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Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:44 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna sits alone watching the sun rise over the trees from a quiet spot on the shore not far from the druid house. Lost in her thoughts of loneliness and loss, she barely notices the cool dew of the dawn as it collects in the grass around her and makes her bright red hair dull with dampness. Turning her eyes skyward, searching for the dove that never seems to find her, she lets out a resigned sigh and stands slowly, shaking off the cold.

She turns back to the druid house with a slow, reluctant step scolding herself inwardly. Finding a note addressed to her pinned on the door, she begins to brighten as she looks over the familiar penmanship. Making her way to the garden, she slowly unfolds the letter and settles comfortably in the grass to read it, smiling to herself.

(( open rp ))

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:13 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae walks toward Trolls Bane as is her custom usually foregoing the teleporter. She stops after the bridge from Greenbriar and gazes up the road toward the monastery as usual. A particularly beautiful tree in bloom catches her eye and with a shrug and a chuckle now turns up the road mumbling to herself..

What is a little more walking on the journey.

Stopping to reach up to a bloom pulling one off the cachydern tree and smelling it she smiles, then taking just a few more, she walks down the road until she arrives at the Druid house intending to drop the bouquet off and leave. Not expecting anyone to be there, she quickly opens the door to walk inside as she hums a rare tune, anyone listening would realize it is pretty much off key also but she appears to enjoy it. Closing the door she turns toward the main room placeing her bouquet in a vase then walks outside to admire the garden.

Fianna! It is good to see you!

Smiling warmly seeing her friend she walks over toward her.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:42 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Looking up from her letter with a guilty start, Fianna smiles warmly at her friend and former teacher. "Achae! How are you today?"

Folding the half-read letter and tucking it into her bag, she pats the ground next to her, inviting Achae to join her. Pulling the hair away from her face, she nods at Achae's response. "As always, there is so much to tell you. Sure we never did get the chance to catch up properly when you came back from visiting your family."

She then folds her hands in her lap and focuses her grey eyes on her friend as she smiles softly, preparing to listen.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:11 am
by Achae Eanstray
Turning toward the letter curiously Achae watches her fold it then reaches into her bag pulling out one of her own as she sits next to her.
Not unfolding it yet but holding it almost reverently in her hand she turns toward Fianna.

I see we both have news.

Shaking her head now as her hand lays in her lap taking the still folded letter with her, her voice becomes softer speaking almost with a hesitancy in her normally cheery voice.

A lot has happened Fianna. It is sort of hard to figure out where to start.

Taking a deep breath now as her thoughts wander, she looks down again at the letter and nodding begins to unfold it.

I may have a nephew.

Smiling warmly now she opens the well worn letter then closes it back, the creases in it now appearing almost fragile. Turning her head to glance at Fianna's bag before looking her in the eye, she tilts her head then with almost a wink.

We will share a little at a time, tell me yours?

Achae places the letter in a special place in her bag then stands to reach up and plucking two apples from the tree, hands one to Fianna while the same time bites into the other. With a glance back at the Druid house, a puzzled expression briefly flashes on her face before she sits back down next to her friend to wait.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:54 pm
by Alber G
Liam finishes his drink at the place he spoke Fianna a few days back and places the cup back in his bag. He says to himself "Perhabs it was time to go to the Druids house, then..." and gets up. He looks out over the water a few seconds before starting the journey and then leaves in a quite relaxed tempo towards the house while singing loudly to himself in Albarian.

When he reaches the house he stands still for a moment to look around."This place is beautiful.. I should come here more often" and with a smile he walks up to the door and knocks it, but without a reply. He waits a few moments before making his way inside and looks about. "Nothing here..." he sighs. He setps over to the door leading to the garden and listens for a moment. He smiles as he hears a famillar voice, but he is not quite sure about the other. He hesitates for a moment before opening the door and walks out in the garden with a light smile.

"Hello Fianna, and hello to you miss." He nods to them both with a friendly smile.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:53 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Takes the offered apple, smiling softly. "A nephew? Sure that's great news!" Begins to say more, then pauses as she turns to see who is joining them.

"Liam! Hello!" Fianna beams a smile to the man, motioning him to join them as she starts to speak rapidly to each of them in turn, clearly excited. "Come meet my good friend Achae... Achae, this is my brother." Looking to Liam with a twinkle in her eye, she tosses the apple to him keeping her bag tightly closed for the moment.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:29 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae blinks once looking somewhat surprised at Fianna's words then turns toward Liam. Having just taken a bite of apple, her cheeks look a little puffed as she quickly tries to chew nodding at him then finally swallowing...

Greetings Sir, it is always a pleasure to meet any friend and family of Fianna's.

Scooting slightly away from Fianna to make room for Liam, she lays her apple on the ground forgotten. Her hazel eyes watch them both with a smile on her face.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:05 am
by Alber G
Quickly steps forward to catch the apple and he grins to Fianna. Then he turns his attention to Achae. "A pleasure miss." and then slowly walks up and sits down in the grass between them.

A lovley weather today is it not? I must say I am suprised to see the sun at the moment.. I had a feeling that a storm would be coming in.. He suddenly stops and looks down to the ground.."A half eaten apple.. I beleve this is yours, miss?" and he hands the apple to Achae with a warm smile and his bright blue eyes shine in the sunlight, and starts to eat on his own apple.

"So how are you two holding up? And what is the secret in your bag, Fianna?"

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:14 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae reaches out for the apple appearing a little startled to see it then looks with gratitude into his blue eyes before wipeing two blades of grass off of it. Holding it in her hand she quickly replies..

Call me Achae...

..before turning to Fianna, her expression as curious as his.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:48 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna watches them both with a contented smile before clutching her bag tightly and moving it away from them in a defensive gesture. "Sure there's nothing in here worth talking about." She sets the bag behind her with a slightly guilty smile as she looks back to her brother seated near her. "Never mind about me. Sure Achae was just after telling me about her nephew."

Fianna's eyes hold a faint trace of defiance, though her smile is as warm as ever as she looks from Liam to Achae expectantly.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:48 am
by Julius
Julius stood in the distance, his eyes piercing the red headed woman from the secluded shadows of the trees. His heart sent a shock wave of hurt through his entire body. The pain reflected through his sharp sapphire blue eyes and his now haggard and unshaven face. He had treated his men, his daughter, his fiancee with so much disrespect that he probably would never recover, nor would the men and women he had wounded with his harsh actions.

For many days after the Knighthood had been stripped of him, Julius had sit in the shadows and thought of his next move. How he yearned to simply settle down and raise a family. Though, there was something that tugged at him and told him that he must seek revenge on the men that took from him his title. He knew that if he stayed on the isle or if he choose this path, he would cause even more harm to the ones that he loved.

He brought himself to take his eyes from the woman as he silently turned toward the druid house, trying his best to stay out of sight and within the shadows. His hand could be seen clutching a parchment as he walked the door and quietly pinned it up. He turned quickly and faded back within the shadow of the trees.


Dear Fianna,

I know that I have not been around lately and you must think that I do not still care for you. But Fianna, there is not a day that goes by that you are not on my mind. There is not a hour that passes that I do not think of your face, your smile, and the thought of you and I being together again. Fianna, I was horrible. I acted like I didn't want to be there, that I wasn't sure that you were the right one. But now that I lost you, I have figured out how foolish my thought process was. It is true we don't know what we have until its gone, but we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives.

I will not lie, Fianna. I have been with other women since the last time you left me. But, I am honest when I say I could not bring myself to do anything. When I leaned for a kiss and I closed my eyes, I imagined the times that my lips pressed against your nimble and full lips. When I would open my eyes, I thought of your distant gray eyes staring back at me with a faint smile and a hint of a mischievous glare. There are many times that I closed my eyes and held the kiss as long as I could, just so, Fianna, I could imagine that you were there.

I don't miss you and you alone; I miss you and me together. And if you feel the same way, and I leave this isle in the next few days, I shall be there. I will be in your heart, your mind, and you may find solace in the stars. You remember the first we ever met? I believe that there is a star out there just for us.

Now, you must understand that it takes every part of my being to write down my innermost thoughts. I am not a man that speaks openly about his emotions. But, of all the women I've been with, you are the that I feel comfortable speaking too about this certain subject. Now, I know I am not the man you wanted to marry many months ago. I am nothing now. I have nothing, and barely anything to live for. I have you, Fianna. I shall be leaving for the main land in two days. Meet me at the harbor if you wish to speak on this matter in person. It took a while to understand what love is, but it'll take forever to forget what it was like.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:13 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Running her fingers through the drying grass as the sun just crests the trees and takes the chill from the air, Fianna's eyes wander back to her bag briefly as she gives it a self-reassuring pat. She then turns her attention to Achae's bag and the letter it contains, furrowing her brow slightly as she falls quiet. Her grey eyes hold a silent question as she watches her friend, her own letter seemingly forgotten for the moment.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:46 am
by Achae Eanstray
Eyes sparkling at Fianna's reaction to Liam's question, Achae turns briefly to look at him subtely shrugging then taking another bite of her apple before beginning, attempting to order her thoughts she turns to her friend.

Well, you know I went back to the mainland again. I wanted to see my heritage and learn more of the Ama'shoon. I was so upset the last time I was there hearing my entire tribe was gone.....

Her words stopped abruptly as she looks down toward her hands in her lap attempting to get her emotions under control before speaking again, then taking a deep breath and straightening her back she turns back to her friend.

I had these dreams ever since I came to Gobaith without hardly any memory of where I came from. They were flashes of pictures, a cave, darkness, fighting. One picture was of a small child being taken out of the village. It was a sad day for some yet all understood the necessity.

Unfolding the letter carefully now she hands it over to Fianna to read:

My Dear Sister,
I may have some news for you after all this time. It is possible we have heard of this boy child you spoke of. I am traveling in the next month that direction and will inquire further. If he is your nephew, or even if he is of the same tribe, rest assured I will contact you.
Jacquette, Priestess of Findari

Throwing the apple behind her toward the Druid house, Achae watches Fianna as she reads the letter, her hazel eyes travel the well worn page again, a smile beginning to form on her face. Attempting to be calm about her news, the excitement and hopeful expression on her face was obvious as she watches her friend read.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:35 am
by Alber G
Liams eyes pierce into Fiannas with very viewable irritation as she say there is nothing worth mentioning, and then looks over to Achae with a warm smile again. "So you are Ama'shoon? I wouldn't have guessed, really.. His eyes follows the letter while he takes another bite of the apple, chewing slowly. His pale skin, his straight blonde hair and his blue eyes all shine so warmly in the sun. Suddenly he looks to Fianna with a troubled look "Have you got any soup on you?".

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:37 pm
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna takes the fragile sheet of parchment carefully and lays it open on her lap, her red hair falling before her face in a veil, shielding her expression from the piercing eyes of her brother as she reads. Looking up at Achae with eyes sparkling with emotion, she carefully folds the parchment and hands it back to her. "I had no idea. Have you heard anything more?"

Brushing the hair from her eyes and tucking it behind her ear, she gives a quick nod to her brother as a faint troubled look creeps into her eyes. "Sure I have loads inside. I won't be a minute." She brushes herself off as she stands and turns to the door, leaving them alone together for the moment.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:01 pm
by Alber G
Liam nods with a smile to Fianna and then turns his attention to Achae, "So... Umm... What is going on with you?".

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:34 pm
by Fianna Heneghan
Once inside, Fianna fusses about in her depot, setting a tray with soup, bread, fruit and a plate of cold meat for her brother. She quickly pulls the note from her bag and reads it over as anger and sadness tumble across her features before a calmly resigned expression settles there.

She turns the note over, poised to write a response on the back then changes her mind and carefully refolds the note, tucking it in her pocket and reaching for a clean sheet of parchment. Opening a cage and offering a small handful of grain to a dove, she fixes the note to its leg and releases it from a back window, hoping it won't be noticed by those waiting outside in the garden.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:17 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Wearing an unusual blouse of soft leather with matching trousers, the same leather tied around her forehead barely holding her wavy golden brown hair from her face Achae turns to Liam with a small chuckle.

I didn't realize for a long time I was Ama'shoon, a lot of my memory is still missing but gradually some has returned.

Shaking her head at Fianna barely containing a small sigh.

I have heard nothing yet, but it may take awhile.

Achae watches Fianna now stand to leave with a hopeful expression still on her face but just a touch of worry may briefly appear then shaking off her worry she turns to Liam again but appears slightly hesitant as her face becomes warm with a blush and her eyes stray from his. It may be obvious from anyone knowing her well though not to him, that she is unused to telling anything but the total truth yet her voice now is hesitant and clearing her throat, the words tumble out quickly....

I, uh.. well, not much is happening..but you Sir? What do you do here on the island?

Appearing uncomfortable with her lie, she even shifts her weight on the log as her gaze turns randomly to the sky then with a tilt of her head not even waiting for his answer as a puzzled expression falls over her face she points between two trees, her hand following something moving above.

That is a beautiful dove, I haven't seen too many here at the Druid house.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:23 pm
by Alber G
Liam shrugs a bit following her look to the bird and nods slowly. "Really? I dont come here that often so I dont know.. I have my own bird thou.. a falcon..but I rarley send it away, since I am very fond of it" He says with a smile still looking at the dove.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:26 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna lifts the tray and steps to the door, managing a complacent smile despite her turbulent emotions. Glancing at the tray, she grumbles under her breath before setting it down and turning back to fetch a few bottles and some rough hewn wooden cups.

She takes a deep breath and slowly exhales before stepping through into the garden and setting the tray on a tree stump. Smiling warmly to Liam and Achae, she fusses about with the dishes and gestures to the mead and to the water.
"Sure help yourselves to some food."

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:58 pm
by Mark Strongarm
Mark walks into Trollsbane from the east gate looking relieved. He thinks to himself about how he hadn't really noticed the semi-frantic state he had been in the last several days, preparing to get the building underway. Now that things were about ready he felt more like himself - calm with a keen eye for his surroundings. Perhaps I'll see what good company is at the smithy he thought. Walking past the library he notices an open portal just off the paved road. Hm, or maybe an adventure.. He walks a little more to the west and glimpses over by the smithy. Apparently Oliver and Olive had returned from their trip to the mainland, and so Mark turns on his feet without thinking much about it. Olive had been a grump to him ever since the baby. His thoughts of Oliver is only spit flying into his face and a half assed appology. He takes one last look at the portal and shrugs, jumping in.

He looks around quickly and ready for anything. Momentarily he hopes he is not in Hellbriar and realizes jumping into the portal without a journeybook was unwise. He then smiles seeing some old friends as he appears out of nowhere a few feet away. He smiles at them then looks around noticing how much better the place looks since he was last here.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:09 pm
by Valric
Valric watches Mark dissapear into the portal, and considers following him, before deciding he's got enough on his plate already. His mind heavy with thought and worry, he passes the shimmering portal, giving it a sad smile as it fades away..

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:29 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Tilting her head with keen eyes watching the dove, Achae turns to Liam at the mention of his falcon appearing very interested and opens her mouth to ask him more already distracted from the dove when she hears Fianna return. Wiping her hand across the top of the tree stump to clear a space for the tray she smiles at Fiannai.

This looks so good!

Looking over the tray she starts to reach without any preamble eyeing a particularly eniticing dish that she knows Fianna makes better then anyone but stops abruptly with hand in air as a vague shape arises out of nowhere just feet away. Gasping as she leans back blinking almost falling off the log, Achae quickly tries to see who it is with the sun shining in her hazel eyes making them almost silver.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:48 pm
by Mark Strongarm
Hm, greetings Achae, Fianna, Liam.
The colours of his dark olive trousers and marron long sleeved shirt shine in the sun. He looks at them in turn with an amused smile.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:45 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Following Achae's gaze and turning her warm and welcoming smile to Mark, with a twinkle in her eyes she says, "Well hello to you. Sure you turned up just in time for a meal." Laughing softly and seeming quite at ease, she fusses about setting another place and motions for him to join them. "Do you know my brother?"

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:58 am
by Mark Strongarm
Oh yes we've met several times. Mark smiles warmly to fianna and gives Liam a bit of a cheeky look and then hapilly takes the warmly offered place to share the meal.Thank you very much Fianna.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:47 am
by Achae Eanstray
Hearing the voice Achae puts one hand up to her forehead to block the sun tilting her head up then smiles warmly....

Hello Mark, you have great timing!

Giggling she reaches for a plate setting it in her lap but before tasting any of it speaking casually she turns to Fianna.

Is someone else at the Druid house, I saw a dove leaving just a few minutes ago?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:25 pm
by Alber G
Liam was busy taking some meat while Mark came, and abruptly stops looking at at. Oh hello..... He takes the meat and takes a few bites befoer standing.. "I really should be going I am afraid.. I have something to deliver to someone.. a gift actually.. and I have to meet someone soon somewhere...erm....right..." and he nods to all of them with a weak smile and starts to head for the door.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:01 pm
by Mark Strongarm
Mark joins the gazes of the girls. Liam sure didn't make much effort to disguise it was his presence that made up his mind to take his leave. Mark wondered why and waited for Liam to leave before speaking up about it. He doesn't say farewell to Liam in light of the rude departure.[/b]

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:55 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna forces an unconvincing smile as she turns to Achae, her freckles fading as she blushes. Stammering over her words, she manages a reply of sorts but looks confused and uncertain. "A dove? You saw a dove?" She then rests a hand involuntarily over her pocket, the uncertainty in her eyes growing before she then reaches into the pocket to reassure herself. As she withdraws her hand, the letter falls to the ground, unnoticed by Fianna. " one else is here ... I don't ...I mean, I didn't look upstairs..." she sputters out, looking very uncomfortable with her own reply.

Rising from her seat then and smoothing over the front of her skirt and still not noticing the missing letter in her flustered confusion, she turns to Liam with a furrowed brow.
"You don't have to go already? Sure you've barely eaten a bite." Lost in her own confusion, Fianna fails to notice Mark's discomfort for the moment.