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The Buried Lamp

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:54 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
((open RP))

In the dark of a moonless night, a ship with sails down as if wanting to stay as quiet as possible, lands at the harbor. There is only one marking on the ship designating it's name "Wanderer". Slowly and quietly the plank lowers letting only one old man walk down. His back is bent as if he carries a great weight, the staff he uses to walk is gnarled and rubbed smooth. He appears thin and the wrinkles on his face, what can be seen in the dark night point to a very aged person. He finally gets to the harbor and turns back to look at the ship once more, the Captain staring down from the deck mouths words possibly not heard, but the intent is clear...

Never come back

..... as the ship gathers it's sails and quickly moves from the harbor never to be seen again. The old man now turns and looks more closely at his surroundings, a resigned look on his face. Taking a deep breath, a slow rattle is heard from his chest before he violently coughs putting one hand over his mouth. When the hand is removed, he rubs it across his trousers leaving a small trail of blood unnoticed as he gathers his cane and small bag prepared to start his life.. what was left of it... anew in yet another place. With slow painful steps he makes his way up the harbor finally spying the depot through the doorway. There he finally stops and pulls open his bag taking out a shiny lamp which from the light of the room a mishapen V possibly even a Y can be seen etched on the side. Whispering now as his cracked voice appears not to be able to talk any louder...

I must hide this before others find it

Taking a small shovel from his bag, he then makes his way slowly just outside the building. Attempting to dig, the wheezing getting much louder, his lips beginning to turn blue, a small hole is finally dug and he sets the lamp in but the top part is still seen. With a shake of his head he gasps

Not deep enough.

... and pushes his shovel even harder. Suddenly the old man stops clutching his heart as a grimace of pain escapes his lips before he falls directly over the hole with the lamp, his breathing stopping forever.


On her way to Trolls Bane after making sure Darren was safe with the sitter, Kaila decides to stop at the harbor having stored a wand in the depot. Holding her hand saying just a few words in an ancient tongue, she arrives moving toward the depot but stops suddenly and peers closer in the dark finally walking over toward something laying on the ground. With a gasp on seeing disheveled grey hair on a man with arms layed out she turns him over and holds out her hand trying to heal using her magic. After a long while not seeing any signs of life nor breath from the man she sighs looking a quite pale as if her mana is depleted.

That is sad old man, you dyeing alone, I wish I at least knew your name.

Wiping a tear from her cheek, Kaila blinks then spies something shiny peeking from a shallow hole next to the man not viewing it previously in her haste. Reaching over him she picks up the lamp holding it to the sky trying to see it even though the dark night hid most from view.

I wonder what this is doing here?

Rubbing her hand across the smooth metal, a brief flickering blue glow appears directly from the top before dying out again. Kaila's normally brown eyes now turn blue, as blue as a summer sky while her face transforms first with shocked surprise, then strangely no expression at all. Standing up holding the lamp with both arms a puzzled expression comes over her face.

Where is this?

Taking one more puzzled look toward the dark lapping waves of the harbor, Kaila turns the opposite direction to the road.

I guess I will find out soon enough!

With a small giggle almost like her old self she begins walking down the road not using her wand for a portal, in fact using no magic at all. Stopping briefly at the fork in the road, she shrugs and almost arbitrarily turns east still following the road only stopping to pluck some apples from the tree. Peeking over the bushes at the Farmer's Union, she calls out but receiving no answer continues her walk stopping occasionally to look at the view as if she has never seen it before. Finally stepping into the south gate, she smiles at the man behind the table.

Hello, can you tell me where this is?

Frowning receiving no answer she continues on her way.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:24 am
by Ayla
All that accompanied her as she trod down the familiar cobblestone streets of Troll’s Bane was the crunch of loose stones beneath her and the gentle shifting of leather as her ever-near her hilts swayed in their scabbards by her hips. She had grown bored of the empty tavern and idle talk of passers-by in Eliza’s. It was always the same these days… In and out of the buildings, around Bane, saying ‘greetings’ here and ‘farewell’ there. It felt as if Troll’s Bane had begun to grow tame. Boring, to be honest. Nothing big ever seemed to happen anymore and it was causing the town to lose a bit of its bittersweet luster.

Thus, Ayla had been driven into another restless trek around Troll’s Bane, in a vain search for some sort of entertainment. She hardly expected to actually be met with any, of course, aside from the spare fool running about yelling blasphemous words or robbing the poor innocent. Rounding the turn that led to the breezeway between the Seahorse and workshop, she was met with a view she had expected. Idly greetings Luc and Christopher, she wandered on. Her destiny? The little campfire that always provided the perfect area to while away the hours in thought. It was upon turning the second corner that was created by the ever-familiar crafting tables that Ayla drew to a steady halt, a grin shifting along her lips. Kaila stood before her, the elfess clutching to a common oil lamp that Ayla didn’t necessarily pay any attention to. She spoke up lightly, the grin remaining upon her features.

“Ah, greetings Kaila!”

It wasn’t until the other elfess responded that Ayla allowed her face to lapse into subtle perplexity. Kaila had paused and tilted her head slowly, something blank in the expression she gave Ayla. Then she responded in a way Ayla had far from expected. “How do you know my name?”

It was a jest, surely. Kaila had a sense of humor when she tried, that much was obvious. Hesitating in her reply, Ayla first started to respond until the possibility of a jest being made hit her. “How? I… Amusing…”

Amusing, aye. It was real amusing, the way Kaila pretended not to know her. But as the conversation continued, Ayla became starkly aware that this was no joke. Kaila was oblivious, her memory wiped of her. She really didn’t know Ayla, nor did she recognize anyone else that wandered about. Worry began growing in the pit of the elven woman’s stomach as she watched her unknowing friend. What had caused this? Passively studying Kaila for a long time, she followed the other elfess’ gaze to the oil lamp and it struck her. Was this what had…? Biting her lip, Ayla gave another hesitant chuckle.

“Kaila, I.. think you should sit down. You seem.. Not completely here.”

Kaila denied it, then held up the lamp at which Ayla had extended her hands to, offering it willingly. Ayla took the offered object, confusion on her face as her hands wrapped around the cold metal. At that point, it was almost instant. As Ayla stared to the strange marking on the lamp’s side, trying to read anything beyond the V or Y looking letter, the lamp pulsed beneath her palms before illuminating into a blinding glare of blue light. The light seemed to melt into Ayla’s eyes, turning them a vivid blue that contrasted against the usual emerald green gaze. Her hands twitched, two reactions battling in the elfess. She wanted to drop the lamp instantly, yet her hands refused and only clutched tighter to the copperish metal. And then.. It was over as quick as it came.

Taking in a deep breath and feeling inexplicably dizzy, Ayla blinked back against the popping lights in front of her eyes, warding away the strange dots that occurred any time someone looked too closely to the sun. Lowering the lamp slowly, she couldn’t help but wonder what had just happened. She vaguely remembered taking the lamp, then nothing else. And now… Strange, it all felt rather empty. Gazing to the faces of the others around, she felt stupid. She knew them, knew their faces, but their names escaped her. Her tongue felt heavy, numb. And Ayla quickly realized that her thoughts seemed to come to her in a disoriented way.

“Ayla.. I thought you knew these people.”

The voice drew Ayla back to her surroundings as she looked back to Kaila, one name she most certainly could remember. Frowning heavily, she shook her head and replied in a slow, cautious way. “I thought I did too…”

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:38 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila didn't know what to do hearing Ayla's last words as she turns her head down to stare again at the lamp when Ayla asked if she wanted it back. Pausing now, appearing thoughtful she finally shook her head.

No, I don't think I want it, you can have it.

Blinking, she thought she saw just briefly a pale blue light come from it but on second thought, maybe it was just her imagination. With eyes now of dark blue, she looks at her new friend then smiles.

Maybe someone else would like it, if you don't.

Shrugging as if unconcerned at all with the lamp, she suddenly yawns and turning down the road abruptly without saying much more then a farewell waves to her.

I have to sleep.

Stopping in a building that looked inviting, she saw on the sign "Seahorse Inn" and sat on the floor by the fireplace distaining the chair as she leans her head back against the cool stone wall while closing her eyes. Kaila's thoughts were all jumbled, some things she knew for sure, her first name, that she was on her Navro´anai, other sights and sounds seemed confusing, as if she should know them. Taking an apple from her bag she slowly bites down yet a sudden picture of a strawberry forms in her thoughts. Startled, her hand raises briefly as she drops the unfinished apple on the floor while the vision of unknown words crowd her mind with just a single thought "ancient". Just as suddenly, whatever fleeting vision she tries to grasp, disappears and with a sigh she finally falls to much needed sleep yet the dreams begun, seemingly one after the other were far from restful.

The cure

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:07 am
by Aldan Vian
An Elf looks to the man.

Elf:"I can't belive she has forgotten everything. Her Husband, Even her last name."

The elf frowns greatly.

Man: I know Aldan But what are we to do.

The man looks wide eyed to the elf.A Halfling comes up asking if they want a song.

Kaila:Yes I would like a song please.

Aldan: I may know a way to cure her. Back on the mainland I read a book on magical illness and its cures. Within the book was a potion that could cure the memory loss but there is a chance it won't work. But we must try.We will need,

100 red Elder

20 honey

10 entrails

2 grey bottles

50 apples

1 health potion

1 mana potion

and some other ingreadients.

I brought the book here with me from the mainland.I will have to check it for more ingreadients but we have to try.Now no time to waste

The man nods

Ok lets get to work.

Aldan hurries quickly away

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:18 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila wandered for months in her state of forgetfulness not meeting too many others, never seeing Ayla again, the one elfess she remembered. She mainly stayed in Tol Vanima having finally found her way back to the harbor then taken a ferry just out of curiosity, though never venturing to the building but drawn inexplicably to the forests as if something in her may just remember the area of her birth. Once in awhile something, some inner resource came from her lips in a language familiar yet unfamiliar and another time she saw green sparkles though didn't know where they came from. Her life was simple, she would gather food, drink from a stream, build a fire in the winter. Kaila found a cave to stave off the harsh winter cold and there made her home. A draft would be felt from the back of the cave as the gentle wind would send strange sounds in a language she wanted to know more of, the same language that seemed on the tip of her tongue. Resolving to explore the cave more when spring came, Kaila simply listened trying to understand the words. Sometimes a bright memory would return of a forest home, happy parents, climbing trees and she would smile. She remembered how she got the star shaped scar on her thigh, remembered her parents leaving for some great war and waiting for their return... though felt something was missing.. was she just beginning her Navro´anai? Shaking off her nagging doubts while finally seeing the spring arrive after such a long winter, Kaila's curiosity can abate. Now was the time to find out more of this language and explore the others sharing this cave. Gathering extra food and water, she packs her bag adding only a blanket and a torch. Treading softly yet confident, sure that she could find some answers to the emptiness she sometimes felt as her resolve mounts. Kaila knew something was different though she couldn't place what yet thought exploring this cave would help her find what she sought, what she had tried all winter to find yet frustratingly had remained out of reach. Hours passed, occasionally she rested leaning her back against the cool cave wall while eating an apple. The faint echoes of that language were definitely getting louder when finally just around a turn Kaila sees a strange being standing in front of her. Holding out her hand with a smile on her face Kaila starts to speak only to hear that language again, straining forward trying to understand the words she didn't see two other beings now pointing their wands toward her. Kaila was hit by three spells at once perfectly understanding the ancient as her eyes close while slumping to the cave floor before any pain could be felt. The chamber in the cave echoed her whisper "Oh, I had forgotten so much!" One tear falls from her closed lid as her body's functions slow then stop the last heartbeat carried by the wind.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:35 pm
by Na-Chaya
She stares down at Kaila, at her dead body. A soft whisper is to hear - more a sigh in the wind. The near cave swallows all noises like a black hole.

Wrong Place, wrong time. But what a waste of talent and spirit

A soft growl at her side and the dangereously blinking of two emerald green eyes filling the air as the black panther sneaks near to her. Her hand searching to caress the nape of his neck and again this nearly toneless whisper appears from her lips Stay quiet Bashyr- rest here and let me prepare some things for the ritual

Her long silvery nail draws in the soil near Kailas corpse strange signs, the light of the full moon let her drawing finger look like silvery sparkle. She works fast, bends gracefully down to all 4 orientations after drawing the four signs around Kaila. Her lavender eyes searching without haste for a branch.
Moving to grab them and stepping softly back soundlessly she begins to humming words in a unknown language, drawing now with the branch a big sign around the corpse - the same Pentagram as the small ones. Carefully placed candles on different points complete the scenery for now. A sharp little knife drawing on the wrist of Kaihla's, now diligent placed, body two little signs. The smell of blood fills the air as the Lady in black sprinkles the blood all over the place.
The silver ornaments on her black velvet dress starting to sparkle as she twirls very fast - like dancing in ecstasy - to finish her work.

Maybe its only the crystal-like moonlight, maybe the air is filled of stars, maybe some strange power is filling the area and would cause for a observer a unhealthy, tired feeling, unable to identify anything besides a silver light, a mysterious whisper, a sound which would gives only the feeling to run away fast as you can.

Mighty words are whispered in the dark now, a nebolous spiral rising from the earth - a death cry disrupt the blackness - Silence

The Lady smiles pleased and looks at the little phiole in her graceful hands, the silver nail caresses the glass.

Talent and spirit shouldn't never be wasted Bashyr - I think we agree with each other to that point

Only another soft growl of this big black creature is to hear as both leaving the place, only Kaila's corpse is lying there.. no signs, no draws no candles left ...

like nothing had happened.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:59 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
The essence of Kaila intermingles with one sad thought "I had forgotten so much" was replaced with a fleeting moment of confusion before dissipating in a searing pain beginning at her feet moving up to encompass her entire body. Unable to take that second breath or even scream as spasms wrack her while glistening tears fall from closed lids, Kaila's pain gradually eases yet hours would pass before exhaustion turns to troubled dreams....

In no pain, she glides into a beautiful forest where the trees let in the sky as a gentle breeze blowing her ebony hair back from her face. The grey-haired woman dressed in black standing in the middle of the glade appears timeless as Kaila instinctively walks toward her hearing no sound at all, not even the sigh of the forest floor as her bare feet moves seemingly on their own. The surreal quality of the dream making colors more vivid, smells more delightful also contributes to a sense of mystery. Kaila knew not to say a word... in fact, didn't know what if anything to say. After a pause the woman finally speaks in a voice almost devoid of emotion.

Balance and Justice child of Larlaal and Daranour, they will now rest.

Too startled now to speak at all hearing the names of her long dead parents, Kaila simply stares until the woman and glade melts away finally succumbing to true sleep.

Waking yet afraid to move, her once brown and now deep blue eyes finally open to a dark so complete, she wonders if she could see at all until the dark moves. Finally seeing a slight twitch of white whiskers almost tickling her cheeks framing a pink nose surrounded by black fur, her hand weakly moves to her face as the rabbit jumps off her body.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:10 pm
by Daelyn
Daelyn lowered his staff to the ground and looked down to the frozen rabbit at his feet with, his eyes almost curious. Clearly his power was increasing, and his Master would be pleased. A smile spread on his face as he grabbed the rabbit by it's feet and started walking in the direction of Troll's Bane. When he reaches the riverside of "Fairy's tears" he once again raised his staff, pointing it at the shadows of the other riverside, which he could not really see clearly as the night was clouded and starless. He closed his eyes and muttered in the strange language of the runes, a moment later appearing on the other riverbank. He was about to continue on his road towards the small town when he noticed Kaila, who was almost hidden in the shadow of a tall tree. At first the surprise of seeing her there made him hesitate, but he quickly pulled himsef together and appraoched her, smiling friendly. His smile quickly faded as he noticed Kaila's state however, and it was with a concerned voice that he said:

"Greetings sister"

Kaila replied in a weak voice, barely audible even to Daelyn's elven ears: ""Hello Daelyn."

Daelyn fell silent for some time as considered what he should do next, before he decided to ask Kaila herself if she needed anything.

"No, I am fine, I think....uh... I just need to sleep possibly"

"Can you walk yourself sister, or do I need to carry you?"

Kaila simply shook her head and took a steady step in the direction of Bane... and fell. The other elf barely managed to catch her before she hit the ground, and the effort was enough to make him groan heavily. He had to allow himself a few moments of rest before he managed to lift her from the ground, carrying her gently in his arms. With an enormous effort he carried the elfess all the way to Troll's bane, but by then his breath was dangerously quick, and his heart was beating in a speed elven hearts are not meant to beat. Kaila seemed to notice this in spite of her exhaustion, and demanded to be put down so she could walk herself. Daelyn did not have the energy to argue, and so he did as the elfess demanded. He did however insist on supporting her, and together they managed to make their way to the hospital, where Kaila almost immediately fell into sleep, spending her last energy saying:

"Please... Get Eli.. Get my son!"

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:03 pm
by Na-Chaya
Na-Chaya's amethyst eyes wide and silver sparkles dancing wildly around her,clear anger crossing the beauty of her face and her voice seems not to be from this world

Where is this damn Vial - where ????

For a moment rest her small hands and her silver nail corrugate a sharp line in soft lumber, her head tilted as she would listen to a voice.

The room are filled with a cruel whisper You are my goddess Cherga - but i'm not pleased with your decision. As a goddess you shouldn't steel from Na-Chaya important things . YOU - REALLY - SHOULDN'T - DO - THIS -

In a blind fury with a shrill scream she throws a candelabre to the wall ....

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:26 pm
by Shenandrea
Restless Shenandrea walks around the beautiful island of Tol Vanima, searching for a special spot to sit. She walks all the way at the coast to an old Naldor tree in the west. The weather this day is clear and sunny even though a bit cold. Regardless to her broken ribs, which are healing pretty good, she lays a huge fur-blanket on the ground, let it also hide some of the raspy bark of the Naldor tree before she sits down and wraps the blanket around herself to cover from the cold. Before her back could reach the tree, she carefully takes a small nest of cloth pieces out from the hood of her cloak. Pulling her knees towards her body she places the nest between legs and body before she wraps the blanket even tighter around and her arms around her knees. Soft and lovingly she looks at the small redish-grey scaled head of Zzss'aria, who is sleeping in the nest. Lifting one hand to caress over Zzss'aria's head she lets her thoughts trail off. Without her knowing, her other hand draws a human face into the snow, as well as a wolf right next to the face.

A library with several rooms, deep underneath the surface. Bookshelfs wherever you look. Ladders close to the shelf, with wheels at both sides of the ladder, to easily move it towards the book of your desire. The air was stuffy, dusty and even in the last corner was the smell of old books, leather, parchment and ink. One book attracted her interest this time, No .1534 carefully she pulled it out the shelf, to open it. Even knowing, that this isn't one of those books he wrote into recently , she couldn't hold herself from opening it. A smile crossed her face as she had seen his beautiful, fine and curved handwriting. The book was older than the last one she had in her hands. Careful she turned over the page. She wasn't capable of reading through the whole book without sobbing.
She heard him calling from the next room. His adorable voice, the voice of a bard. “Love, 's everything alright with you?” It was utterly impossible to convince him, that everything was alright without him getting suspicious, so her answer was “Yes, just sobbing because of one of your memories, dear.” She heard the stool moving over the stony ground, his light but also firm footsteps as he came out of the next room. Soon after, his strong arms wrapped around her from her back, pulling her towards his warm chest. Soothingly his hand caressed her face. She closed the book, holding it in one hand, as she leaned her head against him, turning it that her forehead touched the side of his neck. With one hand he took the book out of hers, placing it back to where it belongs. Then he lifted her up, as if her weight was nothing to him and carried her into the other room. Her eyes closed, one arm around his shoulder, her free hand upon his heart, reassuring her that this isn't a dream as she felt his heartbeat. She heard the fire cracking in the chimney, the warmth it spread. He sat down with her, on a huge fur-blanket in front of the chimney, rocking her back and forth. “You shouldn't have choosen this book, love. It's all about war, betrayal, disease and absolutely nothing for your wonderful eyes.” His voice soothing and tender. After some time, he began to sing a song, well known to her. Memories. Two persons, a man and an elfess, sitting at the campfire, at the smithy in Greenbriar. The man playing on the elfess's harp, singing with his adorable voice. She was able to smell the sea, the fir trees which protected them from the breeze from the sea, the scent of Greenbriar. Her heart began longing to see her homeland. Even when she was with him, she felt foreign in this new world, he had taken her to.

With his last tune trailed off, she snaps out of her thoughts. A longing and suffering sigh comes over her lips, her eyes wet of tears she cries. A couple of tears hit Zzss'aria's head, wakening her up. Zzss'aria's small, knowing eyes looked at her curiously. “Sssadss? Sswhys?” she asked.
Unaware that Zzss'aria wasn't sleeping anymore, Shenandrea tilt her head looking at the small lizardess. Her eyes half closed, covered by tears unable to see through. “Memories” was the only word she was able to answer. The small lizardess crawls out of her nest, upon Shenandrea's shoulder, licking away Shenandrea's tears. “Sssdon'ts bess sssadss! Sssyou sshavess sssme!” A faint chuckle can be heard from Shenandrea “Don't be scared, my little darling. I just have been lost in my thoughts.” she looks up from Zzss'aria over the sea. She mumbles more to herself, than to anyone else “I have to do something! I can't bear this longing anymore! I need to see Kaila as soon as possible.”The next thing she hears is Zzss'aria saying “Mess comess sswithsss yousss!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:37 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Sitting in the garden at the magic academy with coat wrapped around her as she watches her son making snowballs while having her hand ready to veer one headed her way, Kaila looks up in the sky at the sound of wings and holds her hand out waiting for the dove.


Kaila begins to smile, her excitement showing through as she reads the parchment before standing up walking toward her son. Holding out her hand the deep blue of her eyes shines with love before finally speaking...

We need to go inside Darren, mommy needs to leave for a little while.

Grinning at his protest as he took her hand beginning to walk inside, Kaila leans down to gently kiss his cheek.

I won't be gone long sweetie.

Quickly making a gate, Kaila is soon with Shena as the plan forms quickly having prepared it for weeks.

Our only problem is where to look for the.....

Kaila's words cut off as a strange feeling comes over her sending a shiver down her spine then she whispers softly.

It is near.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:35 am
by Shenandrea
Kaila's words cut off as a strange feeling comes over her sending a shiver down her spine then she whispers softly.

It is near.


Shenandrea felt uncomfortable as something pulled her with such a strength towards an unknown direction but encouraged by
kaila's words she walked faster. Feeling kaila's anxiety lingering around the two as she heard kaila saying

"It says come!It wants!"there wasn't much she could answer Kaila, hurrying behind her to keep close to her.
"Don't get yourself hypnotised too much, Kaila!"She warned her, her voice trembling.
Almost absolutely lost in the thoughts of the 'hunt', Kaila touched the surface of one of the mountains, nearby Garon's smithy.
Reaching kaila after some time she also touched the surface of the mountain, feeling it's cold through the gloves she was wearing.
Besides the cold she could feel something strange, almost burning on her skin, she turned to the spot where kaila left to, close to a
small stream.
"It is there, i've seen a reflection." Kaila said and Shenandrea took a closer look at and into the water.
A strange voice came out of nowhere like it has been just inside her mind
"Touch me! Come and all your worries and pain will be gone,
i'll show you -paradise-
" the last word was like a magnet to her urging to touch the lamp without any hesitation. Being only able to
give one last warning towards Kaila, by pulling her back before she could touch the lamp, now Shenandrea was about to touch it. Kaila,
now free of the urgend need to touch it, now called her back from touching it. Kaila bend down, next to the lamp, almost whispering

"I am not sure i can do a ritual for this but i will try!"Meanwhile the lizardess, which is always around shen woke up in the hood of
her cloak. Cautiously Shenandrea warned her
"Don't touch this lamp" as Kaila began with the ritual.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:42 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Cautiously Shenandrea warned her "Don't touch this lamp" as Kaila began with the ritual.

Before Kaila could begin a bright blue light surrounded her totally then dissipated quickly to leave her blinking with eyes watering. Turning to Shena she sees the shock on her face..

Kaila..your eyes..they have turned color!

All thoughts of rituals briefly left her thoughts, then with even more determination Kaila looks back to the lamp.

We must take the power from this thing before more damage is done!

Watching Shena pull on three gloves and begin to reach for it Kaila holds out her hand at the same time gasping her words "wait.. let me do the ritual...", yet her voice stops as almost in slow motion Kaila sees the arm above the glove touch the lamp and the blink of brief surprise then no expression at all on Shena's face. Kaila walks toward her with hands shaking as Zzss'aria yells "Mama!"...

Shena, are you alright?

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:13 pm
by Shenandrea
Caught of the vision the lamp gave her, memories flickering by so fast, unable to even catch one of these memories to look closely at. The last she had seen, before she snapped out of this vision was Dan looking warmly into her eyes. Now realizing that someone is talking to her Shenandrea looked around, found herself in the mountains. Surprised by this discovery, which she couldn't combine with the last she had 'seen', she followed Kaila's advise to move back from the lamp. Zzss'aria anxious looked up at her, trying to turn Shenandrea's interest upon her. Answering Kaila's questions of what she remembered, the wedding and some other things, but no recall on who's Zzss'aria to her. She felt cold, not from the wind that chilled around the mountains constantly, more from her inside. Shivering she tried to rub the cold away on her arms. Then kaila started with the ritual. She placed magical gems and candles around the lamp, mumbling something Shenandrea wasn't able to understand from where she stood now she just felt the change in the air, something tingling and an electricity which made her hair stand up. Kaila's decision not to bury the lamp but to send by a strong wind to the atmosphere was the better way to get rid of this lamp. But as kaila spoke the ancient words, lightnings struck down around the lamp, burning their coats trying to keep Kaila away from what she was doing.Kaila was ready to speak the mighty words to persuade the wind to follow her to carry the lamp into the atmosphare. And it worked, the wind got stronger not reaching for kaila, Zzss'aria or Shenandrea. Close to a hurricane the wind was surrounding the lamp lifting it off from the ground. Soon after a green lightning could be seen on the sky and the wind vanished.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:34 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila's feelings, the doubts that had been nagging for almost a year, the once unbreakable bond straining at the edges as plans and ideas abound yet shared less and less, finally coalesced as she watched the lamp being thrown toward the heavens by her spell. A sense of accomplishment engulfed her. For someone always unsure of her spells...sometimes even saying the wrong words...this was a major event in her life, yet she had no one to be happy with that understood. At one point she had mentioned her concern of the lamp to Eli and was told it was too dangerous to find, then other things had come to fore yet deep down, her worry had remained. Kaila found a co-conspirator with one of her best friends and despite angst over Shena's memory loss, would be forever grateful for her help.

Watching her son play in the woods at Tol Vanima, Kaila smiles briefly before her brooding thoughts intervene, he looked so much like Eli with his eyes. Years ago she had dreamed of this, the day they would both be mages, have a family though it was not quite how she had thought it would be. Does life ever exactly follow what one imagines though? Yes, she knew of his driving ambition, the history of his family and their title yet in the heady feeling that surrounded her every time they met, all was forgotten for the pleasure of the moment. Barely remembering her parents except the knowledge of the love and support for each other in major and minor plans, Kaila wanted to fill that role with her own life. Despite some bumps along the way, she felt she had. Had she sublimated her own desires too much? She had never planned on being "Lady" or whatever the title seemed to be at the moment..and what elf would think of owning a plot of least not where she grew up in the deep forests of Tol. Kaila never mentioned how much she missed the plain brown robe he wore yet simply smiled at his new attire and was grateful he never wanted her to wear a style different from when they first met. Talking to Shena abruptly made vague feelings that had heretofore flew away in the more immediate concerns of the day coalesce into a solid reality.

Where were the plans to teach classes together...more and more Kaila stayed with their son as Eli went to meetings, the mainland, to fight in the woods. Always in the background, trying to be supportive she realized that now...when they did meet, they rarely had anything to talk of. What did they used to talk of? Anything and everything she guessed yet couldn't remember a lot. Leaning her head back on the trunk of the tree watching her son try to catch a sunbeam in the meadow Kaila finally smiles as she remembers trying to sneak one of the carrots Eli was growing in the field planning to sell for copper. She was not really that hungry yet having a lot of fun seeing if she could get one past his eye. Her ears turned slightly pink at one fleeting image of the rowdy bard songs they sang to each other occasionally off tune as they stayed far from town planning to sing duets for copper and speaking halting ancient. Finally sighing Kaila whispers to herself softly so her son wouldn't hear...

Things have to change, we shouldn't expect them to stay the same, at least one worry is done, the lamp.