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TAUN LEAVES FOREVER! - ...other worlds...more peace....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 12:23 am
by Taun Kahartuum
Greetings to all my friends in Illarion,

sorry but I´ll leave the world FOREVER...the whole DARKWALKER thing gets on my nerves (and in my freetime i dont want to deal with rl-psychopaths)...

...the muses call me to a new coast, where i can play my songs in peace and tales of PK are not the most importeant thing in gaming...


Dont forget me!


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 12:40 am
by Damien
Stay in, Taun. I think there will be solutions against such people soon. I really hope so.
And : ONLY bards, especially people like you, can keep up that friendly atmosphere ! Without you, this world may rot away. If you leave, you leave it to others, like Darkwalker to create this nasty atmosphere. Work against it !!! Not by fight, but by music! We need you here, Taun.
Not single psychos create the atmosphere of this world, Taun. The Number of all people does. And you increase it greatly !!!
That is the job of Bards, Taun Kahartuum. That is their fate. Your fate - and you can truely stand it. Your tales and songs are needed in Illarion, friend - needed like nowhere else !

(Edited by Damien at 12:44 am on April 9, 2001)


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 1:02 am
by Jocas
What a bunch of crybabies!!! Think about the number of people who play this game, and then think of the one person you think is ruining it all. I don't make the game bad, its crybabies like you all that do. You complain because people don't do what you want or like, and think they are horrible because they don't play like you. There are a few people who think i am a nuisance, and there are others that think I'm fun and enjoy me being on the game. Listen taun, if you don't like the game because of me, too bad! This game is made so that people interact and mix there personalities, and just because i don't act like the rest of you, you think I'm a nuisance and should be gotten rid of. Its not your choice about whether i stay or not, its the people who run the game. If they think I am messing the game up they can email me and tell me, then I'll stop acting the way i do, or I'll just quit the game.

How about this, If you want me to stop acting the way i do email me at and tell me. Depending on how many people respond will determine whether i quit the game or i continue acting the way i do.

One last note, there are players who are alot crazier than me that are supposed to be the "good" players in illarion, they know who I'm talking about.


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:08 am
by Damien
You got some points there, Darkwalker. But you seem to have misunderstood some severe things.
Sure i know there have to be badguys, but why the hell should they act like you do ? If you want to be a bully do it the roleplay way. Examples: "HEY, YOU! Your Nose does not quite fit your face. Mind if i push it ?" Or whatever you like. Calling others "Bitch", "son of a bitch", or "*FU*" is not really good roleplay. It is enerving. And Newbies do not like being killed again and again before they even understood the handling of the game. Non-fighting characters, there are many here, do not like that either. Give the guys you want to attack a chance to avoid a fight if they don't want one. What you do, is not roleplaying evil, it is enerving, especially your behaviour sometimes ( okay, i have seen worse guys, You're not that bad sometimes ). I myself do not mind one or another fight with you - but being attacked by you again and again, even when you died, is annoying and disturbing. .
What you are doing, is creating a bad atmosphere. Nothing else. And noone likes such an atmosphere, these guys can play Tibia or Faldon. Surely you can play how you want - as long as you do not ruin the fun for others.
Just hold on to that thing. People who killed you, and people who were killed by you, leave them in piece for one or two days. Don't ruin the fun for others. GOT THAT ?
I myself can handle idiots, so stop acting like one, or i may handle with you.
Well, i guess if you keep acting that way, and many other persons complain about you, the GMs may do something since there is no possibility in-game to keep you from killing. I am close to the point to think they would do good with it...


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:18 am
by Raziel
I will have to agree with Darkwalker on this one a world without evil is not a world at all if there is no evil there is no reason to live. Evil lerks among us everyday. And if there is no evil there is no good. The evil that is us make there be something other then mindless monsters to watchout for. In real life you have people that act just the same, are you going to cry about them too? Fight them not flee them. Evil is an importent thing ban togather to take it down. Remeber if the good leave only the evil that lives inside of us will reign forever and you "Good Guys" will have lost the same cause that you have been fighting for since the dawn of time. Plus I would hate to see anyone leave.


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:31 am
by Damien
Yeah, thats right, but you DO NOT have to do it that dumb way. And you MUST NOT enerve others, especially when you KNOW they cannot kill you or stuff. It's just enerving, and ruining the fun for some. I surely like fighting Darkwalker sometimes. But not if he kills Newbies again and again. He forces HIS way of playing to others that do not like it.  I don't mind a little fight sometimes, but if this guy keeps running after me even WHEN i killed him, and shouts Kill me, kill me - no, NOBODY except for total nuts act that way in reality. And those WHO do, well, know where they are ? In a nice little rubber cell, properly dressed in a straightjacked, and drugged to be calm. Since Illarion has NO ability to judge such persons ingame, there is NO WAY for the majority of players to handle this in-game. See my point ?
Darkwalker can be evil - but, read my post CLOSELY, do not quickly overview it. I really have thought of Darkwalker's point. And i really thought over mine. Do you want an Atmosphere like in Tibia or Faldon here ? With killers everywhere pushing off other players ? Yes ? Then go and play Tibia or Faldon. If not, well, Darkwalker is about to create this atmosphere here.
There must be evil guys, yes, but they should not dominate that much. Because here they cannot be handled yet. If that continues, and we get more people in here who act that way, and it becomes like Tibia is now - and Tibia was fun a long time ago - Well, then I'm gonna leave here too. And i am not the only one who thinks that way.


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 4:08 am
by Jocas
Damien you are really annoying coming on this board telling me how to act with my own character. My character is evil, E-V-I-L, so i act evil. You probably are gonna say i am going overboard or doing it stupidly, but there is no sense to doing evil things,  and i do it so much because i like to be the best at what i do. I fight in this game because my character wants too, i don't run or hide, and I'm not afraid to die, i always stand my ground and fight, whether i stand a chance or not. I expect to be killed because all evil characters lose in the end, and that is fine by me.

This game is not ruined by me, I'm only one person. Its ruined by you and your butt buddies who max out there resistances and pile on the potions so its impossible to die, which ruins the real fun in the game, which is the possibility to overcome even the best. I don't care if i die, and i don't use potions like you. I like the challenge of having to survive, and I feel good when i take down a powerful foe, I also feel good when i am defeated because i know i gave it my all and i made my enemy pay even a little.

Damien if you have a problem with how the game is run, put it on the proposal board, because even though i might be the only one who thinks this, all this crap you put on this board about how this game should be run ( even though its not even your game) is really unerving me.

If you want a place where you can sit back and see a peaceful, joyous, and boring as hell life, watch the brady bunch.

I may have not been on as long as you and your friends, but i still have the right to enjoy this game in the way i choose, unless the programmers say otherwise. So stop bitchin and moaining and live with it chump.

The out of breath


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 9:19 am
by Galdriel
whatever you do remember:

this is a Role playing online game.

this means, there are good people and bad.
(but bad doesnt mean one ist murdering 24 hours a day, and anybody one sees).

as for the problems with invulnerability:  this problem will vanish soon i believe.

also i want to remind you another time, that the game is still under development.
it has still many weaknesses
(mainly in fighting and magic)  

so it would be kind not to ride on those weaknesses overmuch.

i am sure most of them are known, will be changed sooner or later, but this will take time.


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 10:44 am
by Damien
This is a GAME Darkwalker.
And i have PLAYED it some time. I do not need potions just because i get no damage from you.... and that is why: i played a LONG TIME. Not like you who raised his skills that quick ! it took me some time, and i MADE several proposals concerning the problems of the actual fighting system, because it is a bit boring if noone can hurt you. UNDERSTOOD THAT ?
And, you do not act EVIL, pal. You do not even roleplay evil. You just kill, without any reason. That is stupid bloodlust rage, not evil. Persons like that get locked away forever in real life, but there is NO possibility to do that with you, so playing that way leaves you without punishment, and that is neither realistic nor fair for all other players who want to ROLEPLAY.

Seeing guys like you destroying every good existing online roleplay environment, like it happened in Tibia long before, is depressing me. Well, perhaps i should just leave...

No, i am just teasing your hopes in a mean way, excuse me. Just because you cannot stand the fact that some persons are stronger than you because they had longer playing time, you want them to leave - man, that is childish. And it's a bit unfair too that persons who played a long time are not able to kill you because your skills are maxed that fast, right ? see.

Well, i see, you want to get me upset and leave this game. At all, your goal is to destroy the order. But, if you want to do such, DO IT IN GAME !!! and NOT, you WEIRDO, by INSULTING and telling lies about me or others on the BOARDS Out of game.
excuse me for getting that rude, but perhaps you do not understand it otherways.
By the way, the order is big enough that, even when i leave, it will continue. And it will keep growing even with your nasty little tricks.
I hope you have read Bror's post. I see he exactly gets the point.
I do not want to get you out of game. I want you to PLAY it. And if you want to act as an evil character, then PLAY an evil character. What you do now, is just being evil yourself, against the players and not against the characters. I know you can do it better than that poor way ! Come on pal.

And Galdriel is very right, too. Our main objectives NOW as players are testing this game, and help developing it. Not to push all those out who we don't like. A game should be fun for all players, not a One-Tough-Guy-Running-Amok-Shooting-Gallery.

(Edited by Damien at 10:51 am on April 9, 2001)


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:47 pm
by Sturm Feuerklinge
Dear Darkwalker,

all the tme I play now....Its not much ay, but many were the reason, why I get really angry´.

I hate anger, and more than that, I hate cnnot do anything against anger.

After the next Update of this game, were, the Order of the Grey Light would be the  Guards, like it looks now. Offical, not just for fun. Iam the leader of this Guard troop. I set the rules for my Soldiers, how to handle agressions against other players. And were got a Dungeon Jail the watch out, what youre doing. after the Update, noone would be invulnerable anymore, and if youre act already so like youre doing now, I was forced by your actions, to set the Char Darkwalker into arrest.

Watching you was a CHANCE for you to let us see, that youre not Power-Newbie-Anything-Killing anymore...and what did you done? Attacked me, and called me Babysitter.....

I warn you a last time, without hate against you, with all the honourous respect, I can give, stop trying to play amok, or you must begin from a new, all time we catch you.

I hope you will understand that and repect it, without calling us crybabies.

I repect, thta youre trying to play a Evil char, but evil ist, like already said, not 24h killing everything. If you play civilized, I hope our community good like te Evil.......

May you find youre peace,

Circle of the Grey Rose,
Lehensherr Sturm Feuerklinge


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:50 pm
by Sturm Feuerklinge
and taun:

Bitte bleib bei uns, ich würde dich sehr sehr vermissen...besonders den bunten Funkenregen. lass dih von so einem Hund doch nicht vertreiben, wir werden wieder die Oberhand haben, über solch üble Machenschaften, das verspreche ich dir bei meiner Ehre, mein freund!


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 9:42 pm
by Kjallha
Much as I hate to say it Dark has a ton of good points. I'm even beginning to respect him. At first with his petty name calling and such I had thought he was a 12 year old, but as he begins to show intelligence I am liking him even more, however the point still stands Dark.

Try and add alittle more roleplay huh?

Least you could do is demand homage or randsome before attemppting to kill someone :P


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 10:01 pm
by Raziel
If everyone is so angry at Darkwalker why not tell bror to make the be an option you can set for Pking or no Pking that way people that don't want to fight shouldn't have to.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:34 am
by Damien
Good idea Raziel.
In EO there is a duel mode. If you attack and kill people who do not use this mode, you become a criminal, and the guards will kill you in every town. The criminal status lasts for some hours plying time, and other players who kill a criminal get points. This duel mode cannot be changed in fight. Is a nice solution.
If a criminal is killed, he returns to neutral state.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:37 am
by Erdrick
You made my good freind Taun leave!
This game is turning into Tibia. Darkwalker has 1 good point : that there is Evil in the world.
BUT, good always triumphs over evil, and Ive had enough.
I will keep playing, and try to bring and end to this.
Too bad aries isnt gonna play anymore.
I will make darkwalker pay for making Taun stop playing.
This is turning insane. Dark is getting attention he always dreamed of getting.
Maybe just ignoring him is the way to go.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:42 am
by Jocas
I like the idea raziel, I'd love to be a criminal and fight with some town guards(as long as there was a small chance of winning).