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The Wolfs of Moshran

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:20 am
by Lorck
Greebas to all orcs of dis isle,
I Lorck former healer of da bloodskulls be making a clan of orcs. We to make an orc tribe, we ter make it, we be recognized soon. I need fer ya to sign below dis note if yer wish ta join da Wolfs of Moshran. The skulls are rarely awake and even when dey are dey do nuttin, we are to be awake a lot.

Da clan already includes:

Shaman/Chief: Lorck

Worriors: Vey Gan

We need ya ta join soon, if we not have four members in ten days....da tribe will disband.

I await yer reply.

Lorck Chief of the Wolfs

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:37 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
Harhar. A Chief dat run inter battle dat nub know what he be doin'.

Lorck yoo is a traitor, whether you dink so or not. And now, yoo goin' be dead traitor.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:28 pm
by Tok'ash
Yos makes mes laugh. Yos 'hinks yos wolfs! Yos be SHEEPS!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:31 pm
by Fooser
Why insult him? He has the right to do what he wants.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:45 pm
by GorgeBloodstench
Becuase he traitor, and make skulls and Chief look bad. He deserves what he gets!


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:49 pm
by Kaja Wolfagen
I shall be no part of this hunt... Long have i fought for orcs..

Not Skulls! orcs...

This day be the day i leave the skulls yes.. War be good, blood be good.

Together orcs be strong seperate they be weak. The humans on elfs and dwarfs band together, and until us orc does the same we shall allways lose yes...

I not help weaken Moshrans soldiers...

Kaja Wolfagen

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:19 pm
by Misjbar
Maybe you should help strengthen them sir Kaja. A wise choice that would be indeed.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:09 am
by veralion
Veralion grunts, seeing that both Lorck and Kaja now have failed to see why the Bloodskull clan was formed.
Yous orcs foolish, leaves blood. Clan blood bind together, nows Lorck bes selfish as oomie n' leaves, tinking he do better alone. Dishonor, n' stoopids like oomie. Me nub think Kaja be deh' same.
Yous forgets what yous are n' where yous come from. Selfish, nub part of clan. Clan thrive n' struggle togeddur. Blood thrive n' struggle togeddur.
Moshran, haves mercy for dose foolish ones- Give back honor to clan.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:55 am
by Lorck
Lorck grunts reading all the notes below, not one of a member joining his clan.

Dis be fer da clan o'da wolf, yer want ter talk about me clan as such, go ahead, I dont need listen to your babbling.

Chief Verilion I had great respect fer da chief of da skulls, gave you tribute, faught fer you. My respect for you is no more, I left skulls for reasons I not need give to orcs who not know what they talk about.

Da caln of da Wolfs still need clan members, if ye be willin' ta join Put yer name on a paper below.

Lorck Chief/Shaman of the Wolfs

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:41 am
by veralion
Dis will not be successfuls... nub happens...

-the message is left unsigned-

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:25 am
by Lorck
Lorck looks at the wall and sees nothing, no names just critisism and disbeliefe, he sighs, knowing this would most likely not work, he does not write anything, just walks away grumbling to himself.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:45 am
by GorgeBloodstench
Hur chief right.

Maybe da lorck should just come back to da skulls, and stop bein' traitor.


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:31 am
by Lorck
Lorck grins as he reads the posts once more, could it be that his departure from the skulls was enough to wake them up once more? Lorck looks at Gorge's post and spits on the word "traitor".

I shall not be returning to da skulls. If dis clan wont be workin' which i tink it wont, den I shall be wondering alone, I dont need a clan, da whole point of dis clan was to take in the orcs the bloodskulls refused ta take. I am not goin' to let da bloodskulls call me a traitor, I left da skulls, dat makes me a traitor? I tink not, I have fought, bleeded, been imprisoned, and nearly died for da skulls more times den I can count. If yer want ta call me a traitor, den go ahead, I still have me honour, which is all I need.

Da Wolfs ask dat any potential members step forward, or come ta me when i awake in da town o'trolls bane.

Chief and shaman of the Wolfs

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:32 pm
by Derick
I applaud you, orc, for trying to do this.

It will be interesting to see if you succeed.

One question ~ Do you have to be an orc to join?

That is all,

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:42 am
by Lorck
Wolfs, we have another warrior in our rands, welcome Gablag!
we now have three members.

And.....ummm..Derick is it? Da Wolfs are an orc tribe, but dere is one difference between our tribe and skulls, we accept oder races into your clan. Dey not be as....influential in clan matters as da orcs but dey will be listened too. Da other races will be Brown wolfs, all dat mean is dey a little lower in rank dan da orcs.

Chief Lorck of the Wolfs

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:12 am
by Elrim
A crazed elf skims the board and comes accross Lorck's postings. He begins to laugh, and write messy thoughts next to them.

You stupid orc. Trying to throw an orc clan together, noticing it failed, so accepts anyone. You've only succeeded in an attempt to throw a band of misfits together. Not to mention you have noooooo purpose, tehe.
I do not see how one such as yourself would be considered 'fit' to hold such a position anyway. Orcs do not hold the same amount of thinking-power, if you will, than other races, such as elves, hehe. Grant could accomplish more than you! Also, you're a poor skirmisher. Word spreads on how you try to attack a bridge of 'oomies' and fail miserably. I am sure your chieften was dissappointed with you. You claim to have left the Bloodskulls for good reasons. I do not believe you. And theyre even an old enemy of mine. You have done nothing but dishonor and sham yourself, not the 'mighty' Bloodskulls. And what is even MORE pathetic, is that Kaja has joined you. Heh, rediculous. I hope that both Veralion & Moshran have mercy on your souls, and anyone who joins this bunch of fools is obviously dumber than them.
Elrim, former advisor of The Movement

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:20 am
by Lorck
Elrim, think befor you write, you know nothing of which you speak of, pathetic elf, advisor to the movement eh. Look where that got you, fer dat matter look were it got Herion, so dont go talking bout me clan in any way, you have nothing but bitterness, and yer stoopid sense of what ever you think is right.

I am accpeting other races beacause if they have nothing ta do, why not join sometimg biger dan yourself, unlike you elrim who remembers times long past, dwelling on dem like der was no tommor. Go kiss you magnificient Grant and the movement, oh, i be forgetting it dont exist any more, whats a pitty.

Chief Lorck of the wolfs
:Note: leave dis place for those of the clan.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:11 am
by veralion
Veralions reads the posts and laughs
Longear smardur dan Lorck, hehar


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:27 am
by Lorck
laughs as he reads.

Come now dont be fraid to show name weakling, fraid me and me bruddas of wolfs might kill ya?

Chief Lorck

we still looking fer members

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:53 am
by Lorck

Welcome Tok'ash ta da clan.
Our members now stands at dis....



Our ranks be growing but we still need more members, so anyone interested in be joining da clan, write yer name on partchment below, or send me a falcon, or dove.


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 8:59 am
by Byron
Im a flower orc. I shall say that now and get it out of the way.
I farm and plant and bake. I will be willing to join. I want to learn magic, if some one can teach me magic (im working on that) i will work on it constantly until im ready to be a shaman.

But until then, if you need fresh fruit and baked good, send me a dove.

Sincerly, Byron. Fear the farmer orcs.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:08 am
by Ceigan Ibatha
Are you staying with the Esteemed Followers of the Prancing Magenta Troll of Madness Group too!? May the Magenta Troll shine wisdom on your path!

~Ceigan Zain Ibatha
Master Tree Remover
Teacher of Tree Removing
Novice Chaos Priest
Follower of the Prancing Magenta Troll of Madness
Leader of the Esteemed Followers of the Prancing Magenta Troll of Madness Group


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:55 am
by Byron
Of course. Im going to be in 4 guilds if all goes well.
Farmers Union
The Prancing Magenta Troll of Madness
Vashikia Magic Achademy

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 8:12 pm
by Tok'ash
Tok'ash reads all the bitterness towards his new tribe and scibles down

All yoos whos thinks wes fail. Yos wills FAIL!


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:21 pm
by Xanthe Talon
Lorck find me in town soon so we can talk about dis clan cause me be thinking about joining.

Corleon Icesikil

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:30 pm
by Lorck

I will be lookin fer ya.

Chief Lorck


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:18 am
by Byron
Ok i was wondering if i could join now.
Ive beaten two good archers in a duel,
and killed a lizardman.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:16 am
by Lorck
What be your name, unknown writer?
tell me one of the names of the elfs you slew and you shall be part orf the wolfs.

Chief Lorck

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:21 am
by Lance Lenaus
Lance read's Lorck's signiature.

Greetings! I would be one of the elves that Byron Beat.

Though, i must say, he didn't 'slew' me, since it was a duel, and I wasn't exactly wearing any decent armour against him... and i didn't have my good arrows. But nevertheless, he beat me in the duel.

I wish Byron luck

~Lance Lenaus~
P.s. Dear Lorck,
Im sorry for your loss of life, however, you really shouldn't have attacked me for such a small thing... I pray that you will find hope in the world so that you shan't attack others for such small deeds.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:23 am
by Lorck

We must be having a meeting, I be holding a meeting near da rune stone by da sheep, we must disscust some important matters der.
Dis meeting is for only dose who have already been accepted into da clan.
it will be held when da moon is near and sun is gone ((Thursday the 31st of March, at 8:00 Eastern american standard time, 5:00 western america. If you live in Germany i belive that would be 5:00 in the morrning, if you live in Germany and do not wish to attend send me a Pm and I will Review the meeting with you in Pms.))

Chief Lorck