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Greenbriar Government

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 8:13 pm
by Juniper Onyx
To all citizens of Greenbriar,
Greenbriar is a lovely village! Why, I was talking to the boys just the other day, and this subject of 'government' came up, they told me that they didn't have any and that Trollsbane would probably take them over if they needed 'or wanted' to. Now I mustn't tell you that they seemed a little perturbed by this thought. They really dont want 'another' invasion, no matter how good the intentions. We've had several in the past, and they didn'twork out too good for us halflings.

I suggested perhaps we should elect a village 'Mayor' of Greenbriar. Not with any 'real' powers as it's only a village, but as a figurehead, a friendly point of contact for all things pertaining to Greenbriar. Elected once a year by those who consider Greenbriar home and represent it to the good folks of the rest of the world.

We have some excellent farmers, fishermen and millers in Greenbriar, and I think that we (citizen's of Greenbriar) should be represented in the most positive light possible, as a lovely little village, quaint and peaceful.
Anyway, I'd like to throw my name out there, Dusty Bottoms, to serve as Mayor of Greenbriar for the upcoming year. All of those who consider Greenbriar as their home, halfling or not, I ask for your support. Thank you!

-Dusty Bottoms-
-Candidate for Mayor of Greenbriar-

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:16 am
by Dónal Mason
I'm not going to let anyone named 'Dusty Bottoms' be mayor. halflings would be laughed at even more.

Donal Mason

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:42 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Dónal Mason wrote:I'm not going to let anyone named 'Dusty Bottoms' be mayor. halflings would be laughed at even more.

Donal Mason
Hmmm.....I understand your point. Perhaps a little background is in order.
Dusty is short for 'Dustin', but I was always called Dusty as my father "Mr. Bottoms" was also called Dustin, and it stuck.
As for my last name, Bottoms is a well respected family name in the farming clans from which I come. Some of the family think it came from long ago and probably has to do with where our clan settled with their first farms, on the 'Bottom'-lands of Rivers and Streams, very fertile and prosperous soil. Hence the clan name of 'Bottoms'.
Many halfling clans hail from similar backgrounds reflecting a profession or geography, and I dont think it is odd at all. I've heard of 'Smiths', 'Masons' (hmm..your name is Mason?), 'Bakers', 'Baggins' as family names as well as 'Underhill', 'Riverside, 'Overstreet', and 'Willow'. What wrong with my name?
Absolutely nothing, if you understand where it comes from, and I'm proud of it. All halflings should be proud both of themselves and the long, rich heritage from which we come.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:45 pm
by Jacob
Why would you want to Rule Greenbriar directly? The village does fine on it's own does it not?


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:06 pm
by Poots
Donal, names have nothing to do with anything. You can't elect a governor based on his name.

I don't see the point to a governor with no power. A governor must expand the city,defend, and make political desicions. A powerless governor is nothing


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:15 pm
by Dónal Mason
It's a village. We're not really out to expand or to gain power. If I wanted that, I'd join the 'glorious' city of Trollsbane.

Donal Mason

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:45 pm
by Brendan Mason
As the current de facto chieftain of Greenbriar, I am putting a stop to such an election for the moment. I would like to see the names of all Greenbriarians and which residences they reside in written below this parchment.

After that, I would like to see the names of all Greenbriarians who frequent the village. From this, we would see a list of names of people eligible to vote, or at least that would be my thinking. Mr Bottoms, it is my opinion that you have never held residence in Greenbriar and so are instantly unable to put yourself forward for mayor.

However, if a sizeable number of halflings put your name forward for the position, then I would gladly allow you to run for village chieftain. I admit to absence from Greenbriar and Gobiath for quite some time, but hope to remedy that in the coming days.

I put the halfling Pronon Palmsuger forward to retain his leadership position.

Kind regards,
Brendan Mason

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:46 pm
by Brendan Mason
Post Script:

The signatures which I seek should be placed on this parchment within the next three days.


Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:36 am
by Pronon Palmsuger
Well I'm not quite sure what all this business of government is, I'm not sure we need one. We've always had the council, but from all of my long standing on it all I can see it as was an excuse to have more tavern meetings. Up until now we have been quite content in just allowing the halflings to peacefully live in our houses, there is really no need for a goernment of any sort. But I suppose if a mayor is what the halflings seek then well that should be done.

As a Member of the Council of The Evergreen Halflings I must cast a vote against the idea of a Mayor. Dusty, however, should be awarded citizenship for his heartfelt concern with our state and isle.

Pronon "Pony" Palmsuger

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:57 am
by Juniper Onyx
To "Chieftain" Brenden,

I appreciate the kind sentiments expressed by "pony" and others. I'm delighted we are discussing this.

Brenden, in your self-admitted absence, I have been residing in Greenbriar and claiming it as my own for several months now. What else do you mean when you say 'reside' there? Should I paint a house or something? I've planted crops, fished in the bay, cut and planted trees, and slept there. I dont understand your meaning, but as far as I'm concerned, I believe that makes me a 'de facto' citizen.

I also agree with Donal Mason when he says that we are just a village, dont wanna 'expand', unlike Trollsbane. Yes, it may seem silly to some to have a powerless 'government', but I dont believe other halflings will accept anything else right now, what with all the shinanigans at Trollsbane of late, with 'so and so' claiming this or that. It seems to be a power struggle. We don't need that right now.

I would like to hear from the others of Greenbriar about their opinions. In my opinion, just saying you're a 'chieftain' and then say you haven't been there in a long time kinda contradicts yourself, dont ya think?
In my opinion, Greenbriar is leaderless, and has been for a long time now.

I'm not out to claim 'power', why would I propose a 'powerless' Mayor? It was only to spark some discussion, and possibly generate some concern and interest in Greenbriar again. I believe we do need someone to advance that interest and promote Greenbriar as a place to live, trade and relax. Maybe even cooperate with other villages in Trade? I was just talking to Jeremy Willowbrook, leader of Varshikar about a possible trading route between Greenbriar and Varshikar. They need a farmer's market, and we could use more 'smithed' goods. I believe this will create needed income and employment for Greenbriar'ians. It's opportunities like this that we are missing out on without someone 'advancing' the good of the village and it's citizens.

Brenden, if you'd like to do that, let me know how I can assist in this endeavor. If you are otherwise 'occupied' then I will be happy to serve in that capacity. But I would like to see what everyone else thinks first.

~Dusty Bottoms, citizen of Greenbriar~

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:38 pm
by Brendan Mason
My name, dearest Dusty, is spelled as "Brendan." And please, stop referring to any position of authority in the town as mayor, when clearly our people have rallied themselves around a chieftain since our race was born.

You're quite persistent, aren't you? I can see that you won't take "no" for answer, so we're left with little recourse than to meet with you. Name a time that is suitable for a meeting and I will come.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:17 pm
by jregan91
I think a goverment is a good idea to expand you need someone who can direct you but it is only faire that there should be an election personaly i want dusty to win he is more concern about the town not the position

the note is left unsigned

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:07 pm
by Pronon Palmsuger
I can't imagine where you are residing, I know that most of the hobbits keep their homes tightly locked up, atleast I do.

I've offered you citizenship there is no need to become defensive. Clearly there is not a large enough support for this idea. We in Greenbriar have been happily living without any mayor, powerful or not. I sincerely wish not to see a situation similar to Trollsbane whatsoever. If you can garner the support to have an election for mayor, I will be more than happy to obliege.

Until then I think Brendy would allow me to grant you citizenship.


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:20 am
by Fooser
Personally, I have a lot of respect for anyone named Dusty Bottoms.


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:05 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Dear citizens of Greenbriar,

On the morrow, I shall be traveling to Trollsbane to listen to a gathering of Gobiath's leaders as they talk of the dangers affecting every part of Gobiath, from Greenbriar to Varshikar, from the Lighthouse to Vanima. There are signs and Omens of a great danger to us all, and I will be there to listen to the leaders.

I am not going as 'Mayor', Chieftain' or whatever, but as a concerned citizen. If no one else, to represent us, is available there, I will be happy to convey the news to you.

We are still discussing 'leadership' of Greenbriar and I'd still like to hear from you all about that, despite the several kind words and encouragement from several of you. Perhaps we can conclude the discussions and call a vote by the end of the month? ((June 1st))

I will not dare to commit Greenbriar to anything at this meeting, until we have concluded discussions and had an election. I think that is only proper and fair. However, I think it's important for all citizen's, especially under-represented as we are, to attend this meeting and hear what the 'leaders' of Gobiath have to say about protecting us all.

Thank you,
~Dusty Bottoms of Greenbriar~

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:08 am
by Brendan Mason
I will attend, if possible, Dusty.

Brendan Mason

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:21 am
by Juniper Onyx
Thank you Brendan. I will look forward to meeting with you too. If the Archmistress is correct about a 'danger' coming, all peoples shall have to start working together to defeat it, before it is too late.

~Dusty Bottoms of Greenbriar~

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:20 pm
by Juniper Onyx
I would appreciate your support in the upcoming election. I have always considered Greenbriar my home and have a great love for it and its citizens. I would like to see the best that Greenbriar has to offer unite with the best talents of its citizens to preserve, protect and keep Greenbriar free and peaceful, despite what may be happening in other lands. As Chieftain, I shall put these and other concerns of the citizens above all else.
Thank You.
~Dusty Bottoms of Greenbriar~

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:27 pm
by Garett Gwenour
Did you not just arrive on the island?


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:41 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Hmmm.....I see your point.

You believe that just because someone is 'new' they shouldn't be involved? Hmmm....interesting.

I believe it is this fact that distinguishes me from my competition. I am relatively new, therefore not entangled in the web of power struggles, lies and deceit currently among 'seasoned' players. I can be unbiased and focus exclusively on Greenbriar for it's benefit.

Fresh blood and fresh ideas is what I have to offer. Sometimes, that is all it takes to revitalize a town, inspire some interest and create progress.

I don't believe 'length on island' is important so much as where your heart lies. And mine is in Greenbriar.

~Dusty Bottoms of Greenbriar~

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:08 pm
by Aristeaus
Persistant fella arnt you, well my friend all you have to bare in mind is your political knowledge of the isle. If your new to the shores im certain you knowledge of the other territories will be a minimum. I mean this not as an attack but something which you should think upon, if you wish to govern a land, you will be required to deal with its neighbouring states.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:18 pm
by Juniper Onyx
Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Yes, it is something I have considered, yet I have already made friends with some, and they, not knowing me previously, have seen me with unbiased and friendly eyes. I believe I will be effective dealing with our neighbors for the benefit of Greenbriar, which they haven't given a second thought to previously.

By neighbors, do you mean the monastary, Docks or the farmer's union? Trollsbane and Tol Vanima are the closest 'States' and I believe they are both friendly to Greenbriar as is Varshikar. That just leaves Silverbran and the Orcs. I can try to initiate relations with them, but I think they would rather be left alone for now.

I really dont think politics of the Island will be a problem, as long as we don't interfere in their affairs, which we are very good at.

~Dusty Bottoms~

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:30 pm
by Aristeaus
Perhaps you should think of creating some events or perhaps working towards the land and making yourself known before you call for a election. Even though i no longer carry the mantle of leadership i still follow the politics of the isle avidly, and if my position still held i would choose to ignore you, again i mean this as no insult but a fact of life. I would advise you learnt to walk before choosing to run.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:48 pm
by Juniper Onyx
I appreciate your advice and no offence taken. I agree with you, however, this all began because visitors to fair Greenbriar described it as "stagnant, nothing happening, and nobody's ever there". I was offended by this and seek to change this 'view' of Greenbriar. However I don't feel it is my right to do so without some 'mandate' from the citizens to do so. I'm not the type to 'claim' power that wasn't conferred upon me.

I believe this discussion as well as the election have already sparked some renewed interest in Greenbriar. So, sir, I am 'walking' as per your advice. In time, I shall learn to 'run' as well.

~Dusty Bottoms~