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Wedding Invitation....and Then.....

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:52 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
((open RP))

A very formal parchment unlike most seen is posted in each town and tacked to the door of Silverbrand. The lettering is done in antique gold and carefully inscribed.


A brief view of some writing at the bottom of the parchment shines "An RSVP would be appreciated" before totally disappearing.

((Saturday March 8th 4PM CST or 10PM GMT))

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:57 pm
by Shenandrea
Quietly she sits in the Workshop and works on the clothes for Kaila and Eli's wedding. After finishing the most of her work she moves towards the fireplace and works on the desired embroideries on Kaila's dress. Within her work she says quietly "May the gods hold their hands above you and give you peace, happiness and complete satisfaction." Then she folds the dress and takes the greencolored coat she has made for Eli and repeats her words while she works on the embroideries on his coat.
A long time she spent at the fireplace and worked there. Finally she stood up and walked with their clothes towards the shop and read over the invitation and leaves a short message.

Dear Eli and Kaila,

i will come if the time allows it.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:57 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Fianna seems much busier than usual, fussing about the fire and the oven and wrapping several large bundles in clean white cloth then counting and re-counting bottles of wine and mead. After drying her hands on her apron, she pins a small note below the others:

My food will be there, even if I am unable.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:32 am
by Lrmy
I will come if I am able.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:12 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Walking slowly back from the harbor, a couple of leaves dangling from her bag Kaila stops to rub her large belly looking more tired the usual as she mumbles to herself.
I didn't realize what a long walk it was.
Reaching in her bag she carefully almost reverently takes out one of the colorful leaves seen and holds it to the light with excitement showing on her face as she whispers.
I have a little bit of you at my wedding.
Taking a deep breath she places one leaf attached to a thread tying it to a strand of her hair. Smiling she turns to answer the Harbor Master's question...
The leaf is from my home... my parents, before they died loved the trees there, I have a leaf from each tree and will wear them when wed.
Stopping at the board in Trolls Bane before going to meet Eli, she looks through the parchments, also taking out some from her bag then making sure no one was watching she gently takes out a beautiful embroidered dress from her depot.
Shena does wonderful work.
.. before slipping it on to look at it again.


Twirling around once before gently taking it off wrapping it in fine cloth and placing it gently in her depot, Kaila stops to smell the wonderful food Fianna made and shaking her head she quickly closes her depot.
Not until the wedding, It will be good to have friends share our day.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:34 am
by Rosendil
Rosendil passes by looking surprised and dissappointed at the same time.

He mumbles quietly "... Eli ... not satisfied ... my work ... anymore ... no order ... wedding dress ..."

He walks to his workshop and sits down on a chair in front, doing nothing for the moment, thoughtfully.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:54 pm
by HolyKnight
Eli is seen much around the city of Trolls Bane anymore as he quietly spends day after day with Kaila. Today was a little different as he wanted to meet with a potential student of the Arcane in Troll's Bane. The student did not show up as intended so he immediately went to wait on Kaila where they were to rendezvous. Kaila and Eli had been together for over three years now but still he could feel his stomach turning knots. He was excited to finally marry his true love and start a family. However, the excitement was not diminishing his nervousness at all, each gaze into Kaila's eyes riddled him with a cold sweat. He wanted to be a good husband and father like his dad had been to him before dying.

The complexity of these emotions had caused some restless nights leading up to his wedding day but he never showed any hesitation when speaking with Kaila. He wanted her day to be perfect and that was just what it was going to be. His love for her meant everything; there was nothing he wouldn't do or say for her happiness. Thinking upon these things always gave him a clear direction in life and a balance he needed. The nervous knots bounding themselves together in his stomach instantaneously vanish once Kaila kisses his lips. He hugs her not even aware of where they just met or anything else. Quickly he looks to her tummy then whispers to her.

"How is my family today?"

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:56 pm
by Daelyn
I will come, of course!

Daelyn Mitore

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:57 pm
by Lamar
I will be there!


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:35 pm
by Roze
I will do my best to be there.


Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:32 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila wanders by, her eyes almost in a daze after talking to Eli, the warmth she always feels at his nearness settling almost as a glow around her face. She stops to look at the posts and smiles whispering

I hope everyone can come.

...then opens again her depot to look for the hundreth time at her dress. Suddenly a slight frown crosses her face..

What will I wear after the wedding?

Digging around throwing her blouses, trousers and leather armor to one side of the depot she shakes her head looking at her belly..

All too small, all I have is the robe Eli gave me.

Telling her it was a surprise, Eli wouldn't say where they were going, so she figured she would need clothes for any occasion.

I wonder if Rosendil can make something quick?

((tomorrow 4PM CST or 10PM GMT))

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:04 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
((the wedding in a little less then an hour... hope to see everyone!))


Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:47 pm
by Konrad Knox
((nobody here at this location))

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:47 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
((for anyone still wanting to come, the reception is at the Druid house))

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:39 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila places a large note on top of the wedding invitation, it is done in a beautiful silver pen before she turns to her husband smiling "it was a wonderful wedding".. the note reads simply..
Thank you to all our friends for sharing our joy.









Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:06 pm
by Shaylee Raliah Tacanaas
Shaylee finally managed to get off the ship after a long walk from her place in the hold not being able to afford any better accomodations. She looked quite different then before her trip.. only one wing is seen and it rarely fluttered as the other was obviously broken possibly beyond repair. Shaylee was unable to fly at all, and her small stature, even for a fairy, looked like it could barely move. The bright eyes and ready smile were still there though as she tried to greet all she knew taking great pains to keep away from footsteps hurrying by. One or two would lift her up to place on their shoulder for a little, talking and appearing very happy to see her. Finally, her closest friends insisted on taking her to the hospital, "The mages can work wonders here, they will look at that broken wing, don't worry." Sadly smiling she whispers with a voice no longer able to talk loudly at all..."They tried, on the mainland, I was in the hospital there for a long time and saw many while there. " Sighing she reaches in her bag to pull out things she got from the hospital. Bandages, scissors, books to read, and one particularly interesting book simply called "Diary" that when opened the handwriting a slight scrawl on the page, but the name clearly stood out at the bottom... "Kaila". After a shocked pause, all at the hospital listening with rapt attention, one finally whispered "You got this at the hospital in the mainland Shaylee? Can you tell us about it, when you saw her? Did you see a man there also... a mage? "

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:29 am
by Shaylee Raliah Tacanaas
Turning slowly in the hospital bed she lay in, Shaylee's form seems even more ethereal, insubstantial somehow as she partially closes her eyes appearing thoughtful before answering in a voice so soft they had to lean down to hear her.

I saw lots of people, but if you mean a mage, yes, his name was Eli. I have met him here on the island.

A small smile grows on her face.

I rode on his shoulder and he said I could be in the guard with him.

Sighing now, her breath uneven and ragged, occasionally appearing as if she has stopped breathing altogether, Shaylee frowns trying to recall memories of her time in the hospital on the mainland. Finally speaking but with frequent pauses...

I never saw the person who wrote in that book, only Eli, but he was crying when he dropped the book and rushed back up the stairs after someone called him. I picked it up and was going to give it back to him, but went to sleep and never saw him again.

Her voice barely a whisper by the time she finished her story, Shaylee then slowly and finally closes her eyes completely never to be opened again.

((I wish to thank all that ever RP'd with Shaylee!))

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:08 am
by ogerawa
Oger went to visit Shaylee in the hospital wanting to see how she was doing and also having heard something about a book of Kaila's she had. Knocking on the door, he walks inside seeing no one but a book sitting on the chest. Being curious, he picks it up and quickly opens it after seeing Kaila's name:


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:20 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Waking up to the sound of whimpering, Kaila gets out of bed and picks up her baby whispering softly as she runs a hand along his back.

Hush Darren or you will wake your Papa.

Turning her head she sees Eli restlessly turn in his sleep before laying quiet again then reaches to hold her baby's small soft hand whispering again to him.

I knew things would be fine when you were born...with Eli there.

Kaila quietly takes her baby outside in the cool night air making sure the blanket covers him tightly and stands under a tree pointing up. Darren turns his head briefly and Kaila quickly supports his movement with her hand. After giving her a grin his head again rests on her shoulder.

You will learn to love the trees as much as I do little one.

Gently touching his pointed ears she watches her child with the warmth only a Mother could give and suddenly chuckles softly.

I know the elven word for [elf]Papa[elf], but I don't think the human one is "Old Geezer" or "Daddykins" as your father joked about, so I will just teach you "Papa" for now and let Eli teach you another name.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:02 am
by HolyKnight
*Eli hated the thought that he missed one month of his son growing up, but adult responsibility and loyalty was something Eli never backed down from. Regardless of how much it hurt him to be away from his son somethings just have to be done. It was in the early morning that his grandfather boarded Kaila and Eli's honeymoon ship. Months rolled by and Eli had completely forgotten about anything else especially when his son was born. The sailed from island to island embracing and enjoying their breathtaking journeys. Snowcapped mountains, crescent moons on starry nights, rich colorful water crashing on sandy beaches, deep green forests with birds serenading their ears, and the rich vibrant cities. Nothing short of enchanting could describe the scenes they witnessed firsthand. In the few cities they made port at before Kaila gave birth were booming with culture and life. The food was incredibly mouth watering and satisfying, watching the look on Kaila's face when she tried squid was priceless.

Once back on the ship the quiet moments he shared with Kaila were the best he had ever known. She was endearing and loving all the time even though she was on the verge of exploding due to her pregnancy. Then after little Darren was born all seemed to fall into place. They spent surely the good part of a month sailing the seas only docking when the need for supplies arose. He thought to himself as much time as they have spent on this boat Darren would grow up to be a ship captain. The thought always felt like a comatose of happiness knowing that one day his son would grow up and hopefully do miraculous things.

Unfortunately, his comatose was quickly broken by the appearance of his grandfather which was usually a festive event. With a clamp of what sounded like thunder he teleported onto the ship when the sun was just peaking over the horizon.

"Eli you know you have been on your honeymoon for nearly a year?"

Eli's response was lathered with sarcasm, "Only that long still a few more months to go then"

With a dismissive wave of his hand and a serious look on his face Eligus beacons him closer. "I am afraid that I am going to have to ask for help Eli. Some of our dwarven allies have found themselves outnumbered by a horde of vicious Orcs."

Eli's expression is less then happy and the look he gives his grandfather is well interpreted as what this has to do with him.

"Eli these were some of your father's most loyal and dependable allies in the battles the king issued him to enter. Not to mention they are protecting something of considerable value that I need to get back."

"This being?" Eli calmly says back.

"A rare rune that was crafted long ago by dwarves of Moldran Keep. I am sure the orcs won't have a clue what to do with it but someone will. Please Eli..."

That was all that was needed to be said because he knew his grandfather would not interrupt his honeymoon otherwise. The only problem was breaking this news to Kaila because she would undoubtedly worry and be apposed. He sat her down in their living quarters to tell her just exactly what was going on.

"Kaila love our honeymoon has been the happiest days of my life and I look forward to spending the rest of my life together with you. *he gives a long sorrowful look* However, grandfather came to me this morning requesting my help in aiding the allies of my homeland. I won't lie to you I think the task is difficult and my be trecherous but a rune of great significance must be recovered before it is too late. I don't know how long I will be gone and it pains me to have to leave my new family, but you know I am a man of conviction and always help my friends and family. Pray to Zhambra while I am gone for my protection as well as my comrades. *the look he gives Kaila is the same confident, calm, and collected smile that he always gives her when things are difficult. He waits patiently for her response*

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:25 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Remembering the time Eli had to leave, still to this day brings sadness to the thought of an otherwise perfect honeymoon:

Kaila's first thought was naturally to go with him as usual then she looks down at the sleeping baby in her arms reaching for his soft cheek but also feels the weakness still of her mana flow, she knew she was not recovered fully. Briefly the thought of getting someone to care for Darren crossed her mind but immediately left, there was no way she would part with her child. Sighing she looks back to Eli with all the sadness of her thoughts written on her face but only nods to him whispering in a voice so low it was obvious she was holding back tears....

Be careful Love, come back to us.

Holding Darren close to her as her thoughts again dwell on the time of Eli's absence, she whispers in his ear "Next time, we will go with him...... no matter how long" .

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:07 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila for some reason was very tired. She had not had much of a rest since well before her first mage classes. Not the kind that elven's would call rest anyway. Holding her son in her arms she finally felt at peace walking through the trees of Tol Vanima. She knew the job as a Guard Eli did in Trolls Bane was very important, and also knew he was needed, but the city was not only sometimes too dangerous for Darren, the bustle of all the activity sometimes grated on her senses. She knew it was simply due to her background, her family not only being of Tol, but the deep woods far from anything near Trolls Bane. The paleness of her features attested to the growing drain on her the longer she was away from her beloved forest. Sighing as she holds a particularly beautiful leaf for Darren to see she straightens her shoulders and looks at him with a quiet resolve whispering softly...

"I will just have to take the forest with me"

... as she smiles

"your Papa needs us both".

Walking now back to Tol Vanima and to the smiling arms of his sitter she gives him a special construct she made, a beautiful necklace woven together with magic plus her hands appearing to be a mix of both live leaf, and leather. With a bow to her as he ties it around his neck then humming another of his favorite tunes for Darren he waves..

"Give Eli my greetings"

.. as Kaila walks off giving one more backward glance at their son and blowing him a kiss. Taking the long way to the harbor after trying to portal and failing, not really caring that much as she enjoys walking through the trees again, she stops at one tree in particular. Admiring the beauty of the shape of trunk when suddenly a wave of dizziness overcame her as she quickly grabbed onto the rough wood leaning forward slightly. Shaking her head now mumbling.

"I must be more tired then I thought"

Sitting down with her back to the trunk, Kaila closes her eyes mumbling again ..

"Just a short rest"

.. before falling fast asleep. A few minutes later, almost hidden by the tall trees, Kaila gradually slumps over to the ground amid the soft rustling of leaves not ever waking, the paleness of her features even more apparent.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:29 pm
by HolyKnight
*Eli had just laid down to rest uncomfortably somewhere in the guard's barracks. He had not seen Kaila or Darren all day and it was brooding on his mind. Just before going to sleep he had made a gate to Tol Vanima to see if she was there, but as he walked the hallow halls of the settlement she was not there nor was Darren. Dehster said he had seen her a couple of days ago, but that when he did see her she looked ill. The words at first didnt register with Eli since he had a hard day of work. His brain was not functioning properly and he knew he needed to get some sleep. With another gate he was back in Tolls Bane and chose the guard barracks as his resting plot.

It was here that his dreams haunted him to core of his existence. The surreal melancholy of the visions infesting his mind carried a venomous sensation to his spine. He started to break out in a cold sweat and his limbs moved in discomfort. Both his hands were clenching the sheets turning his knuckles white. The back of his head pressed against the pillow hard enough his neck bowed. Silent moans of anguish clung to his lips unable to leave for fear that what he was seeing was real. Back and forth you can see his eyes move from under closed eyelids. The vision had complete control of his body and fueled his heart to pound visibly under his chest. Never had his heart beat this fast or his breath been this hastened. An inexorable fear summarized the entire scene and with it came the inauspicious omen of grief.

She was there in her favorite place, the forest, walking through the trees, but he was seeing her from behind. He noticed she didnt have that noticeable sway to her hips, and her hands were clinching the nearby trees as she walked along. Suddenly she stopped and her head inclined toward the ground then she slowly sat down crossing one leg over the other. Still he was seeing her from behind he could not see her beautiful face. He could not see the woman he loved with all his heart and soul, he wanted to touch her, he wanted to be beside her, but he could do this anytime why was this dream haunting him so? Then it happened, she lurched forward a bit and her head swayed slightly to the left and she slumped.

When her shoulder hit the ground it sent a swirl of dust and leaves into the air and time slowed almost to a complete stop. He could see everything now. The sun was setting in the distance on a clear sky casting shadows over the entire forest. Just beyond the forest he could see the shore of the open bay. He realized he was in the forest on Tol where Kaila and he spent many hours together. She was underneath the canopy of an eldan oak that looked centuries old. A pair of cardinals were perched on one of the limbs while a nest of babies chirped behind them. The male was just starting to sing to last rays of sunshine. As spring was making its transition to summer the ground was painted beautifully with wild flowers. A batch of Kaila's favorite were just next to the shore, firnis blossoms. If they were sitting there watching the sun set he would pick one for her and put it behind her ear. He longed to kiss her and hold her tight. The thought caused him to look down away from the scenery and back to his beloved.

She was a mound on the ground blending in perfectly as elves do. Her dark brown hair was scattered across the ground intertwined with the leaves and twigs. He always laughed when he saw Kaila approaching with leaves and twigs in her hair and knew she had been in the forest. Her silhouette from the setting sun was inching closer to her body as the moments passed by. He couldnt help thinking she would be dead the moment the sunset. The thought pierced him deeper then any blade and caused him so much grief that he could feel himself wanting to die. She was so beautiful, elegant, and perfect in every way and he could bear no more loss in his life. Kaila was everything that made him whole again and they were starting a family how could this be? Surely he was not losing her, she was just sick thats all. He had to find her, he had to get to her, and help her. Oh the pain... he could feel something was wrong. It was starting to rain....or was it, him crying...

Bursting back to consciousness nauseating vomit covered the ground next to his bed. His breathing was out of control and his heart sounded in his ears like a war-drum. His vision was hazy so he blinked then spun his head around to regain his bearings. Both hands shot to his face and his elbows to his knees. Tears came forth like spring time rain and his mouth hung open and gasped. Taking four controlled breaths he stood ignoring the muck at his feet and grabbed his wand and bag shouting, "Tol Vanima!"

Four blotched attempts tested his patients and fifth ended with him chugging a mana potion from his belt. Two more attempts and finally success. He ran through the portal to the other side where it was dark and the moon was illuminating the sky. He had never ran so fast in his life disregarding all the trees and shrubs he was running into he dashed along the shore of Tol. About thirty minutes later he stopped dead in his tracks at a patch of blooming firnis blossoms and he knew if he turned his head to the right he would see an Eldan Oak. Almost falling over with anxiety he knew he could not take seeing her lying on the ground inch by inch better to take it all in. So he tightly closed his eyes and turned his head to the right. He opened them widely and looked to the ground....*

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:00 pm
by HolyKnight

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:02 pm
by Tanistian_Kanea
I apologize for not being able to attend your wedding. I am not big on crowds...I am very sorry you are sick Kaila, I hope you get better soon.


Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:31 pm
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
The falling leaves gradually wisked down around her form as she lay very still, her breath slow and shallow. The paleness of her features contrasted sharply with the forest floor as only glimpses of her peeked through the leaves. A hand outstretched, the side of a cheek and some of her ebony hair tangled in the colorful leaves almost as it was on her wedding day. Occasionally a fluttering of the eye indicates that she is still alive.
It was a beautiful day, Kaila remembered it quite vividly in her dream. She was in the tavern at the time listening to Natalie sing, between songs she talked to Roze and Miru only briefly overhearing someone introducing themselves to Gryphius..."Hello, I am Eli Travinus" but again turned to listen to the music and the time passed quickly. Her dream jumps now to a little while later as she hums the beautiful tunes in her mind while selling some herbs to Tony then hearing "Greetings, new here?" turning her head to smile at the man, she shakes her head "No, you?" ..."No milady, my name is Eli Travinus" as he bows. He wore a tattered long grey hooded cloak that concealed all but the silhouette of his face and the "iron fist" necklace that hung down across his chest, and they both immediately began discussing their desire to be a mage. Kaila was so surprised and delighted to talk to him, she forgot all about selling her herbs. Interested enough to want to see him, she attempts to peek under his hood as he finally removes it for her. The left side of his face was scared with old burn marks. Only his vibrant green eyes drew her away from his burns. Kaila reached out hesitantly to try to touch "How did you get it" Then with rapt breath listens to the story of his past. He then listened with the same attention to hers. It felt so good to talk to him, the time flew. When they said their goodbyes she waved not knowing if she would see him again, but every once in awhile glimpses of the day flashed through her mind making her smile unexpetedly. Only briefly seeing him again at the tavern with Roze before she had to leave, and noticing the sad look on his face as she waved goodbye she sighed and hoped to see him again soon.

Kaila now moves just slightly as a small smile forms on her face, one of the leaves floats down at the slight movement, a very small rustle may be heard as it lands now next to her closed eyes.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:22 am
by Vern Kron
Artimer wanders through the forest of Tol Vanima.

"Oh, where could she be? I really wanted to talk to Lady Isilwen today.." he mutters to himself.

He searched for a long while in the forest, before giving up. Artimer wandered into the entrance of the building next to the Teleporter and took a seat next to a fountain. He sighed quietly taking it all in.

"Its so nice here.." He mutters to himself as his eyes slowly start to close.

Artimer opened his eyes. He suddenly realised that he had dozed off, and that he was running late to meet with Elisabeth to discuss their financial status. He quickly took the teleporter home.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:22 pm
by HolyKnight
Just as he had said four long years ago, " I will never leave you Kaila." It had been the only promise he had ever truly kept. Truth was he made promises to never make her unhappy or sad, but those fell through months into their relationship. He knew he was difficult to live with and soon after becoming a teacher their alone time swept away noticeably. As he raced to her at once to pick her up these were the thoughts that passed through his mind each step he took with her in his arms toward the main structure on Tol. Tears streaming his face blurred his vision and even if he wanted to he could not perform a spell. Soon he was meet at the entrance of the structure by Dehster and a couple of elves that he did not know. They immediately saw his distress and came to help carry Kaila to the beds down stairs.

Somewhere between them taking Kaila and standing there he blacked out. The pain was too much the tears that started to fall down his face were taking on magical properties. His tears now literally burned his face leaving a trail from his ducts to the edge of his jaw line where they formed droplets before descending to the ground. As soon as they would hit his clothes or the ground a stinging hissing noise can be heard. Next he remember someone was helping him to Kaila's side and all he could do was watch in horror. He swayed in place knees crashing to hardwood floor and he began to pray as he always did. It was by Zhambra's name and presence that Eli had avoided death twice now. Once in the holds of his own self-pity and another by staying the hand of an evil drow Matriarch. He prayed for Kaila each day in his offerings and meditation. He was now hoping his devotion and love to his god would help Kaila in this dire situation.

The days went by and still only Kaila should temporary signs of getting better. Sometimes she would smile or stir a little. Darren continuously reached for his mother and wanted her to wake up with his cries. He would lay Darren next to her in bed to play with her hair and drool on her clothes. Sometimes he could not bear the waiting and he left to wander the streets of Bane aimlessly and shrouded in grief. He would see people and speak as briefly as possible. He even taught a class somehow to his new student Misha without a care if it was write or wrong and gave Johann his 18th rune. Only his promise to never forsake his students gave him any motivation to do this. He longed for Kaila so much that he started crying spontaneously causing his face more harm.

He would shortly return to her and kiss her cheeks, trickle his fingers through her hair, or just lie beside her holding her tightly. Darren was so good as he lay beside Kaila one morning not crying. He just sat there with his little legs crossed braiding his mom's hair as he knew best. He thought to himself how beautiful a moment for her to wake up with her little bundle of joy giggling and sputtering drool on her. He learned how to say "mama" trying to get her to wake. He nearly broke his heart hearing those words come from his son's mouth and he muttered them under his own, "Mama."
He longed for his wife and soul mate, but all he could do was wait. Sure elves came by administering certain remedies they saw fit, but so far nothing worked. So wait he did.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:33 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
Kaila's dreams of the wonderful times in the past fulfilled every moment, sometimes she felt reliving them would make her completely happy forever...watching Eli make wooden staffs thinking they were the best staffs she had ever seen and even picking up a lot of his discarded ones. Helping him and Oger plant crops only sneaking a couple of the smaller tomatoes. The times they talked and fished, either by themselves, or with others. Only one thing on the edge of her periphery marred her perfect dream, every once in awhile a slight frown came over her face as she tried to grab that thought quickly before it moved away again. Most of the time she settled on another dream as a smile again formed on her face, but finally, with an astounding effort of will, she uses her mana to grab the thought, green sparkles now extending in the room floating toward the waiting Eli as Darren now laughs reaching for them.

I promise Eli, I will never leave you.

Hadn't she left though..maybe not in body, but in mind? Was now and what they had with their wonderful child that different? Why was she dreaming of the past when they could now make a future? Shaking her head fighting another of the beautiful dreams just floating down she now holds a weak shaky hand out at that dream only seeing the edges of it as she and Eli seem to be in a tree branch. Kaila now speaks out in as loud a voice as she can which winds up to be only a shaky whisper not heard unless next to her...

Stop, I want to make more dreams not relive these.

Kaila's eyes now slowly open, the light making them water as she tries to see through the blur. Finally awake after all that time was agonizing as her entire body ached, the shivering started first in her legs and moving up painfully. Kaila was almost willing to go back to sleep again... this is not what she wanted at all. Her eyes now partially focusing though, she sees him. Her life, her soul-mate as the shivering gradually lessens the longer she gazes at him.

Eli, Love.

Still mainly seeing a blur but knowing the feel of him near her she reaches her hand now for him but stops as she feels a tug on her hair. Slowly turning her head up and seeing an angel at the head of her bed in the form of a boy with the same eyes as Eli her breath stops briefly at the beauty her eyes behold. Right then she knew. No matter what, no matter anything that will or has happened, she couldn't live without her soul mate and what their love had created.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:37 am
by HolyKnight
*A new day and Eli's neck was stiff and sore from sitting in the chair all night a small wooden bowl rested on the table next to him filled with water. On the rim of the bowl was a cloth one half on the table and the other in the bowl. Several hours ago the water was nice and cool and he used the cloth to soothingly dab over Kaila's head. Darren elected to sleep with mommy at first it made him nervous that he might slump off the bed. For a couple of hours Eli watched carefully, but when Darren didnt make a budge Eli let his guard down and drifted off into a restless sleep. His dreams were painful to witnessed as aberrations of a life without Kaila gripped his mind. It was like seeing an evil side of Cherga coming in the night and taking his beloved. He was selfish he knew death was a part of life, but living without Kaila would be like living without the sun.

Just as his mind was falling further into the pit of despair a godsend in the form of a familiar crackle of light and a giggling baby aroused his senses. He lifted his head groggily and rubbed both eyes before opening them. He only glimpsed the dissipating shards of green light that alwas sent Darren into a fit of the giggles. Instantly his eyes opened to their full potential and he jerked forward in his seat jostling the bowl. Darren immediately went to the source of the spell and started grabbing at mommy to do more. His little bottom bouncing up and down on the bed and his hands clapping between grabs at his mother's hair.

It was like he was struck by lightning in the chest and his heart thundered in response. For a moment he thought he was still dreaming, but not even the surreal sensation of the moment could keep him from lunging forward as he saw her lips utter his name and her eyes opening. He was instantly on his knees at the side of the bed tears streaming his face. This time they were normal but still followed the burning trails left by his tears of sorrow. He quickly took off his hate knowing she didnt like it much and stared at her expectantly. Darren was now getting a bit out of hand trying to get his mother to do more magic with happy squeals. Eli takes both hands and grabs his son snuggling him in his arms then points to Kaila with a smile. It was the first time he had smiled since Kaila fell ill. Even when he left her side to go into town he never fully took himself. The man that walked the streets was a hallow visage only trying to escape the hopeless grief of watching his ill-fated lover.

He kissed his son's cheek in exaltation, his features never looked so relieved and happy. Darren showed his excitement by gurgling drool while saying the same word over and over again, "mom mom mom mom mom mom" and reaching for her with his chubby hands. Eli continued to beam at her waiting watching.*