Town laws and simple charter

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Town laws and simple charter

Post by Pendar »

Citizens of trollsbane I have spoken volumes about being at your service and reforming the role of the guard in the hope of bettering service provided to you. Below you will find this humble mans vision of what the guard stands for and protects.
Pendar (en) wrote:
  • Town Laws and Charter

The town Troll's Bane itself is and will remain both open and welcoming to all races and nations without prejudice. The safety of each individual within the walls is of equal priority regardless of allegiance. By that token, anyone entering within the walls agrees by their mere presence to honor and be subject to the below-written stipulations without exception:

§1. Criminal fugitives.
In the instance some one is a criminal wanted by another town we will not harbor any one wanted for a crime in Silverbrand or the northern lands, nor do we promise to aid in their capture.
The guard is only active within the boundaries of the walls of town—we hold no station or responsibility on the rest of the island. At the same time any hostility towards the town guard or citizens of trollsbane outside our beloved walls will assuredly be met accordingly by us, the people of Troll's Bane, in our personal capacities.

§2. Murder within the town walls.
The killing of any one within the town borders, unless in self defense, carries a mandatory prison sentence of 4 days and a 4 week or more ban from town and access to facilities within it. At the end of the ban a levy of 500 coppers will be paid to the victim of the crime (or the nearest relatives or guardians thereof) and with this small atonement you will be free to pass through town again.
Anyone wishing to protest a charge will be supplied with means to contact their chosen representative as defense or witness and a tribunal will be arranged as soon as possible.

§3. Theft.
The obviously best solution to any loss from theft is the return of property; this of course, we will do our best to facilitate. However due to the usually secretive nature of the crime and the potential for people to mistakenly or falsely accuse innocents the guards will not commit to take any action. Unless they witness the crime personally, a thief—if caught red handed—may be banned from town or in extreme cases held in custody until a tribunal is organized.

§4. Fights, Intimidation and other misconducts.
I have often witnessed people within our walls flaunt past actions or go to great lengths to incite trouble, going to any length bar drawing steel to attempt to begin a fight. In such instances, a guard may ban the offending individual for a day from town. If an individual accumulates constant bans the guard may choose to impose a longer ban at my discretion.

§5. Banning.
Attacking a guard holds a penalty of a permanent ban from town. Which will only be lifted at the uttering of my word, or the word of the guard you attacked.
Once banned, you may not set foot in town without expressed permission from a guard or myself. A list of individuals banned from town will be posted on the town walls and kept up to date. Anyone entering town when banned can expect a hostile reception. Indeed even citizens may feel free at their own discretion to take up arms against someone listed as banned. Gone are the days criminals hear there are no guards about and slink into town.
You are a trespasser, you may be asked to leave once, you may be slain on sight. However the earnest lies on members of the public to be certain about the identity and status of a banned individual—if you are unsure, do not act, as any innocent you cut down will make you a murderer.

§6. Dueling and offensive magic.
Both may only be practiced outside the town walls. Both pose a danger to passerbys and cannot be tolerated. Neither carries a penalty but a guard may impose one if the person fails to respectfully adhere to this simple rule.
The only exception being the casting of ice or fire flames in town as the nature of these and their difficulty to extinguish makes them a real danger which will earn you a day’s ban from town. Unless of course used to address a threat be it a criminal or creature.

§7. Guards and recruits.
Full members of the guard are empowered to levy a ban or imprison for a day as they see fit or act within the laws laid down above.
Recruits of the guard are free to answer any act of violence with necessary force and may of course act accordingly when encountering anyone currently banned from town within the town.

§8. Objection.
You have the right to appeal any decision or sentence handed down, there is a correct process however. Walking back into town protesting innocence while banned is as lightly to get you cut down as not. The correct process is: contact me via a dove or speak to me in person out side town. I will then set up a time and place for your case to be reviewed.

I hope this clearly outlines the ways and actions the guard will implement to assure the safety of people in town. I would ask that this message is left uncluttered so it may be used for keeping track of the current members of the guard, amends to the law, and banned peoples. I encourage people with input to post a letter next to this one or seek me out to discuss matters in person.
Pendar (de) wrote:
  • Stadtgesetze und Verfassungsurkunde

Die Stadt Troll's Bane selbst heißt allen Rassen und Nationen willkommen, und wird dies weiterhin in der Zukunft, ohne jegliches Vorurteil, beibehalten. Die Sicherheit der Individuen innerhalb der Stadtmauern besitzt gleiche Priorität und ohne Vorbehalt von Zugehörigkeiten. Im selben Zuge mag genannt sein, dass alle diejenigen, die in die Begrenzung der Stadtmauern hineintreten, mit ihrer bloßen Anwesenheit den unten aufgeführten Auflagen stillschweigend befolgen und ehren:

§1. Kriminelle Flüchtlinge.
Sollte jemand in einer anderen Stadt gesuchter Verbrecher sein, werden wir selbige keinerlei Zuflucht gewähren. Wir gestatten keine Unterkunft für Kriminelle, die wegen andersweitig verübten Verbrechens in beispielsweise Silverbrand oder dem Norden gesucht werden. Weiterhin versprechen wir keine Hilfeleistungen darin, solche Verbrecher zu fassen.
Die Garde ist nur innerhalb der Begrenzung der Stadtmauern aktiv. Wir halten keinerlei sonstige Stationen oder Verantwortlichkeiten auf den sonstigen Gebieten der Insel. Gleichzeitig versichern wir, dass jegliche Feindseligkeit gegenüber der Stadtgarde sowie den Bürgern von Troll's Bane von uns, dem Volk von Troll's Bane, entsprechend geahndet wird, insofern unsere persönliche Kapazitäten dies erlauben..

§2. Morde innerhalb der städtischen Mauern.
Das Töten jeglicher Personen innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen, mit der Ausnahme von Selbstverteidigung, trägt eine obligatorische Gefängnisstrafe von 4 Tagen, sowie 4 Wochen Verbannung aus der Stadt und dessen Einrichtungen. Am Ende des Bannes wird eine Abgabe von 500 Kupferstücken an das Opfer abbezahlt (oder dessen nächsten Angehörigen) und mit dieser kleinen Buße möget Ihr wieder frei die Stadt bewandern.
Sollte jemand Protest oder Einwand gegen eine Anklage erheben, werden diese mit den Mitteln versorgt, ihren gewünschten Gesetzesvertreter zur Verteidigung, oder Zeugen aufzubieten und ein Tribunal wird dann schnellstmöglich arrangiert.

§3. Diebstahl.
Das Retournieren von Eigentümern ist offensichtlich die beste Lösung für Verluste durch Diebstahl—um dies zu erleichtern, werden wir unser Bestes aufbieten. Die Garde wird jedoch nicht unmittelbar zur Tat schreiten, aufgrund der oftmals geheimnisvollen Natur des Verbrechens und das dahinterstehende Potential von Leuten, andere versehentlich oder fälschlich des Verbrechens zu bezichtigen. Mit der Ausnahme von Gardisten, die dem Verbrechen persönlich beiwohnen, kann ein Dieb—falls dieser auf frischer Tat ertappt wird—von der Stadt verbannt werden, oder in Extremfällen, in Gewahrsam gehalten werden, bis ein Tribunal dazu von statten gegangen ist.

§4. Kämpfe, Einschüchterung, und andere Missetaten.
Ich war schon oft Zeuge davon, wie Volk, innerhalb von unseren Stadtwänden, sich mit Taten aus der Vergangenheit zur Schau stellten, oder andere großen Erschwernisse auf sich nahmen, um Ärger zu stiften und jegliches zu tun, abgesehen davon, Stahl zu zücken, nur mit der Absicht, einen Kampf zu provozieren. Sollte sich dies ereignen, darf ein Gardist das Individuum für einen Tag aus der Stadt verbannen. Und sollten sich mehrere Verbannungen des Individuums auf diese Weise kumulieren, darf der Gardist einen längeren Bannspruch zu meinem Ermessen vorschlagen.

§5. Verbannung.
Einen Gardisten anzugreifen führt zur Strafe der permanenten Verbannung aus der Stadt. Nur mit dem Sprechen meines Wortes, oder dem Worte des Gardisten, der angegriffen wurde, kann dieser Bannspruch aufgehoben werden.
Alsbald verbannt, ist es dann diesem Subjekt nicht mehr gestattet, ohne ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis von einem Gardisten, oder von mir selbst, die Stadt zu betreten. Eine Liste der verbannten Individuen wird an diesen Wänden der Stadt gehängt sein und laufend auf den neuesten Stand gebracht werden. Alle diejenigen, die trotz ihrer Verbannung die Stadt betreten, können feindselige Aufnahme erwarten. In der Tat dürfen Bürger freilich und nach eigenem Ermessen selbst die Waffen gegen jemanden erheben, der ausdrücklich als "Verbannter" aufgelistet ist. Die Tage, an denen die Verbrecher hören, es seien gerade keine Gardisten in der Stadt und sich dann einschleichen, sind vorbei.
Betretet Ihr verbotenerweise die Stadt, möget Ihr vielleicht einmal aufgefordert werden, die Stadt zu verlassen, oder möget Ihr auf der Stelle getötet werden.
Den Mitgliedern der Öffentlichkeit wird hiermit noch ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, Euch bezüglich der Identität und dem Bann-Status des Individuums zu vergewissern—solltet ihr euch unsicher fühlen, agiert nicht, denn jeder Unschuldige, dem ihr das Leben nehmt, macht Euch auch zum Mörder.

§6. Duellieren und offensive Magie.
Beides darf nur außerhalb der Stadtwänden ausgeübt werden. Eins wie das andere, stellen beide eine Gefahr für Passanten dar und somit kann keins von Beiden toleriert werden. Keins von Beiden trägt Strafen mit sich, wobei aber eine Garde eine Strafe vorschlagen mag, falls die Person darin versagt, dieses einfache Gesetz repektvoll zu befolgen.
Die einzige Ausnahme bilden das Beschwören von Eisflammen oder Feuersbrünsten innerhalb der Stadt, da die Natur dieser Zauber und die Schwierigkeit darin, sie auszulöschen, sie zu einer ernsten Gefahr machen, was dem Gesetzesübertreter zu einer ein-tägigen Verbannung führen wird. Natürlich mit der Ausnahme, wenn diese als Drohung dienen, sei es an Verbrecher oder Kreaturen.

§7. Gardisten und Rekruten.
Vollwertige Mitglieder der Garde halten die Gewalt, den Verbrechern mit Bannsprüchen oder Gefängnishaftstrafen zu verurteilen, so wie sie es mit den obengeschriebenen Gesetzen für richtig oder passend ermessen.
Rekruten der Garde dürfen jegliche Akte von Gewalt mit nötiger Gegengewalt begegnen, und dürfen selbstverständlich angemessen darauf reagieren, wenn sie einem Verbannten innerhalb der Stadt begegnen.

§8. Einspruch.
Ihr habt das Recht, an jeglicher vermittelten Entscheidung und Verurteilung zu appellieren, obwohl es dazu einen korrekten Prozess gibt. Während einer Verbannung nochmals in die Stadt zu spazieren, um die eigene Unschuldigkeit anzuprangern, kann genauso einfach dazu leiten, dass Ihr niedergestreckt werdet. Folgendes ist der korrekte Prozess: Kontaktiert mich mittels einer Taube, oder sprecht außerhalb der Stadt mit mir persönlich. Dann werde ich eine Zeit und einen Ort festlegen, wo wir Euren Fall zur Untersuchung aufnehmen.

Ich hoffe, dass dieses Schreiben die Handlungen und Taten der Stadtwache deutlich beschreibt, um die Sicherheit des Volks innerhalb der Stadt zu gewähren. Ich bitte darum, dieses Schreiben nicht zu überdecken, damit es zur Erfassung von Daten dienen kann, namentlich: die zeitgemässen Mitglieder der Stadwache, allfällige Gesetzesänderungen, und eine Liste der Verbannten. Ich möchte alle dazu ermutigen, eigene Schreiben gleich daneben anzubringen, oder mit mir persönlich allfällige Angelegenheiten zu diskutieren.
Yours in service.
Pendar Fayed
Captain of the guard.

The official seal of a dragon can be seen stamped at the bottom of the page

((four days being 24 hours as illarion time is 4x faster. The 4 weeks ban will also be game time as such a week. The jailing will be done via rp and no tricks involved except in instances were there is no choice. Such instances being some one forcing reskilling by attacking repeatedly, ignoreing/refuseing to partake in the rp of being captured or moved etc. In such instances the instant jailing function may be employed. ))
Last edited by Pendar on Wed May 25, 2005 6:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Naybet Grint
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Post by Naybet Grint »

((three days being 24 hours as illarion time is 3x faster))
((According to the GM ruling (found on the Proposal's board under the discussion of the client getting a clock) Illarion time is 6x faster))
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Post by Fooser »

And how much punishment does your murdering get?
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Post by Callith »

This note is placed back to where people can read it easily.
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Post by Llama »

Fooser wrote:And how much punishment does your murdering get?
Probably geting sliced by Callith and then having your head hung on the wall...

A person
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Post by Ferrari Swifteye »

The Price of Speaking is your head.

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Post by Callith »

Nobody has ever been killed in Trollsbane for speaking thier mind.

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Thalodos Artemetus
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Post by Thalodos Artemetus »

Aside from the man i saw dragged from town and killed by bailey for merely insulting her?

Indeed, Nobody has ever been killed in Trollsbane for speaking thier mind.

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Post by Callith »

Such is the bliss of ignorance Thalodos.

If you do not understand the situation, please do not comment on it.

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Post by Thalodos Artemetus »

I understand it very well Callith, you let him go, he came back insulted you all so you killed him, but not before taking his eye.

And yes i'm sure ignorance must be bliss Callith, but i'm sure you have a much better idea of what it entails.

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Post by Callith »


That man broke into Pendar's room, threaten to rape and kill Caitlin, after stealing her things, and Pendar was good enough to let him leave with his life.

Then he came back with the intent to kill Pendar, leaveing that man alive was no longer an option as he was a danger to everyone in Trollsbane.

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Post by Thalodos Artemetus »


I'll leave you to your own delusions, it is clear that your mind no longer sees straight.

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Post by Callith »

That people is the last refuge of a man beaten in an argument. Calling his opponent insane. I thought you were made of sterner steel Thalodos, now get back to your 'shield' I hear you have drow problems.

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Post by Thalodos Artemetus »

And this citizens is an elf that ashames his people.

Why not clip your ears callith, then you can be a true human as you so keenly desire.

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Post by Callith »

Nothing shames me more than the state of most of the elves on this island.

Gone are the mighty ones who made our people great, gone is the passion we once had, now all we have is some repressed fools, more concerned by thier own morality, than living thier life.

One in one hundred remain true to what made our people great.
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Post by Dravish »

The elfs these days are more concerned with thier flowery isle and own isolation to be what they were once and are still meant to be...
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Post by Gil'Dran »

"Noone will hurt Caitlin, nor any other in pendars family as long as I am alive."

The letter is unsigned, neatly written and pinned to the board with the sharpest of daggers
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Post by Ferrari Swifteye »

I care not, at this Juncture, to explain in detail what I meant by the comment, it can easily be seen upon the streets, everytime someone threatens someone and others turn away saying "I saw nothing"

It is of no concern to me if you fix it, for I am leaving soon; but if you wish to attract foriegners I owuld expect a better system of government and gaurd.

Ugarte Kalhazzir

Later on the page more is written

I suppose I can Explain myself more now. I almost had my head removed from its shoulders by a member of your gaurd, though I am sure that I do not know what law I have broken. I could see myself as possibly having broken Law 4, although it is quite a strech even for such an imaginative man as myself, but as I read this law I can see no where that the violators head is the price to pay for such a crimce. For those of you who do not know law four I will quote it for you

"4. I have often witnessed people within our walls flaunt past actions or go to great lengths to incite trouble, going to any length bar drawing steel to attempt to begin a fight. In such instances, a guard may ban the offending individual for a day from town. If an individual accumulates constant bans the guard may choose to impose a longer ban at my discretion."

Unless I am suddenly Illiterate, the proper punishment is one day banishment; I am quite sure loss of life is a Permanent Banishment from anyplace but the after life. So in all actuallty I think the Hiring of this gaurd should be re-examined or your laws re-written to allow for this sort of conduct as punishment for such a minute offense.

I personally do not even feel it is necessary to state the gaurds name, He is quite obvious to anyone with half a mind, Nor is it necessary for the sheer reason that I feel his hiring will never be re-examined, and this man shall remain upon the gaurd for some time to come.

This town is quite friendly (Not very hospitible) to a foriegner, you should not have poor gaurdsmen shattering any hope of become a city of true culture from many places all around this globe.

Ugarte Kalhazzir.
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Re: Town laws and simple charter

Post by Devrah Liioness »


After an incident with one of your guard and a careful review of the town charter, I believe there is a matter that requires your attention. It seems one of your recruits has been abusing his limited power and using it to intimidate children. I would advise that you look into this matter. Following I will illustrate, using the charter, how this guard in question, Jacob Kent, has shown disrespect and blatant abuse for his power and position.

Perhaps what I find most alarming about the entire situation is that when I pointed out Mr. Kent's folly in his misinterpretation of the town charter, he insisted that in the absence of you he could do "whatever he wanted" and had the rights of a full guard.

I personally would hate to see what sort of control he attempts to exert over people as a full guard, and so I would advise you look into this matter and be certain that Mr. Jacob Kent has an accurate understanding of his position and its entailed duties and rights, before considering a promotion or even continuation of service.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Devrah Liioness

Trollsbane Town Charter wrote: §6. Dueling and offensive magic.
Both may only be practiced outside the town walls.
I see here that only offensive magic is banned. A young boy, no older than 11, was witnessed by myself to be playing with a harmless ball of magical ice in his hands, when he was approached by a man wearing the guard uniform identifying himself as Jacob Kent and commanded to stop. I would not call a ball of ice tossed between a child's hands any more offensive than an onion.
Trollsbane Town Charter wrote:
Neither carries a penalty but a guard may impose one if the person fails to respectfully adhere to this simple rule.
By his own admission, Jacob Kent is no guard, but a mere recruit. Familiar as I am with the restrictions placed on a recruit, I know that he does not qualify as a full guard as specified above.
Trollsbane Town Charter wrote: Full members of the guard are empowered to levy a ban or imprison for a day as they see fit or act within the laws laid down above.
Recruits of the guard are free to answer any act of violence with necessary force and may of course act accordingly when encountering anyone currently banned from town within the town.
Again, this paragraph applies to the situation because Mr. Kent went above his position in ordering the small child to be banned from town if he did not comply with Mr. Ken'ts ridiculous and unqualified demands to stop playing as a child will. The child posed no threat whatsoever. Furthermore, when I intervened and advised him to let the child play, he placed his hands on the child in a rough manner, and spoke in a threatening manner towards said child. When I attempted to protect the child, Mr. Kent was threatening towards me as well, attempting to use his powers as a recruit to order me around. I am well familiar with the fact that this is not allowed by recruits, as I was one for some time longer than Mr. Kent apparently has been one.
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Post by Jacob »

Lioness you left out the part where you and your love attacked me and chased me around the streets of Trolls Bane. You were not there when it started rather you had dozed off and woke up just as I was walking over to the child Taylor, who had insulted like everyone these days the town guard.
Taylor was not playing with a ball of ice, rather he was tossing balls of fire around which he admitted to doing today, there are about five witnesses who can confirm that part. Secondly I never touched the child, if I had I would have dragged him out of town.
Rather I told the child to disarm, as he was fully decked out in heavy armour with swords and daggers as if he was ready for war, and to come to the Captain of this account and let the captain decide who was in the right and then he would get his weapons back. I told him to disarm or leave town peacefully.
Then you came and aimed your bow at me and called me all sorts of names which I didn't care to remember. Then your fiancee stumbled into town, quickly regained his strength and set his axe at my back while you fired arrows at me because I troubled Taylor so.

I already told the captain this account basically word for word, I repeat it here so your attempt at ruining my good name which I have built for the past few months as a guard is a failure and the truth is shown.

Thank you and in the towns service

Jacob Kent
Recruit of the Town Guard
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Post by Devrah Liioness »

You conveniently left out the part where you attacked me first, Jacob.
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Post by Kamik Windslasher ~ »

Jacob, let me get this clear. My axe wasn't intented to strike your back. But think about it: how many men and elves live in this island? They have governments, own cities and a race to call their own.
As part man and part elf - a half elf - I don't have any of the above to defend my causes. I have to defend myself the way I know better.
However, as I recall it, you chalenged me to a fair duel. Twice I tried to get this duel to happen. On the third time, try not to flee like a frightened rat.

And the boy Taylor, well, he is my brother. And knowing his magical abilities and his mentality, I doubt he caused any trouble with his gift. I really doubt.

And since the matter was brought up. Yes, I attacked you and I will again if you insult this you called "half blood". Perhaps, such a polite man is a perfect guard to be gentle to your citizens and know when to protect them - even though an eleven year old boy with an ice ball is able to scare him.

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Post by Jacob »

Kamik Windslasher ~ wrote:And since the matter was brought up. Yes, I attacked you and I will again...
Kamik Windslasher
By his own words Kamik states he attacked me leaving out me attacking hsi fiancee. I am sure if I had infact attacked Devrah prior to her attacking me Kamik would have argued that.
I hope everyone can see the holes in their lieing arguements.

Jacob Kent
Recruit of the Town Guard
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Post by Kamik Windslasher ~ »

I meant the other two times, you moron.

Kamik Windslasher
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Post by Shadows »

Jacob, stop trying to pull evidence out of thin air you moronic, pathetic excuse for a guard...Sorry, recruit.

Soon you will find yourself with a blade in you back Jacob, and I would be more than happy to place it there for youl. Do not think these idol threats, you have messed with too many people for your crimes to go unnoticed

You have been warned Mr. Kent, use your last days wisely

A small Z symbol lays on the bottom of parchment, it is has been scratched in and the dagger used to scratch it holds the parchment to the wall
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Post by Gromblun »

I agree with the fact it should be a free town, but there is much prejudice for me an my fellow orcs. sort it out
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Post by Pendar »

So what we actually have here is a recruit of the guard asked an 11 year old boy to disarm and cease playing with magic in town walls.
Indeed I have heard casting flames upon bushes this is to my mind offensive magic, Taylor is at best a way ward child I myself have been called a fool by him. Why he is allowed to trot around armed is beyond me, surely a boy armed is a danger to himself?
This matter seems very much a case of knock for knock and I am disheartened Devrah that you could not contact me privately or in person instead needing to make public drama of the issue at hand.
Friends a guard’s job is not easy we could all agree to that, yet we the guards of Trollsbane are just people we make mistakes. Please if a guard is in the wrong comply with there wishes and speak to myself or another guard. More and more we are blessed to live in a town where every person is not armed or battle hardened these are happy times, happy times that also create the need for protection. That is all the guard seeks to offer protection to the people of this great town. Simply the best we are able, I will look into this matter and speak to Jacob. How ever in any instance a guard or recruit is attacked or there word disobeyed I am inclined to side with the guard. Had you left town and reported Jacobs abuse of power matter would have been clear, as it stands we may never reach the truth.

lastly this is not a free town it is a town belonging to the citizens of Trollsbane our citizen role is open to any one orc or otherwise wishing to join. Many orcs are welcomed are as honored friends, but never forget if you are not a citizen you are a guest in these walls. As such please show the consideration due our hospitality.
Yours in Service
Pendar Fayed overseer of Trollsbane
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Post by Fooser »

I would like to say Taylor Windslasher is a fine young man, and to insult him so is a great injustice. In my time spent with him he was very calm, and caused no trouble whatsoever.

Fooser I
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