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an/to Samantha Meryadeles

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:51 pm
by Djironnyma
Die Fünf seien euch gegrüßt Lady Samantha Meryadeles Erzmagierin von Gobaith.

Mir fällt es schwer Euch diese Zeilen zu schreiben, denn ihr Grund betrübt mich zutiefst, leider doch sehe ich keine andere Möglich und mich zu diesem öffentlichem Brief gezwungen.

Es scheint leider recht deutlich, dass die Aufgabe, die Euch von den ehrehaften Erzmagiern Lor-Angurs gegeben wurde, die Magierakademie zu Gobiath zu leiten, Euch überfordert. Leider ist unübersehbar das es Euch weder gelang die nötige Neutralität zu wahren noch einen geregelten Akademiealtag des Lehrens und Forschens aufzubauen.

In tiefer Loyalität zur Tradition von Lor-Angur und mit dem Einverständnis von Seiner Exellenz Vasco Armengol Seda, Protector zu Lor-Angur, erbitte ich daher förmlichst Euren Rücktritt als Erzmagierin und Leiterin der Magierakademie zu Gobiath zu erklären und gleichsam alle administrativen Rechte an mich selbst, Djironnyma, zu übergeben.

Vorbereitend auf diesen schweren Schritt habe ich mir die Unterstützung mehrerer begabter Magier gesucht, die unter einer neuen Leitung der Magierakademie als Lehrer zur verfügung ständen. Auch ist bereits ein Kodex ausgearbeitet der den zukunftigen neutralen und reibungslosen Alltag der Akademie gewährleisten soll.

Ich hoffe zu tiefst auf Eure Koorperation, auf dass es einen friedlichen Leitungswechsel geben kann.

Die Fünf mögen Euch segnen, Djironnyma.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:13 pm
by Misjbar
I feel inclined to speak for my late sister, Misjilah Mehialho, gifted sorceress and necromancer.

I hereby support Djironnyma, even though it pains me much to say so. I find Silas Farron much more capable, but alas.
I do think this would have been my sister's wish.

~Misjbar Mehialho~

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:15 pm
by Asesino
the following text is written in a very light and airy handwriting.

I support Djironyma and his plans.

-Duchan an Infarion-


Der folgende text ist mit einer sehr leichten und luftigen Handschrift geschrieben

Ich unterstütze Djironyma und seine Pläne

-Duchan an Infarion-

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:29 pm
by Samantha Meryadeles
Wenn möglich würde ich mich gerne mit euch treffen und diese Dinge direkt besprechen, denn, so scheint es, seit ihr euch einigen Geschehenissen nicht gewahr.

Auch fürchte ich, sind Silas Farron und Misjilah Mehialho nicht gerade die besten Unterstützungen.
Auch würde ich gerne die schriftliche Bestätigung des werten Erzmagiers Seda einsehen

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~
Erzmagierin von Gobaith

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:51 pm
by Djironnyma
Erneute Grüße Erzmagierin Meryadeles.

Ich habe nichts gegen ein Treffen einzuwenden um die übergabe der Leitung der Akademie vorzubereiten. Ich verstehe jedoch nciht, was es gäbe das ihr es nicht öffentlich kunt tun könnet.

Eure Bedenken über jene, die bisher ihre Unterstützung hier öffentlich Kunt taten zeigen leider nur zu sehr euren Mangel an Neutralität. Abgesehen davon, dass die bisher hier bekennenden Magier noch längst nicht alle sind, obliegt es nicht der Tradition sie nach anderem als ihrem Fachlichen Können udn Wissen, was sie zweifelsohne besitzen, zu bewerten.

Eine Abschrift von seiner Exellenz Meister Sedas Brief hänge ich bei. Die Orginalität dessen last ihr Euch denke ich am besten von Ihm selbst beglaubigen.

Hochachtungsvoll, Djironnyma.
Vasco Armengol Seda wrote: Den Göttern zum Gruße, Magister Magus des alten Pfades, Djironnyma,

Es betrübt mich über dererlei Vorgäng zu hören und euren Ausführungen entnehme ich, das es so kaum weiter gehen kann.

Demnach ist es wohl das Beste, wenn ihr die Nötigen Schritte zur Beiseitigung dieser Missstände in die Wege leitet. Die Unterstützung der Erzmagier von Lor-Angur für diese Schritte sei euch hiermit zugesichert.

Möget ihr Erfolg mit eurem Vorhaben haben und die Akademie zu Gobaith in eine bessere Zukunft führen.

Exzellenz Vasco Armengol Seda,
Protector zu Lor-Angur

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:54 pm
by Ephraim
Sollte meine Position als Wächter und Hausmeister der Akademie nicht gefährded sein, werde ich mich aus diesen Angelegenheiten heraushalten und darauf hoffen, dass die Vernunft in diesem Fall siegt.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:58 pm
by AlexRose
I would like to see Silas running and/or teaching in the academy. 'twould be a great day.

~William Elderberry~

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:58 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
Silas, you have my vote.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:01 pm
by Xavtrax
If it would make the academy 'active' and offering teachings to students, then why not, maybe my knowledges of ancient can ever be used....

- Xavtrax

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:24 am
by Nalzaxx
As fine a mage as Silas is, he neither has the experience nor the knowledge to run this academy.

I cannot see myself taking the position however.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:31 am
by Asesino
Nalzaxx wrote:As fine a mage as Silas is, he neither has the experience nor the knowledge to run this academy.

I cannot see myself taking the position however.

it was never in discussion that Silas runs the academy, sir. you seem to have overread something. Djironnyma is the one that applies for this position

-Duchan an Infarion-

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:54 am
by Ku 'Agor
Kill oomie while at its.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:00 am
by Azuros

I wish you fortune in this movement, I am sure you will do what is right for the academy.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:03 am
by Korwin
Although lady Meryadeles is both a knowledgeable and talented mage, I have observed her tendency to neglect the development of the magic academy in favour of more pressing concerns. While her other pursuits may be noble, an individual who can focus their efforts solely on the administration of the magic academy is neccesary. I still believe that lady Meryadeles would make a fine teacher.

It is my hope that Djironnyma will strive to recruit instructors who teach in the new language, contrary to his past practices.

-Orren Padick

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:26 am
by Samantha Meryadeles
All my actions had just one goal, to let the academy benefit from it. When i wanted to reopen the Academy i saw all the evil and the many threats on the isle, being a danger to anyone. At that moment i had to make a desicion.
Either to open the academy and risk that those evil and dangers threaten the newly opened and not prepared academy, and also being a threat to any students, or to first concentrate my strength on the defeat of Negros and the other evil being a threat to the whole isle and a new academy.

I decided that the academy can't be opened successfully until Negros is defeated and the isle again safe. And that we can't concentrate on the defeat of such a powerful enemy when we have to split our strength and concentratrion for the academy and Negros.

And now when the time has come that Negros can finally be defeated, those shames of once honorful mages come and steal the academy away.

I once offered Djironnyma to work with me on the academy, but he declined together with Vilarion. They claimed that they follow the old path of magic, and that an academy building is unneeded and wrong in the eye of that old path. They prefered to open their own school.

Djironnyma failed with that school, and had to close it because he was not able to have a successfull and working school of magic art. When i offered him again after to join the academy and help, he again declined at the beginning. Later, when he said he will think about it, he had to leave the isle and told me he won't be able to help with the academy anymore.

Now he came back and immediately backstabs me to get controle over the academy. And for that he uses wrong accusations and hypocretic reasons.

The academy would have been opened again in the next weeks, but he couldn't wait and don't wanted. Since all he and the others wished were the power over the academy.

All those mages supporting Djironnyma in this foul act lost their face and their honour, and i can't concider them anymore being honorfull and wise mages. Not after such doings.

Never anyone of them tried to speak with me. Never anyone of them offered his help with the academy, nor made anyone of them ever suggestions for it. They never cared until now. And when i asked them to help and be part, they declined. And it wouldn't surprise me when beings like Pelith and Farron had their fingers in that.

I done my best to prepare the academy for the reopening, i worked on the plans, prepared special buildings and risked my life to defeat threats of a new academy.

And than those who never tried to help or never done anything for the academy come and take it, based on lies, hypocretic accusations and backstabbing methods.

It is a sad picture, and they made the academy to a sad instituion in which those who are perverting magic and who are not even welcome in Lor-Angur have great influence and even are allowed to teach new students which are still vulnerable to their evil teachings.

Of that 7 names of Mages who supported this foul actions two were and are involved with the temple and evil magic, dark magic. Those two are exactly those beings which i shall oppose as an archmage. That were the words of Mistress Marina Oridrim and Archmage Arugo Klirrblatt when they announced me to the new archmistress. They took an oath from me that i, as the new leader of the academy, protect also the isle against the perverted evil of Moshran and those following the path of dark mages.

And what surprise, exactly those are now in the group who overtake the academy.

And 2 others from that 7 are mages who declined any help or support of the academy since the beginning, saying their way is better and the only true one and that such an academy is the wrong way to teach.

Really a sad fact.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:35 am
by Korwin
If indeed the academy you planned was truely as close as, "the next weeks," from opening, what reason do you have to cease progress? The only things that have been lost are arbitrary titles, given that the mages in Djironnyma's academy had no intention to help you anyway. How does their opening of a magic academy inhibit your opportunities?

If you indeed do carry on to open your own academy, as you have indicated should still be possible, I would be quite interested in participating.

-Orren Padick

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:43 am
by Samantha Meryadeles
The reasons are simply. The unhonorful and wrong way those Mages used to overtake the academy. Their backstabbing of my person and their threatening with force shall i not took my stuff and go from the academy. I can't agree on that unhonorful way to solve this, nor will i accept it.

I can't open anymore an academy, since they overtake and stolen the building which the Archmages hand me over to care for and use.

And since there is no chance of teaching magic without that special preparations i made, and which can be found just on the academy building.

So any plans from me are destroyed through their foul actions.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:54 pm
by Aristeaus
Personally it sadens me to read these rules and gather the facts from within, if my memory serves me correctly Djironnyma abused any power which he was given, and i have personally heard rumours that Silas the snake practices the art of blood magic.

Samantha though an arrogant lady has always kept to her code, and done the best for those she has taken under her wing. But of course my views could be wrong and the isle may wish a mage whom allied himself with a lich, and another whom works with the art of blood to lead thier studies.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:00 pm
by Aristeaus
Silas, im informed my friend, always informed.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:29 pm
by Misjbar
He never said you weren't informed Aristeaus old friend, you were badly informed. And badly educated, apparently.

~Misjbar Mehialho~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:34 pm
by Miklorius
So the inner power struggles continue. That is sad...

I read that Meriel Pelith is in this new academy lead by Djironnyma - I thought there were rumours that she had some obscure relationship to the Temple?


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:40 pm
by Aristeaus

To be called badly educated by yourself i shall take as a compliment, and i shall say my information has served me well enough in the past old friend.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:42 pm
by Misjbar
True Aristeaus, most humans I consider uneducated, as the late Samantha Meryadeles.
Anyway, lets not stray from the path.

I think this whole reorganisation of the Academy will serve it's purpose, as I have witnessed the fact that the Academy even approaches gifted candidates. It actively seeks to spread the magical arts to the gifted and intelligent. Even though I have my doubts about Djironnyma, I most certainly shan't deny the fact that I like this development.

Samantha Meryadeles merely doesn't see the opportunities that lie in this. I always have believed archmistresses would seek progress, not stagnancy.

But then again, my opinion is not always appreciated,

~Misjbar Mehialho~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:11 pm
by Fooser
Lady Meryadeles is a person of good principles, and was extremely valuable in the fight against the evil that tried to sweep across Trollsbane. The recent happenings of the Magic Academy are very troubling.

Fooser I

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:32 pm
by Meriel Pelith
I hereby support Djironnyma.

Ich unterstütze hiermit Djironnyma.

~ Meriel Pelith

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:43 pm
by Nikolaus
Auch hat Djironnyma meine Unterstützung.

Djironnyma has also my support.

~Nalcaryos von Weißhafen~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:58 pm
by Garett Gwenour
I cannot comprehend what would fuel anyone to support Djironnima in anything he does. He is rarely on the island and when he is, it usually results in him doing something stupid to catch his cloaks aflame. His levels of loyalty have been suspect in the past. Not to mention he is a failed magician, how many times I have seen this particularly gifted elf fail in an experiment and end up blowing something up along with many others who foolishly trust this moron to not ruin the simpliest of tasks outdoes the numerous times Fooser has spent a night in jail.

He has shown no class in this public letter, and shows his character as well by doing this publically rather then privately to show respect to the former Archmagemistress. If he felt that the Magic Academy must be led in a different direction he should have joined the Magic Academy and worked with Samantha Meryadeles and not gone around her to settle himself as leader of this new Magic Academy. It is put quite eloquently in Samantha's last arguement, that Djironnima's moral and political beliefs change like the tide, going high when he needs something and going low when he wants something.

I will not support a man who has proven he lacks any sort of common sense, (As per his failed experiments), lacks respect for soil of Tol Vanima (as per summoning monsters on those lands in a ridiculously overplanned spying job he did against Ariges), and lack of class as per this public announcement.

May your Magic Academy fail and fall into inactive, as undoubtedly it will within 6 months.

~Garett Gwenour~

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:59 pm
by Laviath Rathor
Mich jeht dat janze Majiezeuchs nix an un' ick kenn auch fast kein' der hier seine Meinun' jeäußert hat, aber ick muss doch sachen, dass ick jetzt, wo ick erfahren hab', dass dat hinterlistije Zwergenfeind Ephraim unter dieser Lady Meryadeles, wie auch immer sie sein mach, Hausmeister einer der mächtichsten Institutionen auf dieser Insel war, voll und janz eine Führun' Unterstützen würde, die diesen fiesen Kerl aus der Akademie verbannt oder bestraft für dat, was er unsrer' Könichin un' mir persönlich anjetan hat. Ick weiß nich, ob sowas ejal ob unter neuer oder alter Führun' überhaupt zur Diskussion stand oder steht, aber ick musste dass jetzt einfach ma' loswerdn' un' zum Thema passts ja auch irjendwie.
