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Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 2:25 am
by jkruuse
Out of curiosity, is it accepted behavior for established characters to hunt down and slay newbies? I'm wondering because appearently Sean-San (human) decided to kill me following a weird but seemingly harmless "game". He started chasing me and according to him and his dwarf friend G-something, he would stop if I said "dizzy". So I did, but he kept on hitting me.

He is the first antisocial character I've met in the game, and I'm wondering whether his behavior (obviously sociopathic) is found in lots of characters? If so this is definately not the game for me. I have met awfully kind and friendly characters and have helped one guy who knew even less than I, but I'd hate to be stalked by madmen every so often.


Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 2:46 am
by Pearlfox
Dearest Wrarrl,
That's a very good question! Like it says in the login message, I think a character has to have a *reason* for killing. (Of course, the reason is never really good enough for those who are killed.) I've been here a few while now, and I've yet to meet anyone like that. Usually, if someone is behaving horribly, you can find a gang of established players in town that are up and willing for a fight. Most of the players here are wonderful, generous people, and it's them that it's best to focus on, I find. Otherwise, it becomes *really* annoying! :)

Hope that helped in some way!

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 9:53 am
by Galin
Hmm well i do not know what happened sean-san played dizzy with me and never attacked me.

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 10:47 am
by jkruuse
Dear miss Pearlfox, (It is "miss" isn't it?) ;-)

You are quite right about motives for killing. Unfortunately, most killers confuse "evil" with "pathetic", and thus in their attempt to appear to be minons of the dark side they  come across as bullies or thugs. Sad, actually, that people cannot get enjoyment without causing distress.

Powerful friends are nice to have but I get this image of being in a maximum security prison with various gangs and individual characters with a mean streak 1.609 km wide. Do I really have to stick close to my friends at all times in order to play? I have tried doing things slowly and leisurely. I have mined, tailored, done black- and goldsmithing, smoking, and other persuits in an attempt to get a feel for the game and never asked for handouts. Advice yes, stuff no. :-)

And so when I finally felt ready to venture a bit outside of town, my second visit to the zombies North of town resulted in having to run for my life. And when I logged off to escape, well, he was there when I returned 10 mins. later he was still in the killing business.

I will try staying in Illarion a while longer, but have been very close to calling it quits. I don't need being hounded by madmen in my life.


That was you with him, right? Could you please tell him to eat his little red pills?
And if it were a game, why didn't he stop, when I said dizzy? (You were not in sight at the time, though I could hear you shouting). I'm not blaming you directly for the unfortunate incident, but would advice you to seek different company as it could reflect badly upon your own honor to stick with Sean-san.

Does he know that "-san" means honorable? Thought not. :-(


Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 10:58 am
by Galin
sean-san isn't evil exactly he is more chaotic neutral which fits with his slightly insane personality.

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 11:13 am
by jkruuse
Ah I see, Gylyn,

Do you know what would please him in such a way as to cause him to forgive me my inadvertent transgression?


Why kill newbies?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 7:35 pm
by Galin
I suggest staying away or if he is chasing you get help from someone who can paralyze him (hmm who could that be ;)).

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 2:53 am
by Pearlfox
Hehee... Yes, it is miss! I hope you remain in the game for awhile! (Although I can see how you'd be tempted otherwise with such a bad experience.) The comparison of Illarion to prison was stark, bitter, and wonderfully, deliriously on-target. (I will not tell a lie, there was giggling when I read it.) Hope we get a chance to meet in the game!

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 6:10 pm
by Caranthir the great
...gylyn... , or get someone who can kill him ;)
and yes...i have played dizzy with him too , once ;)
and he didnt attack me... hehe...thats because im old'n scary , rigth?

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 7:39 pm
by Galin
I am much scarier Caranthir for one thing he knows that all his guild together couldn't kill me hehe but also it's my face *makes a horrible face*

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 9:35 am
by Caranthir the great

lol ;)

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 9:39 am
by Insanity

even I killed sean once...and 9100+ player..


u really think that  im harmless fool/ artist/insane?
BUaHAhHAhAHhahAHHahHAh.....we shall see...we shall see...


Why kill newbies?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 9:13 am
by Damien
Oh, Hamilcar. You are a Nargun Priest ? So did you read those two Books of the old crazed Nargun Prophet : The "Very Sacred Book of MOO" and The "Totally Unbelievable Stuff of BOO" ? I don't have them at the library, it is hard to get them these days.

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 10:04 am
by Leif
the nargun religion is the strangest iwe seen...
but it makes sense even if its strange... and i dont know why...
( i havent read any books.... only a few scriptures)

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 11:08 am
by Captain Kirk

i hope u know what OT means so if you want talk about nargùn so do it at the proper board(s) and  topic

Read ya

Capt. Kirk

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 1:43 pm
by Dragon Blaze
Sean-san is quite strange, he kept hitting me after I told him to stop.
I misstyped and said, "Top it" and he kept following me and htting me.
Fortunatly he was weak enough that he could only hurt me when
I wear absolutely nothing. I killed him in one hit =)
So, just paralyze or beat him silly, that will work.
As for PK's that attack newbies, those are the cowards.
Never worry about those, worry about the ones that attack
people 5000 and down and have a number 6000 or lower.
I normally preotect the village but I am not on as much as some...
Try to keep your guard up and make better equipment.
Heck, we can even go on a swordfighting match if you want to.
Or Warhammer fight... heh heh heh...

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 7:08 pm
by Galin
Gylyn has a simple way to stop pks! Step 1. Get a friendly mage (like me!) if you are not a mage. Step 2. Have the mage paralyze the freak while you slap him with fishies! if you do not have  a fishing rod get one from a friendly person (like me!). Step 3. Stop when he starts screaming and saying have all my money *winks*

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 4:09 am
by korn muphin two
Ahh yes old sean-san i think he started taking things after i told
him about the future incident so he could have one.

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 12:58 am
by Roke
Sean-San is mean sometimes but, if you get to know him and maybe don't play is petty little games he may respect you

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 6:15 am
by Lord Chaos
Maybe he is the one killing all the newbies...

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 3:19 pm
by KillerX
for every idiot that is borned in this world, there shell be a wise one...  I hope there will be five wise ones to replace what Sean had done...

Why kill newbies?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 6:39 am
by Lord Chaos
Well...  ;)