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The Figure Strikes Again

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:47 pm
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure Strikes...

The figure had planned an escape from his last murder. It went even better than he had planned so to happen.
If that traveler hadn't come, he probably would be even deeper in the forest at the moment. But, he wasn't.

The victim he chose was a dwarven male, short and stalky with a bright red bear hanging from a dusty face. His normal figure now replaced with that of a gory look.
His left eye, as the last, was missing, and his facem badly mutilated, would make it hard for one to distinguish him. His fingers, cut up and bleeding, and his shoes, missing from the scene and his feet, bloody.

The figure grinned at his work, again, he felt content. Though, not as pleased as the previous murder.
But, here, he left the dwarf on the side of Eliza's shop, propped up against the walls. The only clue left were footprints leading west, and a small tear, possibly from a Black Cloak which had lettering upon it. One may be able to distinguish it as a half 'G.'

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:53 pm
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio had walked into the town, his look grim, but there shone a quaint smile on his face. He began sidestepping throughout Trolls Bane as he tossed his dagger into his air, poison flew from the weapon and landed on a floor, signs of heat came from it before it diminished completly. He reached Eliza's shop, giving a quick hello, and tipping his hat. A giggle of flatter came from the lizard. Skipping to the chair reluclanty, he tapped his fingers in boredom until his eyes trailed onto the body next to him. Scipio stroked his stubble in curiousity, unlike others, he did not seem quite frightened, but mostly curious about the body, how it was slain etc. etc. Scipio gave a quick smile and left the shop.

"It's alot more fun when they fiqure it out themselves.." Scipio thought as he skipped outside with a grin on his face.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:15 am
by Boremier
Time has past since the killer last struck within the area of Trolls Bane, and Boremier, the man whom (along with others) had doubted the so called 'suicide' of the killer, was walking back from the forest once again staring into the dark dence forest.

As he entered the town he heard much commotion, mainly near the local shop. He stopped for a moment watching the townspeople gather in panic, after a brief time he began to quickly make his way to the front of the crowd.

Once there he heard one of the townspeople shout out something,

"The killer 'as struck again!" He said in a common tongue.

Boremier stood just infront of the panic stricken crowd, and proceeded to talk to them angrily.

"If you people had have listened to my words before, we would not be in this situation now!" Some people listened and fell silent, while others did not. Ignoring the screams and shouting Boremier turned to examine the body.

He quickly noticed the footprints leading to the west and immediately looked to the direction they were heading, however he overlooked the remaining evidence.....the ripped piece of cloth.

He stood and turned quickly pushing past the townspeople still swarming around the body, he quickly ran into the shop to gather some equipment.

"Eliza, you are still looking over my bag I hope?!" Questioned Boremier quickly.

Eliza nodded with a confused look on her face. He took the bag from her and ran outside, once there he tightened the grip on his shield, which covered his back, checked his short serinjah sword and began trecking west following the footprints.

When questioned what he was doing, Boremier simply replied:

"I plan to do something, since someone has to......others may join me if they wish!" And with that he turned quickly and began walking towards the west"

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:21 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio smiled, quite amusingly as he rubbed his neck in excitement. He quickly disgused himself as a common man, replacing his usual smirk with a potent smile. With that, he ran to the west, hoping to catch up with the man.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:26 am
by Boremier
Boremier walked as quick as he could, taking into consideration the items he carried weighed him down slightly. He thought he heard footsteps behing him and turned quickly.

He lookd at the seemingly common man before him, and asked a simple question:

"So you wish to join me? Or are you following me for pleasure?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:32 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio snapped his fingers slightly in failure, hoping that he could nab some of the things that the man was carrying. He had two slight scratches on the side of his cheek, but smiled vigourously, as if he had done this act before.

"Of coursen, sur! Mi and mi friends of min' alweesh play Town Guard near tha castl' o'er thar! Maybi I ca' help, sur? Names George Barbrady and my mom sesh tha' one da' I'll be a goo' guard!" Said Scipio, being sure to speak in a perticular accent.

After saying the words, Scipio held his dagger behind his back, and gave an innocent smile to the man.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:40 am
by Boremier
Boremier looks the man up and down with a stern serious look. And then finally replies:

"Hmm.....As long as you do not slow me down...Mr. Barbrady. I am determined to find this man!"

He looks at the stranger one more time, and then offers him gesture motioning for him to walk beside him.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:42 am
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure cloaks...

The Figure grinned. Watching from atop the Tavern. Watching all the townsfolk's faces twist and turn as they saw the gory sight along side Eliza's shop.
He grinned in satisfaction as he lead the same men from before, in the wrong direction. Though, even as he thought, he knew he was missing something of his, and knew, he could quite possibly be found if he wasn't cautious.

But he sat back down, grinned, and waited...

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:46 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
As the man turned his back to him, he knew this was his time to strike, being trained as a thief, he quickly grabbed his dagger, dripping with poison and attempted to grab the man and hold the dagger to his throught.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:31 am
by Boremier
As Boremier felt the slightest touch fall upon him, he turned as quick as he could, which in-turn caused a mid size cut to his face.

Blood drips from the dagger onto the cobbled town street. Boremier jumps back as far as he can, believing the thief is the killer, he then quickly unsheaves his sword and points it towards the thief.

"I knew I would find you!

.......although I did not expect you to make such a mistake?"

Boremier looks slightly confused but stands his ground

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:39 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio holds a poison blade in his hand, grinning as he hopes that poison had been injected into his blood stream. Scipio quickly raises up another dagger, this one, old and ornate.

"I didn't expect you to put up a fight.." Scipio said as he crossed his arms into a combat position.

"But it seems you are trained.. perhaps this will be a challenge." Scipio quickly rushes at the man, rolling under him and attempting a strike to the back.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:42 am
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure watches...

From atop the Tavern the Figure watches the men fight. With great delight in this, he draws his chair under him and pours a fresh glass of Red Wine.
Grinning to himself, this fighting makes him happy, he didn't think he'd have much more entertainment today.. After all, he DID kill a man.

He sat there, eyes intent upon the fighting men, almost burning with delight, if one was ever to get close enough to see.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:56 am
by Boremier
As the man attempts to attack from behind, Boremier quickly swings his bag around knocking his arm back.

Dropping his bag to the floor Boremier pushes the thief back with his foot giving himself enough time to uncuckle the shield from his back.

As the man begins to run back towards him Boremier mutters:

"If you wish to meet an untimely end.....then so be it!"

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:10 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
In desperate measures, Scipio attempts to throw a dagger at the man, hoping it will paralyze him for the time being.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:22 pm
by Boremier
Boremier, caught off his guard, is not able to move as fast as the thief. The dagger embeds intself into his arm, causing Boremier to shout out in pain.

"You shall regret that!" Says Boremier angrily.

Dropping his shield, Boremier places his hand around the hilt of the small dagger and begins to pull out the sharp weapon.

His face distords with pain as he does so, as he drops the dagger he places his short sword within his other, uninjured, hand.

The arm afflicted dangles beside him as he awaits the thief's next move.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:54 pm
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio laughs slightly, and flips his hair back, the gravel that he stands under crackles with every step that he makes, moving at almost stupendous speeds.

"Not too fast, are you?" Scipio chuckles lightly as he circles around the man, a menacing grin on his face.

Before finishing his next sentence, he quickly throws his dagger up, and catches it into a swift offhand position meant for offense, he rushes up to the man, the leaves crackling as he sidesteps left to right, rushing to attempt to lunge the dagger into the man's stomach.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:57 pm
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure stares...

The Figure let out a menacing roar of laughter. Who was that man with the dagger? Why was he acting a fool? What were his plans? The Figure didn't care.
This was entertaining, something he'd only had whilst severing flesh from bone.

The Figure stood from his chair and walked down the stairs from the Tavern roof and headed toward the souther gates.
Once there, he followed the wall towards the men, a risky move, but he would conceal himself while he watched them fight. He needed to see more, the blood, the poision flying off the dagger, more...

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:30 pm
by Urilen Quanasuard
Urilen Quanasuard happened to be walking up and sees the two men hiding. He hides his cult robe even better, just in case on of them "Happen" to see it. He laughs quietly at the fighters, and begins to sit down to watch the two fight to the death. Then, he had seen something.
Close to the wall. But only for a second.

Urilen Quanasuard begins to ponder.

"What... was that? I'm sure... I saw something."

He lets it go. For now. Urilen begins to take out a sibinac and smoke it quietly. He covers it with his hand to hide it and it's stench.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:09 pm
by ~Darius~
It had been a long walk from the monastary, and the hour grew late. Darius smiled to himself as he entered Trollsbane. It was not often he visited the town and upon each occasion some matter of upset took place, with all hopes this time would differ. Why Markous insisted he made these trips he did not know, he was certain some of the younger members of the brotherhood would welcome the freedom more.

Gwendolin had not accompanied him on this small trip which bought a small pang of regret to the fair clad man, she was busy planning her venture with the temple. Darius understood her need for study, but still she would have been a welcome companion.

Entering the gate Darius nears the market place. His gown of white seeming to challange the evenings darkness, all was as it should be until the wind brings some hastily spoken words to his ears..

"You shall regret that!"

That was Boremier, he was sure.. Squaring his shoulders Darius continued to advance, an dark eyebrow raising in a mixture of curiousity and resignition.

"Not too fast, are you?"

A new voice this one unknown.. Quickening his pace the follower of Zhambra neared his destination, the scene before him unfolding. Boremeir stood outlined in the twilight and the man looked worse for wear. One of his arms lowered from some injury, the other griping his blade.. It wasnt until Darius grew nearer that he saw the mans opponent, a darkly clad individual who seemed to be enjoying himself emmensly.
A hint of anger plays across Darius's hard eyes as he looks to the scene and pulls the folds of his robe to the side to reveal a silver sheath and dark hilt, reaching down the paladin unsheaths the blade in a practiced manner, the well oiled blade catching the lamp light.

'' Your not alone Boremeir '' the words leave the mans lips as he advances slowly upon the scuffle, his hard blue eyes not leaving the darkly clad figure '' I suggest you leave stranger, i shant ask again ''.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:46 pm
by Gwendolin Cad'ell
Gwendolin had shut her book close. Darius had left just a few moments ago and since that, Gwendolin wasn't able to concentrate on the book anymore. She missed him every second he was not around her.
Shaking her head about herself, Gwendolin stood up and grabbed the leather armour to strap it on. Darius would surely be happy about when she follows him and meets him up in town.
The lady tied the swordbelt around her waist and grabbed a shield, before leaving the monastery.

She was able to see Darius walking in the far, but she did not call his name and instead tried to catch up to him when they reached town...

Gwendolin enters the marketplace a few moments after Darius and she wants to call for him, but skips the attempt as she sees at Darius behavior that something must be wrong.
Hurriedly she follows after him...

'' Your not alone Boremier ''
'' I suggest you leave stranger, i shant ask again ''.

She hears Darius saying as she joins the scene. Her crystal blue eyes examined the situation quickly and without any word she sides to Darius. Gwendolin lays her hand on her swords hilt, but does not draw it...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:27 pm
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure waits...

Cloaked within the shroud of darkness from among the trees, the Figure watches the two late arrivals.
Believing they're threats, he draws his sword, only the faintest *schwing* of the sword can be heard as he does so. .. .

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:52 pm
by Boremier
As Boremier awaits the thief to attack, he clenches his sword tightly. However as the man begins to run he hears a voice, turning sharply the figure of Darius can be seen.

Hearing the words the thief before him stops dead. He looks nervously at both Boremier and Darius.

Boremier lets out a slight laugh,

"It seems you are now out would be best to run" Remarks Boremier with a stern and serious expression

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:53 pm
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio steps back in suprisement, staring only slightly at the clad man, and the woman that stands behind him, he shakes his head in disbelievement, overwhelmed by the peril that will meet him if he does not run.

"Damn goons.." murmurs Scipio, stepping a few steps back while slowly turning.

Scipio attempted to run east into the forests, peering into the back, hoping he has enough food for a few day's refuge.

"I will meet you again.. perhaps alone next time, you filthy coward." Scipio says as he runs towards the endless stream of trees, a cascading river of sweat forming on his forehead, panting loudly.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:00 am
by Urilen Quanasuard
Urilen Quanasuard wanted to get up, but he thought it would be best not to. So, he sat there, smoking his sibanic. He smiled at the Figure from behind, and when things got too risky, he would run. Or walk. It would suprise him if they even knew he was there.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:44 am
by Lance Thunnigan
The Figure...

Seeing the man fleeing he attapmts to grab him and cup his hands over his mouth so he cannot make a sound.
Though his actions seem hostile, he's merely trying to catch and calm the man, to interrogate him... .

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:59 am
by Siegfried Schtauffen
Scipio lets out a little breath, feeling for his dagger, he gasps lightly, going into a deep sleep due to shock.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:05 am
by Urilen Quanasuard
Urilen Quanasuard looks to him with a suprised look at his face. The thief and the man had been fighting for long, but a slight cup of the hand could take him down so easily? It was so hard to understand.

"Guess you are not messing with an ordinary person," as he grins and looks to the Paladin. He takes his sibanic and throws into the grass, where it lets out a tiny spark, and fades.

"If I were you, I would let him go. He has taken the thief after all." He grins again.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:40 pm
by Boremier
Letting a sigh of relief escapse his breath, Boremier turns to Darius and Lady Gwendolin,

"I thank you both, it is safe to say I was not at my best this day.... He says clutching his arm

"Excuse me one moment" He says quickly to the pair, he leaves his shield on the ground so that he can retrieve the bag which he dropped earlier in the fight.

The wound on his arm stun as he wrapped a small white sheet around it. It still tingled slightly as he picked his shield up off the ground,

"I have had worse" He thought to himself

Once he was finished Boremier walked over to Darius and Gwendolin, who had been standing patiently waiting for him to speak.

"....As I said before, I thank you for your help. If you had not appeared....I fear the worse may have happened."