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Trollsbane Declaration

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:12 pm
by Fooser
Citizens of Trollsbane, it has come to my attention, and perhaps yours as well, that the current system in place is absolutely ineffective, and has been for how long? Phillipe was voted in as Captain of the Guards. From there, nothing happened. No offense to Farel either, but one meeting, and then disappearing again will not help Trollsbane. The current system, and the high turnover rate of officials is hurting the progression of Trollsbane, and from this day forth, Trollsbane will be reverting to a Kingdom.

This seems like a large decree, but in reality, very little is changing. If you think you are losing any liberties, so be it. Your right to elect officials that are nowhere to be found is taken away, but your voice has not, as meetings will continue, and all policy will be based around the feedback of citizens.

King Fooser

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:16 pm
by Nerian Finera
You are walking a dangerous path, Fooser. We had that once before.

Nerian Finera,
Priest and Templar of Malachin,
Knight and Ambassador of the Grey Rose,
Healer and Servant of Oldra

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:26 pm
by Korm Kormsen

- unsigned -

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:29 pm
by Fooser
Once before? I have been looking through various Trollsbane records, and I fail to see where this "dangerous" path has been walked before. I can only assume you are speaking of Stephen Rothman, and these are two completely different situations. The failures of government in the past, and particularly a few months ago cannot be denied. I support progress, and I will continue to work to move Trollsbane forward until otherwise, while you on the other hand, seem to think this a bad thing.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:32 pm
by Nerian Finera
Yes, I am in fact speaking of Stephen. And I only wanted you to remind of the past, which has shown us, how things can change. All in all I'm trying to be careful.

Nerian Finera

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:40 pm
by Fooser
Yes, an "annexation" that I was against. Has Stephen put you all into such hysteria that you assume all that come after will try and invade towns? I think I have been quite reasonable to others on this island, minus the temple.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:48 pm
by Skaalib Drurr
All this decree will do is to antagonize the people of trollsbane. You should not forget that you yourself were elected based on these principles. And you originally said you would protect the people from the temple. What is there left to protect if we change the ideals we sought to protect in the first place?
And what of the rigt to displace the governor? That too has now been taken from the citizens of trollsbane. And trying to keep power against the people's views can only result in danger for yourself.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:07 pm
by Fooser
I have taken nothing from the citizens of Trollsbane, I have only been trying to give back, over and over. Your views are not being halted. Quite the contrary. Unlike most past leaders, I base nearly all of my policies on what feedback I recieve from the people during meetings, and on the walls.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:18 pm
by Richard Cypher
King Fooser...well it seems Trolls Bane has plenty of troubles. I could see this happening since the moment Brer had his power usurped by Fooser by Fooser saying that Brer was being afflicted by the Temple. Fooser has always wanted this sort of power can you not all see that. Now that he has this power there is no way for any of you to dispute it. He might even agree with the people's views and listen to them for a bit, but if there ever comes a time where he disagrees guess what, he listens only to himself. Have fun citizens of Trolls Bane. All new leaders say they work for the citizens but in the end it is the citizens that work for them.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:25 pm
by Fooser
A Governor system is the same exact thing dressed up in a nice disguise. I don't need to be lectured about being power hungry by a bunch of temple members, who only went seeking magic, power, and more.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:51 pm
by Richard Cypher
Not everyone joined the Temple for the same reasons Fooser. Some people saw more then just that in the Temple. The Temple was the best thing to ever happen to Gobiath and yet no one realized it. You are just as bad as those power hungry Temple people as you call them. Just because your democracy is not working you now form a monarchy? That is the epitomy of greed and selfishness. You are as bad as Stephen Rothman. I do not mean this in the way you govern but in the fact that you threw away the democracy of Trolls Bane to suit your own needs and declared yourself as the sole ruler. Just remeber Fooser all rulers eventually get dethroned. You will not be any different unless you step down from your high and mighty perch and return things back to the way they were.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:51 pm
by Korm Kormsen
hail king fooser I.!

will there be crowning ceremonies and a big feast, or just taxes?

- the voice of the street -

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:57 pm
by Fooser
What you suggest is staying with something that doesn't work, and that is nonsense, it wastes all of our time.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:04 pm
by Richard Cypher
Fooser that is what a democracy is. It is run for the most part by the people and their wishes, while the elected official fine tunes their ideas to make them better. If it does not work oh well. It is up to the people to decide not for someone to say it is not working so I am now in control. In a democracy the people choose their own ways. That is the reason for city meetings and elections. So that way they can choose who leads them and how things work. Eventually if anyone cares and they see their ways are not working they can point it out and ask for a vote to change the laws. Democracy, is how it has always been. And the few times when it was not well you saw the results!


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:09 pm
by Fooser
I am getting tired with throwing words back and forth by people from other lands, whom are not even citizens. Go back to your own business, as this is of little concern to someone who isn't even allowed in our town.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:16 pm
by Richard Cypher
I do this to open the eyes of the people of Trolls Bane, not to banter with you. As anyone can see my arguments are solid and with a good amount of thought behind them where yours are just short statements saying you are right and I am wrong. Then you try to get rid of my voice by saying that I have no say in the matter and am from another town. Well I will keep on speaking because I have people in Trolls Bane that I know and I would hate to see them under your heel. I send this message out to all of Trolls Bane and its citizens. Do not let Fooser control your lives. You as the citizens have great power whether you realize it or not. Just because he says you have no say means nothing. There are always ways around it. Remember fight for what you believe in. Never let your voice be snuffed out like a candle in the wind! Make sure your opinions are always heard.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:22 pm
by Fooser
Yes Richard, we all know how you and your cultist friends support the democratic system. Like when they came into town and beat up the Governor on multiple occassions. Democratic systems are a rarity in our world, the original elder system was not one, Varshikar is not one, most places are not one. Why all of a sudden is it a problem in this case? Because I, unlike many people in town, have fought back against the temple, and you are biased because of that, now go away.

You are absolute ignorant on everything that occurs in town. For the past month, even longer, I have been constantly asking for feedback. The second town meeting had a nice turnout, but after five minutes, there was one person left, yes, one person. And now, I am still listening. To spill on with your freedom loving speeches is useless, since you are wrong from the first sentence.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:22 pm
by Drex Thaendrak
Fooser will work towards the good of the town AND its people, unless he wants to risk the same fate as Rothman, having a nice little bounty on his head.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:30 pm
by Korm Kormsen
dear Mr. martin,

being a former citizen and alderman of the greenbriar, i saw, how easy this system, that you call democracy, can be abused.

a relatively small, but active group can bend the will of the original inhabitants of a place governed by popular vote.

i will not judge on his majesty, fooser the first, because i dont know him. (allthough i hear from the street, that he is not very freehanded with money)

but i think, a kingdom has a big advantage over a - what did you call it? demoncrazy?...
a king plans on staying for life. that means he can have longterm goals.
a voted in commoner will allways tend to look after himself during the short time of power.

we barbarians are used to have clan chieftains, who are a lot more powerfull than your average king. - and it works!


tjalf kormson

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:38 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
I for one welcome our new overlord.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:41 pm
by AlexRose
I like the sound of it.

~Sir William Elderberry the Injured~

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:42 pm
by Richard Cypher
Fooser wrote:Yes Richard, we all know how you and your cultist friends support the democratic system. Like when they came into town and beat up the Governor on multiple occassions. Democratic systems are a rarity in our world, the original elder system was not one, Varshikar is not one, most places are not one. Why all of a sudden is it a problem in this case? Because I, unlike many people in town, have fought back against the temple, and you are biased because of that, now go away.

You are absolute ignorant on everything that occurs in town. For the past month, even longer, I have been constantly asking for feedback. The second town meeting had a nice turnout, but after five minutes, there was one person left, yes, one person. And now, I am still listening. To spill on with your freedom loving speeches is useless, since you are wrong from the first sentence.

I would like to say that I never had any part in beating up Brer. Ku I believe was the main culprit of those offenses. If anyone cares to find out, ask the former governor himself, I have always been friendly with Brer. Never once did I raise my hand against him. Actually, once when Brer was in the inn surrounded by Aristeaus and several others, the late Jackee Lant was harassing him and I protected Brer from the young lad. This just goes to prove that you are wrong Fooser. You should get your facts straight before you start spouting off like that. Also, I do not believe a Monarchy will work because it never has worked for Trolls Bane before. One last thing, the reason why a monarchy works in Varshikar and Silverbrand is because the leaders there have good heads on their shoulders and truly care about their citizens. Varshikar is more like a big family then anything else. As for Silverbrand I can not really say because I have never seen them in action, but most dwarves get along perfectly fine with each other. I think it is good that you have asked the people for their opinions but I do not believe that many attended because they do not see you as a fit leader or care about you. If Varshikar ever had a community meeting I am sure a great many would attend just because of how much the citizens there care about Varshikar and there rulers. That is how it should be!


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:22 pm
by Miklorius
Well, Fooser, I prefer to call you now Steward of Troll's Bane instead of "King" (declaring yourself as a king is worse than Stephen Rothman's self-declaration as governor).

I don't like to see that you change the rules and laws as you like, but you act well in the past, so I do not have bad feelings about the town's future under your administration at the moment.

But the important question is:
How will the transformation of Troll's Bane in some kind of kingdom change the situation?!


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:11 pm
by Farfara
~A large, figure, clad in a cloak with the hood up, walks up to the board. He reads the parchment, a grin almost surfacing on his obscured face. Finally, he writes...~


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:32 pm
by Fooser
If you think that I do not act in the best interest of Trollsbane, you are wrong, and everything in the past shows you are wrong. I didn't have to do a damn thing about the temple. Trollsbane had Governor Brer, and ZERO guards. I could have said that is the peoples responsibility, and let you savages run through the town, but I stayed and put my safety on the line, despite having no guards to back it up. Another concern apparently, is taxation. Right now, Trollsbane has 3 silver in the treasury. I don't think anyone can complain about how we handle money, when A) Dont have any, and B) Everyone automatically assumes taxation is for the benefit of the collector, and I have disproven that in my numerous defendings of taxation.

What is the different between this and a Governor system with an inactive guard captain? Nothing. All who argue against are hypocrites beyond belief, you all come from guilds and lands where you don't have such a system either, so stay out of this.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:41 pm
by Avalyon el'Hattarr
Careful now, Fooser... You know what's the penalty that a king recives if his people decide so... A walk to the chopping block and a meeting with the headsman.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:13 am
by Hundly Harington
King Fooser!

Are you in need of a new jester for your kingdom?

Hundly Harington

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:14 am
by Fooser

Fooser I

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:15 am
by Hundly Harington
I will gladly serve you then, just call upon me when you need!

Hundly Harington

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:41 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
Has the position or leadership of the Town Guard changed somehow under the new King?
