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Independence Of Trollsbane

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:23 am
by Fooser
I was planning to hold off on this, but recent events have forced otherwise. The two "leaders" of Trollsbane have broken off into a very petty and childish fight. As they squabble, the town suffers, and we are falling into another trap of people who are unrejoicers! So here goes.

The invasion of Trollsbane came with no clashing of metal, no battles, no conflict, just with a mere piece of paper that sealed its fate for the next few years. The first group of follies to take reign of Trollsbane, and their heirs are still infesting the area to this day. First Lyrenzia, then guards and triumvirates, eventually leading to our current system. Over this time these groups have used the status quo to their advantage. They held not because they were wanted, but because that's just how things were, and the newcomers to the island knew no such other ways. And when that didn't work, threats of jail and violence usually sealed it.

The same mistakes are being made over and over again, and the people that dwell and work in the south have lost all vision because of the systems that have come over them. These groups...these conspirators, have fogged our vision, they have stolen your enthusiasm, your breath of fresh air, and muted your voices. Most don't even care that the town has disrepairs, and faults that need addressing. They have built up barriers between many instead of knocking them down. People walk down the street of this town, not even knowing or caring about the forces that work against them. But this, of course, also works to the current systems advantage. People just continue to walk through the fog, accepting whatever is told by whoever claims the right, the heirs of the faulty systems that go back for so many months and years.

They have failed you already, when the threats were made visible, they did little. When the undead came, they bathed in confusion and despair, leaving many to fend for themselves. Trade and prosperity have dwindled. Holes in shops and walls went noticed, but the cold winds of the outside continued to flow through them. The general populace that walks the streets does not take interest in these guards or overseers, but they continue to walk in the fog anyways, and it is time for that to change.

To cover a few points to make my case:

-We have the ability to improve the economy of the area. There is already a bank in place, and Brer is a very intelligent man with these types of things. There are many ways to improve it, but they do not take advantage of this.
-This I direct toward the guards, before you blow off our beliefs, and threaten to attack. In terms of defense. Guards are an un-necessary institution. If these people wish to defend the town, they may still do so, without the burdens of guard duty, and most who have done the job know the irritation sometimes. Some form of defense institution might be needed perhaps, but the current is not working. If you wish to continue to fight for this long line of systems dating back many moons, then you go against many of the people you wish to protect, and are only out to defend old ways, and your own group, and that is not what the job of a guard is.
-Many issues lie dormant, because no one listens to the people who use dwell, and uses the towns resources, or trades. In the past there have been very narrow views towards many things, like multiple citizenships, events, improvements, faith, and much more.

Now friends, I have shown most (but not all) of my hand, it is now your turn. You can choose to have the vision and see what is the truth, or you can fall into dismay, and turn this to violence.

Many of the people agree with at least some of what is written, and I urge them to speak here because I cannot list all their names. Do not pick between the foolish fighting amongst themselves and fall into this trap for more years to come!

The Chancellor, who is wise and loyal, and very adviceful
All of those who support change

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:36 am
by Cain Freemont
Fooser, it has been long since we last truly spoke. I have noted all these things in the past and it troubles me greatly. I know you of old and, because of that former comraderie, I would much like to discuss these related matters with you in private, if you will have me in your company.

Cain Freemont

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:38 am
by Fooser
I think I should be the one asking if you will allow ME in your company?


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:39 am
by Cain Freemont
I am no man of spectacular note. Or, if I was, I am no longer now. I would be delighted to have you in my company, Fooser.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:08 pm
by Llama
This is written in lizard

Umm, fooser; the whole town sees your ideas as being jokes. So trust me, stop while you're ahead and give the landlings no reason to insult you..

Brother Selisidour

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:09 pm
by falco1029
I support your actions and most of those beliefs. However, in the interest of self-preservation and a few other personal matters, i shall remain anonymous

One with good eyesight would recognize this handwriting, as it does not seem to be disguised. One with An extremely good eyesight ((im talking 17-19 perception, be honest)) would notice a small U printed in the bottom right corner of the note

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:34 pm
by Fooser
Oh yes, anything to do with threatening the deaf ones is obviously insane babblings and a joke, right? You don't even know what it is you protect, because it obviously isn't Trollsbane. A joke, yet I speak openly because many people have expressed an agreeance with much of this, even if not with all of it. Many just don't wish to say it openly because they will be looked down upon by the deaf ones, who have taken the belief they are above most, so this is understandable, and I don't have this fear anymore, so I speak for them. No, the current squabbles that go on amongst you fools is the real joke here.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:58 am
by Fooser
I need those who agree or wish to aid to contact me immediately.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:18 am
by Zhauvalea
If you really have any intention of representing the people of this town, Fooser, perhaps you should step down as treasurer of the other.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:20 am
by Fooser
Such a shallow and narrow view of things, not very suprising though.