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Power to the people.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:20 am
by Deuce
People of Trolls Bane,


As you may know the elections are under way and before you know it, it'll be time to vote.
As I, Deuce, am running for place as governor, Thought I'de run a few things your way about what I plan to achieve.

.Introduce independance for trolls bane
No more will we be intimidated by outside influence, we will earn our way together,
going by our own trades and what not, building bane into a greater power on the isle.

.Lower taxes
Noone likes high taxes.

.Home the homeless
.Build more houses

This makes a great deal of sense to me. I also believe this may drop the crime rate.

.Lower crime rate by improving towns security
Lets face it.. Could be better right?

.Ensure no more dragon scares by building a compotent guard

Equal oppertunities for all races.

.Introduce a new tactical way of hiring guards through a reliable
gladiator system

An idea of a planned agreement to hire the arena,
for tournaments to be held to find the best potential protectors for the town.
Having the contenders duel it out in chance to gain town guard status.
This could also come as a great source of entertainment for the people.
Having a slight charge for entry, this will aquire some money for the town.

More importantly
.Power to the people - I'de like to promote your power, people of trolls bane

To invite more citizens to get involved with goings on in the town,
having volunteers and strong oppinionated individuals to help out
and have their say, could be anyone, be it even to the extent that
full power and expenses are given, to be considered given,
if that of the objective or outcome will be worthwhile for the people, basically put to a pannel of judges.

I'de like to see taxpayers money be spent the way the taxpayers want it to be spent.

Too long have the governments of this town kept you in the dark and out of the picture.
This is not my election, but yours.
A vote for me, is a vote for freedom

I would also bring back Brer as Astral Advisor.

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:04 am
by Fooser
It's quite obvious Deuce's view is drunken and distorted. The town is currently not being intimidated by outside forces, not at all. We've opened up relations after a long time of silence. We were lucky to be approached by Silverbrand early on, and were able to clear up our problems and now have a working relationship. I would've liked to have done more with talking to other towns, but time was limited.

I'm not sure what your issue is with taxes, since most people aren't really paying anything. The flats are being rented out quite cheaply, the town merchants have decent pricing, and the towns money is collected largely by the more affordable and convenient teleporters outside the gate.

I would like to see more homes too, the two flats were rented quickly with more still in demand. Though the builder is busy, and I will not pester him more than I already am, and we will have to be patient and work with him on this. Troll's Bane has also seen a record number of home and building requests in the past weeks, which is a good sign.

Unlike you, I feel no insulting of the guard is necessary, actually the opposite. Taliss accomplished what he wanted in a matter of days, an honorable and staffed guard. We have that, and crime is in check. It will never be completely gone, there will always be those who wish to cause trouble. We've caught a lot of them. We don't need to sell our souls to have a strong guard and safe city.

And lastly, no one is being kept in the dark. If it is within my ability to spend money for a group of citizen's or the town, I will, and they are free to express that whenever meetings are held, which is fairly often. All expenditures and income of the town are noted publicly. Even if I have to get creative to spend the money to give it back, I will. Right now with building on delay, it has made this harder, but we will try nonetheless.

Troll's Bane is back being the best town on the island, and it's my constant priority to keep it that way. We've had more citizens join, more land requests, more guards, and more positive happenings everyday. There are problems facing the isle from the dragons and others, but we can deal with them.


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:46 am
by Deuce
Fooser, You are all talk.

You wouldn't burst a grape at a fruit fight.

The people want stability, and protection. And that is what I shall provide them with. Not excuses.

The people want persistance and drive, not patience without progress.

As for you, The kid on the board has a point about yourself not accepting publicly, you could have gotten any old fool to write your name down.

The people want communication, not a breakdown of it.

p.s Honorable guard you say? Hm, I believe I saw the same honorable guards torturing prisoners, and that Callith bloke becoming impatient and unsheahing his sword in chance to kill the same prisoner..

Aye respectable bunch ye got there.

Power to the people

Deuce for Governor
~Frederic Deuce Gretchen~
Quiter of alcoholism

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:31 am
by Llama
After analysing the document, I wish to ask how it is possible to build more houses for the homeless, and train a competent guard, while still lowering taxes...


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:16 pm
by Sundo Raca
Although my view doesnt really matter, accepting anyone into the guard does seem pointless. I dont feel comfortable knowing there are recruits here with as much if not less combat experience than myself. Its enough to make me consider moving. Not to mention your paying these people.

Dannon the bard.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:08 pm
by Fooser
Yes, it is very honorable compared to before. I would have high doubts that you would improve it from where it is.


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:29 pm
by Julius
Hadrian_Abela wrote:After analysing the document, I wish to ask how it is possible to build more houses for the homeless, and train a competent guard, while still lowering taxes...

From the donations of Julius Rothman's deep wallet, of course.

Julius Rothman - Town Guard

Deuce for Governor!

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:16 am
by Fooser
Deuce, putting more emphasis on phrases in your parchment doesn't mean you'll do them. You probably won't do them, and will be incapable of doing them. You seem to think there is some foreign conspiracy effecting what Troll's Bane does, and I have not felt anything like that, so I'm curious where you get that from. I also wonder how that attitude will work when dealing with other towns, if they even would want to deal with you at all. Second, you're incapable of making the guard more honorable than it is now. You would first need to explain yourself to all the current guards, and why you felt the need to insult all of them. I think you will find most don't appreciate it, and would most likely leave. Leaving you to fill the guard with whatever slummy individuals you can muster.

I suspect from there you will indulge yourself fully with the peoples money, giving it to yourself and the other selfish and idiotic people who follow you. The same ones who don't care about the town, and currently leech off of it only for its money.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:58 am
by Deuce
Fooser, I do not insult the guard, no, quite the opposite actually.
I do not frown upon our targets, rather at our accomplishments.
Tis' no frown of anger, but of questionable sadness in that I know we can be
be stronger, faster,more productive.
As a unit they may have accomplished few goals, yet the list continues, one
must take these accomplishments and turn them into arguements,
therefore to resolve, in chance that we can accomplish more,
more than our current government can right now.
I will not simply unemploy the guards if I am elected, there are some good men
on the bill after all.

As for conspiracy, tis' a blind war rather. rather that we have learned to stay
quiet about.

If Silverbrand mocks us, do we not laugh at ourselves?

If Grey Orders tells us to jump, do we not ask how high?

You are incapable of ever realising this further fooser, as you have proven
thus far, but I will add that there are more reason's for independance than to
piss a few people off, the town would grant more money for sure, by hiring
honost unemployed citizens to work in the many trades on offer,
bringing the money and jobs back to the people, where it belongs!

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen~
The right choice

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:11 am
by Fooser
I have had no contact with the Grey Rose, and I have never thought about them when making decisions, so it's your own ignorance and paranoia at work. We are on very friendly relations with the dwarves.

And actual, you did insult them quite openly. Actually, I believe you accused some of crime and corruption even.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:57 am
by Vern Kron
Deuce, your words sound violent. You sound like your going to try and make a point, and end up causing a war between all the other cities and Troll's Bane. I do hope I am mistaken, because as of right now, the entire city is essentially at peace and has an agreement with nearly every town. Things are being run smoothly and I think most will agree that the relationship with other towns is just fine. Trade between the other towns and us brings in money, and helps keep the guard running. Thank you for reading.
Artimer Fault.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:27 am
by Fooser
Yes, and it's an unrealistic policy, Artimer.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:33 am
by Drex Thaendrak
This agenda is nothing but a few punchlines written down to attract people without giving any actual substance. It's contradicting itself several time and shows a level of ignorance and paranoia that's almost dangerous.
Stable relationships with Troll's Banes neighbours are a must for trade and wealth of our town. Nobody bows to Silverbrand and the Grey Orders here, but do you want them to cut off relationships from us? No more quality dwarven weapons and armor, no more access to the northern mines?

The idea of involving citizens into the towns business has some promise though. However, it's not thought out completely.

All in all, a vote for you is no vote for freedom, but for ignorance and killing trade.

Drex Thaendrak

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:36 pm
by Llama
If the people vote to give you power, why then do you give it back to them?
The reason a government exists is because not everyone is responsible enough to lead themselves.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:51 pm
by Deuce
You can't handle the truth.

And Drex my dear boy, do not fret, for if you elect me, I shall make it my destiny to enforce education through-out the land, teaching people like yourself to read, so that you can see I never said anything about killing anyone.

Power to the people!

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen
The right choice

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:06 pm
by Drex Thaendrak
Frederic, my dear boy, it seems you need proper education if you cannot even read my words right. I am saying that your ignorant agenda of shutting Troll's Bane from its neighbours will destroy trade in our town.
You still don't seem to see that our fair town needs resources from the northern mine and many people would like to buy jewels and high quality weaponry from Silverbrand.
Even if I could vote for you, but I was removed from the citizen list by a certain womanizing ex-governor because I wasn't one of his buddies, I would rather vote for an orc then someone with an agenda like yours.

Drex Thaendrak

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:12 pm
by Jaren
I neither support nor denounce any of the running candidates. But I feel that it is low for anyone who is not a citizen of Trolls Bane to be argueing with the candidates.

You must trust in the people of each nation to decide their fate rightfully, you cannot meddle in it if you are not a part of it.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:16 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Mistur Drex hab interesting idea, Rukka for governours!


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:18 pm
by Deuce
You do not seem to understand that we have the resources and material's handy to us to rely on ourselves, get things moving faster, rather than long needless waits, as for the mine situation, this has ofcourse been considered and deals in that obvious area of no real choice would be made.
Learn from the past, ofcourse, there has been much pushing and shoving on the town of trolls bane, many unfair demands, and even nanny cultures from our counter parts.
Our surrounding neighbours do not find the need to dabble with us, unless the situation is of a critical status.

More importantly in my campaign I look to what the people want, and plan to give it to them - if they dont want independance they dont get it. And I understand if this is a rather controversial policy.

Again Drex, I do not believe the Orc race would appreciate your statements,
Many times have I seen this terrible display of action towards these races and I intend to change this under my policies.

The people want jobs and pay, not yet another racist display.

~Frederic Deuce Gretchen
The people's choice.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:36 pm
by nmaguire

~My name is Vince

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:41 pm
by Drex Thaendrak
I have been on this island longer then you, and I can honestly say, more bad came from Troll's Bane governments then ever came from Silverbrand or the Grey Orders. Yes, they made demands, because the government of Troll's Bane allowed undead members of the Temple of Bjolmur to walk in town freely, because elected leaders were murdered, because criminals became members of the town guard and many similar occurances.
Troll's Bane needs to show that it is an honourable town again. Not shut itself off from everyone.

Yes, I am no citizen and, yes, I am still arguing because I have lived here longer then most of you. I have seen this town go down. I just did not want any allegiance with the criminal governments of past. I will apply for citizenship after this election. As long as nobody comes up with a law against it I will state my opinion.

Drex Thaendrak

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:45 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Rukka honourable orc, vote fur Rukka!


Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:48 am
by Fooser
I agree, give the people what they want. The people don't want to be isolated, and the people don't want to sell the soul of the town for some sort of security. We have security, and we've done it legitimately. This is one of the best guard groups we've had in a long time. There is a system in place to report abuses by guards and/or town officials, and to my knowledge no one felt the need to use it. I think it's unacceptable that we haven't talked to different towns and groups for such a long period of time, and it isn't done out of disrespect in either direction. There is no issue of Troll's Bane independence. Unfortunately we had a previous governor who felt the need to give away the towns property based on her personal relationships. The people spoke out against giving it away, I made this aware to Silverbrand, and the Seahorse is public property.

We have a treaty in place with Silverbrand too, which makes insures peace to both sides, and better ability to deal with criminals if they cause trouble in both towns. I'd like to see if this is possible with other towns, I did not have the time to check before. We have a trade agreement too, I will defend trade agreements, since logic tells us that those we trade with are less likely to be hostile towards one another. After trade deals, I prefer to let the market decide who the town does business with. If the crafter or supplier is from Troll's Bane, great, if they aren't, that's fine too. I look for price and quantity when making decisions. Trading with others is good for healthy relations. I would support Trolls Bane growth, but I won't put in place unreasonable protections. I doubt a Troll's Bane merchant would like it if another town refused to deal with them on the basis of where they lived.

Having said that, if I am back after next week, I will make it a priority to work on important economic policy such as land and property laws, along with how to stimulate trade, I'd appreciate any input from local crafters, or crafting groups. I'll continue to support hands-off policies that are helpful, like not asking for land tax from citizens. The town is in the best shape it's been in a very long time, and I think we all know what to do to keep it that way.