nobles and their henchmen, but no courts and judges. How can law and order be expected when the very people that write the law are non-existent?

Master Zesh

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:43 am
by Taylor
I have long wondered what has become of Bane and it's people. As have a few people. We have seen this isle become what it is, and what has changed seems to be for the worse. I have to agree with the words of my Brother in faith, Lennier.

You, the people of Bane, Have given up your voice in fear of turbulent times.

You, the people of Bane, Have accepted the words of men who wish only to further their own goals.

You, the people of Bane, Have accepted the judgements of those not in the guard or the courts. Giving out punishment that always fattens their coffers with silver.

You, the people of Bane, Have allowed a war to errupt, because of a Noble breaking anothers law in a town that has a treaty with bane. And when that town retaliates, you attack with blind vengeance without reason.

I ask you of Bane, to ask yourself. Where is all the coins that your nobles take go? Have you seen any of these coins go to you? Why have you started a war that is for the benefit of one Noble whom has never done anything for you? Why do you allow your commrades to become injured for a Nobles war?

Take grasp of your freedom. Take back your voice. Take back your pride.

I will not raise my blade in vengenace or Protection. I will not take sides in this war. I am not of any town, nor binded to any law. I live my life through my freedom. However, I will tell those of bane and Silverbrand alike. I will protect my masters shrine within the Grey Rose From both forces. I will shelter any who wish it from this war. I will treat both sides equally without judgement. No matter who it is.

I ask Grand Master Lennier to allow me to do so. And for his assistance in the task. In Malachin's name.

Taylor Windslasher
A Wolf Of Malachin

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:31 pm
by Pellandria
A serpent does bite another serpants tail in this case.

It is quiet amusing to read such words from someone who always was quick to create goverments, that were heavily rose influenced, the Triumvirat and the Lyrenzia goverment were no more than the Rose controlling Trollsbane, now that the rose is just a useless shadow of its former strength, a shattered and inactiv bunch of squieres and knights their only attempt to do any good is in the help of assaulting trollsbane?

Cromwell neither did any good, he was the one who spread Trollsbane, dividing it into the districts and electing people to nobles, he is the one who spread like a parasite inside a blighted body, without even being able to fight a small group of bandits.

Now I do ask, if someone poisions a river do you blame the water to be deadly or do you blame the one who poured the poision into the water to begin with.

Trollsbanes goverment is destroyed and divided, because of Cromwells actions, he made it possible, that people might abuse the system as it is.

Let the nobles, dwarves, the rose and the northmark all fight till they kill each other in the process, can just be better for everyone.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:36 pm
by Joxia Doral
*placed on the board by the Archduchess for Chancellor Verdazar*

Once more those who are least informed proclaim their opinions the loudest. I have kept my silence untill now in an effort to prevent this misunderstanding from becoming the incident we now find ourselves in. As such I feel it is time to write in defence of myself and my actions in order to allay the fears that some are determined to spread in their ignorance.

The chain of events that led to this encounter began when myself and by comrade were in search of the holy altar of Bragon. I had been told that the parish for this Elder was located in Silverbrand so we headed towards its halls in order to determine its whereabouts.

Upon arriving at the halls we found the gates were widely open, the guard either did not seem to notice or did not seem to care of our presence and although Amrothar swears blue we had enchanted her there was no magic involved in our entrance into Silverbrand. We merely passed through open gates in order to find its inhabitants that they may point us in the direction of the altar we sought. Myself and my comrade parted ways to cover more ground and upon regrouping I discovered he had encountered Amrothar in the main workshop. Amrothar had flown into some kind of rage at the presence of my comrade due to his orcen nature. I attempted to allay the Chancellors fears that Kravich was independent of the group that beseiged Silverbrand some weeks prior. However in his anger Amrothar insisted that the orc be arrested untill I could provide proof that he was not a member of the clan. Naturally I disagreed with such racist thinking and insisted we be allowed to go our own way. Amrothar once more refused and so I was forced to paralyse the chancellor as we fled for the surface.

Once the magic had been worn from Amrothars body he gave chase, to which I responded by creating a stone wall across the corridor, a measure allowing us time to escape Amrothars madness and return to bane. The irony of this is of course that Bragon's Altar is not located in Silverbrand at all. I believe I was justified in defending myself and my comrade in such a way against Amrothar's insanity. I endeavoured to use the most peaceful means I could to flee the city when it would have been as easy to slay Amrothar on the spot. As we left Amrothar made clear his intentions to hunt us down wherever we may reside on the isle.

Presumably such restraint was an insult to Amrothar and he proceeded to issue a warrant for our arrest, concocting this much embellished and exaggerated account you have all come to read. In response I enacted an emergency measure preventing dwarven entry into my land. This was a precaution against any warriors Amrothar may send to slip a knife into our backs. I believe I was justified in acting in such a way as to ensure our continued health and freedom.

After a period of time we learnt that Amrothar planned an attack on the town of Trollsbane as the officials there had rightly decided to help defend us against Silverbrands aggression. Myself and Kravich resolved to prevent such an event coming to pass and so headed back to Silverbrand. Once more the doors were wide open and so we came to be in the hallways above the main workshop at which time we encounted Amrothar and began to speak with him. We implored him to call off his senseless hunt for us so that we may return to peace. He refused insisting that we be imprisoned for bewitching the event entirely false in itself. Knowing that we could gain no sense from Amrothar we endeavoured to prevent the conflict spilling into open war with Trollsbane.

And so we came to kidnap the Chancellor and bring him away from his armies. Without their leader they would pause before attack, something which would give us time to find a peaceful resolution that did not involve innocent citizens of either town. In the chaos that ensued two dwarves were injured and Irma was, regrettably, slain. At the gate were two humans who had come to aid Amrothar, but upon seeing his madness aided us in taking him to the hospital in Bane where he could rest his injuries and be spoken with once more. Again I believe I am justified in the restraint that was shown to Amrothar, what could easily have been an assassination was resolved by sparing the chancellors life.

Unfortunately Amrothar managed to escape. Presumably as we had decided to hold him somewhere his injuries could be treated, rather than throwing him in a cold cell. Upon returning to Silverbrand he rallied his forces and came to the gates of Trollsbane with an army and unreasonable demands of the Archduchess. The events from here on should be clear to all. The dwarves suffered a crippling defeat and yet still resolved to continue a conflict despite our calls for peace.

I hope only that this conflict can be resolved peacefully and without further bloodshed. Amrothar has cleared displayed a worrying preference towards violence, refusing on many occasions to call an end to this rediculous incident. If this issue cannot be resolved in such a civilised manner then I implore Amrothar to direct his attentions away from the town as a whole. If his anger is directed towards myself then so be it, but I do not wish for civilians to be brought in dangers way by means of his madness.

Yours In Faith,
Chancellor Verdazar

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:52 pm
by Boindil
It seems like the whole story gets even more worse from day to day!

I'm not interested in knowing who is right, Amrothar or Verdazar.
Both of them acted false, who acted first isn't of interest either!
The only thing that is important, Silverbrand and Trolls Bane are acting damn stupid!

The nobles of Trolls Bane are to prideful and blind to see the faults that Verdazar did and Silverbrand's Chancellor is to incapable te recognize that his war will destroy everything the founder of Silverbrand worked for.

Let's talk openly, Silverbrand and all of his allies are to weak to defeat Trolls Bane alone and it's even more unable to defeat Trolls Bane AND it's allies. Every guild or settlement which had fought on Silverbrands side consists of soft, misguided fools! And I know what I'm talking about!

And what about Trolls Bane? It's a city full of nobles which are hunting for power and their own well-being, and citizen which have no rights. These swell leader of every part of Trolls Bane will never give away anything of their power they are holding on their land! It senseless!

The war between both factions will never come to an end which is fine for both of them. I'm calling to Joxia and Amrothar, stop that nonsense and get back to peaceful negotiations!

May, someone will write now that myself took part at the first battle at the side of Silverbrand and I have to say "Aye". I thought I'm right in helping the ones, which I was calling brothers and sisters a long time before. But now I know that I was terrible wrong in doing so!
I've seen what happend to Silverbrand and what kind of foolish dwarves still living there, not any longer worth to be called "Dwarf".

I'll apologize myself for stroking down two of the fighters of Trolls Bane, I'm also apologizing for the doings of Silverbrand. I can't turn back time, but from this moment on, I won't any longer take part in this case!
At least I'm hoping this will end in peace, soon and didn't became a matter which could destroy not only Silverbrand or Trolls Bane but whole Gobaith!

~Boindil Silverblade~
~Heir of Friedwulfa Silverblade, Queen of Silverbrand~

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:36 pm
by masbut gobeer

eigentlich wäre es wohl das beste, wenn die Betroffenen sich solange schlagen bis einer siegt oder bis beide tot sind.

mögen sich doch diese Erzherzogin Joxia und dieser Kanzeler Armothar gegenseitig solange die Köpfe einschlagen bis wieder Ruhe einkehrt.


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:29 am
by Thanseus Valerian
Etwas ähnliches findet doch gerade statt, und ihre Fäusre sind niemand anderes als wir.
Unsigniert aber in der Schrift lassen sich Anzeichen zwergsicher Runen erkennen

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:44 am
by Damien
In a conflict like this, it is not likely that there will be a real winner in the end.

If the price for a battle is pride, many fools fight for the cause of two.


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:03 am
by Bane
a newspaper article like text is attached to the board

Trolls Bane. A few days ago the officials of Troll's Bane succeeded in a major strike against the drunkards of the whole island, despite the recent conflict with the dwarves of Silverbrand.

Although some people pretend the tavern was burned down as a reaction to the recent dwarf-crisis, it is more likely the destruction of it was an open declaration of war against all beer lovers.
„Why should the government burn down the tavern, a place of rest and joy used by all races and people on the island, especially by the people of Troll's Bane itself?“, a local clearly stated as a rethorical question. Indeed the tavern is the least military building in the whole area and common war tactics do not include burning down pubs when starting a war, but rather to booze inside of them.

When a Troll's Bane official was confronted with the question why exactly the tavern was burned to the ground, he quickly admitted the true plot behind it. „We seized the tavern to fight the hordes of bummers in town. We have to bear not having a place to go and relax after work for the sake of fighting the alcoholics which have recerntly become a serious threat. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Silverbrand issue.“
„Arrrrr! Bloody hell!“ said Borgate, the barkeep of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern. He also thinks that Adron might be quite pissed a place of worship was destructed. A homeless man who is even more homeless now since he used to sleep under the tables of tavern condemned the actions of Troll's Bane and went to the High Judge. Political observers expect judgment soon. „We think that the sentence will be the destruction of the workshop. The bummers lost their place to drink, now the working class has to lose their place to craft.“ said one of them. „It would fit to the sense of justice recently displayed by many parties of the island“
Not to forget that there is still a dwarf inhabiting the workshop...

the article remains unsigned

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:36 pm
by Kranek
a small parchment is pinned on the board

There is still a tavern in the north welcoming all beerlovers!

The parchment is signed with a beermug

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:27 pm
by Djironnyma
There is a small comment written in elfen language under the offer:

"All" - except elves - and all other races if they are able to cast, or if they can count until 3.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:25 pm
by Lennier
Some questions are not answered and propably - sadly - it never will change. But in matter of the current situation following decision we have to announce:

In name of the autonome territory of the Grey Orders and also in name of Djironnyma, master of the Varshikar University i declare, that our both communities will not be part of this conflict between Trolls Bane and Silverbrand.

Noone should try to take up our communites for his own goals. We will not interefere as long as the parties will accept our neutral position.

We see, that we can not answer the questions about how this conflict began and how it can be solved. Noone seems to be innocent. But on both sides we have friends, which are harmed by the curel use of violence.

We offer both parties to stay in constructive talk with each other on neutral space like the Grey Refuge. We still hope that an open war can be prevented.

Innocent people of both sides may find a refuge of peace in our castles. The 'Grey Refuge' and the 'Homestead of Varshikar' are open to take up unarmed victims of this conflict, as long as they are not followers of the unspeakable lord of blood.

Furthermore i also agree with the offer of Taylor Windslasher. We will not tolerate that the shrine of Malachin will be used by the parties to worship the lord of honor because of base motives of own and personal goals.

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~


Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:48 pm
by Joxia Doral
I for one thank your for wisdom in this decision And I hope to find a speedy and solid solution to this disruption in the peace.

~-~Archduchess Joxia Doral~-~

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:51 pm
by Eisenbein
Joxia Doral wrote:*placed on the board by the Archduchess for Chancellor Verdazar*

Once more those who are least informed proclaim their opinions the loudest. I have kept my silence untill now in an effort to prevent this misunderstanding from becoming the incident we now find ourselves in. As such I feel it is time to write in defence of myself and my actions in order to allay the fears that some are determined to spread in their ignorance.

The chain of events that led to this encounter began when myself and by comrade were in search of the holy altar of Bragon. I had been told that the parish for this Elder was located in Silverbrand so we headed towards its halls in order to determine its whereabouts.

Upon arriving at the halls we found the gates were widely open, the guard either did not seem to notice or did not seem to care of our presence and although Amrothar swears blue we had enchanted her there was no magic involved in our entrance into Silverbrand. We merely passed through open gates in order to find its inhabitants that they may point us in the direction of the altar we sought. Myself and my comrade parted ways to cover more ground and upon regrouping I discovered he had encountered Amrothar in the main workshop. Amrothar had flown into some kind of rage at the presence of my comrade due to his orcen nature. I attempted to allay the Chancellors fears that Kravich was independent of the group that beseiged Silverbrand some weeks prior. However in his anger Amrothar insisted that the orc be arrested untill I could provide proof that he was not a member of the clan. Naturally I disagreed with such racist thinking and insisted we be allowed to go our own way. Amrothar once more refused and so I was forced to paralyse the chancellor as we fled for the surface.

Once the magic had been worn from Amrothars body he gave chase, to which I responded by creating a stone wall across the corridor, a measure allowing us time to escape Amrothars madness and return to bane. The irony of this is of course that Bragon's Altar is not located in Silverbrand at all. I believe I was justified in defending myself and my comrade in such a way against Amrothar's insanity. I endeavoured to use the most peaceful means I could to flee the city when it would have been as easy to slay Amrothar on the spot. As we left Amrothar made clear his intentions to hunt us down wherever we may reside on the isle.

Presumably such restraint was an insult to Amrothar and he proceeded to issue a warrant for our arrest, concocting this much embellished and exaggerated account you have all come to read. In response I enacted an emergency measure preventing dwarven entry into my land. This was a precaution against any warriors Amrothar may send to slip a knife into our backs. I believe I was justified in acting in such a way as to ensure our continued health and freedom.

After a period of time we learnt that Amrothar planned an attack on the town of Trollsbane as the officials there had rightly decided to help defend us against Silverbrands aggression. Myself and Kravich resolved to prevent such an event coming to pass and so headed back to Silverbrand. Once more the doors were wide open and so we came to be in the hallways above the main workshop at which time we encounted Amrothar and began to speak with him. We implored him to call off his senseless hunt for us so that we may return to peace. He refused insisting that we be imprisoned for bewitching the event entirely false in itself. Knowing that we could gain no sense from Amrothar we endeavoured to prevent the conflict spilling into open war with Trollsbane.

And so we came to kidnap the Chancellor and bring him away from his armies. Without their leader they would pause before attack, something which would give us time to find a peaceful resolution that did not involve innocent citizens of either town. In the chaos that ensued two dwarves were injured and Irma was, regrettably, slain. At the gate were two humans who had come to aid Amrothar, but upon seeing his madness aided us in taking him to the hospital in Bane where he could rest his injuries and be spoken with once more. Again I believe I am justified in the restraint that was shown to Amrothar, what could easily have been an assassination was resolved by sparing the chancellors life.

Unfortunately Amrothar managed to escape. Presumably as we had decided to hold him somewhere his injuries could be treated, rather than throwing him in a cold cell. Upon returning to Silverbrand he rallied his forces and came to the gates of Trollsbane with an army and unreasonable demands of the Archduchess. The events from here on should be clear to all. The dwarves suffered a crippling defeat and yet still resolved to continue a conflict despite our calls for peace.

I hope only that this conflict can be resolved peacefully and without further bloodshed. Amrothar has cleared displayed a worrying preference towards violence, refusing on many occasions to call an end to this rediculous incident. If this issue cannot be resolved in such a civilised manner then I implore Amrothar to direct his attentions away from the town as a whole. If his anger is directed towards myself then so be it, but I do not wish for civilians to be brought in dangers way by means of his madness.

Yours In Faith,
Chancellor Verdazar
Chancellor Verdazar,

Of course I am careful about orcs snooping around in our halls. Who would not, after their attack some months before, which they started just for their fun? Of course I flow into rage when I see this, who would not? Maybe a person who didn’t see what the orcs did, just like they didn’t see what you did. Of course the result ist hat I want a proof from the orc that he isn’t one of these who live in the Northern mountains. Particularly after 3 of them fooled us by negating that they were one of them, and then we saw them raising their weapons against us when they suddenly attacked.
As long as you don’t understand this, Chancellor, don’t call me mad.

About the justifications of your doings: This is so ridiculous that I really hope the Trollsbaners don’t believe you. „Looking for an altar of Bragon“. Since the foundation of Silverbrand the dwarves there always prayed to Irmorom, father of all dwarves and the smith of the world. They only built their altars and temples for him. This is general knowledge on Gobaith, and if you don’t know that I’m wondering about what the title of Chancellor counts in Trollsbane. It apparently gets thrown to anyone coming around at the seahorse randomly.

„The gates were widely open.“ Look at my explanation about orcs, the guard would never open the gates for them. This is so obvious that only a fool could think different.

Even if it WERE different, I offered you a fair judgement, but you refused to attend it and simply declared to kill any dwarf coming near to you. This is very mature, aye.

At this I have to swear that I never planned an attack on Trollsbane. At the day of the battle I planned to talk to you one last time. I planned to tell you the (absolutely justified) requirements to solve this conflict peaceful, but my scouts reported me that you closed all your gates and an army stood at them. So I took some (voluntarily joined) companions with me to ensure that I don’t get captured again like Verdazar did the day before. These companions should also help me if you weren’t about to solve the conflict peaceful.
This should mean I never took an army to Trollsbane and I never planned to attack it. It was the last try to solve it peaceful and YOU stood with battlemages and warriors against me and my companions.

Verdazar shot a fireball from one step distance direct into my stomach. This is the reason because he took me to the hospital, otherwise I would have died. Not because he didn’t want to put me into a cold cell. He couldn’t afford letting me die.

Your calls for peace were ridiculous, you treated dwarves even more and more unfair. You even began treating dwarves who weren’t citizens of Silverbrand like this.

I don’t target civilians and I don’t let them suffer. If you mean things like cutting fingers off little girl’s hands, then think about WHO lets civilians suffer. I’m not the king of Silverbrand, so I do not order the dwarves completely, although I could. My brothers standing on my side fight this war with me because they believe in the same things as I do. If they weren’t agreed with my doings they would tell me and they would be allowed to do so.
Boindil wrote:It seems like the whole story gets even more worse from day to day!

I'm not interested in knowing who is right, Amrothar or Verdazar.
Both of them acted false, who acted first isn't of interest either!
The only thing that is important, Silverbrand and Trolls Bane are acting damn stupid!

The nobles of Trolls Bane are to prideful and blind to see the faults that Verdazar did and Silverbrand's Chancellor is to incapable te recognize that his war will destroy everything the founder of Silverbrand worked for.

Let's talk openly, Silverbrand and all of his allies are to weak to defeat Trolls Bane alone and it's even more unable to defeat Trolls Bane AND it's allies. Every guild or settlement which had fought on Silverbrands side consists of soft, misguided fools! And I know what I'm talking about!

And what about Trolls Bane? It's a city full of nobles which are hunting for power and their own well-being, and citizen which have no rights. These swell leader of every part of Trolls Bane will never give away anything of their power they are holding on their land! It senseless!

The war between both factions will never come to an end which is fine for both of them. I'm calling to Joxia and Amrothar, stop that nonsense and get back to peaceful negotiations!

May, someone will write now that myself took part at the first battle at the side of Silverbrand and I have to say "Aye". I thought I'm right in helping the ones, which I was calling brothers and sisters a long time before. But now I know that I was terrible wrong in doing so!
I've seen what happend to Silverbrand and what kind of foolish dwarves still living there, not any longer worth to be called "Dwarf".

I'll apologize myself for stroking down two of the fighters of Trolls Bane, I'm also apologizing for the doings of Silverbrand. I can't turn back time, but from this moment on, I won't any longer take part in this case!
At least I'm hoping this will end in peace, soon and didn't became a matter which could destroy not only Silverbrand or Trolls Bane but whole Gobaith!

~Boindil Silverblade~
~Heir of Friedwulfa Silverblade, Queen of Silverbrand~
Boindil Silverblade, the godforsaken has spoken.
I do not lead Silverbrand into it’s own death, no. I tried all I could to make new trade relations, a better and more pleasant life in Silverbrand, I trained the dwarves as good as I could and I hold more festivals than there were the last three years in Silverbrand.

You betrayed our father and Silverbrand.
You might call us weak, but we’ll see how this war ends.

Joxia Doral, don't act like the Archduchess who now wants a peaceful end of this conflict. I told you the possibility, but you didn't use it.

To all the cowards, staying neutral fanaticly:
I don’t see the reason why you want to let a cultist gain control of Trollsbane, the capital of Gobaith. Let the dwarves do the job, aye. We’ll hole up and wait till Verdazar looses his power, but we’ll not dirty our hands. Why don't you fight for justice, lizards, knights and mages?

I hereby announce that Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade is back and that it’s her decision if the war will continue or not. Be sure, Verdazar, that even if the war ends, there will be no place for you where you could hide from the blade of my axe.

~~Amrothar Ironleg~~

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:29 pm
by Grim_banned
Once again I wake to hear that the island rats, the ones that have always been so keen to provoke conflict, are doing so.

You must have forgotten why the orcs have invaded you in the first place, have you? Let me remind you of your offences brought by your priest who desecrated our mountain and set it on fire. Let me remind you of the offences of your so called queen that was so eager to strike down the orcs when they appealed for justice.

What do I hear now? You have the nerve to ask for justice for a crime that has nothing to do with honor or morality?

Clearly you have forgotten the debt that you dwarves still have to pay us for your misjustice, for the time when we defeated you in your halls, but insted of burning you like the rats you are, we left. This is how you repay us, by throwing mud in our name?

Dwarves of sewer town, hear my words. As long as I am alive, I shall hunt you down, all, one by one and I shall not rest until all of your heads dwingle silently into a sea of pikes.

I have spoken!
dictated by
~ Warlord Rogruk!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:45 pm
by Dantagon Marescot

Justice can only be fought for when true justice has been discovered. Currently it is difficult to determine who is in the right. You have offered no witnesses and Trolls Bane is unwilling to seek out the truth. Both sides are firm in the matter that they know their own truth, but neither are willing to sort it out. We do our best to be the voice of the people and the people have spoken that they have decided to remain ignorant and closed off from the truth, that resolution will only be found in their favor and not in fairness or justice.

My only suggestion is that Trolls Bane should swallow her pride and allow Verdazar to be tried. If they do believe that he is innocent, there is no reason he should he hidden and protected by them. The long Trolls Bane refuses to dispell his guilty scentence the more the isle seems to suspect that he is a lier and truely is guilty. Put him under trial of a third party who has no involvement with either Trolls Bane or Silverbrand, allow both sides to state their case, and allow the isle to make up their mind.

An innocent man does not hide, but instead attempts to prove his innocence. It is the guilty man who makes up excuses inorder to hide his actions.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:02 pm
by Llama
"An innocent man does not hide, but instead attempts to prove his innocence. It is the guilty man who makes up excuses inorder to hide his actions. "

Such as spending 3 dwarven weeks on fake trials to determine whether the leader of Goldburg struck down the High Priest of Zelphia?

While Zzyathis is remaining neutral in this dispute... it hardly seems fair.


Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:35 am
by Rugh'toh
Anyone who wants to accuse da Orcs fer habing caused dis smelly conflict between oomie town and beardy stumpies shall remind:

Orcs nub fight fer anyone but onley fer da Father and greenish honor!

Ib stumpies continue to accuse us, orcs whub consider ib stumpie town nub beddurr should become orcen town once fer all.

As da mighty Warlord stated:
We alredeh hab defeated stumpies once and can do so anytime again!

Chief Rugh'toh!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:03 am
by Joxia Doral
*an das Stadtbrett geheftet durch die Erzherzogin für Kanzler Verdazar*

Wieder einmal verkünden die Leute die am geringsten informiert sind ihre Meinung am lautesten. Ich bewahrte Stillschweigen bis jetzt in der Bemühung Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, wie es jetzt der Fall ist. Nun ist es an der Zeit zu schreiben um mich selbst zu verteidigen und diejenigen zu beruhigen welche sich von jenen beeinflussen lassen die Ignoranz verbreiten.

Der Auslöser erfolgte als ich und mein Gefährte den heiligen Altar von Bragon suchten. Mir wurde gesagt, dass sich dieser in Silberbrand befindet so reisten wir dorthin um den Standort fest zu stellen.

Als wir in den Hallen Silberbrands ankamen standen dort alle Türen weit offen. Die Wache schien uns nicht zu bemerken oder in irgendeiner Weise Notiz von uns zu nehmen. Anders als Amrothar also glaubt, hatte Magie nichts damit zu tun. Wir betraten die Halle in der Hoffnung einen Einwohner zu finden, der uns den Weg zum Altar weisen könnte. Ich und mein Gefährte trennten uns um mehr Räume absuchen zu können. Ich bemerkte, dass mein Gefährte Amrothar in der Hauptwerkstatt gefunden hatte. Amrothar wurde wütend über die Anwesenheit meines Gefährten vermutlich aufgrund seiner orkischen Herkunft. Ich versuchte den Kanzler zu beruhigen, dass Kravich unabhängig von der Gruppierung sei, die kurze Zeit zuvor Silberbrand belagerten. In seinem Zorn bestand Amrothar darauf Kravich einzusperren bis bewiesen sei, dass er keine Zugehörigkeit zu besagtem Klan hat. Natürlich war ich mit dieser rassistischen Handlung nicht einverstanden und bestand auf die Erlaubnis unsere eigenen Wege gehen zu dürfen. Amrothar verweigerte meine Bitte so war ich gezwungen in bewegungsunfähig zu machen, damit wir an die Oberfläche fliehen konnten.

Als die Wirkung des Zaubers verflog nahm Amrothar die Verfolgung auf, welche ich mit der Erschaffung einer Steinwand quer durch den gang beantwortete um vor Amrothars verrückten Zorn nach Bane zu fliehen.

Die Ironie an dem ganzen ist, dass der Altar des Bragon sich nicht in Silberbrand befindet. Ich glaube richtig gehandelt zu haben wie ich mich und meinen Gefährten vor Amrothars Irrsinn verteidigt habe.

Ich bemühte mich die friedlichste weise anzuwenden um aus Silberbrand zu flüchten, denn es wäre auch möglich gewesen und sogar leichter ihn einfach zu ermorden. Als wir gingen machte Amrothar klar, er würde uns jagen und töten ganz egal wo wir uns auf der Insel aufhalten würden.

Wahrscheinlich fühlte Amrothar sich durch unsere Handlungen beleidigt, weshalb er einen Haftbefehl für uns erließ mit einer überspitzten Darstellung der Ereignisse, welche alle lesen konnten.
Als antwort verhängte ich eine Stadtsperre für Zwerge als Präventionsmaßnahme. Das war eine Sicherheitsvorkehrung, damit die Krieger Amrothars uns nicht hinterrücks ermorden konnten.

Ich tat dies im glauben meine Gesundheit und Freiheit nicht unnötig zu gefährden.

Nach einer weile erfuhren wird das Amrothar einen angriff auf Bane plante. Die Stadtvorsteher entschieden sich uns zu helfen, gegen die Aggressionen von Silberbrand.

Ich und Kravich entschieden, um einen Angriff zu vermeiden erneut Silberbrand aufzusuchen. Wieder einmal standen die Tore weit offen, so gelangten wir in den Gang oberhalb der Hauptwerkstatt, in welchem wir Amrothar fanden und mit ihm ein Gespräch begannen. Wir flehten ihn an die sinnlose Jagd auf uns abzubrechen um wieder frieden zu schaffen. Er weigerte sich und bestand darauf uns einzusperren für das verhexen der wache.. an sich ein völlig falscher Vorwurf.

Wir entschieden uns alles Mögliche zu tun um einen offenen krieg zwischen Bane und Silberbrand zu vermeiden. So kam es das wir den Kanzler entführten um ihm von seiner Armee fern zu halten. Ohne Ihren Anführer würden sie nicht angreifen, was uns zeit verschaffen würde um eine friedliche Lösung zum Wohle der unschuldigen Einwohner beider Städte zu finden. In dem Chaos kamen zwei Zwerge zu schaden und Irma wurde dabei leider getötet. An dem Tor waren 2 Menschen, welche gekommen waren um Amrothar zu verarzten, doch als sie seinen Wahnsinn erkannten halfen sie uns indem sie ihn ins Hospital von Bane brachten, wo er sich erholen konnte und wir noch einmal in sein gewissen reden konnten.

Ich glaube wie wir in Bezug auf Amrothar entschieden haben war richtig, denn was ein einfacher Meuchelmord hätte werden können wurde versucht um Wohle Amrothars leben zu lösen.

Unglücklicherweise schaffte es Amrothar zu entkommen, vermutlich als wir entschieden ihn irgendwo unter zu bringen wo seine wunden versorgt werden können, anstatt ihn in eine kalte Zelle zu werfen.

In Silberbrand angekommen versammelte er seine Truppe und kam zu Tor von Troll’s Bane mit einer Armee und verlangte unverständlicherweise die Erzherzogin. Die Ereignisse ab diesem Zeitpunkt sind denke ich jedem bekannt. Die Zwerge verloren und verweigerten jede weiter Friedensverhandlung.

Ich hoffe nur, dass dieser Konflikt friedlich und ohne weiteres Blutvergießen gelöst werden kann. Amrothar hat trauriger weise deutlich gezeigt, dass er Gewalt vorzieht, als diesen Vorfall aus der Welt zu schaffen. Wenn diese Angelegenheit nicht zivilisiert geregelt werden kann flehe ich Amrothar an seine Aufmerksamkeit nicht mehr auf die Stadt zu richten. Wenn sein ärger gegen mich gerichtet ist, soll er auch dort bleiben, ich möchte nicht das Zivilisten in Gefahr gebracht werden durch seinen Starrsinn.

Euer Treuergebener
Kanzler Verdazar


Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:04 am
by Grim_banned
"An innocent man does not hide, but instead attempts to prove his innocence. It is the guilty man who makes up excuses inorder to hide his actions. "

You once again prove that you and your kin are nothing more than rats hiding in their sewers and throwing words from there.

An innocent man does not hide you say... let me remind you of your priest that set fire to our holy mountain and also about how he was hiding behind your thick walls when we called for justice.

Your heads will roll!

For the clan!
dictated by
~ Warlord Rogruk

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:11 pm
by Rhianna Morgan
Eisenbein wrote: Kanzler Verdazar,

Selbstverständlich bin ich vorsichtig, wenn Orks in unseren Hallen herumschnüffeln. Wer wäre das nicht, nach ihrem Angriff vor einigen Monden, den sie nur wegen ihrer Freude daran begannen? Selbstverständlich werde ich wütend wenn ich dies sehe, wer wäre das nicht? Vielleicht jemand der nicht gesehen hat was die Orks anrichteten, ebenso wie er nicht gesehen hat was Ihr angerichtet habt. Die Folge ist natürlich dass ich von dem Ork einen Beweis erwarte, dass er nicht zu denen die das Nördliche Gebirge bewohnen gehört. Vor allem nachdem drei von ihnen uns mit der Lüge, sie gehörten nicht zum Clan, hinters Licht geführt haben, und wir sie dann sahen, als sie die Waffen gegen uns erhoben um plötzlich anzugreifen. So lange Ihr das nicht versteht, Kanzler, nennt mich nicht verrückt.

Zu der Rechtfertigung Eurer Taten: Sie ist so lächerlich dass ich wirklich hoffe, die Bewohner Trolls Banes glauben sie Euch nicht. "Wir suchten den Altar Bragons". Seit der Erbauung Silberbrands haben die Zwerge stets immer nur zu Irmorom, dem Vater der Zwerge und dem Weltenschmied, gebetet. Ihre Altare und Tempel bauten sie ausschliesslich für ihn. Dies ist allgemein bekannt auf Gobaith, und falls Ihr das nicht wisst, frage ich mich was der Titel "Kanzler" in Trolls Bane wert ist. Scheinbar wird er demjenigen zugeworfen, der zufällig um die Ecke des Seahorses kommt.

"Die Tore waren weit geöffnet." Seht Euch meine Erklärung über Orks an, die Wache würde niemals einem von ihnen unser Tor öffnen. Dies ist so offensichtlich dass nur ein Narr anders denken könnte.

Selbst falls es wahr WÄRE, ich habe Euch eine gerechte Verhandlung angeboten, aber Ihr weigert Euch daran teilzunehmen und verkündet einfach dass Ihr jeden Zwerg, der in Eure Nähe kommen sollte, töten werdet. Dies ist sehr reif, aye.

Zum nächsten bleibt mir nur zu schwören dass ich niemals einen Angriff auf Trolls Bane geplant habe. Am Tag der Schlacht hatte ich vor, ein letztes Mal mit Euch zu reden. Ich wollte Euch die (völlig gerechtfertigten) Forderungen unterbreiten, um den Konflikt friedlich zu lösen, aber meine Späher hatten mir berichtet dass Ihr alle Tore der Stadt verriegelt hattet, eine Armee davor postierend. Deswegen nahm ich einige - freiwillig dazu gesellte - Kameraden mit mir um sicherzugehen dass ich nicht schon wieder gefangen würde, so wie Verdazar es am Tag zuvor getan hatte. Diese Gefährten sollten mir ebenfalls helfen falls Ihr nicht vorhattet, auf eine friedliche Lösung einzugehen.
Dies sollte belegen dass ich nie eine Armee zu den Toren von Trolls Bane führte, und ich nie plante es anzugreifen. Es war der letzte Versuch, den Konflikt friedlich beizulegen und IHR habt mit Kampfmagiern und Kriegern auf mich und meine Gefährten gewartet.

Verdazar hatte mir einen Feuerball aus einem Fuss Entfernung durch meinen Bauch gejagt. Dies ist der Grund warum er mich ins Hospital brachte, andernfalls wäre ich gestorben. Nicht weil er mir eine kalte Zelle ersparen wollte. Er konnte sich nicht leisten mich sterben zu lassen.

Eure Aufrufe zum Frieden waren lachhaft, Ihr habt Zwerge stattdessen immer ungerechter behandelt. Ihr habt sogar Zwerge die nicht zu Silberbrand gehörten, auf die gleiche Weise herabgesetzt.

Ich nehme keine Bürger zum Ziel meiner Angriffe und lasse sie leiden. Falls Ihr Dinge ansprecht, wie Finger von den Händen kleiner Mädchen abzuhacken, dann denkt darüber nach WER die Bürger leiden lässt. Ich bin nicht der König Silberbrands, und daher befehle ich die Zwergen nicht vollständig, auch wenn ich es wohl könnte. Meine Brüder stehen an meiner Seite und kämpfen diesen Krieg mit mir, weil sie an die gleichen Dinge glauben, an die auch ich glaube. Wenn sie mit meinen Taten nicht einverstanden wären, würden sie mir dies sagen, und sie hätten die Berechtigung dies zu tun.

Boindil Silberklinge, der Gottverlassene, hat gesprochen.
Ich führe Silberbrand nicht in seinen eigenen Untergang, nein. Ich habe alles versucht um neue Handelsbeziehungen zu schaffen, das Leben in Silberbrand besser und angenehmer zu gestalten. Ich habe die Zwerge trainiert so gut ich das konnte und ich hielt mehr Feste ab als in den letzten drei Jahren in Silberbrand stattgefunden hatten.

Du hast deinen Vater und Silberbrand verraten. Du magst uns alle schwach nennen, aber wir werden sehen wie dieser Krieg endet.

Joxia Doral, führt Euch nicht auf wie eine Erzherzogin die einen friedlichen Ausgang für diesen Konflikt wünscht. Ich habe Euch die Möglichkeit gegeben, Ihr habt sie verstreichen lassen.

An all die Feiglinge, die fanatisch neutral bleiben:
Ich kann nicht auf die Gründe schliessen die euch dazu bewegen, einem Kultist die Kontrolle über Trollsbane, das Zentrum Gobaiths, zu überantworten. Lasst die Zwerge die Drecksarbeit erledigen, aye. Wir werden uns alle verschanzen und warten bis Verdazar seine Macht verliert, aber wir werden uns die Hände nicht schmutzig machen. Warum kämpft ihr nicht für Gerechtigkeit, Echsen, Ritter und Magier?

Ich verkünde hiermit dass Königin Friedwulfa Silberklinge zurückgekehrt ist und dass es ihre Entscheidung ist, ob der Krieg fortgeführt werden soll oder nicht. Seid versichert, Verdazar, dass es, selbst wenn der Krieg endet, keinen Platz für dich geben wird, um dich vor der Klinge meiner Axt zu verstecken.

~~Amrothar Eisenbein~~
*The translator did not seem to be of so small pride that he or she needed to sign his or her own handwriting. But it is the neat and clean one of a female who writes a lot.*

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:52 pm
by JonathanSmith
Kann der Kanzler von Trolls Bane nicht selbst schreiben?
Die Herzogin lässt sich dazu herab für Ihre Untergebene Botengänge zu erfüllen?

Seltsame Zeiten.
