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- About the teleporting spell - Über den Teleport-spell -

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:44 pm
by Thorvald
German version below / Deutsche Version darunter

I would like to announce this so it is official now.

Mages are not allowed to teleport through walls with the spell Jus Taur Kel.
It is considered as a bug when you cast upon an item (wall) and so get through it.

So to clarify it up:
  • Is it not allowed to cast *on* walls to get through them.
  • It is not allowed to cast *on* windows to get through them.
  • It is allowed to cast through windows when you are able to target the tile behind it.

For the spell "Jus Kel".
  • It is not allowed to intentionally cast a char with 'Jus Kel' through a wall.
I want to add to that point: Sometimes it's not avoidable when you are inside of a building. That happens accidently. But we are speaking of the case to push a character somewhere with intention to get him outside or inside from walls.

Furthermore there is to add:

It is not necessary now to complain about former incidents about this. It was not officially and not announced that this is considered as 'bug-using'. But from now on it is. So please don't fuss about earlier cases where this has been used. That would just cause unnecassary frustration. Thank you.


Ich möchte das hier jetzt mal bekannt geben damit es offiziell ist.

Es ist Magiern nicht erlaubt sich mit dem Spell 'Jus Taur Kel' durch Wände zu zaubern. Es wird als Bug angesehen wenn man sich auf Items (Wände) zaubert um durch sie hindurchzugelangen.

Um das ganze also mal klarzustellen:
  • Es ist nicht erlaubt *auf* Wände zu zaubern um hindurchzugelangen.
  • Es ist nicht erlaubt *auf* Fenster zu zaubern um hindurchzugelangen.
  • Es ist erlaubt sich durch Fenster zu zaubern wenn man das Tile dahinter anvisieren kann.

Für den Spell 'Jus Kel'.
  • Es ist nicht erlaubt, dass man absichtlich einen anderen Char mit 'Jus Kel' durch eine Wand zaubert.
Dazu gilt noch zu erwähnen: Es ist manchmal nicht vermeidbar wenn man in einem Gebäude ist. Das passiert unabsichtlich wenn der Spell zu weit reicht. Es geht nur darum, dass es nicht erlaubt Jus Kel auf einen Char zu sprechen um diesen mit Absicht nach 'drinnen' oder nach 'draußen' zu kriegen.

Weiters möchte ich noch hinzufügen:

Es ist unnötig das jetzt über frühere Fälle beschwert wird. Es war nicht offiziell und es wurde nicht klargestellt das dies als Bug-abusing angesehen wird. Also bitte keine Streitereien über früher Fälle diese wo Dinge geschehen sind. Das würde nur unnötige Frustration bewirken. Danke

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:46 pm
by Markous
Thread is locked and sticky now.

• Not knowing this rule will not prevent you from getting punished.

• Unwissenheit schützt vor Strafe nicht.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:46 am
by LifeWonder
Hello.. I need some clarification on something..

Would it be against the rules for a mage to teleport into a building even though OOC'ly the player can not see inside, but IC'ly the character would be able to see through the window?

See example below.


By reading this:
# It is allowed to cast through windows when you are able to target the tile behind it.
I guessed it was okay, but me and Chester weren't sure..

Anyone can clarify? Thanks!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:02 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
It is allowed to cast through windows when you are able to target the tile behind it.
I would say only if you can target through the window. Some windows it is obvious you can target through, those you can't I would say you should be unable to teleport, but it is just a guess until someone more knowledgeable comes along.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:19 am
by LifeWonder
Kaila Galathil Travinus wrote:
It is allowed to cast through windows when you are able to target the tile behind it.
I would say only if you can target through the window. Some windows it is obvious you can target through, those you can't I would say you should be unable to teleport, but it is just a guess until someone more knowledgeable comes along.
What kind of windows do you think would be "impossible" to target through? I'm not sure I understand the concept..

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:25 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
If you are in the tavern, or a house and the door is closed, you can still target through a window. Other windows you can try but if can't get a target, I would say they are unreachable.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:50 am
by LifeWonder
Which is logical since you can't teleport without being able to target anyways.. (Unless you target ON a wall which is against the rules clearly.)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:05 am
by Juniper Onyx
The issue I had with this is that those aren't 'windows' but arrow ports, with wooden shutters 'rp'd' closed, like a Fort.

Also, this character had never beeen inside before, and he had no way of knowing 'what' he was targeting inside since you can't see 'inside' the building from the outside.

The Gates were locked, I saw him coming and went down to let him in, and he just teleported inside without even knocking. No RP at all.

I don't think the teleport spell was meant to be used (abused) like this.

I thought we had this debate a year ago, when some mages would teleport others through windows? I remember it was said then, that no teleporting through windows was now allowed?

What is the Rule now?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:17 am
by Kaila Galathil Travinus
I have teleported through windows I can target through (and not targeting just the wall) with only a simple RP of *holding up my hand and saying a few magic words* . Others may have a different opinion, but I think any spell should have a RP with it though I have forgotten occasionally to do it LOL. If you want to get really technical however, even if there was an #me, your char shouldn't have been able to hear it through the wall :D . The knock IMO would be a judgement call with a mage, knock or simply go through an inviting window. If you notice some buildings no longer have those inviting windows for a mage to go through/get stuck in (and I would call anything a window could target through). However this is just one opinion also. When fairly new my char was "thrown" through a window with another mage by a demon and I don't recall much of an RP, the demon being pretty busy blowing up the street. :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:53 am
by Llama
To my knowledge, the rule is:

If your character can see through it, you can teleport.

If a person wouldn't fit through it, you can't blow him through it (JUS QWAN).

That makes sense personally.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:10 am
by Nitram
You can teleport to any place you can target. You can't target thougth locked doors and stuff since the client makes a line of sight calculation.

That does not hold for blowing spells. Blowing someone thougth a blocking item is not allowed. Those items are walls, windows, closed doors, trees, etc.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:17 am
by pharse
So in that case which shows your screenshot: it is not allowed to teleport behind that wall or "through" that window as you can't target the tiles behind it, you would have to click on the wall actually. This is clearly stated in the first post, isn't it?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:36 pm
by Pellandria
Nitram wrote: That does not hold for blowing spells. Blowing someone thougth a blocking item is not allowed. Those items are walls, windows, closed doors, trees, etc.
Are you allowed to "smash" someone against awall/tree?
What happens if you accidently cast someone trougth such an obstacle, simply becausehe moved while you prepare the spell?

Re: - About the teleporting spell - Über den Teleport-spell

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:47 pm
by pharse
Thorvald wrote:For the spell "Jus Kel".
  • It is not allowed to intentionally cast a char with 'Jus Kel' through a wall.
I want to add to that point: Sometimes it's not avoidable when you are inside of a building. That happens accidently. But we are speaking of the case to push a character somewhere with intention to get him outside or inside from walls.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:36 pm
by LifeWonder
pharse wrote:So in that case which shows your screenshot: it is not allowed to teleport behind that wall or "through" that window as you can't target the tiles behind it, you would have to click on the wall actually. This is clearly stated in the first post, isn't it?
As you can see in the screenshot, I -could- target the tile behind the wall. See that little white dash in the window? That's my target.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:50 pm
by pharse
Hah, now I get it. Tricky. The initial post reads "cast *on* walls", whatever those ** mean... I'd say, you can target it, then you are allowed to teleport there.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:53 pm
by LifeWonder
The ** are used to emphasize.. The GM could have written: Bla bla bla ON walls.. but was too lazy, so just put * * :P

But yeah, if I knew that these were arrow holes that are IC'ly closed, I wouldn't have teleported in. :x Me and Chester had a discussion in PM anyways and it's solved, I just wanted to make sure that we're allowed to teleport through windows if we can target the tile behind it..

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:04 pm
by pharse
Nah, nobody has the right to imply that everyone knows what windows are real windows and what are arrow wholes. That is crap. The graphics show you a window. It is a window. Either there is an agreement that one is or is not allowed to teleport through windows.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:41 pm
by AlexRose
You can teleport where you can see; you don't FLY, you disapperate and reapperate. You can SEE through a window; you can physically click your mouse 3 squares past the window and the client will recognise you can see there, which is not the case for walls. If the client allows you to target where you are clicking and makes a circle there and doesn't make a "you cannot see there" message, your character can see there, and therefore can teleport through there. This is how it always has been. You can still see through an "arrow hole", as shown by the fact that the client ALLOWS you to target the tiles behind these without saying you can't see there. You cannot PUSH people through windows with the wind spell, however, as the wind spell throws people back, it doesn't teleport them.

Walls are different. You cannot target BEHIND a wall. You can't target solid objects that you can't walk on. You can target open spaces that the client ALLOWS you to target without saying "you can't see there". It's bug abuse to target a wall space so you get pushed onto the next square.