Momentane Rollenspiel Situation // Current Roleplay Situatio

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Momentane Rollenspiel Situation // Current Roleplay Situatio

Post by Thurbert~ »

Some opinions of Players of Dwarven Characters about the current Roleplaysituation. the main reason I am putting them here is to point out, that something is going wrong with the roleplay somehow.

There are 10+ players who will gladly refrain from playing their dwarves until the situation changes to the better somehow.

We do not demand anything, we do not want anything, we simply point out that something is wrong:
Last edited by Thurbert~ on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thurbert~ »

PO Thurbert wrote:Mein Name ist Patrick, 18 Jahre alt,
spiele Illarion seit Mai 2005.

Accountname ***, Spieler von: Faladron Furnir, Meniellant, Gordwayn, Thurbert.

Die Manipulationen, Wortverdrehungen und Lügen der Charaktere der Ritterschaft von Kallahorn, die sich nicht nur auf Geschehnisse IC Beschränken, sondern sich auch OOC fortsetzen, machen es mir sehr schwer weiterhin Freude am Spiel zu empfinden.

Es ist nicht mein Interesse als Spieler, einen Zwergencharakter zu spielen um mich zu jeder Zeit mit solchen Geschichten herumzuärgern, ihn konstant in Waffenfähigkeiten zu skillen und die ganze Zeit patroulieren zu schicken, nur um andere Charaktere, deren Spieler es auf so etwas anlegen, die Stirn zu bieten. Dadurch definiert sich für mich nicht das Rollenspiel eines Zwerges.

Ich überlege mir, Illarion sein zu lassen da es sich durch Spieler wie Rothman in eine Richtung entwickelt, der ich nicht bereit bin zu folgen.

My name is Patrick, 18 years old,
playing Illarion since Mai 2005

Accountname ***, player of: Faladron Furnir, Meniellant, Gordwayn, Thurbert.

The manipulations, twist of words and lies of the characters of the Knighthood of Kallahorn, which are not limited to happenings IC, but which continue OOC aswell, make it hard for me to continue enjoying Illarion as a game.

I, as a player, am not interrested in playing a dwarven character for the sole purpose of dealing with things like those constantly, train his weapon skills at all times and have him guard and patrol all the time, just to stand up against Characters who's players willingly try to incite those things mentioned previously.
I do not think that the RP of a dwarf is defined by this.

I ponder about leaving Illarion because it takes, due to Players like Rothman, a direction I am not willed to follow.
PO Amalrik wrote:Mein Name ist Frederik, 18 Jahre alt und ich spiele Illarion wieder seit August 2006, nachdem ich 2002 nach einem Jahr aufgehört habe.

Accountname "***" und Spieler von "Amalrik" und "Grabbowuk Nruggytak".

Seit der wiederholten Auseinandersetzung mit der Ritterschaft von Kallahorn und vorallem den Spielern hinter Stephen Rothman und Arameh, muss ich mich vor jedem Log-In fragen, ob ich mich diesem Ärger wirklich aussetzen möchte. Ich habe das Spiel vor dieser Sache genossen, auch die kleineren Konflikte die wir davor hatten - aber vorallem, weil sie sich ausschliesslich auf das Spiel beschränkt haben.

Ich bin ganz und garnicht damit einverstanden, dass authentische Charaktere durch hochgezüchtete Kampfmaschinen verdrängt werden und immer mehr Spieler dem hilflos ausgesetzt sind - bis sie schließlich das Spiel verlassen.

Diese Mischung aus IC und OOC, die Lügen und die Beleidigungen, denen man sich ausgesetzt sehen muss, vermiesen mir und auch anderen den Spaß an Illarion.

My name is Frederik, 18 years old, playing illarion again since August 2006 after I left in 2002 after playing one year.

Accountname *** , Player of "Amalrik" and "Grabbowuk Nruggytak"

After the numerous conflicts with the knighthood of kallahorn and especially the players behind Stephen Rothman and Arameh, I have to ask myself before every log in, if I realy want to put myself into the stress caused by this.

I have enjoyed the game before these happenings, also the small conflicts we had beforehand (we, the dwarves), but these conflicts especially because they remained in-game solely.

I do not agree strictly with authentic characters being replaced by trained Combatmachines and that more and more players are helpless against this - until they eventually leave the game.

The mix of OOC and IC, the lies and insults one is being opposed to, draw all the fun out of illarion for me and others
Last edited by Thurbert~ on Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thurbert~ »

PO Thorgrimm wrote:
Name: Miguel
Account: ***
Chars: Thariel Feuersturm, Caldrion Sternenglanz, Leugim, Thorgrimm Xandjik
Alter: 28
Spielt seit: august 2005

Grund des weggehens:

Das inkonsequente Spielen diverser Pos, die es nicht verstehen, dass das eigene Rpg beim Rpg des anderen aufhört und dass man MITEINANDER spielt, damit jeder an dem Spiel Freude hat.

Götter sind Lachhaft, da man einen Gottesdienst schänden kann, ohne dass man arg bestraft wird.
MAls sehen, was mit dem Char passiert, der nun das Altar vollgepisst hat,...

Dauernde Angriffe, die zeigen, dass man die leute töten, gefangennehmen und besiegen kann, nur um nach ein paar Monaten die gleice Kacke nochmal zu erleben.

OOC-wissen in IC anzuwenden ((hier geht es beispielsweise darum, dass Rothman erzählt, der König Ghorn wöre ja inaktiv - kann er nict wissen, dernn er ist nicht da - der PO von Ghorn hatte sich abgemeldet)

Immer wieder Forced Rpg seitens andrer Mitspieler, wie Rothman, der die ZEitzone für seine Zwecke missbraucht.

FAzit: es ist kein Rpg mehr da, sondern ein OOC-Krieg, denn er wird mit OOC-WAffen geschlagen und aus OOC-gründen (gemütlichkeit) geführt.


Name: Miguel
Account: ***
Chars: Thariel Feuersturm, Caldrion Sternenglanz, Leugim, Thorgrimm, Xandjik
Age: 28
Playing since: august 2005

Reasons for leaving:
The halfhearted RP of various Po's, who do not grasp that the own RP stops where it alters the RP of others severely, and who do not grasp that we play TOGETHER so everyone may enjoy playing this game.

Gods are laughable, how can one desecrate a mass without being severely punished. Let's see what will happen to the char that urinated on the altar...

Constant attacks, that show that you can kill people, arrest people and defeat people just to go through the same shit again after some months have passed.

OOC knowledge used IC (( For example Rothman telling around that King Ghorn would be inactive - he can not know that because he isnt there- and the PO Ghorn has announced that he wont play much).

Constant forced RP from other players, for example rothman who uses the difference of timezones for his plans.

To put it short: There's no RP left, just an OOC war, for it is fought with OOC weapons and it is fought because of OOC reasons (comodity).

PO Guran wrote: Mein Name ist Arjan, 15 Jahre alt und spiele Illarion seit Oktober 2005.

Accountname *** und Spieler von "Guran"

Ich bin es leid mein Zwergenchar. im Kämpfen tranieren zu müssen nur damit er sich gegen Rothman und seinen Leuten wehren kann, obwohl er Handwerker und kein Krieger ist. Seit den ständigen Kriegen gegen Rothman macht Illarion wenig spaß, da man als Zwerg ständig tranieren soll anstatt das zu machen was man will. Man wird quasi gezwungen die Rolle eines Kämpfers zu spielen.

Die Aktionen von Stephen Rothman verderben einem den Spaß am Spiel erheblich.

My name is Arjan, 15 years old, playing illarion since october 2005

Accountname *** Player of "Guran"

I am fed up with having to train my dwarven character so he can stand up against rothman and his people, eventhough my dwarf is a crafter and no fighter. Since the constant wars against Rothman I do not enjoy Illarion much anymore because you have to train constantly as a dwarf instead of doing what you want to. You are somehow forced to play the role of a warrior.

The actions of Stephen Rothman take away the fun from this game significantly.
PO Grisswold Sturmauge wrote: Mein Name ist Krzysztof (oder Chris wenns einem zu schwer is aus zu sprechen), 26 Jahe Alt und Spiele Illarion seit, hmm, August oder September (ich merk mir sowa nie...)

Accountname: ***
Chars: Griswold Sturmauge und Pamli

Persöhnlich hab ich "noch" keine begegnung mit Rothman und co gehabt.
Aber es Zieht mich auch runter immer zu erfahren das solche Leute unsere Gemeinschaft so niedermachen.
Ohne eine wirkliche Bestrafung zu erhalten.

Denn so wie Ich wollen bestimmt viele die Geschichte Ihrer Chars Spielen ohne ihnen zusätzliche Talente zu verleihen die nicht zu Ihnen Passen.
Zumindest nicht so Extrem um mit Leuten wie Rothman und co mit zu halten.
Keine Lust auf permanente Konflikte nur weil ich nen Zwerg bzw Bewohner Silberbrands bin.

Das hier ist ein Spiel nachdem ich recht lange suchen musste.
Aber wenn die Lage sich nicht bessert, hinsichtlich Rothman und co, werd ich wohl auch gehen.

My name is Krzysztof (or Chris, easier to pronounce), 26 years old and I play Illarion since august or september 2006

Accountname: ***
Chars: Griswold Sturmauge and Pamli

Personally I have "not yet" met Rothman & co.
But it demotivates me too, to hear that people like those bash onto our community (speaking of the dwarves), and that without receiving a proper penalty.

Because just like me, many wish to play the story of their characters without having to give them traits that do not fit to their personality.
Atleast not having to give them that many, just to keep track with people like Rothman & co.
I do not want constant conflicts just because I am playing a dwarf / citizen of Silverbrand.

Illarion is a game I had to search for quite a long time.
But if the situation doesnt get better, regarding Rothman & co, I believe I will go aswell
Last edited by Thurbert~ on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thurbert~ »

PO Salfalur wrote:Name: Philipp Wolter
Alter: 20
Accountname: ***
Chars: Boindil, Salfalur
Dabei seit März 2006

Also, mich ärgert diese Situation nicht erst seit den neuesten Ereignissen. Mit meinem ersten Char Brendill Al'Ad Kàzár bekam ich schon nach relativ kurzer Spielzeit Ärger mit Rothman und dem PO, was nach längerem Hick und Hack, IC sowie OOC dazu führte und ich diesen Char löschte. Weil es einfach keinen Spaß mehr macht wenn man nicht vernünftig mit jemanden RP'en kann und denen nur daran liegt jemanden zu wolken um ihn zu schwächen... Dieser Char hatte nämlich das Potenzial Arameh und Rothman zu schlagen.

Nach kurzer Pause nahm ich mir vor einen neuen Zwerg zu erstellen der ganz das Gegenteil von dem ersten sein solte, also ein Non-Krieger.
Eine Zeit lang lief es gut, PO Thurbert schaffte es das Silberbrand wieder mehr und mehr aktiv wird und es machte richtig Spaß mit den "Brüdern und Schwestern" zu RP'en... Bis es wieder zu alt bekannten Rangeleien mit PO Rothman ( und PO Arameh ) kam.

Ich bin nun gezwungen, wenn ich meinen Zwerg noch aktiv spielen möchte ihm so gut es geht zu einem Krieger zumachen, weil es mir ohne Kampfskills nicht möglich ist in Ruhe zu RP'en. Die ständigen Angriffe, die miesen Methoden die sie nutzen um ihr Ziel zu erreichen, z.Bsp. Arameh befreien oder unerlaubt schürfen wenn kein Zwergenchar ON ist, verdrehte Tatsachen bei den GM's melden und hin und her...
Ich bin es mir Leid das ich mir jedesmal mein Spaß an Illarion von Rothman zerstören lassen muss, klar könnt ich auch eine andere Rasse spielen und ihm aus den Weg gehen, doch sind die Zwerge meine Lieglingsrasse!

PS: Na klar wär Illarion ohne Konflikte langweilig, doch seit dem halben Jahr das ich jetzt spiele, sah ich immer nur die, die zwischen den Zwergen und Rothman herrschten.

gez.: Philipp Wolter

Name: Philipp W.
Age: 20
Accountname: **
Chars: Boindil, Salfalur
Playing since march 2006

This situation has been anoying me since quite a while now, not just because of the most recent incidents.
My first Char, Brendill Al'Ad Kazar got into trouble with Rothman and his PO after only a short time playing, which ended after longer discussions, IC as well as OOC that I deleted that character. Because it just isnt enjoyable to play with someone who can not RP reasonably and who's only goal it is to cloud someone to weaken him.. because Brendil had the potential to beat Arameh and Rothman.

After a short break I decided to create a new dwarf, a complete opposite of the first one, a non-fighter.
It went well for a while, PO Thurbert managed to get Silverbrand active again more and more and it was realy enjoyable to Rp with "tha brothers an' sisters" ... until the day the well known quarrels with PO Rothman(and PO Arameh) broke loose again.

Now I am forced, if I wish to remain playing my character actively, to try to make a fighter out of him because it is impossible for me to rp in peace without fighting skills. The constant attacks, the cheap methods they use to reach their aims , for example freeing Arameh out of our prison or mining without permission as soon as NO dwarven character is online.
Twisted facts handed forward to the Gms, and and and.

I am fed up with having my fun in Illarion destroyed by Rothman everytime, sure I could play another race but dwarves are my favourite!

PS: Of course Illarion would be boring without conflicts. But during the half year I am playing now I only seen the conflicts that happened between Rothman and the dwarves.

written Philipp W.
PO Friedwulfa wrote: Gut, ich bin dann wohl Falko, 26 Jahre alt und ich spiele Illa ca. seit Weihnachten 2002 (oder 2001? k.a.)

Mein Accountname is *** und meine Chars: Friedwulfa (noch isse net gelöscht), Briggi Blumenkind, Sheikh Jahdem Soundso und ab und an mal nen andere.

Mein Hauptproblem mit Rothman is eigentlich das das Zwergenrp seit ihm ziemlich Richtung "Wir sind ne lustige kleine Zwergenfabrik die alles können muss um perfekt gerüstet zu sein". RP geht immer mehr zu Grunde und so viel es mir auch nicht besonders schwer Friedwulfa sterben zu lassen, obwohl ich mich im Nachhinein mehr als nur drüber ärgere.

Mein Problem mit Rothman ist gelöst, ich bin nich mehr in Silberbrand und werds auch weiterhin vermeiden mich da sehen zu lassen, auch wenns schade drum ist.

PO Friedel

Well, I'm Falko, 26 years old and I play Illarion since Christmas 2002 (or 2001?)

My Chars are Friedwulfa (not deleted yet), Briggi Blumenkind, Sheikh Jahdem and others once in a while.

My main problem with Rothman is, that the dwarf rp went into the "we are a merry little dwarf factory that needs to produce everything so we are armed perfectly". Roleplay is ruined more and more and for that I didn't feel too bad about leeting Friedwulfa die, although I feel bad about it now.

My problem with Rothman is solved, for I am not in Silverbrand anymore and will avoid popping up there, even tho it's a pity.

PO Friedel
Last edited by Thurbert~ on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thurbert~ »

PO Namfalur wrote: Name: Andy
Alter: 17
Chars: Namfalur, Sarradron Fyndoryelle, Taeryon Silberlicht und noch ein paar tote oder unwichtige :P
Bin seit April oder Mai 06 dabei, bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher.

Mein Problem im Moment ist, dass einige der POs von der Ritterschaft von Kallahorn RP schlicht ignorieren oder nur so rpen, dass ihre chars dabei eine gute Figur machen. Ein Beispiel ist, dass (der Echsenkrieger) Ssafar, als mein Magier eine Illusion an ihm vorbeigeschleudert hat gemerkt hat, dass es eine Illusion ist. Ich glaub nicht, dass ein Echsenkrieger Ancient spricht oder so einen starken Geist hat dass er den Manafluss spürt. Des weiteren wollte PO Rothman meinen Magier per forced RP am Ohr packen. Ich könnt solche beispiele jetzt endlos aufführen und das find ich einfach schade. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Kallahorn-Bande einfach nicht fähig ihre Chars auch mal verlieren zu lassen und wenn man mich frägt, sind einige der neu dazugekommenen PGmer, da mir einer der Chars mit einem Schuss mit der Armbrust 1/3 der Engergie abgezogen hat (bei konstitution 15) und da ich den Char bis zu dem Tag noch nie rpen gesehen hab, kann der noch nicht sonderlich alt sein. Ich finde einfach solche Sachen und OOC-Machtkämpfe die geführt werden zerstören das Spiel und wenn die Bande um Rothman nicht bald mal anfängt zu RPen werd ich meinen Zwerg und meinen Magier (der jetzt durch den angriff auf dji praktisch gezwungen ist auch was gegen die kallahorn-bande zu haben) wohl löschen und nur noch mit meiner völlig unbeteiligten Fee spielen.

Name: Andy
Age: 17
Chars: Namfalur, Sarradron Fyndoryelle, Taeryon Silberlicht and some dead or unimportant
I'm playing since april or may 2006

My problem at the moment is, that some POs of the Knighthood simply ignore and only roleplay the way, that they are looking good. One excample is, that the lizard warrior Ssafar, when my mage cast an illusion toards him, noticed, that it has been an illusion. I don't believe that a lizard warrior speaks ancient or has such a strong spirit, that he feels the flowing mana. PO Rothman wanted to force RP my mage, when he grabbed him by his ear. I could continue naming more such examples and this is truely sad. In my opinion, the Kallahorn-gang is unable to let their chars lose one time and when you ask me, some of the new knights are powergamers, for one of them droped my healthbar by 1/3 with a single shot with his crossbow (with constitution of 15) and for I haven't seen him roleplaying once since then, he cannot be very old. I think that such things and ooc-fights for power simply destroy the game and if the gang around Rothman doesn't start roleplaying, then I will delete my dwarf and mage (who is now forced to act against the kallahorn-gang because of the assault on Archmage Djironnyma) and only continue playing my nonparticipating faery.
PO Thorwald wrote: Name : Thomas
Alter : 36
Accountname : ***
Chars : Dival ( tot ) , Ultoris , Colden Moor ( tot ), Yandran
( gelöscht ) ,Thorwald .und Ghrom Scharfklinge (noch unbekannt )

Dabei bin ich seit November oder Dezember 2002 kann aber auch ein Jahr länger sein .
Zu meinem Werdegang , alle meine Chars die ich bis jetzt hatte waren außschließlich Krieger oder Magier undich hab sie bis vor kurzem gerne gespielt .
Als aber die gepuschten Spieler ´(zB Retlak , Darlok) immer mehr wurden und ich gespannt habe dagegen kommst als "normaler "Spieler nicht mehr an hab ich die meinen Yandran gelöscht und mir Thorwald gemacht .
Einen Handwerker ( Schmied ) der mit Kämpfen und sonstigem einfach überhaupt nichts mehr am Hut hat . Ich hab ihn außerhalb von Silberbrand das graben und auch die Grundlagen des Schmiedens beigebracht und wurde dann durch PO Thorgrimm gefragt ob ich beim wiederaufbau SBs mithelfen möchte als Schmied , was ich gerne getan habe .
Nur lange wärte die Ruhe dann nicht und der um den es geht (Rothmann und Freunde ) stand auf der Bildfläche . Denn Zwergen liegt nicht viel an Kämpfen zumindest den meisten . Sie sind Handwerker und wollen ihre Rolle in Ruhe ausspielen und gutes RP machen . Aber du kannst nicht in Ruhe leben wenn es einem so nicht gefällt und so ging der Ärger los und wird immer größer und mehr , auch jetzt noch wo ein Friedensvertrag ausgearbeitet wurde .
Es macht keinen Spass mehr erst zu schauen ist der und der IG oder nicht kann ich ohne Angst haben zu müßen das ein Skillkiller mir über den Weg läuft IG durch die Gegend laufen .
Es kan nicht sein das ein Retlak und Galthran einen Zwergen am Eingang zu Sb killen und verhinder und ihn zwingen zu RPn das er nur noch mit Hilfe eines anderen zum Kreuz kommt und ihn auch solange festhalten bis per Zufall ich gekommen bin . Es kann icht sein wie gestern das ein Retlak Angehörige der Rose killt und jeden der Versucht die Sachen des gekillten aufzuheben . Es gibt keinen wirklichen RPgrund im Spiel jemanden zu killen , noch dazu von jemanden der gepuscht wurde und eigendlich sehr sehr vorsichtig bei seinen Handlungen im Umgang mit normalen Spielern sein sollte .
Es kann auch nicht sein das ein Rothmann und Freund Ghorn in der Mine zu Sb angreifen und killen wenn ein Golem anwesend ist und ja Ghorn wurde angegriffen und nicht andersherum wie zu lesen ist und warum angegriffen um den Schlüßel zur Stadt zu bekommen um dann leichter geplündertes Minengut abzutransportieren .
Es gefällt mir nicht dasich nicht mehr alleine nach TB gehen darf sondern warten muß bis mehr Spielerzusammen sind um mich zu beschützen .
Uns Zwergen wird ein RPG AUFGEZWUNGEN das nicht einer von uns haben möchte und an dem sich auch nicht einer beteiligen will .
Unter solchen Umständen zu spielen macht keinen Spass mehr und ist verlorene Zeit .

Name: Thomas
Age: 36
Chars: Dival (dead), Ultoris, Colden Moor (dead), Yandran (deleted), Thorwald and Ghrom Scharfklinge (unknown yet)

I'm playing since november or december 2002 but maybe even a year longer.
Considering my development: All of my chars that I've played before were either warriors or mages only and I enjoyed playing them. But when those pushed players (like Retlak and Darlok) became more and I recognized, that a 'normal' player can't compete with those, I deleted my char Yandran and created Thorwald.
A craftsman (smith) who only concentrates on his craft, not caring about fighting and other business. I let him mine and smith outside of Silverbrand and have been asked by Po Thorgrimm, if I wanted to help rebuild Silverbrand as a smith - which i enjoyed.
But the peace didn't last too long, when Stephen and his friends showed up. Most of the dwarves don't care about fighting. They are craftsmen and want to play their role in peace and do some serious and good RP. But one can't live in peace, when you dislike the situation and with this the anger constantly increased - even now with the peace contract worked out.
It's no fun having to look at who's online without being afraid of skillkillers that may cross my way.
People like Retlak and Galthran may not kill a dwarf infront of the gates of Silverbrand, forcing him to get help from somebody else to go to the cross and being forced to stay there until someone arrives. It shouldn't be possible, that one like Retlak may kill members of the Grey Rose and even kill everybody that wants to pick up their belongings. There is no real RP reason, killing someone ingame, even from someone who's pushed and should handle his powers with care towards normal players.
It shouldn't also be possible, that Stephen Rothman and friend can kill Ghorn in the mines of Silverbrand, when a Golem is near - and yes, Ghorn was being attacked and not the other way around like you can read elsewhere - to get the keys to the city so they can transport their mined goods way easier.
I dislike, that I can't go to Trollsbane without having the protection of other players, who have to be online this moment.
We dwarves are FORCED to play certain roles that none of us wants to play and none of us wants to participate with. I don't enjoy playing under such circumstances and the time spend is lost time.
Last edited by Thurbert~ on Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Thurbert~ »

I can provide the accountnames of all of these people to verify that they're infact the PO's and that I didn't write this myself.

Ich bitte nochmal alle von mir zitierten Spieler erstmal zu entschuldigen dass ich die Nachrichten hier hinhänge, und zweitens davon abzusehen in jedweder Form auf diesen Thread zu reagieren.
Weiters möchte ich alle anderen Spieler von Silverbrand Zwergen (Vorallem dich Patric) Bitten keine Kommentare zu schreiben.
Es bringt einfach nichts. Ich wiederhole es nochmal dies ist nichts weiter als ein Stiller Protest der zeigen soll dass irgendwie irgendwas nicht stimmt.

Thanks to Wickedewok for help with the English Translations
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Post by Liles »

Basicly, you're pissed off?
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Post by Liles »

Personally I find this to be a rather disturbing battle between our German and American players.

So lets us Brits fix it for you.
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Post by Fooser »

Wow, coordinated protest, interesting.

Basically the problem is, two groups have very different playing styles, and when they finally get into a situation where they have a head on conflict, it isn't very pleasing for those who focused less on skill gain, which is understandable. Is that a decent summary of this?
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Post by Retlak »

Let me round this up for the one who was talking about my char.

Retlak, the lich is weaker now than he ever was as a Orc

And there is by far a reason for him to kill people. What idiot goes up to evil and says "giv me droppd items plz".
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Post by Richard Cypher »

Retlak is a wimp! Pwn him immediately when next you see him! Hehehe, you know I had to write it Matt, you even called Retty weak yourself. :twisted:
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Post by Alkuurg »

PO Thorwald wrote: People like Retlak and Galthran may not kill a dwarf infront of the gates of Silverbrand, forcing him to get help from somebody else to go to the cross and being forced to stay there until someone arrives.

Erm, what? You were not even the Dwarf killed, the Dwarf COULD move, he COULD go to the cross...stop complaining.
PO Thorwald wrote: It shouldn't be possible, that one like Retlak may kill members of the Grey Rose and even kill everybody that wants to pick up their belongings.

There is no real RP reason, killing someone ingame, even from someone time.[/color]
There is RP reason, he CAN kill members of the Rose, he CAN kill other members of the Rose who see fit to hunt him down and..well, he has. Please, don't let your OOC friendships cloud your judgement, you're not the PO of any of those who Retlak dealt with.

For the rest of you, some good points.

Also: Richard, stop spamming.
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

I do not believe the knighthoods stuff is oocly planned and influenced and such, maybe some do so, but I'm sure not all do so, sure some joke about it in ooc, but Sam hardly ever has Stephen do so to my knowlage, for the time I had Kevin in the knighthood.
He got kicked out now though, and I dunno what goes on with them really anymore.

And some forced rp happens to everyone, when the drama runs high, we tend to forget some things.

And Stephen, is surely quite much stronger than a mage as I read somewhere, so it wouldn't truely be that forced due to probabilities.
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Post by Damien »

@Retlak : That is indeed a reason.
I had a likewise experience when playing the dragon during the dragon quest...
And was like, a second away from really banning that guy.
...Who for any dumbasses sake runs into an obvious private (hidden) place of a fricking DRAGON while the Dragon just stands next to him... and then demands his things back... >.<

@Richard : This is a seriosuly meant topic.

@Alkuurg : From what the dev said who checked the logs, the dwarf was able to get to a resurrection place, yes.
Last edited by Damien on Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Kevin Lightdot
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

You have a dragon, and it can breathe fire... figure it out. :wink:

Oh, and noone urinated on the altar to my knowlage, it was Ghorn's chair.
Last edited by Kevin Lightdot on Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

I did not bother to read any of your protests, your mad because of stephen mining ores and you not being able to stop him. It isnt very hard to level your character to 50/50 and guess what, i will let you in a very well kept secret. Stephen isnt over 60/100 in ALL his fighting skills, wantto know why? Because you guys all jumped him enough times in the past to beat him, yet I didn't complain because I got overpowered over a conflict YOUR characters started when you declared war, STOP complaining ooc and threatening things OOC, no one else does grow up.

Dwarves honestly should be the strongest nation ingame, you should easily be able to produce master blacksmith after master blacksmith who will be able to smith you very good to excellent of the best armors. Understandbly you don't want to pg all the time and want to roleplay, if you think all we do in Kallahorn is pg that is fine, it is an iggnorant and bias assumption but that is fine. We don't and there is a reason why we are giving YOU the DWARVES every possible chance at escaping this war.

So what are you in the end complaining about?

Edit - read what your complaining about and about 95% of what you have written is either an ooc lie (such as gloin), an iggnorant ooc asumption (from po negyth) or a ridiculous protest that you want a bubble of roleplay where you don't need to be involved with other characters who might effect your character when you don't want to be effected, (which if you got that, this game would be less a multiplayer game and more a single player game).

The only legitimate complaint you have is that we sunk to PO ghorn's level by doing lame roleplay, which I apologise for and will not do again. Quit or not, nothing else is going to change ingame.
Last edited by Garett Gwenour on Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Damien »

@Kevin : At least Arameh definitely mined in the dwarven mine when no dwarf was online, and some of them went just right through silverbrand when no dwarf was playing anymore. That's not only bad RP style, that's going arond a RP situation with OOC knowledge. In my opinion, such behaviour has nothing to do on any RP server, never ever.
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

Well, that's possible but knowing Dan a bit I don't think it was meant.

You guys(or a lot) just don't want to loose the arguement do you?
None of my chars is a knight anymore, but I keep track of the business some and I know for a fact that not the whole knighthood is a pging bunch.
Some of the ones may be, but not all by long.
Attacking one in the back does more damage, there's also tactics, and I don't speak of the skill.
Last edited by Kevin Lightdot on Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Damien »

Doing something on at least two occasions isnt meant ?
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

Arameh was taken out of Silverbrand out of our own personal protest that having to deal with an invincible golem was ridiculous. We said we were sorry and do not intend to do it again, as we didn't with amroth.
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

Lots of the comments I see come to this(Yeah, I'm going random here :P )
OOC used in IC by the knighthood.
PO Stephen as we all know says a whole lot of things, but having a char as a former knight I have never ever noticed a thing about ooc info used in ic.
And nor do I see Stephen whining about everything, while some others on the other hand...
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

yet I didn't complain because I got overpowered over a conflict YOUR characters started when you declared war, STOP complaining ooc and threatening things OOC, no one else does grow up.
Why do you even lie ooc? We all know that the fighting started because Stephen wanted to take the tavern of the dwarves away, that was the reason the dwarfs started war. so dont write such shit and stay honest please.

Also take their comlains serious. Stephen, because of you, your roleplay, your fault, there are 9 players, 9!!! who are pissed, who lsot fun at the game, who are not happy with it. because of you alone, a single player, 9 have lost fun in their roleplay!

Think about that and stop being so damn egoistic
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

I didn't see any pissed dwarves during the tavern stuff, well one, the owner.
And that is an ic event, nothing ooc, so you can't blame him.
Also, SB declared war, SB shouldn't whine about wanting it to stop after oocly.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

True, but patric there are many people who dislike you equally we just dont make a big post about why we dislike you.

This whole arguement is silly to me. "We only declared war because you almost took away the tavern we never use!!!"

I mean, okay I understand dwarves IC would say this, but honestly their players?

And as to this current conflict, what do you think is going to happen when your a weak nation and you have the easiest place to mine useful ores from? And the conflict started because you guys tried to jail us. If it bothers you so much to have conflict then let everyone mine from silverbrand, behold no one would bother you then.
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

And also, you are all clearly throwing around mixing OOC and IC and saying how it is blatantly obvious but none of you are giving an example of this. Please give an example when you make such a statement.
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Post by Taylor »

Funny how this is titled "Current RP situation", Yet it revloves around one single person, on one single point. Truthfully, I've seen 6 things just this week that I find disturbing and wrong from German and American players alike.

Let me add a little more depth to this flame fest, since that is all it is turning into. I won't list all six, Just a few important ones.

1. MOSTLY American players tend to walk over tables with no rp or mention at all of it. Though I have seen many..MANY German players do it, it is mostly Americans. I can understand doing so when no ones around, But doing so when two - infinity people are trying to roleplay just to get to a depot is rather preposturous. Sorry, It just is. I'd like to congratulate you who do RP it. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Good work :)

2. Now, Mostly German speaking players do this one, Use only the key phrases to buy and sell. I'm sorry, But what kind of a sentence is "Sell [n] [item name]" Or "buy [n] [Item name]." Or are we all just beligerant Barbarians who can't complete a proper english sentence because the Internet Jargon has taken over your fingers? Do you wish to shorten and demote every word in your spoken language down to Acronyms and emotes? I'm not saying amercians are not included in this, You're degration of speech is much worse than that of the germans, however, it is less frequent. Again, if no one is around, very well. But today, a dwarf walked up to Morgan, around him, there was Chiara and Raven (My guessing by roleplay style, forgive me if I was incorrect.) And simply said "Sell 26 [something in german]" Went to his depot, and continued to do so 3 times. Communication doesn't stop with NPC's, they are programed to read both German and English, Have a conversation and some tea, maybe a cup of Joe ;). Also, good work to those that break the deteriorating mold.

3. Powergaming. Now this is the issue here yes? Ahh, I have seen an equal ammount of powergaming from each side, German and American(British, you do it also ;) ). By powergaming I don't mean massive skill leveling only. Oh no, I mean not stopping when the message tells you to urgently rest in order to get a few virtual silver coins. I've seen German and American players alike, In the crypt or in the north ruins, for Hours, just collecting shit to sell, dropping them off at the grey rose(or teleporting back to trollsbane for the crypts), and continuing. It seems to me like your both at fault, I could easily name names. But I find it important to keep such a secrecy for players who realise their faults, and wish to change them in the privacy of their own keyboard.

4. Magic. I'm not going to sit here and preach fire and brimstone on magic users, Just a praticular Spell set in the magic spectrum. And that field is Healing and Food, or Preverstigatio. Now. I'll use a personal example of what is wrong. My character got injured the other day, player that was helping me went off to find a healer, didn't find one and came back. Quest mage stops, says "everything alright" other player says "He's wounded. Now, Without another word, #me or anything. MES PEN DUN comes out of bloody nowhere. He says "Well, I guess my job is done, and walks away. Nothing more is said. Now, Mind you that this was a German player, and I could understand if he couldn't speak english very well, But I saw him speaking rather exceptional english later on that day with another player. I've seen 3 different mages do this, and every single one was a Quest mage, or German. One of those mages has started to #me, and I congratulate them. As for mages like Silas, Meriel, Samantha, Athian, Jeremy, Marie. All do fantastic at #me's for their magic. Give yourself a clap.

Well, Thats about it unless you wish me to go on?
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Post by Alkuurg »

@ Garret "You often imply things,your use of OOC is often very subtle, just lying in OOC so that people would believe you IC. OOC and IC are not wholly seperate with you. You cannot lie OOC to gain an advantage IC! Which is basically what you do."
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Post by Garett Gwenour »

I wasn't aware I am a liar ooc, thats news to me.
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

True words from Taylor. agree on his post
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Post by Markous »

I don't know what you wrote, and I won't read it all.

Public accusing and the like is the kind of thing I ignore.

(I did it before when I was a player, and it took me some time to realize that it won't bring you far.)
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