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Re: The Dream

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:20 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
It was time, it was the right thing to find out for sure despite all the practical, logical discussions Grapes had presented. Slowly moving from their blanket, making sure not to wake him in the deep sleep he seemed to succumb lately, Juliana collects armor, weapons and boots. Moving from the vicinity with as much stealth as possible, at the same time tightening clasps on armor, inspecting the sword making sure the flames were still alive and ready, placing the dagger in her right boot, she stops to reach in his bag and removes a rope and some muffins before continuing on her way. Taking a little time to fill the quiver with arrows then throwing it onto her back with drow bow at her shoulder, Juliana leaves most of her coins along with a parchment at the top of the ladder before glancing back with a sigh of sadness.

You know I have to go see if true or not? I shouldn't be long.

If anyone happened to be up that early in the morn they would see a cloaked figure with a strand or two of pale blonde hair peeking from the hood alight with the help of the double moon. Making swift passage directly north the figure doesn't even stop to give a nod as if she were in a hurry and had a definite destination in mind.

Re: The Dream

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:21 pm
by Zalkani
Angrily he crumpled up the parchment... why could she never listen? Just for once, listen to reason.

Tugging on his armour, Zalkani takes little care who might hear his departure. Gathering up the remainder of their belongings, he shoulders his bag with a huff. The druid would have to wait for now. There was no doubt where she would be, he set off north at a pace in search of the place she heard the crying.

Re: The Dream

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:27 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
Where does she go from here? This is not her, this life she is living was not suppose to be..was suppose to be impossible. Even as a small girl when all was taken away from her, she knew that her future would never be the same. She was a loner, never to have what others took for granted. Never destined for anything but emptiness, that was the plan. She would pick one more to teach how to fight like she had before.. but this was the last one. Then succumb to what was inevitable as in the dream.

The problem became very apparent as soon as she met her student. He had a way of getting under her skin and twisting her heart around. At the time she debated not teaching him, wondering if he was too nice to be a good fighter yet listening to his life she realized he also had something to balance, whether revenge or simply letting go. Yet why he accepted her so readily is still a puzzle even today. Gradually he became strong enough to leave if he wanted, no longer a student but more, and her dreams became less and less. The horror, the shame, the old memories that surfaced... talking of them to Grapes as he simply sat, listened and never judged.

How many times had she told him to find someone in town, a nice girl, one that wasn't bogged down by what had happened in the past, one that he would be happy with? Even one that wouldn't get angry and run away! Stubborn Grapes never listened, and still won't. Now look what has happened... how are they to cope with this? Their life was hard now and would be harder taking care of another. He refused to move into a town, though she secretly couldn't imagine going back to the loneliness of before.

Sitting near the fire on the bear fur big enough for them both, her gaze drawn to the man sleeping peacefully as if nothing untoward has happened. Juliana gently pushes a lock of hair off his forehead then grins as he turns batting away her hand as if a fly interrupted his sleep. Watching his arm automatically reach for her brings a quick chuckle as she lays near knowing if he can't find her, he'll waken. Hearing his satisfied sigh while his arm lays across her, then a light snore, she knew that he was now back into a deep sleep. Finally yawning as the flickering flames mesmerize, her eyes begin to close while clutching a parchment close to her chest. When overcome by sleep as fingers loosen, it gently tumbles near the fire landing away from hungry flames

Possible girl names...

Only one so far was listed.

Re: The Dream

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:17 pm
by Zalkani
Another day, another fire. As she rested he watched her, a slight smile playing on his lips as she grumbled trying to get comfortable. He knew none of this came easy to her and he dared not mention it would only get harder. Question was how hard... and could they really do this alone? Battling the fatigue was one thing, in fact he was astounded she had called a halt to their training to rest. She seemed to be eating a little better but this refusal to see a druid still worried him. Books could only tell him so much and he was a little nervous of accosting some poor woman in the street with a newborn to learn more. Then there was the fear that she might start to remember more of the heartbreak they suffered before, the thought of her being hurt again.

Once she would never have been able to talk of family as they had earlier. He had been the awkward one, resentful of all that had passed but resolute their child would suffer nothing of what they had. He still had a way to go convincing her they would be good parents, that they could keep the child safe and happy. He would not see them separated over this though, all her talk of him moving to a town with the child was nonsense. The three of them close to a town perhaps, more regular visits to town if need be, but nowhere without Jul. That was non-negotiable.

Re: The Dream

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:33 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
The impossible happened, yes, she'd give her life for the little one but had no idea how to take care of her relying on Grapes and his books. Glancing over at him pouring through several he brought from different libraries she wondered if there were any books left. Attempting to hide a quick grin with his utterances..

No food until 2 months then just a little and smash it up...

...she manages to interrupt.

Did you make that carry-all sling.. the one we saw someone carrying on their back?

At his distracted shake of the head Juliana went back to the major task of attempting to secure a diaper.. surely it couldn't be too hard..not near as hard as killing a silver golem or spider queen... hopefully?

Grapes, do you suppose we should find a nanny for those times we can't have her with us? If so, who would you trust?

Knowing he was more trusting, she was still sure not too many should be privileged to the knowledge of their daughter at all and convinced Grapes. Only a few even knew about her pregnancy, being a fighter and in good shape she didn't even show until very late. There were some unscrupulous people like the bounty hunter from Galmair long ago who would use any knowledge they had against them hence the decision to keep Wynne quiet. Finding a nanny would definitely be difficult though Borgate was on the look-out for one. Finally affixing the diaper using leather straps on the side having the appearance more like a stone sling then a baby diaper, Juliana feeds her child then grins at the now sleeping Grapes laying atop his books.

The tiny vine as one person they knew would have called her, was gently settled near Grapes' arm then propping her armor as a barrier making sure her daughter was perfectly safe and asleep, Juliana climbs down the ladder for the first time in days knowing it was time to get back in practice. After cleaning her sword and sharpening it, she practices some moves to warm up then goes hunting staying within hearing distance at first before moving further away knowing all was well remembering to do everything but leave a parchment informing Grapes...

Re: The Dream

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:52 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
As usual, she was fighting alone. Juliana should stop and think but never was good at that. Gazing up at the single moon with a stray thought amidst the chaos, she wondered if the other moon would show tonight. There was something important to remember, wasn't there? Was there ever a time it wasn't a she but a they and why was the word "Vine" so important?

Taking her time to slowly clean the magical broadsword using first the fire under a nearby cauldron as she had seen a blacksmith do, then swiping the renewed blade carefully on the grass, the woman wearing dark armor with dents and scratches denoting much use, helmet the same color yet unable to fully enclose the stray strands of pale blonde hair falling from the edges, yawns and decides to call it a night. Looking for a fairly safe place to rest, she makes a conscious decision not to attempt to find any answers, if any were to be found. Another day perhaps.

Eyes slightly reddened from lack of sleep, Juliana carefully climbs the ladder to settle near a lonely tree. Briefly remembering a favorite place on an island brought a seldom seen grin to her features. Whispering..


The woman chuckled lightly. Yes, the picture in her mind was like yesterday. There was a view over the cliff and a river flowing below. A perfectly safe place. Nothing similar was in this new, dangerous land yet.. but she could always continue her explorations to look for it. Yes, that must be what she was doing..exploring.

Managing to find some comfort on a grassy spot with her back to the trunk, she prepares to close her eyes after pulling a dagger from the back of her right boot and gripping it in her hand. Crossing her arms and taking a deep breath, settling to be unexpectantly woken by a stray monster or one of her dreams, the woman finally sleeps. There was never a time dreams hadn't plagued her sleep since she was a child. Over the years, they would change, sometimes she would catch a hint of things forgotten, yet the end was always Cherga. She was always alone.

Re: The Dream

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:28 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
It has been awhile, life has been filled with small changes yet there hasn't been any major dreams except for those inconsequential ones that occasionally appear unexpectedly. Sighing, her thoughts again converge on one thing.. is living as an outlaw good for a family? Is it in fact irresponsible and could it be the problem in a nutshell? Some that are used to interaction with others can get frustrated and irritable. Particularly at the person deemed the fault. If not for the nanny, the town issue probably would have been dealt with a long time ago.

Lately my mind has gone back to Gobaith, I miss those times occasionally. The man that made me so angry calling me a "little girl". Our sparring sessions were epic, very long and filled with his laugh and my anger yet we both learned not only about the weapons but each other. I never knew when he would show up regaling me with his exploits as a pirate. He was the first I told my story to because somehow he was a good listener when not making me angry. As a sun rose and I prepared for the day eating something stored in my backpack, he would suddenly show up yet when searching..he was never to be found. There one day, then the next day gone. In the mean time, I would practice at the forest of the golem, just so I could best him. Sadly one day he left and never returned though I kept practicing just in case and gazed at the ships sailing by, not wishing any more company.

Packing an extra quiver and leaving the best of her armor and weapons in the depot, the woman with pale blonde hair covering one side of her face proceeds out the Inn mumbling something about wandering a Pondering Way.