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Cross Ressurection and In Game Confliction

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:09 am
by Ku 'Agor
A certain someone and I had a big long MSN conversation about people coming back INSTANTLY from the cross to finish their business.

The following quotes are by ME.

Joshua says:
You get stabbed in your house, instant death

Joshua says:
and miraciously

Joshua says:
God says you can come back

Joshua says:
so he spawns you in your bathroom or something

Joshua says:
you're in a brand new broken down body

Joshua says:
the killer is in your living room

Joshua says:
taking your CD collection

Joshua says:
What is your first reaction?

Joshua says:
Stay in the bathroom and pray to god he leaves

Joshua says:
Go into the living room and discuss his legal rights
Joshua says:
It's the same character concept of every ******* warrior out there

Joshua says:
Everyone that gets a hand on a blade says

Joshua says:
DUDE, a character concept cannot have bad RP in it
Joshua says:
Ask lord Nitram

Joshua says:
ask Lord Vilarion

Joshua says:
Lord Aeghol

Joshua says:
Lord Japheth (the Great)

Joshua says:
Lord Arien

Joshua says:

Joshua says:
ask lord Fooser

Joshua says:
Lord Bei

Joshua says:
They will ALL agree

Joshua says:
causing conflict AFTER being crossed is /BAD ROLEPLAY/


Re: Cross Ressurection and In Game Confliction

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:29 am
by Fooser
Ku 'Agor wrote: lord Fooser
This is a very important point that I think all can learn from.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:35 am
by Ku 'Agor

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:55 am
by Kurga Wolfbane
Good point. Once a character is clouded, whatever was going on should be considered over. I remember even "He who must not be named" (Stephen Rothman) clouded one of my characters, and instead of letting it go, he emoted "Drags your body to the cross", where he proceded to torture said character, clouding him again! This was a supposed Veteran to the game!

I think everyone, vetreans and newbies alike should consider 'clouding' to be the end, and move on.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:11 am
by Ayla
I completely agree with all of this. It's kinda stupid in the first place to ressurect and then get right back into the mess when your health is way down anyway. Besides, isn't it more fun to add drama to everything and make your character fight for his or her life? Ehh, maybe not... But I do. ^_^ It adds to the roleplaying part of this game, which I think is sorta... lacking. Have some fun, make your character suffer a little..

Besides, anyone that has a godly, 'never die, never injured' character is just... no fun. No fun at all. And they clearly suck at RPing if they can't do the occasional suffering every now and then.

Anyway, I'm shutting up because I sound just absolutely morbid..

*Whistles and wanders off *

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:20 am
by Lianis
My opinion, for what it's worth:

Getting resurrected at the cross is basically Churga saying 'Im not ready to take this soul, get back up there'. It puts your soul back in your body. It does not heal your wounds. At all. Or if at all, *just* enough so that your body can still hold your soul... just enough so that you don't die again immediately. All the cuts and broken bones and batters and bruises are still there. This means that while you are *alive*, you are likely in NO shape to go do much of anything except maybe crawl off to a hospital bed, probably even that only with assistance.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:21 am
by xBaurusx
I THINK there should be no cloud, but isntead some sort of unconcious thing. where when you "get clouded" there is no cross to go to, There is no cloud. instead of cloud, there is a body...maybe in a laying down position. this body can do everything a cloud can... whisper... ooc... and move.. that way, we can find a way to rp clouding! Its not.. ooh i just.. erm.. clouded that guy!.. its I just knocked that one guy out... now, revival from the uncioucous stage.. what would i think be best is in the knocked out stage, your food replenishes health a cirtain times slower, and when you get x amount of hitpoints back you gain conciousness... This would solve noobie cross problems... it would solve clouding+ rping problems... it would be kinda cool actualy... and it could open up better rp to kidnapping... instead of clouding, escorting to cross, then draggin them along. you would simple drag the corpse, (draggin as in ahve them move behind you) the only problem which you guys could think up would be if you died with no food or too little food.

IMO this is a better idea than clouding.. and it solves this come revival problem we speak of now. hell, even if the programmers are to lazy to make a uncioucess texture, I would volenteer. feedback please.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:46 am
by Arameh
Well coming back after getting clouded without RPing any wounds and be like "HAI gimme my stuff back" is horrible roleplay, and if someone would do that to me I would keep clouding him until he has no language skill anymore, seriously its one of the most horrible roleplay possible. However, it seems no devs have the time to fix it or something, I dunno, it was discussed many times with many good ideas, none got implemented *shrugs*

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:02 am
by Athian
maybe a temporary health regeneration cap (already been proposed but might want to be considered more) so for said amount of time after the cross, no matter how many potions you drink or how many healing spells you cast your life total cannot pass X percent. an hour or two I think would be sufficient as that’s three to six hours ingame. and perhaps on top of that it should count toward each death within the time frame. so if you die three times within 2 hours you'd only have a sliver of health left (1 or 2 percent) and your character would defiantly need a time out. Also similar to with the skilling system, time spent out of game during log out would take longer to return your life total to normal ( 2 hours ig might be 6 out of game etc )

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:05 am
by Ku 'Agor
That's fine and dandy, but I don't like the logged out bit. Seriously, those that only have a few hours a day for Illarion shouldn't be punished for their idle time.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:12 am
by Athian
yes they should.... :twisted:

it would have to be this way mainly because if you can just log out for an hour and come back in perfect condition it wouldn't have much an effect on the player base.

just go off and watch tv for awhile come back while th irons still hot and restart the same lame conflict.

don't think this would be much a punishment

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:15 am
by Ku 'Agor
Wrong. The conflict only lasts a short time. that 2 hours of TV time would be less stressful on the people being attacked. It's not about them caring whether they die as much as them not coming back.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:19 am
by Athian
pssh, Ku shuta yo mouth :wink:, you know as well as i do that conflicts of that type go on all day and well into the night so long as there are people will to push it along, a revenge driven player has no problem meeting his allies in one hour after his life is back to normal and storming the home of there enemies. I can come up with a half dozen example if you need proof

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:51 am
by Garen
hehe, if you ask me, i think the knoking out stuff sounds awsome, not to mention, i think it might be (slightly) easier to rp than getting clouded.

although i dont think you should be able to move, cause i mean, well, your nocked out, what can you do? as for someone dragging your body off, i recomend putting a comand to drag the body behind you, im not sure how hard that would be though, no idea how to work this stuff, lol.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:46 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane
Kurga Wolfbane wrote:Once a character is clouded, whatever was going on should be considered over. I remember even "He who must not be named" (Stephen Rothman) clouded one of my characters, and instead of letting it go, he emoted "Drags your body to the cross", where he proceded to torture said character, clouding him again! This was a supposed Veteran to the game!

I think everyone, vetreans and newbies alike should consider 'clouding' to be the end, and move on.
I take it back. When I get attacked by someone (Nalcaryos) without using Nitter's precious two emote rule #7, especially after I got chastised for it!, I say to hell with the rules!

What he did was a sneak attack. And I'm a little pissed.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:56 pm
by Ku 'Agor
I'm highly disappointed in you, Kurga.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:57 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
There's a reason why a mage has casting time for spells and auto-emotes, you know..

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:58 pm
by Gildon
Kurga Wolfbane wrote:
Kurga Wolfbane wrote:Once a character is clouded, whatever was going on should be considered over. I remember even "He who must not be named" (Stephen Rothman) clouded one of my characters, and instead of letting it go, he emoted "Drags your body to the cross", where he proceded to torture said character, clouding him again! This was a supposed Veteran to the game!

I think everyone, vetreans and newbies alike should consider 'clouding' to be the end, and move on.
I take it back. When I get attacked by someone (Nalcaryos) without using Nitter's precious two emote rule #7, especially after I got chastised for it!, I say to hell with the rules!

What he did was a sneak attack. And I'm a little pissed.
Repeating some F2 #me and then spamming someone with a ctrl+click attack is not good rp, just so you know... And doing the same #me after being pk-ed once already and attacking the same person is even worse.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:00 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
Avalyon el'Hattarr wrote:There's a reason why a mage has casting time for spells and auto-emotes, you know..
Oh, and he did warn you more than two times to stop.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:02 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane
According to Nitters, a shout, Yell, or evena fart doesn't count Ava.

It has to be two emotes describing your intentions to attack, to allow the other person to run away. I don't think Magical emote counts cause you are attacking at that point, just like a sword.

At the time he attacked, I couldn't move due to lag, I tried, but he clouded me anyways.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:09 pm
by Ku 'Agor
Kurga, we aren't talking about na-as-dasdasdas-das-das. We're talking about how you did two things:

You got clouded. Boo-hoo, sob-sob, we all do at some point. But.

1. You came back the first time
Let's quote you. Magical Log of quotes?
Someone (1592246699): I want my Bag!

2. You came back a SECOND time, this time fighting the dwarf in the doorway. The mages had layed out some ice flames, but you threw a steel cap on top of it to evade damage.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:23 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane

After I was clouded by the dwarf and a sneak attack by Nalcaryos,
I came back only one time demanding my things. People do that all the time. And most times people give them back. I didn't automatically attack anyone, for that phase of the RP was over. But as I discussed with Nalcaryos that he was indeed with Silverbrand, then things got heated again as weh pushed each other. Not with the dwarf, but with Nalcaryos. I consider these instances separate events.

The apparent second time wasn't because of clouding, it was because Nalcaryos teleported me though a wall for the second time, and I just came around the building. Then he clouded me at the door. RP over, I went away.

So There!!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:31 pm
by Ku 'Agor
Kurga Wolfbane wrote:No...

After I was clouded by the dwarf and a sneak attack by Nalcaryos,
Tis called; "Stop attacking my friend or I will encase you in a block of ice."
I came back only one time demanding my things.
No. That is bad.
People do that all the time.
Again, that doesn't make it right.
And most times people give them back.
They usually don't want an argument.
I didn't automatically attack anyone, for that phase of the RP was over.
Nope, you just lit a molotov. I suppose for your Sibannac cigar.
But as I discussed with Nalcaryos that he was indeed with Silverbrand,
Someone (1592246699): yoo protect and help silberbrand1
Someone (1592246699): yoo side wid silberbrand?
That's what I call a discussion.
then things got heated again as weh pushed each other. Not with the dwarf, but with Nalcaryos.
By heated; you mean: "I threw a molotov and it burned every mother fucker in the tavern"
I consider these instances separate events.
Logic isn't your strong point.
The apparent second time wasn't because of clouding, it was because Nalcaryos teleported me though a wall for the second time, and I just came around the building.
He gusted you out a window 5 times, each time you came back. Then he iced you.
Then he clouded me at the door. RP over, I went away.
Wrong. He clouded you, you got rezzed, then you came back for a third dose of Mage Lovin.

So There!!
My thoughts exactly.

PO Nit 'Agor

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:38 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane
I didn't get clouded three times!

Once with the dwarf (With illegal help from Nalcayos)
and once at the door by Nalcaryos.

I have explained as fully, what happened and I see no problems with the RP. I have seen people do far worse and they are still in this game!

If you don't like War, then stay out of it! It's a WAR! I have already announced that anyone in the tavern is subject to attack, so there.

Just cuddle up in your fuzzy blankets by your Fire, and leave me alone to fight a one-sided war. If you all wanted a 'fuzzy' game there's this one called 'Furry' you might like.... :P

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:41 pm
by Ku 'Agor
Okay, let me sum up EXACTLY my deal is.

The topic of this post is Resurrection and IG conflict.

I came back only one time demanding my things.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:44 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane
Yup, so?

Where's the conflict in asking for my things back?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:46 pm
by Samantha Meryadeles
The apparent second time wasn't because of clouding, it was because Nalcaryos teleported me though a wall for the second time, and I just came around the building.

He gusted you out a window 5 times, each time you came back. Then he iced you.
That, by the way, isn't allowed. A mage is not allowed to push others with magic through walls or even windows. the rule says walls, but a window in illarion is far smaller then a character, so a window does count aswell as wall in my eyes.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:46 pm
by Ku 'Agor
- Spam deleted -


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:48 pm
by Nikolaus
Teleport her throgh the wall was a mistake of mine, yes. Used the wrong spell.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:51 pm
by Kurga Wolfbane
5 Times????