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Powergaming - instant kill!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:54 am
by Erdrick
I taught my neighbor how 2 play and when he casted on himslef he was killed instantly.
he was greeted by "Stop Powergaming!"
isnt this a little harsh?


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 1:00 am
by Sword
that happened to me also and i really dont like that.
i was just testing my spells and i died,making my skills lower.
this isnt very nice i think it is dumb to kill someone about a
mistake like that.
it doednt really matter does it if they do that.
because there isnt levels or anything and they jsut raise skill
to acually get better in the game.
please fix this,if you dont want to fine,but it mean harsh
and i dont like it.
first of alll  because it yells at you and then kills you.



Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 3:06 am
by Dyluck
Well first off i don't think it was very nice that you suddenly implemented this new rule without giving a warning on the news section of this website. I'm lucky that i didn't have to find out about this the hard way but i might been a victim as well.

And secondly i don't see why a person should not be allowed to practice a skill if he wants to excel in it. I read in the rules "If a character does the same action repeatedly for a longer time to increase his skills, then it is called powergaming." So then eventually if a person does mining, tailoring, glassblowing, fishing, or even just talking too long then he will self destruct as well?

Getting hit by magic is also the only way to raise a certain if we are not allowed to cast on ourselves, and there is no monsters that use magic...then are you suggesting that we find other people and pick fights with them so that they will cast on us?

Or perhaps this rule is to prevent too many powerful players from appearing? But if people want to become powerful mages, then isn't that their own choice? And it's not like senseless PKing with magic is a problem in this game. So then i don't see why this new rule needs to be implemented. Please give a good explanation Bror...i would greatly appreciate it.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 6:51 am
by Bror
There was a warning: The new rules that have been here for a week say something like "no SENSELESS using of skills which doesn't fit your character".
Is is senseful for a mage to cast spells on himself that rise his skills?
Do soldiers in real life practice to shoot themself with a rifle in the head to train their shooting skills?

I find it harsh, when role players get killed from people with powergamed skills and senseless attribute distributions.
I find it harsh when roleplayers can't play their role because some will-be mage stands next to them casting offensive spells at himself for minutes.
I find it harsh when people don't follow the rules and wine afterwards that there has been no warning that these rules realy were ment to be enforced.

This game is designed to enforce roleplay, so we try not to be harsh to the players doing that, even if this means to be harsh to others.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 8:49 am
by Dyluck
Well...yes i have read the rules, it only states the definition of powergaming but does a poor job of explaining why it is there or what is trying to being enforced.

Mages can do extraordinary things because they are people who have supernatrual powers. When a soldier in real life is shot he will die from his wounds, but a mage can heal himself instantly. Also when a soldier in real life is shot by a bullet, he does not become more resistant to bullets, so perhaps magic resistance should be changed to be gained by a different method?

And how does a mage casting spells on himself for minutes affect others' roleplay more than a mage casting on a nearby spot for minutes?

I know i sound very opposing but well, these are my opinions :)


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 12:57 pm
by Bror
"....And how does a mage casting spells on himself for minutes affect others' roleplay more than a mage casting on a nearby spot for minutes? ..."

I would concider both things disturbing and you won't find me doing anything of that (except when testing a game feature I just added for bugs).

But the mage casting at himself is more disturbing to me than the other. When trying to receive the right fantasy game atmosphere, a mage casting spells without reason at a distant place may still fit in the setting, even if it is hard at the border of what can be tolerated (maybe he has a reason for this behavior?). A mage burning himself the whole time, while he actualy gets damage from it i.e. is HURT and swallows healing and mana potions meanwhile is no part of the setting anymore, it is just a stupid powergamer with no sense of RPG. This way it disturbs the atmosphere by adding elements that are normaly not contained there.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 4:27 pm
by Jeanderaux
    I just want to say that I like the new rule.  I'm sick of seeing people just standing around talking and casting spells on themselves as if nothing was happening.  I also think that Bror needs to add in some magic casting monster in some cave somewhere.  Perhaps add another demon that can also cast spells?  Thanks for reading this.



Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 4:30 pm
by Captain Kirk

i think many people think magic is a normal think like smithing but it isnt it is full of secrets and when i cast in/at/near town i cant keep the magic secret
btw u saw merlin or gandalf standing the whole day in town and casting spells around them or at themself ???
it is like a thief is telleng all people how to steal then he cant steal anymore coz all know how to and can catch him very easy

YES it is ok that the dumb mages get punished for their behavior

perhaps the wannabe mages should read a few books first before playing a mage in the quake way coz i think most are using magic only for fighting and not because the want play a real mage (for druids it is the same but they are doing it only for the money)

Read ya

Capt. Kirk


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2001 7:58 pm
by Dyluck
OK i agree that this rule will help the roleplaying in the game.
But along with these changes, i hope you will find better way for the magic resistance system as well, making a monster that can cast spells might be one a good idea. But there might be a few drawbacks to this...

Oh and which reminds me...I hope to see a monster which is unvulerable to weapons (you know one of those slime types maybe) and can only be hurt by magic someday.......someday :)


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 2:07 am
by Erdrick
It came a little sudden, dont you think?
I casted on myself for a whole day before and it (mag res) raised so slightly it wasnt funny.
(one of my other characters)
So, in conclusion, I think its a little unjust.

A perfect solution is to:

A: Make it so you cannot cast spells on yourself except for orl kah and mes pen.
B: Make it so no mag res rises when you cast on yourself.

The other thing is that its pretty **** hard to raise your mag res without "powergaming"
The only solution is if you are a druid with 250 mana potions, and you pay a mage to cast spells on you all day.
Thats what makes it so difficult! Although mag res is one of the least important spells in-game right now, its good to have anyway.

Final comment: Library research should be in "other" section of skills because there isnt any there yet and most of the stuff you read in the library is about baking and glassworks.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 12:05 pm
by Damien
The resistance system can be changed later. A little idea: Four resistances :
- Heat
- Cold
- Poison
- Mind
- Energy
These could either work like the MR does now, or be balanced that way that it is IMPOSSIBLE to maximize all (but the single ones had to be as effective as the old MR then). That way, for example, these resistance skills have a maximum total. So people can for example maximize heat and cold, and get no or very very few damage from the strongest heat/cold spell - but if two are maximised, the other three can reach max.30%. The overall percentage of these skills altogether would be 290% total.
If one has reached this total, and trains one skill on, this skill will take longer to rise, and will lower the three others a bit so that it can rise.
That would give magic a great tactical aspect. Different spells could make six different damage Types :
- cold damage (ice field, camp fire, burning ones hands while smithing without leather gloves)
- heat damage (fire field)
- Poison effects (coughing, getting poisoned(damage over time), temporal weakness, disorientation etc.)
- Mind effects (Mind damage, desotrientation, stop moving, temporal control,Mana loss)
- Pure magic energy effects (Flash, Mana or life force steal, being turned into i.e. a frog, weaknesses caused by hindering magic, such stuff)
- physical effects (armor, shields and constitution count, not blocking) : The hit of an icebolt, the pressure from the explosion of a fireball

Some spells would then do different types of damage : Icebolt for example, 20% cold damage, 80% physical hit damage, fireball 70% heat damage, 30% physical (explosion) damage and stuff.

I don't know if such things could be implemented technically later. Maybe it is not even possible at all, but i think it is not possible now. Or would not make much sense. Since the game is still in very early development state, it perhaps would not make sense to implement it now at all.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2001 6:27 pm
by Caranthir the great
hmmm... I like that idea , damien :) ....    

nuthin' more to say , now


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 10:18 am
by Sirius
I like the idea Damien   but  how it this ?  
if you have fire resistance  you cant have ice resistance  
If you have energy resistance you cant be healed by magic.
if you have poisen resistance you cant............. and so on ...


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 3:22 pm
by Captain Kirk

pls use a proper topic for the mag res or open a new topic thx
it is confusing if all treads change zick zack
this topic is about powergamig :)

Read ya

Capt. Kirk

(Edited by Captain Kirk at 4:23 pm on Aug. 25, 2001)


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 3:27 pm
by Damien
The idea of balancing the skills like "i have fire, i cant have ice" i had before, but this above sounds more fitting i guess. That way, everyone has different weaknesses and good points - and there are more possible combinations. You can also (that is important) be resistant against all spell types, But only to a certain degree : 68 per cent.
But the resistances could also work for the positive spells, nice idea. Perhaps the chance that a positive spell works is much higher, because the hit person does not want to resist the positive effect...