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Trollsbane after dark. (open to anyone)

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:39 am
by Sundo Raca
The soft hooting of an eagle owl breaks the night silence. Its cloudy; the moon partially hidden, giving the old northside gatekeeper even less light to work by. Augham shivered, glancing up momentarily before huddling closer to the small, pathetic cluster of half-lit wood he was using to keep up his spirits. The old man was used to solitude.. hellsbriar, sometimes it seemed he'd been on the job for.. well forevor. He took out a bottle containing something strong, yet just as the liquid touched his lips, there was a small rustling in the bushes 20 yards away. He narrowed an eye, lowering the bottle slowly, and calling out in a cracked voice.

'Oose there? Dont be playin' no games. Its too dark an eve' for tha' kinda thing.'

The old man got reluctantly to his feet, squinting into the darkness, before bending down to collect a piece of wood to use as a torch. As his back turned, there was another rustle, and what may have been the faint woosh of wind, almost as if something ran past. Augham whirled round, his weak heart jumping as he held out the torch to get a better view. Nothing. Damn these nights, the old man thought. Im on edge.

Breathing easier now, he stepped towards the bushes, still holding the torch in front of him, the dim light flickering over the undergrowth, lighting it up temporarily. There was nothing. Wait.. what was.. that? Something was.. flickering ahead. Augham stepped forwards, and stared furiously, before giving a moan of indignation. It had been a shadow. Gods, give me strength. It was during this moan that he would say out of the corner of his eye he saw something. It was.. or it looked like a tall.. shadow, or figure so dark it could be his mind playing tricks, jumping the town wall in one swift bound. The grizzled gatekeeper jerked his head to the left. Nothing. Again. He scratched his head, puzzled. Perhaps the wife is right, and i need to lay off the goblin wine.

Shrugging, he turned away, and untied his old leather pants, preparing to answer a call of nature. A sigh of satisfaction left him as he let a stream pour into the undergrowth in front. The piss made a pattering sound as it hit the floor, like on parchment. Wait. PARCHMENT? Augham blinked in utter confusion, quickly doing up his pants and peering forward. There was something hidden in the long grass, but it was too dark to see. He stretched out an arm, feeling around, before he felt his fingers enclosing on something thin, cold, and wiry, like.. hair? He held the torch over the object, and looked down.

A few hundred yards away, off the path, a dog froze to the horrible sound of someone screaming.

The gatekeeper had pissed on a head. The head belonged to an elf, augham could see this from the pointed ears pertruding from each side. However.. it was impossible to tell anything else. The eyes had been ripped from the sockets, the nose sliced of, the lips torn away, teeth splintered, and cheeks hollowed into holes. The mutilated face, and long hair which hung lank round its head was covered in dried blood. And there, pinned on top of the head by a long, slim knife was the parchment. Hand quivering, the gatekeeper who had thought he had seen it all could not prevent himself from vomiting his evening meal before gripping the parchment and pulling it lose. Face white, he wiped his mouth and read, lips moving, eyes wide.

The First.


Meanwhile, inside the town, a gloved hand grasped the doorknob of the tavern and opened the door, stepping inside. His entire face but for his mouth is hidden by a hood. From beneath it, he scans the room for occupants, and whether he is alone or not, makes his way towards the seat by the fire. He sets himself down, and puts a pipe between his teeth.

((ooc: I cant access the game right now so anyone who wants to rp with me may do so here. For now. <_< ))
((also i hope his name is augham, its been a while :P ))

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:41 am
by Mairae Auvria
Making her way back from the goblins, the dark not much of an obstacle to her elven vision, with a bag full of the loot after slaying goblin warriors Mairae crosses the bridge from the Grey Rose and stops abruptly hearing a loud scream permeate the air. Sounding as if straight ahead of her, she pulls her serinjah from their sheaths and walks a little faster toward the gate. Blinded as she nears the guard using one sword to push the torch away from her pale blue eyes speaking in common with only a few words of elven mixed in "Was that you that screamed?". Turning to follow his gaze she walks over to take a closer look at the corpse leaning down though not touching anything as yet. Muttering a few words now totally in elven she stands and looks directly at the gatekeeper again only a slight smirk shown at the obvious signs of his fright as she points to his hand "I am a Guard Recruit, can I have the note?" Taking the parchment gingerly in a gloved hand holding one dry side letting the liquid fall from the other her grimace increases momentarily before reading the words then with a puzzled look Mairae mumbles almost to herself not expecting an answer from the guard. "The First, The First Victim?"

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:43 am
by Kamilar
A dark haired elfess clad entirely in leather sits staring blankly into the fire, her feet tucked under her as she nestles into the chair and nurses her goblet of wine. Glancing up at the hooded stranger with curiosity rather than fear, she smiles a crooked half-smile and lets her gaze rest on the pipe. "Share nice hun," she says in a light teasing tone as she shifts in the chair to more comfortably face him.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:08 am
by Sundo Raca
The figure doesnt turn his head to look at the newcomer, concentrating on his current leaf. He takes an extra long draw, before turning his hooded head towards her and blowing a stream of smoke in her face, as if this is a normal occurence. Then he slowly hands her the pipe, before stretching out his left arm, and holding out his gloved palm, several leaves lying flat on it.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:38 am
by Kamilar
The elfess allows the smoke to stream over her, making no indications of objection. Leaning nearer to the hooded figure, she rests her goblet on the floor between their chairs and takes the offered pipe and leaves. Her eyes nearly close as she takes a few deep drags from the pipe. She then leans back comfortably in her chair and blows a column of smoke toward the ceiling before handing the pipe back to the stranger. Her eyes are open but hooded as she looks over the stranger with her usual slow, lingering gaze. A crooked smile returns to her lips, "Thanks hun" is all she says to the hooded man.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:12 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger's mouth forms a curling halfsmile, apparantly examining the person from behind his hood. The pipe disappears in his large cloak with minimal movement, and after a pause, he appears to sniff lightly, leaning forwards.

'Hun? Elfesses should not use such terms. Do i.. know you?'

The stranger speaks with an odd accent, though his voice seems low and harsh. A gloved finger vanishes beneath his hood, and he scratches his face, one side of his mouth still twisted into a smile.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:36 am
by Caecilianus Cathari
A stout, hairless man prances into the tavern nude.


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:38 am
by Kamilar
The elfess lifts a brow as she takes in the naked man's appearance. Chuckling lightly as a faint smirk curls the corner of her mouth, she gives him a vague nod. "Hi" She seems too distracted for the moment to answer the hooded man.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:09 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger glances curiously at the man, looking him up and down, before turning to the elfess, speaking emotionlessly.

'The town prostitute? Tell him i am not interested in his wares.'

The hooded man seems hungry, and so turning away, he pulls out from his sack what looks like an extremely old piece of roasted meat. It is impossible to tell what type, though it looks to be the leg from some small animal. He eats messily, though his hood remains down.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:12 am
by Caecilianus Cathari
Brer lifts his chest and pats his thighs as he speaks

"The only thing I peddle are the sounds from the God's eyes. Truths!"

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:20 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger rips a strip of meat of the bone with his teeth, and swallows before speaking.

'Why have you lost your bodyhair and forsaken your clothes? The only truth you peddle is that your pallid, corpulent flesh disgusts me. Robe yourself, or vanish.'

He runs his tongue over his teeth, white and gleaming, using it to brush any bits of food away.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:50 am
by Caecilianus Cathari
Brer giggles

I wonder how someone of such little understanding can be so uncomprehending...without knowing.

Brer giggles

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:36 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger laughs, before rising to his feet, picking up a grey sack and walking out of the door with it slung over his shoulder.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:51 pm
by Fayne Bridgewater
Fayne shivers and pulls her coat closer around her as she walks over the bridge towards the tavern, a list of what she needs from the depot clutched in her small gloved hand. Looking down at her feet as she walks, her mind a million miles away, she nearly collides with a hooded figure emerging from the tavern.

She stops short with a small gasp, then looks up at him an apologetic smile, "Oh! Pardon me, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:17 pm
by Sundo Raca
The stranger freezes at the contact, turning slowly to face the young girl. He stares at her from behind his hood as she speaks, before his mouth shifts into a smile, and he answers in a coarse, strange accent, towering over her.

'May i ask where you were going, young lady?'

He lifts his hood away, revealing a pointed face, with a few faded scars on one side. His eyes are dark green, his skin pale, and although showing the signs of past damage, apparantly well-preserved. His ears, and perhaps his expression (haughty confidence) indicate his elven heritage, while his long, black hair appears washed and elegantly tied back. He lifts a hand, gloved in black leather towards his chin, stroking it as he gazes down at the girl, awaiting an answer.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:41 pm
by Fayne Bridgewater
Fayne turns her dark green eyes up to his, the friendly smile still on her lips, her delicate features perhaps making her look even younger than her 19 years. She brushes the stubborn wisps of her ebony hair from her face to fall with the rest hanging down her back and speaks in a soft voice, "I'm going to the tavern, sir." She waves the parchment held in her small hand, "I have some things I need to get from the depot, and thought I might warm up a bit." She studies his features and tilts her head to the side curiously, "I've not seen you around town. Have you just arrived?"

Perhaps her naivete around strangers shows glaringly, as her petite frame is relaxed and she seems in no rush to be on her way.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:05 am
by Sundo Raca
The elven man's eyes shine with what appears to be warmth, and as he lowers his hand, crossing his arms over his robed chest, his lips form a ready smile, showing immaculate teeth.

'I arrived last night. Its been a while since i last entered a human settlement.. i would greatly appreciate a tour of the town, miss..?'

He seems to mimick her tilting of the head, his eyes still giving off warmth as he studies her.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:25 am
by Fayne Bridgewater
She appears a bit indecisive for a moment, then nods once, "I suppose I'm in no hurry. Though perhaps a quick tour, as its rather cold." She inclines her head slightly, a warm open smile curving her lips, "I'm Fayne, by the way."

She looks down at her leather covered toes, biting her lower lip between her teeth, "Well, obviously you've seen the tavern, I suppose we'll just start walking then?" She glances up questioningly through long dark lashes at the stranger.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:43 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger nods at Fayne after a moments pause. He turns his head, glancing behind him, before focusing on the girl once more, his eyes almost magnetic.

'My thanks.. Fayne. I will follow.'

He holds his hand to the side, as if signalling that she begin. The stranger's right hand disappears into the inside of his cloak, and he produces on old oak pipe, holding it absently by his side, still smiling in a warm manner.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:03 am
by Fayne Bridgewater
Fayne tilts her head again and squints her eyes, almost changing her mind, then turns and walks briskly back across the bridge, glancing over her shoulder once to make sure the elf is following. Deciding to make the tour of the town as quick as possible she points straight ahead, "That building is the library, beside it is the workshop, and the Seahorse." She points at each one as she speaks, then turns and heads east, her mind straying from the tour for a moment. Her boots tread softly on the cobblestone as she hurries along, her cheeks pink from the cold.

"Come along then, we'll stop by the fire up here to grab some warmth. Its right by the east gate.", she calls back to the elf, shoving her hands down in the pockets of her coat and hurrying towards the beckoning flames.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:42 am
by Sundo Raca
The stranger followed behind her, walking at a steady, easy pace throughout the tour, giving the odd impression of interest at the girl's words. At the sight of the fire, he stops for a moment, a flash of what might be eagerness crossing his features, before his attention shifts back to the girl.

'Never take fire for granted young lady. I like that in a person.'

He walks purposefully forward, his feet making soft crunching sounds in the snow. He goes down on one knee as he reaches the fire, not glancing at her, and takes a handful of snow, before dropping it into the flames. The snow melts in about a second, and the strangers head turns to the side, looking directly at her, green eyes fixed on hers. He smiles in that same friendly way once more, elbows resting on his knee.

'I apologise for this. You appear to be a good girl. It is.. a pity.'

He then snaps out a single hand, moving so fast it can barely be seen. The hand, gloved and large, envelopes the girl's mouth, gripping it with massive strength, blocking the air, preventing any noise from escaping it. Ignoring any potential struggles, the elven man calmly pins her to the floor with his other hand, revealing a concealed strength. He continues to cut of her air, staring down at her, waiting for the moment he knows to release. As soon as her eyes roll back, he releases her, letting the limp, unconscious form go. The stranger then straigtens, the slim girl held easily over his shoulder. His noble expression still in place, he does not even give the empty night square a glance as he heads south, expertly scaling the wall whilst carrying fayne.

His hood pulled up once more, the shadowed figure disappears into the night.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:53 am
by Fayne Bridgewater
With no time to struggle or scream, her wide eyes stare up at the elf in terror until the darkness envelopes her and she knows no more.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:16 am
by Youchimitchu
while tending to mel in the hospital with pellandria
"ohh.. my nose is bleeding..."
holds his hand to his nose to halt it with an odd look in his eyes
" something doesnt feel right coulda sworn i heard a yell"
pellandria looks over
" Luc tilt your head fowerd and let it bleed out"
Luc raises his eyebrow
" sure ..sounds smart...really"
Luc after making sure mel was okay to be left alone heads out the door to shake off the feeling he has soon after his nose stops bleeding
" hmm i wonder where Fayne is..."
Heads off towards elizas shop

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:20 am
by Sundo Raca
ooc: could a mod close this thread now? The rest of this can be finished ig))