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Attention Gobaith

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:12 am
by Taliss Kazzxs
The Town of Trollsbane has been attacked my Dragons. Many of the buildings are in rubble and the people are injured. If any Guilds, Factions, or Towns can offer assistance then please do so, we are in need of it.

I implore everyone to stay away from the Dragon Cave at this time. Intruding there will only worsen the matter.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Trollsbane Guard.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:34 am
by Evan Ross
An unsigned not sits just below Taliss's note.

Unless of course all of the Dragons are killed, in which case there well be no more Dragons to cause problems.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:17 am
by Pellandria
I ask everyone to stay away from the Libary, it burned down and I don't know how long it still might stand neither does the Hospital look good and please stay away from the Dragoncave, there are allready measures taken to negotiate with the dragons, but all those who hunted and killed these famous creatures shall now look at trolls bane and see what their greed costed us all.


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:20 am
by Julius
I understand we live in a time where punctuation is not necessarily forced. But as a mage, please use it. I see more aspiring mages these days then I do warriors. It grieves me deeply that this is the case, but if you look at most of these aspiring young men and women, you will see that they were not taught well as a child. Now, are you setting a good example writing a paragraph without a end notation? Tis hard to read, even for a brutish warrior as my self.

Thank you and perhaps next time you'll get it right,
Julius Rothman - Town Guard
Hierarch of the Order of the Crimson Wolf

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:25 am
by HolyKnight
To my Fair Gobaith,

It is with much sorrow that I must write these words, my beloved city of Trolls Bane was demolished by the Dragon known as Ray today. I have come as his messenger seeking peace between the dragons and the mortals as it was in the past. The attack today by the dragon was not to kill or harm the inhabitants of Trolls Bane, but to show with action that the continuous slaughtering of his youngling dragons will no longer be tolerated nor the killing of the dragon protectors the fire elementals.

With these words I plead that all of Gobaith cease the plundering and slaughtering of the dragons, otherwise, we shall see something much like the Lich Wars. These are the dragons demands that five mages and five warriors form a council and an Order sworn to the Five as protectors of Dragon Cave. Each of the five mages and warriors will represent one of the five elements. These are the considered members at this time.

Bragon- Ilaya Iselle
Tanora- Kadiya Artaliar
Ushara- Calenleia
Eldan- Kaila Galathil
Findari- Pellandria

Bragon- Sir Dantagon Marescot
Tanora- Captain Taliss Kazzxs
Ushara- Hrar Godcairn
Eldan- Ogerawa Kyoichiro
Findari- Dame Ayla To'lorn

Please those that are interested even if there is a name next to the represented god, post, for all of Gobaith needs you.

Zhambra's Blessings,
Eli Travinus


An mein schönes Gobaith,

es betrübt mich zutiefst, dass ich diese Worte schreiben muss, aber meine geliebte Stadt Troll Bane wurde heute von dem Drachen, welcher als Ray bekannt ist, zerstört. Ich komme als sein Bote, der versucht den alten Frieden zwischen den Drachen und den Sterblichen wieder herzustellen, so wie es in der Vergangenheit war.
Der Angriff der Drachen heute hatte nicht das Ziel, den Bewohner Trolls Banes zu schaden, oder sie zu töten, sondern ein Zeichen, dass weder die Abschlachtung von Jungdrachen, noch die Tötung von Feuerelementaren, den Beschützer der Drachen, noch länger toleriert werden.

Mit diesen Worten plädiere ich an alle Bewohner Gobaith, nicht länger die Drachen abzuschlachten und auszurauben, da wir ansonsten etwas ähnliches wie die Lich-Kriege erleben werden.
Die Forderungen des Drachen sind, dass fünf Magier und fünf Krieger einen Rat bilden und einen Orden, der im Namen der Fünf den Drachenhort schützt. Jeder der fünf Magier und Krieger representiert eines der fünf Elemente.
Dies sie die momentan bekannten und in Frage kommenden Mitglieder.

Bragon- Ilaya Iselle
Tanora- Kadiya Artaliar
Ushara- Calenleia
Eldan- Kaila Galathil
Findari- Pellandria

Bragon- Sir Dantagon Marescot
Tanora- Captain Taliss Kazzxs
Ushara- Hrar Godcairn
Eldan- Ogerawa Kyoichiro
Findari- Dame Ayla To'lorn

Ich bitte alle Interessierten sich zu melden, selber wenn neben dem Namen der zu representierenden Gottheit bereits ein Name steht. Gobaith braucht euch.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:29 am
by Deuce
A drunken Deuce stumbles up to the board, on reading it over smirk's at most but stoping at Julius's post and muttering "Jackass" under his breath.
Dear folks,

Do not worry your wee heads, for I slewed all the dragons and they won't be back. No problem. Single handed easy business, it may do you good to listen to me more often.

'Deuce for Governor' Is smeared in blood

~ Frederic Deuce Gretchen

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:58 am
by abcfantasy
Have Sir Dantagon and Dame Ayla chosen freely to join this so called Order?
Have they been enouraged and forced to do so, or was it totally their free
will to join? I utterly oppose the knights from joining this order, their duties
are and stick solely with the knighthood.

If the need be, the knights shall be asked to protect the dragon cave, but that
is done as a task of the knighthood, and not as the task of these "Protectors
of Dragon Cave". Neither will they swear to the five, for this would be an
order from the knighthood, which the knights are pledged to obey.

~ Sir Jorokar Sladrir

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:30 am
by Fooser
Trolls' Bane has accumulated money and materials, we can fix this, and will. So the only real question is making sure it doesn't happen again.


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:30 am
by HolyKnight
Please calm down Sir Sladrir, these are only names to be considered, is it not allowed for a knight to worship the gods? It is common knowledge that Sir Marescot is a follower of Bragon. It was also told to me that Dame To'lorn was considering the position if there were no other persons willing. I would never be one to impose upon the Knights' duty or oath. I would never force anyone to join something Sir Sladrir. If they wish their name not to be considered so be it.

I also hope you understand the severity of the current situation we are in, the dragons have been around far longer then any mortal walking upon Gobaith or even Illarion itself. What would you do if your children were slain and your friends that tried to protect you went along with them? Those dragons could incite a war upon this island like none have ever seen since the Lich Wars. However, the dragons have presented an alternative with surprising benefits. If we chose to detour from these requests then what shall become of Gobaith? The dragons have their culture just like ours and they serve Bragon and the Five, and there are plenty of people that do the same so why should they not help? It is also unclear if they are willing to allow people that do not worship the Five to protect their cave.

Hoping for a peaceful solution,
Eli Travinus

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:37 am
by Dantagon Marescot
I question your words, Jorokar. No one said anything about protecting the dragon cave for hours on end. The idea is to stop the attacks by people on the dragons and in turn stop the dragons from attacking the town. I suggest you take a close look at the town of Trolls Bane and remember your oath as knight, Jorokar. I don't care if you choose to join the council or not and I do not know if Ayla has accepted this possitions or not, but my oath is to protect innocents. I intend to stick to that oath.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:03 am
by Goldburg
~A Hawk delivers an official scroll sealed with a wax engraving of a Griffen clawing upon a mountainside~

Dear 'Council',

It would be advantageous to have not only all gods represented, but as many of all races as well. I see no dwarves on your 'council'?

I am not as great a warrior as Sir Marescot, nor as beautiful as Dame Ayla, however my heart is moved by this plight. I submit my name to represent 'Ushara's warrior'. Ushara, that goddess of Earth, who by dwarven folklore, was the one who gave the first stone from her bosom to mighty Irmorom, with which he carved the first dwarf, the father of dwarvenkind. I do not represent all dwarves, but I can do them honor in this endeavor. If there be another of my kind (and I am sure there are many fine dwarves who could do better than I), desirous of the position, let him or her step forward. Otherwise, this council will be well served with a dwarf upon it.

In Service,
~Chester Copperpot, Chief of Goldburg

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:11 am
by abcfantasy
I apologize that my words may have been confusing, as I have never
intended that the knights do not worship the Gods, nor that the knights -
including myself - will not help in this matter.

I myself, like Sir Marescot, do offer to seek those that are harming the
dragons, and preventing them from doing so anymore, if that means safety
on our lands and our generation.

I do worship the Gods, recently more than ever before. However, my aid will
be given as a Knight of Gobaith, not as part of any other order.

~ Sir Jorokar Sladrir

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:18 am
by Hrar Godcairn
You can count on me to defend the mighty dragons and their cave representing Ushara, and If I may, Irmorom as well.
For I am indeed a veteran warrior and a fine guard who has had some experience communicating with dragons.
So I raise my shield in Ushara's name and all the dragons of this land in hope of reconciliation and peace, Indeed especially peace.

~Hrar Godcairn, Royal Guard of Silverbrand

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:13 am
by Adano Eles
Dear Eli Travinus,

I have seen the deeds of the dragon, and I have seen enough people attacking it before causing major casualties with their mindless behaviour.
My wish is to negatiate peace with them as well.
However I am bound to my oath to the Grey Rose and to my oath to the Great Temple of the Five and Eleven.
I need to know more about the terms of this treaty before I can consider raising my hand. What exactly are these mages and warriors are supposed to do? What are their duties? What are they to do in case someone enters the dragon caves?

Adano Eles

Noble Knight of the Grey Rose
High Templar of the Great Temple of the Five and Eleven

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:57 am
by HolyKnight
To all,

The only terms the dragons have given is for the ones in the council to be faithful to the Five and each member will represent one of the five elements. So far no word of any oath or allegiance is required by or to the dragons. The dragons want their lair to be left alone and to allow their younglings to grow strong without adventurers and treasure hunters killing them off. In order for this to happen more then likely the old fortification that lay in ruins will be refortified to provide an outpost lead by this council.

I assure you this is more for our protection then the dragons'. From the information given to me by the male dragon, Ray, the council can also be strengthened by an Order of guards that are willing to be faithful to the Five. This, however, can be discussed once the council is formed. Again no oaths or allegiance has been spoken by the dragons, except to be faithful to the Five. If there is any change to the dragons' proposal I will post it immediately.

Long Live Gobaith,
Eli Travinus

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:58 pm
by Llama
Why not just destroy the bridges? The dragons can fly out, so they have no need of them, and that way, nobody will trespass in their caves

No signature

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:46 pm
by Goldburg
~A Hawk returns with two letters. The first is a copy of Hrar's letter~
Hrar Godcairn wrote:You can count on me to defend the mighty dragons and their cave representing Ushara, and If I may, Irmorom as well.
For I am indeed a veteran warrior and a fine guard who has had some experience communicating with dragons.
So I raise my shield in Ushara's name and all the dragons of this land in hope of reconciliation and peace, Indeed especially peace.

~Hrar Godcairn, Royal Guard of Silverbrand
~The second letter is from Chester~
Dear 'Council',

A Dwarven warrior has accepted the challenge! I am very confident that Hrar can do more honor to the dwarven people than I can. I hereby defer the position of 'Ushara's Warrior' on the council to him. He is a very capable warrior, and can speak both the old and new languages. The council has recieved an even greater blessing this day!

May Irmorom & Ushara shine upon thee!
~Chester Copperpot, Chief of Goldburg

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:40 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
Rukka would hab helped, but fishy still needs appologise to her.


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:43 pm
by Sundo Raca

You've got my vote.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:03 am
by Ilyamorion

You have no vote,respect, or decency. Furthermore, you think just because you have some scars on your face that people are suppose to fear you. You are weak and worthless. Keep your mouth shut, Brother, till you can prove otherwise. Also, act like an elf and stop stealing and barking.


There you know my name

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:22 am
by Jaren
I would suggest that a meeting of all leaders of the Towns be convened. I do not doubt that some citizens of Trolls Bane have ventured into the dragon cave and slain many of those creatures, however I do doubt that it was entirely Trolls Bane's fault. Certainly some of the other towns have done their share and inturn are partly responsible for the destruction done upon Trolls Bane.

The Leaders of all the towns should hold a meeting to find an equal understanding and agreement on where to go from this point. I have no doubt that unless such a meeting occurs groups of people will continue to kill dragons, inturn leading to more destruction to Trolls Bane. Equally I have no doubt that if the island stood united, then dragons would have no wieght to demand anything from any people of this island. With our blessing they may even depart here peacefully.

Jaren son of Jeron

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:49 pm
by Sun Long
Hiermit verkünden wir, dass wir keine Angriffe auf den Drachen oder seine Elementare starten werden. Mit diesem Beschluss wollen wir die Ruhe des Drachen und das Leben der Bevölkerung schützen.

Gräfin Sun Long
~ Im Namen der Grauen Rose ~

Herewith we declare not to attack the dragon or his fire-elementals. With this decision we want to protect the peace of the dragon and the lives of the population.

Countess Sun Long
~ In the name of the Grey Rose ~

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:01 pm
by Sundo Raca
*a note is written hastily, the writing sprawled and smudged*

Damien, or whatever your bloody name is

You know nothing about me. If you did, you'd realise i couldnt care less whether you, or anyone else respected me. Now go make love to trees or something like the rest of your brothers.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:34 pm
by Damien
It is i, who goes by the name "Damien". You obviously meant to insult "Davien". You should learn to read and make clear who you insult, except if you don't care who you want to insult.
But be heartily assured that your unintellectually misplaced insult against our people was read, although your uncontrolled, mannerless scribblings demand to be ignored.


To a serious topic : To meddle with the wrath of dragons is a foolish man's choice. This outcome was predictable and just a matter of time.


To the official topic :
The Order of the Grey Light will rebuild the library, but perhaps not directly inside town, for the case that some foolish ones meddle with dragons again.
I do hope that the insurance covers the most rebuilding costs, but donations for the rebuilding of the Library are of course welcome, possibly needed.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:44 pm
by Adano Eles
I will donate some money to the reconstruction of the library. Just tell me who I shall give the money to.

Adano Eles

Noble Knight of the Grey Rose
High Templar of the Five and Eleven

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:10 pm
by Ilyamorion

You better start hiding that pathetic face of yours, hope you are good friends with Cherga.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:01 pm
by Damien
To Myself and Enwell von Illdoran mainly, although i think that other order members may collect also.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:27 pm
by nmaguire
Dis fire out of control!


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:38 pm
by AlexRose
I feel that it's going to burn this city.

Yes, burn this city.


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:55 pm
by Drelkan
I saw the dragon's eyes burning a way through me!
It overwhelmed me, destroying the place so sweetly!

- Melzar The Mad