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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:37 pm
by Juliet
A ship pulls up to the docks of Gobaith, and a long line of passengers disembark. Among them is a delicate figure lingering towards the end of the line, her stature unsure and curious as her head turns about, looking all around the docks.

She is average height for a human woman, and a thin, delicate figure enhanced by the corset and bustier that make their presence known beneath her petticoats by the narrowing of her pretty waist and the soft white curve of her breasts that are slightly exposed above the white lace of her fine dress.

Her dress is a cream color, with trim in fairest pink and spring green. Her hair extends about halfway down her back, and is pulled half-back, the other half of it flowing loose about her shoulders. It is the color of straw, and her hazel eyes look all around at the island as she walks.

Her pretty, delicate features seem to be searching out someone.

'How I'm to find a man whom I only know by name, 'tis beyond me,' she says quietly to herself. She sighs a little, and walking along she gives the impression of being caught in a daydream. She looks down once at her dress, and sighs quietly once more 'My finest dress, by far, yet I don't think it's fine enough for a wedding. I suppose that will be up to Ferdinand...'

And she continues her dreamlike walk until she reaches a crossing, with signs pointing in three different directions.

The girl studies the signs, frowning, but to no avail. 'If only I knew what these letters were trying to tell me,' she murmers, and then picks a direction at random, setting off.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:20 pm
by Damien
The tall figure of an elf, with grey eyes, dark brown or almost black hair mainly wearing an old, grey cloak seems to watch the scene from aside without much interest. He seems to study a scroll or parchment in his hands. leaning against a wall.
As the female human starts heading towards greenbriar, he speaks up, seemingly without moving much or rising his view from the scroll.

"Troll's Bane, you will find, in the other direction. To the east, along the shore and past the woods, then northeast."

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:50 pm
by Juliet
She curtsies to the elf and nods politely "I thank you, sir," and then she gathers her skirts and heads in the given direction.


After the woman Juliet had met her husband-to-be, and had done all his bidding for the evening, she sat up at the foot of the bed clothed now in her undergarments for sleeping. At the foot of the bed was a single window through which the moon shined. Juliet fixed her gaze on the moon, the pale blue-light washing over her fair skin in the darkness.

'You wished for me a better life, Father,' her voice is soft, 'I fear you sent me the wrong way for it; but I know my place and I will do as bid, though my heart wants to cry out'

And she sighs once, slipping back under the covers alongside her intended, whom she had only met that day.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:23 pm
by Gil'Dran
The huge man walks around in the city of Troll's Bane, his stepps heavy, seemingly he weighted alot. He is about 2,2 meters tall. He has short, grey hair, deep green eyes, with the left one covered in a long scar. His muscles are huge. He is wearing all red, the shirt carrying the insignia of a flame. He has no sign of armor nor weaponry except the gigantic sword he is carrying with one hand over his shoulder.

He smells the air..

"I wonder...." he thinks. He walks around, not saying one single thing, looking into the darkness as if he could penetrate it easily with his right eye.


He stops and looks around then nods and sits down, leaning to a massive tree, in the field in front of the shop. He allmost closes his eye and rests. He still notice everything around him, even if he is resting, as if he had animal instincts...