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Post by Taylor »

A heavy armored guard can be seen walking around late at night. He seems very young for a guard, perhaps the youngest ever, Yet, something about him, tells you he can handle a blade. Though he walks through the streets, Clanking with his heavy armor, and looking around, It's obvious that something else is on his mind.

Well. What would she say, She called me her brother, But what if i ask her into my family offically? What would she say then? She holds such hatred to her old family, Mostly Pendar. But as to Caitlin, i still see some love in her eyes. Mai and her are best friends, so my only guess is that she'll be estatic. But would she want to be in My family.A Brother deserted, A Father Abandoned, What a wonderfull family. But then again, Pendar abandoned her, taking her brother with him. Gah, now that i'm a full Guard, my shifts increase, my power increases, and the Danger increases. But this is better than being a Mercenary. Too many times have i seen the brotherhood do something against their own rules. Mai should be leaving soon for the Monastery again, Lets hope i can ask her to be part of my family before mai leaves, Giving her one last thing to e happy about..And look forward to coming home. And finnaly i can call someone mother. Jaebrinn is no mother to me. Not untill she explains herself. She left me with the most crude people in this plane. But here I am, Calling a woman not even my true mother, Mom. Perhaps Rhi will do the same, Perhaps she will consider me her family, even though our blood does not match. Perhaps...There is hope.

He looks down at a ring in his hand, It's a plain gold band, probably all he could afford, and it looks made for a much slender finger, A girls perhaps. But anyone that Knows Taylor and Mai well, Know they carry matching ruby rings, So what could this ring be for? The Young Guard just walks towards the guard house, to take his position for half the night, waiting to be relieved.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

A young woman, perhaps in her sixteenth year but surely no older, sits at the Trollsbane dock, her feet dangling over the edge, long black hair blowing gently in the breeze, wide gray eyes fixed across the ocean. Her name was Rhiannon, and though many on the isle had known her as a child, perhaps not as many would still recognize her on first sight: She was still slightly small for her age, but not with such exaggeration as before, and she was not skinny anymore; willowy, thin, but not skinny. Her face was still small and pale but the sickly pallor had left it, and her cheeks were even rosy most of the time. The childish helplessness had been left for a quiet sort of womanly confidence, and her timid frown replaced with a warm, soft smile. Even so, as she dangled her feet over the sea, her mind swam with questions.

She had sat just like this on several occasions on two different docks. Always, the same question: Where was home? Was it Albaria, her birthplace, where her tyrant father had held her under his stranglehold for so long? She knew she could never return to Albaria again, let alone call it a home. Where, then? Gobaith, where she had been adopted into Pendar Fayed and Caitlin Fergus' family? Where she had, briefly, reconciled with her own brother before he betrayed her again? The place where she had had as many 'adopted' friends or family members as she could count? But her heart had been broken here so often; could she truly call it home? Salkamaeria? Where she had gone with Gordwayn almost two years ago, convinced it was the right choice for her? She still had very deep feelings for Gordwayn. With him, she did feel important, and welcomed, but...

His parents didn't seem to like her very much. She had overheard them saying that they felt Gordwayn was too young to settle with someone, and they had hinted that she was not educated or intelligent enough for him. It was true that Rhiannon had never finished any formal education; Teachers cost money, and she didn't have much. Nor did she have time, since she was always trying to do chores around the house to repay them for letting her stay with them. She apprecieated the hospitality, but she had known as soon as she had heard that Gordwayn was going to be going away for an additional 2 years of schooling that there would be complications. His mother did not want to be responsible for Rhiannon the whole time Gordwayn was away, and... and then had come the day, about a month after he had left for his schooling, when Gordwayn's mother had told her that he was very interested in a pretty, blond, very smart girl at his school. She wouldn't give a name, and she wouldn't let Rhiannon read the letter, so Rhiannon didn't know if she believed her or not; but either way, the message was the same: Go.

So Rhiannon had come to Gobaith again, for a visit only, she had told herself. After she had said hello to some people, and had sorted her thoughts, she would return to Salkamaeria, and find her own place somehow... and write to Gordwayn and find out.. find out if it was true, that he had found a girl he liked better.

The girl on the dock sighed, her mind drifting to another person as well: Alister. He was very, very shy. In all honesty, Rhiannon did think it was a little cute, even though she felt bad for him because she understood how it felt to be so painfully shy. She had been there herself in the past, even if she had mostly recovered now. She wondered if she could make him come out of his shell a little more, get him to make some new friends.

Shrugging her shoulders lightly and standing, she left the docks, walking through the grassland slowly, her mind working things over.
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