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Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:42 am
by Thane Godfrey
Well, basically, a command that would allow you to do an emote that doesn't start with your name, but always ends with (( Yourname )).

Why? Because sometimes, the character limit in #me isn't big enough. Or sometimes, you want to describe an action that's happening around. Instead of using * *, the yellow text would be nice.


/me looks around, doing action, abkasgjkasgk jaskgjkasgt kakgjaksgj asgjkasgj, asgkjasgka kgkasjg kasgj kasjg kasgjk ajksgjk ajksg jkasgj, then slowly glances

/env at the men by the fireplace, smiling.

Would echo:

Thane Godfrey ooks around, doing action, abkasgjkasgk jaskgjkasgt kakgjaksgj asgjkasgj, asgkjasgka kgkasjg kasgj kasjg kasgjk ajksgjk ajksg jkasgj, then slowly glances

/env at the men by the fireplace, smiling. (( Thane Godfrey ))

Can also be used for;

/env The parrot resting on Thane's shoulder squacks. (( Thane Godfrey ))

The (( Name )) is used so people don't fake-emote for other people.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:47 am
by Thane Godfrey
Oh, /env stands for /environment by the way.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:13 am
by Lance Thunnigan
Thane Godfrey wrote:Oh, /env stands for /environment by the way.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:26 am
by Thane Godfrey
Lance Thunnigan wrote:
Thane Godfrey wrote:Oh, /env stands for /environment by the way.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:31 am
by Gro'bul
He's just violating rule 3, thats all. Ban plz?

Simple, roleplay oriented, abuse defused, seems like a pretty darn good idea to me. :)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:33 am
by Thane Godfrey
Gro'bul wrote:He's just violating rule 3, thats all. Ban plz?

Simple, roleplay oriented, abuse defused, seems like a pretty darn good idea to me. :)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:29 am
by Faladron
Faladron hands a leaf over to the man.

Man looks at the leaf closely.

Faladron - The leaf appears to be fresh, still in a vivid green color, about as big as the palm of an average mans hand, you guess it to be from an apple tree -

done by using #me - (minus) text - (minus) to show that this is no ordinary #me, and in my opinion it doesn't look that bad.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:31 am
by Thane Godfrey
Well, what's the harm in adding /env?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:50 am
by Pellandria
Uhh I go with Faladron here, its useless, you can even mix your pure #me's with your enviroment.

#me looks up as the parrot, which is sitting on his shoulder, squacks.

and I wonder why you would do "glances at the man at the fireplace, smiling" into a completly different action, you ~are~ glancing there at all so this is still an action.

You might just use
#me ~
#me -
or other variations to indicate that you describe a certaint item, or just mix it with your current #me.

What speaks against it, well as long as I know you need a new client for new commands and this one more or less seems, atleast for me, "useless".

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:55 am
by abcfantasy
Not a bad idea. It's not useless, but there is a small workaround to that as already stated above.

However, such a change is not a simple change in the scripts but in the server too, making it slightly more complicated.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:33 pm
by Tinya
This is the best idea I have heard in awhile and would be very helpful in being able to continue something you typed..half the time this gets lost in the shuffle of other speech or emotes. For a RPing game this would be a big advantage to using RP the way it should. /env A dragon flies overhead only heard briefly as the familiar sounds of the wings. /me looks up and puts her hand to her forehead trying to block the sun.

The only problem I see with it however is possible abuse.. you say a dragon flies overhead...the other person says not. Possibly if this idea wouldn't work... to use /env as simply a continue without the name which would look like.. Letia looked briefly down to the ground then with a small
(continued) grin and chuckle before replying

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:37 pm
by pharse
Actually this would need additionally a client update, AFAIK. But the only client developer has not that much time anyway, so all unnecessary changes should be left redundant >_>

As already stated above, there are elegant ways to do this right now.