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Hoods, masks, concealing your faces..

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:23 am
by :)
What's up with everyone completely concealing their faces? O_o
Now I understand, supposing someone has scars/something they want to hide out of public courtesy.. but someone who just conceals his face to look suspicious is a bit dull in my opinion.. It basically screams:

Then they get angry when a guard asks them to pull down the hood.. :/ (( Not all though.. ))

Really. I think it should be a law that you must pull down your hood when asked by a guard..
It just doesn't make sense that everyone hides their faces under hoods..

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:31 am
by Richard Cypher
I want to point this out to you. Even if it is a law, people will still say no. If they are hiding something in the first place then just because it is a law changes nothing. What I personally think is that if someone wears a hood and a full helmet, what the Smile is the problem? Leave them alone. Who cares if you can see them or not.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:34 am
by :)
If I can't see them, I can't know whether they're criminals or not.
I'm only viewing this from a roleplay point of view..
It just doesn't make sense everyone conceals their faces :/ It really.. is somewhat ridiculous..
I personally ask them to show their face, then conceal it again if they like, just so IN case they are a criminal, I can RP knowing they are and therefore take the necessary measures.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:50 am
by Alkuurg
That's the whole point, maybe they don't want their description posted all over the town walls? Perhaps being sneaky is their thing. It's what criminals and no-goods do. If they're hooded, the number's shouldn't be plastered everywhere, and told to every two-bit guard to yell out, as is now.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:51 am
by Lrmy
This is a completely in game matter, and I don't think it has any place in an OOC discussion.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:53 am
by Arameh
Alkuurg is the truth.

Edit : This is my full opinion!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:53 am
by :)
Lrmy wrote:This is a completely in game matter, and I don't think it has any place in an OOC discussion.
I was just discussing the fact it's ridiculously spread and seems contagious. 3 persons of 5 I meet have their face concealed.
If you're a criminal, I understand.. but expect to be dealt with.
If you have scars on your face, or something like that, I understand, but you shouldn't mind showing identifying for a short moment..
If you're neither, I don't see what's the point..

Alkuurg: I don't post numbers of anyone without seeing their face. Which is the whole point of why I 'ask' to see their face..

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:57 am
by Arameh
:) wrote:
Lrmy wrote:This is a completely in game matter, and I don't think it has any place in an OOC discussion.
I was just discussing the fact it's ridiculously spread and seems contagious. 3 persons of 5 I meet have their face concealed.
If you're a criminal, I understand.. but expect to be dealt with.
If you have scars on your face, or something like that, I understand, but you shouldn't mind showing identifying for a short moment..
If you're neither, I don't see what's the point..

Alkuurg: I don't post numbers of anyone without seeing their face. Which is the whole point of why I 'ask' to see their face..
You dare argue against The Truth?!?!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:59 am
by :)
No spam please..

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:00 am
by Cassandra Fjurin
this is a two sided piece of paper.

the masks:

you can't hide all of you body. Your smell, your size, your going, your acting all this are things which make you individual and which can betray you. Don't do so if you wear a mask you completely unseeable.

the guards and all others who are disturbed by the mask:

If someone causes a crime there are 5 people around which has exactly identified the person. They can describe him to the last birth mark. (Post the whole number or enough to identify him). Anytime a people is seen its really rocognized even if he is far away. Illarion doesn't gives the "baddies" currently any technically possibility to hide behind bushes or in shadows, you cant hide in a crowd of people or look inconspicuous. Because everyone hit F12 and knows exactly who you are and acts like this.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:00 am
by Lrmy
After being asked to reveal his concealed features and identify himself, and refusing to do so, the man looking like [[ 880251*** ]] was escorted out of town and asked not to step in unless he identified himself.
After being spotted in town once more, he was fined 3 silvers for disobedience and obstruction of justice, then agreed to identify himself, but failed to introduce his name.
No other punishment shall be issued.

~ Ethan Galan
Buddy, I don't mean to point fingers but this is not acceptable unless you have like 18 intelligence. Since in your post you say their face was covered you might get 3 numbers with 18 int.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:01 am
by Alkuurg
:) wrote:
Alkuurg: I don't post numbers of anyone without seeing their face. Which is the whole point of why I 'ask' to see their face..
Not you, but it happens. Grivijak is seemingly noticed at every turn, leaving no room for the spectacular revelation we would've all recieved! Of course, there's no rule about it (pity), but it would be considerate if we did respect their RPed hoodedness, it makes for much better RP when we listen and react to their emotes.
Cassandra Fjurin wrote:this is a two sided piece of paper.

the masks:

you can't hide all of you body. Your smell, your size, your going, your acting all this are things which make you individual and which can betray you. Don't do so if you wear a mask you completely unseeable.

the guards and all others who are disturbed by the mask:

If someone causes a crime there are 5 people around which has exactly identified the person. They can describe him to the last birth mark. (Post the whole number or enough to identify him). Anytime a people is seen its really rocognized even if he is far away. Illarion doesn't gives the "baddies" currently any technically possibility to hide behind bushes or in shadows, you cant hide in a crowd of people or look inconspicuous. Because everyone hit F12 and knows exactly who you are and acts like this.
In this case, i'd think by a technical aspect, the first two, or even three digits of the description should be placed up..Atleast that leaves a little room for interpretation and other roleplay chances.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:04 am
by Richard Cypher
Hear Hear! You were just taught a lesson by everyone who has ever played a crook. Learn it well.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:04 am
by HolyKnight
It is obvious that you havent been around for a while. In the past let me tell you what has happened with this concealed features law in bane.

Character A is concealed

Character B
Character C
Character D
Character E
Character F
Character G- are goodie goodie characters that know when someone wears concealing attire that they are usually bad guys so what happens? The guard says," Hay you take of your concealing clothing now, it is the law!"

Character A refuses then has to either run from the guard and get his "description" on the boards, fight the guard and get pwnzzzard by all "goodie goodie" characters, or be like richie and pwns all goodie goodies.

I honestly don't see your argument from a RP stand point. Sure you can propose to Governor Cromwell IC but posting ooc is not the answer. Try actually playing a bad guy character and see how hard it really is..... Not to mention like you said not all characters are bad guys that conceal themselves you met one tonight, me, I have bad scars and not to mention the temperature was cold. As you RP you will see that hiding your features as a bad guy or shady character is essential! Because as soon as a guard or goodie goodie sees that character description (eyes, face, etc) or "recognizes your voice", "recognizes the way you walk", "Recognizes some personality trait", and the endless number of other ways a character can be identified he gets his ((1337........)) posted on the town board. And if that character does something really bad like cloud someone or assassinates oh I dont know "a Governor". YOU GET EVERY SINGLE GOOD PLAYER HUNTING YOUR ARSE! Ask the PO of Dain Laiden he used to walk into bane with about 4 or 5 people yelling get out get out. #me unsheathes his swords ((to pwn Dain)) ((never happened though)) of course he never concealed himself hehe :wink: .

The simple fact is playing a criminal solo or without any skills will get you character seeing a lot of Jail time. Bad guys are needed for you character to keep his job BTW! Trust me there are some hooded characters and concealed ones you do not want to mess with :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:05 am
by :)
Lrmy wrote:
After being asked to reveal his concealed features and identify himself, and refusing to do so, the man looking like [[ 880251*** ]] was escorted out of town and asked not to step in unless he identified himself.
After being spotted in town once more, he was fined 3 silvers for disobedience and obstruction of justice, then agreed to identify himself, but failed to introduce his name.
No other punishment shall be issued.

~ Ethan Galan
Buddy, I don't mean to point fingers but this is not acceptable unless you have like 18 intelligence. Since in your post you say their face was covered you might get 3 numbers with 18 int.
He did show his face.
I'm not complaining about this certain individual, by the way. I'm not complaining about ANY individual, I'm just weirded out as to why everyone is hiding behind camouflages? :/

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:06 am
by Alkuurg
Trolls Bane is a city of crooks. Didn't you know?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:09 am
by :)
Which is why there's guards.
Again, I'm not complaining about criminals wearing hoods. It makes perfect sense. I'm just wondering WHY there's SO many people who are innocent, without bad deeds, concealing their faces for no apparent reasons.. It just .. I mean.. is it something common? I just find it weird.

I read somewhere, once, or heard from someone on MSN.. (Andrew maybe?) that the barbarians at the north of the island have a law that anyone concealed is struck down. Is that reasonable/accepted? I think it's a good idea, actually.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:12 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
Trust me there are some hooded characters and concealed ones you do not want to mess with
And one of them may occasionally be a mercenary on your side, but not want to put her hood down. :wink:

I agree, the bad guys whose numbers are not able to be concealed need some advantage.. or there is no point in even having a guard. No bad guys, no guard.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:14 am
by :)
:) wrote:I'm not complaining about criminals wearing hoods.
And a mercenary on my side shouldn't have any reason to conceal herself o_O.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:16 am
by Arameh
Hoods are hot

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:17 am
by Korm Kormsen
smilie (or whatever you want to be called)

if 3 out of 5 are hooded, then it is, because 3 out of 5 of TB's inhabitants are criminals nowadays.
if you work as guard under laws and conditions, like they got there now, it is your own fault.

does it console you, to know, that this is an year-old problem?
that it is not possible to guard the town by RP only?
either your char is able, to make the hoodlums lower their hoods, or your char is not suited for being guard. - that simple it is.

you can rant or beg or pray. anything short of a sports car for the staff won't rid you from the high number of criminal chars.
and don't expect all of them to RP, where they can PK.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:17 am
by HolyKnight
Make concealing yourself a crime again and see what happens in Bane :P How many guards are here from the last government? Trust me if you make petty laws the YOU the guard will be facing some very very nasty advisories for no reason at all. Wait till that hooded person actually breaks a REAL law or let the man cover his head so he doesnt get rained on. The point is SOME people like to RP a mysterious character or a shady one that just doesnt quite like the way guards or even the light hits his or her eyes. Some people dont want to speak with you noble hearted guards and just go about there way. Or how about this example: there are some characters that dress like they are a bad guy (e.g. hoods, helms, clothes) and do this to LURE bad guys into a false sense of security (aka Bounty Hunters, or Rogues) then if something does go down a bad guy robs or a fight breaks out he strikes with precision and accuracy on his unsuspecting prey. Try it sometime with your guard even be a shady character with a hood and concealment, might have a good time! go undercover brother! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:18 am
by Cassandra Fjurin
the number shouldn't be the way to identify a person. It is given randomly. We have nearly 2000 characters which all have a randomly number between 1 and 2^32.

a medival town has between 500 - 1xxxx people
if you only know the hair color, skin color, shape, eyes color and color of the clothes and size.
(this are really much facts about a person and some police man would be glad to get such clear descriptions)
you have between 5-100 persons which hit this descriptions, if you post 3-4 numbers in illarion its so that this only fits one person. The numbers are an ooc way of character identifieing not an IG way.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:18 am
by :)
Korm Kormsen wrote:smilie (or whatever you want to be called)

if 3 out of 5 are hooded, then it is, because 3 out of 5 of TB's inhabitants are criminals nowadays.
if you work as guard under laws and conditions, like they got there now, it is your own fault.

does it console you, to know, that this is an year-old problem?
that it is not possible to guard the town by RP only?
either your char is able, to make the hoodlums lower their hoods, or your char is not suited for being guard. - that simple it is.

you can rant or beg or pray. anything short of a sports car for the staff won't rid you from the high number of criminal chars.
and don't expect all of them to RP, where they can PK.
All I had to know :D

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:20 am
by :)
Cassandra Fjurin wrote:the number shouldn't be the way to identify a person. It is given randomly. We have nearly 2000 characters which all have a randomly number between 1 and 2^32.

a medival town has between 500 - 1xxxx people
if you only know the hair color, skin color, shape, eyes color and color of the clothes and size.
(this are really much facts about a person and some police man would be glad to get such clear descriptions)
you have between 5-100 persons which hit this descriptions, if you post 3-4 numbers in illarion its so that this only fits one person. The numbers are an ooc way of character identifieing not an IG way.
Troll's Bane is a town? O_O Looks like a small village to me.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:21 am
by Arameh
Cassandra Fjurin wrote:the number shouldn't be the way to identify a person. It is given randomly. We have nearly 2000 characters which all have a randomly number between 1 and 2^32.

a medival town has between 500 - 1xxxx people
if you only know the hair color, skin color, shape, eyes color and color of the clothes and size.
(this are really much facts about a person and some police man would be glad to get such clear descriptions)
you have between 5-100 persons which hit this descriptions, if you post 3-4 numbers in illarion its so that this only fits one person. The numbers are an ooc way of character identifieing not an IG way.
Thats SOOOOOO true, knowing the first 3 numbers tells you exactly who the character is, I always found it way unfair.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:23 am
by :)
How about giving random numbers then? Like; 3***4**3**

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:25 am
by HolyKnight
Korm Kormsen wrote:smilie (or whatever you want to be called)

if 3 out of 5 are hooded, then it is, because 3 out of 5 of TB's inhabitants are criminals nowadays.
if you work as guard under laws and conditions, like they got there now, it is your own fault.

does it console you, to know, that this is an year-old problem?
that it is not possible to guard the town by RP only?
either your char is able, to make the hoodlums lower their hoods, or your char is not suited for being guard. - that simple it is.

you can rant or beg or pray. anything short of a sports car for the staff won't rid you from the high number of criminal chars.
and don't expect all of them to RP, where they can PK.
Just wondering you said is a problem to RP? :? It is a problem for a guard to have a job? People that PK without RP dont stay around! If you cant handle a few newbs the guard is not the place for you hehe.

Re: Hoods, masks, concealing your faces..

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:26 am
by Fooser
:) wrote:What's up with everyone completely concealing their faces? O_o
Now I understand, supposing someone has scars/something they want to hide out of public courtesy.. but someone who just conceals his face to look suspicious is a bit dull in my opinion.. It basically screams:

Then they get angry when a guard asks them to pull down the hood.. :/ (( Not all though.. ))

Really. I think it should be a law that you must pull down your hood when asked by a guard..
It just doesn't make sense that everyone hides their faces under hoods..
Just PK them.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:26 am
by :)
I never said I can't.
I was just wondering if it was common for half the players to play hooded characters.
You people derived it into a 'hoods are bad' o_O