Clan - The Lizard wars

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Clan - The Lizard wars

Post by Kjallha »

Illarion was a good place for me. I did not have my claws in the polotics "or barbaric ways" as some would put it, that my Clan needed to survive.

My father was ruthless, one of the best clan leaders we'd ever had and my brother was nothing more than an arogant sniveling hatchling who boasted of his prowess day in and day out.

I am not sure how it came to be, but I did not share thier "dreams" of carrying on the tradition of the Clan. I saw the warmbloods closing in taking our lands and using thier numbers to drive us out.
Of course my father choose to fight them, and with intelect i was able to understand that it was not the way. Times have changed as all things do.. and we would have to live with the warmbloods, or become extinct.

I left my Clan, not as an outcast but in a mission to learn of these warmbloods and find a way to stop the madness that infected my peopless.

it is then that I found Illarion and was suprised to see not just me, but 2 other of my kind had found it. one being a wise lizard whom I was only able to speak with briefly.

I befriended some warmbloods, learned of thier ways and even began to understand thier habbits.

Then I recieved word that my father had died, the clan was in an uproar for he died under mysterious circumstances.. and the other clans had begun to fight amongst themselves for what febble land we had left.

It was then I had to leave Illarion to seek out my clan. I'd gained much wisdom and when I found them I was not suprised at seeing them ready for war against the warmbloods called Elf's.

These Elf's used thier bows and numbers to drive us back many miles from where we once were. The situation was becoming drastic. Many wished for me to gain clanship over my brother, for he may have been a good warrior, but a poor leader. I turned away, my disgust showing through bared fangs.

"None of you think with your heads, but with your stomachs hungering for blood. It is that reason why we are being driven away.. it is THAT reason why we are inferior to the warmbloods, not numbers."

And with that I left to return to Illarion leaving my family to die.

That is our way.. let the strong prevail and so it shall be.

When I returned it seemed many young ones of the clans had found Illarion. Whether than ran from fear, were cast out, or they looked for answers as I, I have yet to find out.

Perhaps this evil the warmbloods speak of is the answer.. let it kill the warmbloods and free this land for us.. or perhaps, we should help drive it away and seek the warmbloods mercy.

The latter did not seem an option to a lizardman..but thing change, as all things do.

Now I seek within myself the answer.
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