An alle Holzfäller - To all Lumberjacks!

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An alle Holzfäller - To all Lumberjacks!

Post by Lennier »

Der Südwald zeigte sich mir eben den 2. Tag in Folge in einem schrecklichen Zustand. Bis zum Gefängnis steht kaum noch ein Baum.

Selbst die Trolle gehen wieder auf Jagd nach den Tätern!

Seid gewarnt, wen wir beim Roden des Waldes antreffen, der wird zukünftig eingekerkert!


Within the last days the southern woods were destroyed for some times. All trees are cutted up to the prison.

Even the Trolls begin to hunt again for extrem-lumberjacks!

Be warned! Those who cut all trees like today, will be jailed.

Graf der Grauen Rose
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Post by Nilo »

Also, someone has been cutting near the Farmers Union trees.

Take caution, lumberjacks, your days are numbered.
Brendan Mason
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Post by Brendan Mason »

When I awoke this morning and looked through my window, I noticed that many trees in Greenbriar were felled as well.

People should be warned, that if they continue to enter Greenbriar for such unsavoury purposes then I will be forced to forbid entry to our small village.

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Post by falco1029 »

If people cannot be jailed for killing outside of the city, they cant be jailed for lumberjacking outside of the city, it's only fair.

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Post by Nilo »

Indeed, they wont be jailed however, they will most likely be killed... By troll or by people..
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Post by Kranek »

I thought the trolls live only in the south-eastern forest, so it won't make any trouble if you chop the tress in the forest near the skelettonhouse.
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Jeremy Gems Willowbrook
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Post by Jeremy Gems Willowbrook »

Kranek...the trolls home is in the east...but they look after all the forests. If you cut massive amounts of wood it angers them. There is an agreement with the trolls...a peace treaty if you like. They do not attack the town so long as we respect their home (the South Eastern forest) and take care of ALL other forests.
As lumberjacks it is our responsibility to maintain the forest....not just cut down every tree. Cut carefully. Cut only a few trees here and there. Respect our forests and look after them.
I grow tired of repeating this message to all new and would-be lumberjacks. Lennier, I am glad to see someone in authority finally getting involved in this matter.

Acting Forester to Varshikar
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Rand Kalhan Al'Vega
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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

I being a lumberjack.. am outraged at some who tend to dig up the roots of the felled trees. I admit I myself have gotten out of hand a couple of times in the past but here this, any and all elves and hobbits who decide that I need a lecture on cutting trees every other day are going to get an extreemly short answer. If you people wish to jail me, it will be over my dead body.

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Post by Rand Kalhan Al'Vega »

Also, I am not the one who felled Greenbriar. The man or woman or whatever other person did that was in the wrong, and should be sought out... but not necessarily severely punished. Many folks don't know the name of your island or that there are different rules there.
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Post by falco1029 »

I think that you should only be punished if the roots of the trees are destroyed, since I hate when that happens too, leaves me with less trees to cut.

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Post by Lennier »

We do not discuss about our laws with unknown persons, who are not official citizens of Troll`s Bane.

Everyone who wants to be in this town, who wants to trade here, has to follow them!

If you want to change any law, become a citizen and make a propose to the town council - the Triumvirate of Troll`s Bane.

Earl of the Grey Rose
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Post by Mikan »

A man in his mid 50th, but almost two meters high and of strong build walks by the shop wall, carrying a huge wood axe on his shoulder. As he hears people discussing about woodcutting he turns to the wall and stares at the messages. After a while he looks around and winks at a halfling passing by. He takes a bottle of beer out of his bag and hands it to the halfling.

"What's writt'n there?", the man points at the papers.

After the halfling did explain everything the man hands another bottle of beer to him and rips a random note from the wall and turns it around.

"Would'you write som'thing for me?"

The halfling grins, lifts the beer and nods. He writes down what the man tells him and pins the message below the others.

Vandals they are, not woodcutters. Woodcutters know which tree to cut and which not. Think trees were like apples, pluck them and wait for new ones to grow... They don't even know how much damage they do by letting trees fall anywhere they just do happen to fall. I won't wonder if one of these vandals would let a tree fall on my hut one day.
If this new trimfuvi...whatever wants do do anything good then they should take away the axes from these vandals until they learn how to cut trees properly. If I ever see one of these vandals ruining my forest I will lay them over my knee and beat their buttocks so they can't sit down the next two weeks.

Mikan the woodcutter
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