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Geld für die Städte ~ money for the towns

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:05 am
by Nitram
Nachdem es in den letzten Tagen zu Diskussionen kam, wie man die Position der Städte stärkern und deren Regierungen stabilisieren kann, wurde ein System ausgearbeitet, mit dem man den Städten angemessene Mengen Geld zukommen lassen kann.

Diesen Geld wird nicht von den GMs einfach ins Spiel geworfen sondern prinzipiell von den Spielern bezahlt. Das klingt erstmal schlimmer als es ist.

Folgende Maßnahmen wurden erdacht und werden durchgeführt:

1. Sicher ist einigen schon aufgefallen, das es vor allen Städten Bauplätze gibt. Diese Bauplätze werden hoffentlich im laufe des heutigen Tages fertiggestellt. Es handelt sich um Statische Teleporter die eine Verbindung zwischen den Städten darstellen. Will man sie benutzen sagt man einfach den Namen der Stadt wo man hin will. Es kostet 30 Kupferstücke den Teleporter zu benutzen.
Diese 30 Kupferstücke werden den Städten als Steuermittel zur Verfügung gestellt.

2. Alle Städte bekommen einen NPC der Reisebücher verkauft. Da die meisten Reisen über die Teleporter ausgeführt werden, steigt der Preis für ein Buch etwas. 50% des Verkaufspreises erhalten die Städte als Steuermittel.

3. Alle anderen NPCs bekommen ihre Einnahmen ebenfalls mit 50% besteuert. Die Hälfte ihrer Umsatzes geht also in die Stadtkassen.

4. Jeder Charakter der sich auf dem Territorium einer Stadt befindet ( das Terriorium ist aus technischen Gründen meistens etwas größer als die Stadt ) bekommt alle 5 Minuten 3 Kupferstücke aus seinem Depot abgezogen. Sollte kein Geld mehr vorhanden sein wird man automatisch aus der Stadt heraus teleportiert. Neue Charakter sind die ersten 7 RL Tage von diesem System ausgeschlossen um ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern. Dieses Geld fliest den Städten ebenso zu.

5. Jede Stadt bekommt einen Steuereintreiber NPC. Die Anführer der Städte können bei diesem NPC die Angefallenen Steuermittel abholen. Dies geht natürlich wann immer man will, da die Steuerkasse bei jeder NPC oder Teleporter benutzung bzw. alle 5 Minuten wenn Charakter in der Stadt sind steigt.

Ich hoffe das dieses System das nötige Geld in die Hände der Städte bringt.


Since there were some discussions within the next days how to strengthen the position of the town and to stable to leaderships, as system was developed to give the town a reasonable amount of money.

This money is not droped into the game by the GMs, instead its more or less payed by the players. That sounds in the first moment worser then it is.

The following arrangements were conceived and will be implemented:

1. I'm sure many saw allready, that in front of all towns are some building sites. This building sites hopefully get finished within today. These are static teleporters, that create a connection between the town. If someone wants to use it, he only has not say the name of the town he want to got to. The using costs 30 copper coins.
There copper coins go to the towns tax cash.

2. All towns get a NPC that sells traveling books. Since the most travels will be done by the teleporters, the price raises slightly. 50% of the price the town as tax money.

3. All other NPC get their imcome taxed at 50% too. So the half of the money they get, goes to the tax money of the town.

4. All characters who are on the terriory of a town ( that territory is slightly bigger then the town, due technical reasons ) get taken away 3 coppercoins from their depot every 5 minutes. In case there is no more money the character is teleported out of the town. New characters are not influenced by this for the first 7 RL days, to make it easier for them to get into the game. This money is also tax money of the towns.

5. All towns get a tax collector NPC. The leaders of the towns can go to that npc and take the tax money from them. That is possible when ever they want, since all taxes get droped into that tax money instandly.

I hope that system gives the needed money to the towns.



Re: Geld für die Städte ~ money for the towns

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:12 am
by Mr. Cromwell
Point four* sounds a bit.. harsh. :P :wink:

Well, if the result of the taxing is that people start avoiding towns, it will be counterproductive.. but meh. Maybe it will be bearable, dunno.

You should set some guidelines for the powers that be for how to use this "free" money. It would be nice if most of that money would go back into the circulation instead of rotting in the depot of a leader character.

But whatever. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:20 am
by Ardian
Was ist mit den Dieben in Gefängnissen, die werden ja logischerweise auch irgendwann rausteleportiert.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:23 am
by Llama
Number 4 is very ugly ...

I have a character who I just roleplay with, no craft, no skill, nothing...

So, staying in town to RP now gets penalised, instead I should be crafting...

*sighs* This wont work :(

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:28 am
by Nitram
Ardian wrote:Was ist mit den Dieben in Gefängnissen, die werden ja logischerweise auch irgendwann rausteleportiert.
Tut mir leid. Ich hab vergessen das zu erwähnen. Gefängnisse werden nicht als "Stadtterritorium gewertet"

Ardian wrote:What about thieves in prisons, they get teleported out too somewhen.
Sorry, i forgot to name this. Prisons are not counted as "Town territory".


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:31 am
by Llama
Illarion is a roleplaying game.

In order to roleplay, you need people.

Most people hang out around towns

In order to craft, you need resources

Most resources are out of town
To stay in town, you need to pay.

.: You're discouraging Roleplay AND encouraging looking for resources to craft.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:34 am
by Calenleia

Alle 5 Minuten Geld??

Was ist mit den Einwohnern?
Ich halte mich fast den ganzen Tag in Green auf, weil ich da lebe!!!
Sollen die Leute etwa aus den Städten getrieben werden?
Ich finde das absolut bescheuert :(

Außerdem haben viele überhaupt nicht das Geld... wenn man nur Bauer ist...

Kopfschüttelnde Grüße...

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:37 am
by Alytys Lamar
Punkt 4 :

kann mit diesem Punkt nicht übereinstimmen

Da wird man aus einem guten RP herausgeschmissen ?? ich spiele Char's die keinerlei Geld oder Vermögen haben, bzw. sehr wenig, das ist doch ein RP Spiel und kein Wirtschaftsspiel.



Point 4:

I can't agree with this point Nitram.. A player would be kicked out in the middle of a good RP.. I play Char's without Money ! It's an RP and not a merchandising game ...


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:38 am
by pharse
so as leader, I can take the taxes from the NPC, put it in my depot and MY taxes are paid by all others?

Finally, everybody wants to become a leader.

Seriously, No4 is not necessary. The other taxes are sufficient.

/Edit: Or what about, that every town can decide whether No4 is applied or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:41 am
by Llama
*slaps head*


(grrr nitz) :P

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:42 am
by Pia Dandelion
Na, das nenne ich mal einen guten Aprilscherz.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:42 am
by Ashayen
Hadrian_Abela wrote:*slaps head*


(grrr nitz) :P
yeah, at least i hope that this all is a joke :?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:45 am
by pharse
well, I saw such a building site in Briar. Perhaps a sophisticated prank...Though I like the idea pretty much, except for No4.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:05 pm
by Nitram
Only point number 4 is the april joke ;) :P *g*

Everything else will be introduced in this day i hope.


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:09 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
Okay. But could we have some guidelines on how the powers that be should use the money? Having it only as an extension of their personal wealth would probably be a bit.. well, pointless. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:22 pm
by Jupiter
Well, I like the ideas ( except the april joke^^ )

But i would suggest to change number three a bit.
I think it would be better, if the town leaders could decide how high the taxes should be.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:30 pm
by Dariya
congrats Nitram *draws her hat*

apart from our local newspaper I've never seen anyone sending so many people at a time into April ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:35 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Mr. Cromwell wrote:Okay. But could we have some guidelines on how the powers that be should use the money? Having it only as an extension of their personal wealth would probably be a bit.. well, pointless. :wink:

We will have criminals run for office to get the town money?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:39 pm
by Siltaris
Thanks to the whole staff for thinking about and discussing the whole issue. The proposed actions seem to be good. I think we have to test it how it works now.. and I am really curious about the amount of money TB will get :)

I am against any Guidelines how to use the money. Politicians and Town leaders are elected people and normally should act in the interest of the people. One more reason to vote for reliable leaders.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:48 pm
by Pellandria
You got me on point four, damm you nitterz :P.

But very good points, all seems very logical, i like the ideas of having static teleporters, so you don't need to run to the bookseller every time.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:16 pm
by Miru
rule 5 better to have the money in some fund for building or repairs than to be availible to be funneled off

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:21 pm
by Nitram
The towns get the money. If your leaders are not trustworthy, its up to the players to get rid of them.

Not my problem :P

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:07 pm
by Lutz
da bin ich aber sehr erleichtert das 4 nur ein schwerz ist sonst müsst ich ja nurnoch im friedhof rumgammeln und mir mein täglich brot besorgen... was mir dann in der stadt abgezogen wird :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:10 pm
by Shenandrea
Ich find das ist ne gute Idee mit den Steuern........weniger glücklich bin ich, wohl doch im zu sehr verschlafenem Zustand in die Aprilfalle getappt zu sein .....aber danke für den lacher als ich es kapiert hab!


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:17 pm
by Korm Kormsen
We will have criminals run for office to get the town money?
right. that is realism!


really nice april joke!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:59 pm
by Enwell van Illdoran
:shock: :shock: :shock: <---- my reaction on point four..

:D :lol: :D <---- my reaction when i found out it was a joke..

:) :) :) when i read the rest of the new wise to handle it..

we are finally getting somewhere. i love the ideas

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:10 pm
by Ortrud
hmm.. ich finde eigentlich, die städte sollten ihre steuern selbst eintreiben bzw. deren höhe selbst bestimmen.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:12 pm
by Nitram
Wenn du jetzt auch noch sagst wie, dann geht es klar.

Wenn die Spieler Geld bezahlen müssen, wird keiner mehr der Bürger von einer Stadt.


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:15 pm
by Keikan Hiru
How do you get "Leadership" for a town, or how do you get rid of someone with that status?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:17 pm
by Nitram
For now its written in the script who is allowed and who is not.

We can change this, in case the leadership changes.