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Dealing with Jorokar

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:32 am
by Lrmy
I leave for the mainland tomorrow, Mister Laiden and before I leave, I was willing to write up this letter for you detailing the information I came under of the our dear friend and governor, Jorokar. It seems that you and I are not the only ones that have committed crimes in Town or should be carrying the title of Outlaw.

Jorokar has been using the former Squire of Kallahorn and page of Gobaith for months to not only get to us but kill or assassinate you or even I. He used Joxia Doral while our Squire Wolf was in jail by not only forcing her to go down to his cell and exchange in sexual relations with him, but also to do to this to gain information on our war plan. This caused the pregnancy of the poor Joxia and her departure from the Knighthood.

As for our second offense, the Governor also used Joxia when she was in our Knighthood to get to you, Sir Laiden. She was once unofficially engaged to you as you might remember and Jorokar was simply using her, as a pregnant and soon to be lover to stab and kill you when the time was right. What kind of Knight and lawful Governor would send a pregnant woman to fight his battles? What a piece of intolerable cow dung.

Now, as I have detailed these crimes in the parchment above, lets take a look at the rules Jorokar has his citizens abide by. What did he break with these actions?

Town Laws/Light Offences wrote:
F. Conspiracy to commit a Crime
Conspiring to commit a crime is now a crime in itself under the law. Should a person be caught in the act of planning, attempting or inciting others to break the laws and regulations alone or in a group, he is subject to the exactly same punishment as he would get for doing the crime. (Treat as category I-III crime depending on the crimes)

Town Laws/Medium Offences wrote:
G. Threat and duress
Threatening a citizen or a resident with violence, or trying to force them into doing something against his will is crime against the law. Guards or other representatives of authority can never be charged for this without the approval of the High Judge. Residents are protected against threats or duress only within the walls of Trollsbane.

Town Laws/Medium Offences wrote:

I. Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is a crime where it can be seen that the perpetrator attempted to murder the individual, or that the victim was sufficiently severely wounded to justify that. Guards should note that Outsiders are protected against attempted murder within the walls of the city. (Attempted murder of a Citizen or a Resident should be treated as category III crime)

Town Laws/Serious Crimes wrote:
A. Spying
Spying for the benefit of other town or organization is a crime under the law. The magnitude of punishment depends on the graveness of the leaks, to which organization/town the spying has been conducted for and the duration of the spying. Always treat the case as category III.III crime until proven otherwise.

Although you and I are both still outlaws for attacking this unlawful individual, I think if you post this we shall open up the eyes of all those that Jorokar has deceived. Peace be with you, Sir Laiden.

Sir Julius Rothman
Knight of Kallahorn
If Jorokar is seen is town shall be asked to leave calmly. If he denies, force should be used. Those who cannot use force may be overlooked depending circumstances. Those not willing to comply will be dealt with accordingly. For more information about Jorokar's crimes Dain Laiden may be spoken to.

All with other incriminating information on Jorokar are asked to write here.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:57 am
by Vern Kron
Artimer walks up and reads the board. Shaking his head, he removes the parchment, and tosses it into the fire.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:09 am
by Richard Dagonet
A man in a hood passes by and nails a leather skinned hide with the note tinseled into it upon the wall. It might be noted that this one is much higher then the last, showing that the person who hung it went to great lengths to place it out of reach. The writing rather big and colorful, catching the views of anyone that can pass by.

One might notice that there are several of these hides posted around town, along with fliers and other parchments. All of them seem to have been wrote by another hand then the last. When entering other settlements and towns, one could make out the messages on the ground, against the walls, and the official boards.

WANTED Jorokar Sladrir

For FOUR crimes in Trolls Bane!

- Conspiracy to commit a Crime

- Threat and duress

- Attempted Murder

- Spying

Jorokar, the Former Governor of Trolls Bane!

Price paid for the capture of the Said Criminal: One gold Coin

At the bottom of the Wanted parchments, one can make out a very faint name signed to it.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:12 am
by Lrmy
Another four are posted up again in the old one's place.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:55 am
by Hushed
A small Dwarf walks by with a shield that bears the Coat of Arms of the Town Guard. He looks to the board, then calmy, but ineligibly, writes

Sir, this evidence requires the testimony of Joxia. We can make no movement to impeach the Governor until we have concrete evidence, and a fair trail against the Governor with the High Judge attending.

Until then, you yourself are committing Threat and Duress, as this is all circumstantial.

- Rinal Kilhig
Town Guard Recruit

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:01 pm
by Artan Innis
in spidery writing there is:

well written, mate. And as I see Mr Rothman has given in his war plans with that letter, probably war against the Town of Troll's Bane. So he should be accused of Treason aswell.

Governor Sladrir can't be accused of Spying, Conspiracy to commit a crime or Attempted murder, as the "victim" is the outlaw Julius Rothman who wants to overthrow our government. So all what Governor Sladrir did was for the benefit of Troll's Bane.

The Governor may be accused of Threat and Duress, if Miss Doral gives evidence in court.

I am probably not such an educated man like the knights here, but I still can see what the outlaws Rothman and Laiden constantly try to do. It is ridiculous to think that any citizen will believe their words.

.- Timothy

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:46 pm
by rakust dorenstkzul
A man carrying a lute comes scurrying to the board, he quickly removes a sheet of parchment from his pocket and nails it to the board.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:00 pm
by Sssari
A lizard walks past eyeing the board again, and upon seeing the last note nearly laughs with glee before scurrying off.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:04 pm
by AlexRose
Good joke, Oliver.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:06 pm
by Richard Dagonet
When I was an active member in the Knighthood of Gobaith, Sir Jorokar attacked and tried to force me to undergo sexual relations with him. For that, he should have been banned. I told many guards and the Governor at the time, but.. despite my plies for help, I was ignored. Obviously Jorokar paid off one of the guards or the Governor.

Quay Calimon

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:33 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
If people believe these lies then it truely shows the stupidity and ignorance that has befallen the people of Gobaith. Expecially since Julius is an outlaw and does not have a say to his protection in Trolls Bane since it is allowed for people to attack him on sight.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:38 pm
by Borine
Dantagon is a small fool


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:51 pm
by Alytys Lamar
A dark hooded Lady stands at the boards and her face is barely to see.
Maybe you can hear a cold chuckle and see her head shaking.

A soft whisper is to hear as she read the last pinned notes:

* This people nothing as scum, scum of the worst kind. And people who believing such a lie aren't better.

Ahhh. how I detest TrollsBane.. this town is a big rathole, not worse to set my feet in, except for bussiness. *

With a soft move she melts with the shadows ....

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:57 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Borine wrote:Dantagon is a small fool

((Please remove that as the note is unsigned, therefore you don't know who wrote it.))

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:08 pm
by HolyKnight
To those it concerns:

So far all I see is hearsay and the sworn testimony of a Co-leader who has opposed the Knights of Gobaith once before. Let Joxia come forward and validate your claim and further allow HER to explain the allegations your have presented, if there is a shred of truth at all. Secondly, some of your charges against the Governor have absolutely no validity whatsoever according to your testimony.

Town Laws/Light Offences wrote:
F. Conspiracy to commit a Crime
Conspiring to commit a crime is now a crime in itself under the law. Should a person be caught in the act of planning, attempting or inciting others to break the laws and regulations alone or in a group, he is subject to the exactly same punishment as he would get for doing the crime. (Treat as category I-III crime depending on the crimes)
You do realize it is not against the law to hunt outlaws correct? Under law you are both deemed outlaws, therefore, even if the Governor told Joxia to kill you it is not conspiracy to commit a crime. Also prostitution and whoring is not against the law in Trolls Bane. So sending her to the jail to solicit sexual favors to gain information about your Knighthood is once again NOT against the law. I know it is harsh and I know it is a disgusting act but that is how it is under law.
Town Laws/Medium Offences wrote:
G. Threat and duress
Threatening a citizen or a resident with violence, or trying to force them into doing something against his will is crime against the law. Guards or other representatives of authority can never be charged for this without the approval of the High Judge. Residents are protected against threats or duress only within the walls of Trollsbane.
This is the ONLY law that could have been broken in the circumstance. The only way to prove that is for Joxia Doral to come forward and testify that the Governor, not a messenger of the Governor, threatened her life with violence or force. Also, sadly to say this is another loopholed law... for if a guard cannot be charged with this crime without the Judges approval then your case lies with the Judge, as well.
I. Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is a crime where it can be seen that the perpetrator attempted to murder the individual, or that the victim was sufficiently severely wounded to justify that. Guards should note that Outsiders are protected against attempted murder within the walls of the city. (Attempted murder of a Citizen or a Resident should be treated as category III crime)
Once again you are both outlaws you have no rights. We can attempt to murder you at anytime. Unless of course these charges happened before you were outlaws, which you have not expressed.
Town Laws/Serious Crimes wrote:
A. Spying
Spying for the benefit of other town or organization is a crime under the law. The magnitude of punishment depends on the graveness of the leaks, to which organization/town the spying has been conducted for and the duration of the spying. Always treat the case as category III.III crime until proven otherwise.
This isnt even a valid charge even if you werent outlaws at the time. It is not spying if you do it FOR Trolls Bane it is only spying if you do it against Trolls Bane. Come on now this is reaching.

Sure writing down a bunch of laws looks good on paper when you look at it. Doesnt mean a pixie flicking thing if you dont know the laws and how they are handled. So prove to us that these claims happened before you were outlaws and give us Joxia's testimony from her mouth before the High Judge and then you might have a case. You dont even have circumstantial evidence just a load of hearsay. Once again please know the laws.

Town Guard of Trolls Bane,
For Law and Order Under Zhambra's Name,

Eli Travinus

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:25 am
by Fooser
I enjoy a good baked apple pie at the end of the week.

No I dont, what am I saying.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:12 pm
by Faladron
Joxia is a lady and as such she choose not to bed with Julius although he pleaded begged and cried infront of her knees.

That's the only reason he put this parchment on the wall.

Blue balls.

A very knightly thing to do, to dishonor a lady like that publically Julius Rothman.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:40 pm
by Llama
I am positive that spreading rumours against the government, and inciting people to throw him out may be considered high treason.

A sketch a fire lies below the message, but otherwise no signature

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:48 pm
by AlexRose
Eli, Jorokar is not a guard. Also, this is about morals, so the fact that he can get out of it through a loophole doesn't help.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:59 pm
by Deuce
Well said Lord Elderberry, just the kind of reasoning thought that I believe is needed for a jury, wither of not this case does meet town courts.

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen
Knight of Kallahorn

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:48 pm
by HolyKnight
Then Master Elderberry,

The citizens of Troll's Bane have always reserved the right to vote a bill of no confidence for any Governor not running their city properly. This right is not reserved for outlaws that so far only slander the name of the Governor. As I said Sir Laiden and/or Sir Rothman have not claimed when these so called laws were broken. Furthermore, and most importantly, Joxia Doral hasnt said a single word. So "nothing" should go against the Governor's character till there is factual evidence. It is the same as saying you killed Governor Siltaris a year or so ago. Sure I could come up with some elaborate story but the fact would still remain you did not.

For Law and Order,

Eli Travinus

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:03 am
by Lrmy
Firstly, the entire contacts of Julius's message have been copied down. No "war instructions" were in-closed.

May we bring up the fact that the governor held a war against the two so-called outlaws? The fact the governor already had a great distaste for those two? The fact that the governor had one of those two captured during a duel of honor years ago? The man uses his power to his advantage. For more information on the subject you may contact Dain Laiden.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:54 pm
by abcfantasy
I also wish to accuse the Governor, as well as the whole Town Guard for the following reasons.

I attempted to slay the Governor and drew my swords at him. He and the guards then attacked me for doing so, and thus, I accuse them for Disturbance, Assault, Threat and Duress and Attempted Murder. How corrupt are these people, and the Governor?

And this doesn't stop here. After managing to escape, I warned them that the Governor can count his days, for I will myself kill him with my own bare hands. Following that, the Guards planned to protect the Governor and to capture me or even slay me if it was needed. This is certainly a conspiracy to commit crime from their behalf.

I say the Governor is just a piece of skeleton dung, if they have any. If that's invalid, then I'll say that he's a piece of dung coming from an obnoxious, misshapen creature born from a cross breed between a half-pig (half-human) and a physically disabled mule.

I will say that the Governor will be given a kick on his rear and shoved out of town. If he refuses (which is silly. He is in no position to refuse, although he governs the town and was voted to do so), then we shall draw our swords, we shall beat him to death if needed, and stick his head to a pike. But, with all sincerity, these are no war instructions of course. We are peaceful, loving flower boys.

~ Unsigned

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:27 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Rukka tink dat orcs should rules town, because dey nebar leb dis sillynesses stay fur very lungs.

Orcs woulds rule justly aslongs as dere is enough meats an all peoples act polites an gib us deir silburs.
Fur fear of dangur I wills nub sign dis message wib my name.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:02 pm
by Richard Dagonet
Amazing forgery and sarcasm, most likely the Governor's doing, be it by his hand or another. Perhaps he would take the time to look at the above message and see that the forged individual isn't even on this isle anymore?


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:01 am
by Lrmy
Leonarde Brousseborgne seems to arise some questions.

First, where did this man come from? He seemed to spawn from nowhere some months ago. He was seemingly; randomly appointed as High Judge. What experience does this man have? Of even more importance, what experience on Gobaith or even in Troll's Bane does he have? How can one who barely knows the people of the land and has had no recognizable experience to the people of that land possibly be fit to deem out punishments to those people?

I have never seen him on the island. Has anyone? Even if he has been seen, it is still suspicious.

Dealing with Jorokar

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:11 am
by Joxia Doral
Lrmy wrote:Leonarde Brousseborgne seems to arise some questions.

First, where did this man come from? He seemed to spawn from nowhere some months ago. He was seemingly; randomly appointed as High Judge. What experience does this man have? Of even more importance, what experience on Gobaith or even in Troll's Bane does he have? How can one who barely knows the people of the land and has had no recognizable experience to the people of that land possibly be fit to deem out punishments to those people?

I have never seen him on the island. Has anyone? Even if he has been seen, it is still suspicious.
I happen to agree...I would like to know the answers to these questions as well.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:03 pm
by abcfantasy
It seems that after having suffered the failure of the first accusations, with much of its falsities becoming evident, certain people now try to put forward any new and random accusations in attempt to conceal the humiliation. How did this suddenly flip to the Judge of Troll's Bane?

Regardless of this ridiculous approach, I will say that the Judge could have been anyone and that these rebellion people would have still found some reason to accuse. If it was a popular person, the accusation would be that of bias. This competent person is free from bias. Why is it that you consider a person who barely knows the people of the land to be unfit for the position of a judge?

It seems that this last accusation is but a poor attempt at finding hints of my suspected but unproved corruption.

~ Sir Jorokar

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:51 pm
by Konrad Knox
You should try making me a judge. Everyone loves me.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:18 pm
by Ascius
Leonarde Brousseborgne is from Albar. He approached me in need of work and I thought he was a reliable and able person. He also told me he had some experience with administrative work and so I proposed him to the governor.

So far he is doing work, which the last judge did not. Troll's Bane should be grateful for that.

Furthermore, I have to agree with the governor in the point that a fairly 'new' person could be more neutral than someone who is on this island for a long time.

Everyone knows there are high tensions between specific groups, and these tensions lead to conflicts on and on. Those conflicts often not only affect the groups involved, but everyone in town.
Barely anyone on this island is innocent. And I bet all the people who are bickerung around here and who left their notes unsigned are the ones who are well known troublemakers since years and who already have a bad reputation that stinks even into the nine hells.

So, be happy there is someone new now, someone who is not preoccupied. And we all know, it is damn hard to not become preoccupied, walking the streets of Troll's Bane every day.
Give the new man some time. Maybe consider he will do some good work, after all?
