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Parchments are spreaded all over Gobaith

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:48 pm
by Ashayen
In the middle of the night as everybody sleeps a fragile figure, wearing a black cloak with the hood pulled over her head, is strolling from one town to the other, pinning some parchments upon some trees, filling the air with a demonic laughter. Those parchments appear in 'every' town and estates and will attract attention as the letters are glowing blood red. One can notice that trying to remove the parchment from the tree is impossible, it's pressed against the bark of the tree like a second skin, magic seems to linger around it.


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:31 pm
by Silent
*A note is left pinned on the wall of a certain house in the northern woods.*

I hope you can read this, whoever you are. I can understand your wish for vengeance, yet, I beg you to stop stirring up the forest. The people of this island will not deliver you any scapegoats, they outnumber you and the first thing they will do if they feel threatened is going to be to burn the forest down again, bringing death to countless more living beings - and I doubt that this time it will be able to recover so quickly. If you want to play war, you will play it on the cost of something you are trying to protect.

- K

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:04 pm
by Sundo Raca
Bring on the rabbits, tree-hugger.


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:22 pm
by Kranek
Vigalf looks at the glowing parchment. After unsuccesfull trys to rip it down he takes a big piece of leather and pins it over the parchment.
"Damn Mages..."
He goes into the Norskborg, looking for Tjalf

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:39 pm
by Na-Chaya
A strong squall wraps his power around the tree, the leather snatches from the parchment in a violent manner, let it sink before the door of the Norskborg. Some words are written there - red glowing -

Don't dare to call me a mage !

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:47 pm
by Kranek
Looking for Tjalf Vigalf steps out of the Bork, seeing the leather on the ground. Picking it up, he looks around.
"I think i need better nails..."
He looks at the glowing letters, not able to read them.
"Damn Mage...he should show up and tell me what he i can show him what i want..."
He takes the leather inside...

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:49 pm
by Korm Kormsen
after being told about the new case of evil magic, Jarl Tjalf goes and has a look at that glowing magic crime.

"yes, we definitely shall use heads of mages and elves for our border posts.
damned mage-idiots hurting a tree, without using it!
poor befouled tree..."

"if anybody finds that mage, bring me his head!"

he cuts down the tree and burns it.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:16 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae walks to Greenbriar to get some tailoring supplies and stops seeing the large red glowing letters on the board able to read them even from the distance. Her eyes widen and she softly whispers...

This is what I have been sensing!

Achae quickly walks to her depot and takes out more then one parchment with a pen writing notes in precise handwriting then leaves one on the Greenbriar board, in the forest on a tree, at the sheep north of Trolls Bane and anywhere else she can think to place one until her parchments run out.

To the writer of the note about Mother Nature,

The Druids have always tried to protect nature, we have resolved problems in the past and can help resolve them now if you would let us. We want to see nature in balance. I don't know who or what you mean by "Scapegoat" but think things can be worked out without any more violence.

Achae Eanstray
Druid, Medico

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:00 am
by Misjbar
A scapegoat is someone to put the blame on. Someone from Troll's Bane has upset the northern forest, so I suggest someone from Troll's Bane shall take the blame, and surrender his life to this witch. These harsh thunderstorms are harming even the forest of Vanima. And it is not a pretty sight.

I do hope someone takes responsibility,

May the Five guide us,

- Alandur Allithyn

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:04 am
by Caecilianus Cathari

It is left unsigned. More is written under.

Wait, so all they need is someone to die?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:07 pm
by Korm Kormsen
a barbarian, wearing only a kilt, some tatoos and a lot of simbols painted over his body, in one hand a very old looking big axe, in the other a sapling of an oak, goes to the place, where only the ashes of a tree remain.
one-handed he swings the axe high, and slashes in the middle of the ashes.


another swing from another angle.


and from a third.


after that, putting the axe gently on the earth, he onehanded takes out the triangular piece of earth, then plants the sapling gently in the hole.
from the words he is muttering, only some are loud enough, to be heard.

"... mighty.... ....protect this... ... against that foul magic.... ... tree replace... ...dammned longears and sorcerers!... ... hear me?"

then he goes to the shore, cleaning himself and the axe.

"allways the same... if one needs a shaman, that idiot is somewhere in the woods!"