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Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:47 am
by Varshikar

Fraternity and unity: Take the varshikarian vow and become a citizen! Send a letter, or meet
with any current administrator to learn more. A look upon our town board might also prove useful.


Guir Rabenflügel

Deputy Leader
~ Post available ~

Leaders Advisors
Thorin Solfgar

Guir Rabenflügel

~ Post available ~

Official Town Blacksmiths
Greenfren, also called Behemoth
Thorin Solfgar


Varshikari Militia

Honoured Protectors
Lacy Dracu

~ Post available ~

Armament Disposer
Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan

Aleytys Lamar
Feyaria Funkenflug Lassan
Guir Rabenflügel
Lacy Dracu
Shara Gumblin
Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan


People of Varshikar
(active=Blue, Inactive=green)
Alan Dowland
Aleytys Lamar
Alexandra Silenia Corulas
Amira Ranevskaya
Athian Corulas
Berina Woodenhand
Cereler Rotheyn
Chiara Anduré
Daerbert Hoggle
Dedra de Auriaus
Dronrul Berokar
Edward Dendril
Feyaria Funkenflug Lassan
Fin Aurelius
Greenfren, also called Behemoth
Guir Rabenflügel
Harok Silversmith
Ireth Helyanwe
Jig Niblwyg
Julia D'Audarius
Katarine von Maibach
Lacy Dracu
Larissa Prior
Lillian Hunter
Marv Bregolas
Mary O'Hannon
Misha Misha
Misjilah Mehialho
Nathaniel van Kain
Netsrak Loren
Riniao Teries
Rogan Silverbeard
Roveig Grann
Rowan Daratir
Ruric Solfgar
Sal Larsen
Sira Nightshade
Sórel Lartost von Niratal
Spudrug Grogsplur
Talirea Iomee
Thorin Solfgar
Waybur Corwinkle Daerwick
Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan
Ylara Dervan

Alica Rothman
Allura Avery
Alyssa Apt Corulas
Ban Gabgab
Brendan Mason
Caelthor Raenvassar
Cassius Darkwolf
Chak' Ysshir
Devrah Lioness
Dom Bompatil Dent Ings
Eleanor Evenmire
Elraldur Vaoric
Eltherus Lumingham
Emily Xahep
Erdriva Redtear
Ghash Wargclaw
Hadre Taliset
Jeremy Willowbrook
Jon Childs
Maggie Kemoc
Marie Tolong
Mary Grouny
Maliss Melchore
Moirear Sian
Mortanyia Celleachan-Nethiala
Naybet Grint
Odette Opaline
Rainny Corulas
Rhozjan Firedew
Robert Dwyer
Rosie Soleil
Sore Leate
Taylor Windslasher
Ules Felko
Valas Seadra
Valdrin Sorhol
Veric Aurunus
William MacDonough

Honorary Friend Of Varshikar
Rex Lobo


Mining Licenses

Those people who are not citizens, wishing to use the mine located on Varshikar land, need to
contact one of the town officials to obtain a mining license. The cost of this license will be an
initial 5 silver, plus one silver each month that the licensed individual actively makes use of the
mine. The licensed individual may take as many people as they wish to help carry ores, but only
those with their own license may actively dig.

Trade Licenses

In future all non-citizens wishing to trade on Varshikari lands must have a license to do so.
Trade in this case is defined as selling of any goods whether they are manufactured by the seller
or by a third party. The cost of a license will be 500 coppers. A license will cover one type of
manufactured goods. People wishing to sell multiple types of goods will need a license for each
type. Any complaint against a seller will be investigated by a Master craftsman appointed to the
task. Complaints which are upheld will result in the loss of the license.

The following are licensed Traders:

Silverstar Merchants - All Goods
Faladron - Carpentries
Drex - General Goods
Avrillon - Potions and Herberies
Rogan Silverbeard - Smithed Goods
Georgius - Fine threadsr
Dusty Bottoms - Carpentries, Tailored goods

Manufacturing Licenses

For 1000 coppers a craftsman can purchase a license to produce one type of crafted goods. A
separate License is required for each type of goods. The manufacturer will have to make sample
goods for inspection prior to a license being given so that quality can be checked. The license
allows the manufacturer to add the Varshikar crest to the items. Marking them as products quality
approved by Varshikar. Complaints against a manufacturer will be investigated by an appointed
Master Craftsman. Any upheld complaints will result in the loss of the license.

The Following are Licensed Manufacturers

Marie Tolong-Tailored goods (cloth and leather)
Jeremy Willowbrooks-Capentered goods
Athian Corulas-Goldsmithed goods
Alicia Rothman-Smithed Goods
Dusty Bottoms - Glasswares
Ortrud Saskia Hübschlerin - Glasswares
Thorin Solfgar - Smithed, goldsmithed and carpentered goods, Glasswares
Lacy Dracu - Glasswares
Rugh'toh - Tailored goods (leather)


People who are not permitted to travel within the land

Sherg Shenosss
Damien C.
Kyrie De Combs
Members of the Bjolmur Temple
Grant Rothman

William Elderberry
Dominic Fisher
Dain Laiden

Baldur Rotfuchs


Friends to the land

This is a list of people whom themselves are not citizens, but should be treated with the resepect you
would show one:

Arkadia Missela
Ferrari Swifteye
Firunja Winterkalt
Sean San
Velin Draconin
Alexander von Hattingen
Bran Cathel
Dusty Bottoms
Gabon Corad
Brer Beothach
Ortrud Saskia


(Red=Changed Laws)

The Tax on the lands of Varshikar will be waived for all those who travel to the township.
However, Taxation will still occur for those found stealing resouces from Varshikarian land.
For those who would like the previlages of both gathering materials and working within Varshikar,
please contact Gryphius Messerzunge or Nathaniel van Kain.

For the old fortress has been ridded of its former threats, now housing the free University of
Varshikar, the edict to forbid trespassing herewith has grown lapsed. However, entrance into the
fortress should take place via the local taskmasters.

As a note, any people wishing to join Varshikar in the presuit of training in the crafts of smithery, will recieve
an entire set of Smelting tools for 150 copper, from Athian Corulas, as well as the rights to smith and sell goods
under the name of Varshikar once there skills reach an adaquete standing.

Varshikar is also looking for and willing to help in the training of:


there may be more changes to come, they will be thus placed on this wall

Brüderlichkeit und Eintracht: Legt den varshikarischen Eid ab, und werdet Bürger!
Schickt einen Brief, oder setzt euch zusammen mit einem Administrator, einem
beliebigen Bürger oder Berater, um mehr zu erfahren. Auch ein Blick auf unser
Stadtbrett vermag sich als nützlich zu erweisen.


Guir Rabenflügel

Stellvertretender Anführer
~ Stelle zu vergeben ~

Berater der Anführer
Thorin Solfgar

Guir Rabenflügel

~ Stelle zu vergeben ~

Offizielle Waffenschmiede der Stadt
Greenfren, auch bekannt als Behemoth
Thorin Solfgar


Varshikarische Miliz

Ehrenwerte Protektorin
Lacy Dracu

Zweiter im Rang
~ Posten verfügbar ~

Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan

Aleytys Lamar
Feyaria Funkenflug Lassan
Guir Rabenflügel
Lacy Dracu
Shara Gumblin
Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan


Das Volk von Varshikar
(aktiv=Blau, Inaktiv=Grün)
Alan Dowland
Aleytys Lamar
Alexandra Silenia Corulas
Amira Ranevskaya
Athian Corulas
Berina Woodenhand
Cereler Rotheyn
Chiara Anduré
Daerbert Hoggle
Dedra de Auriaus
Dronrul Berokar
Edward Dendril
Feyaria Funkenflug Lassan
Fin Aurelius
Greenfren, also called Behemoth
Guir Rabenflügel
Harok Silversmith
Ireth Helyanwe
Jig Niblwyg
Julia D'Audarius
Katarine von Maibach
Lacy Dracu
Larissa Prior
Lillian Hunter
Marv Bregolas
Mary O'Hannon
Misha Misha
Misjilah Mehialho
Nathaniel van Kain
Netrak Loren
Riniao Teries
Rogan Silverbeard
Roveig Grann
Rowan Daratir
Ruric Solfgar
Sal Larsen
Sira Nightshade
Sórel Lartost von Niratal
Spudrug Grogsplur
Thorin Solfgar
Waybur Corwinkle Daerwick
Viento Nocturnus Di Lacara Lassan
Ylara Dervan

Alica Rothman
Allura Avery
Alyssa Apt Corulas
Ban Gabgab
Brendan Mason
Caelthor Raenvassar
Cassius Darkwolf
Chak' Ysshir
Devrah Lioness
Dom Bompatil Dent Ings
Eleanor Evenmire
Elraldur Vaoric
Eltherus Lumingham
Emily Xahep
Erdriva Redtear
Ghash Wargclaw
Hadre Taliset
Jeremy Willowbrook
Jon Childs
Maggie Kemoc
Marie Tolong
Mary Grouny
Maliss Melchore
Moirear Sian
Mortanyia Celleachan-Nethiala
Naybet Grint
Odette Opaline
Rainny Corulas
Rhozjan Firedew
Robert Dwyer
Rosie Soleil
Sore Leate
Taylor Windslasher
Ules Felko
Valas Seadra
Valdrin Sorhol
Veric Aurunus
William MacDonough

Gewürdigter Freund von Varshikar
Rex Lobo


Lizenzen zum Schürfen

Jene, welche zwar nicht Bürger sind, jedoch sich der Mine bedienen wollen, welche auf varshikarischem
Gebiet liegt, seien dazu angehalten, einen der Repräsentanten der Stadt zu kontaktieren. Die Kosten dieser
Lizenz belaufen sich zunächst auf fünf Silberlinge, zuzüglich einem Silberling in jedem Monat, in welchem
der Lizenzträger aktiv den Abbau von Erzen betreibt. Der Lizenzträger ist berechtigt, so viele Hilfkräfte zum
Transport von Erzen mit sich zu bringen, wie ihm nötig deucht, doch nur Jenen mit eigener Lizenz ist es auch
gestattet, selbst zu schürfen.

Lizenzen zum Handeln

In Zukunft müssen alle nicht-Bürger, welche auf varshikarischen Landen Handel betreiben wollen, eine
Lizenz dazu in ihrem Besitz haben. In diesem Falle ist Handel definiert als das Verkaufen jedweder Güter,
ob nun hergestellt durch den Verkäufer oder einen Drittanbieter. Die Kosten einer Lizenz werden sich
auf 500 Kupferlinge belaufen. Eine Lizenz wird je eine Sorte hergestellter Güter umfassen. Jene, die mit
mehreren verschiedenen Sorten an Gütern Handel zu treiben bestrebt sind, werden für jede Sorte jeweils
eine Lizenz benötigen. Jedwede Beschwerde gegen einen Verkäufer wird von einem zugewiesenen Handwerks-
meister untersucht werden. Beschwerden, welche sich erhärten sollten, werden den Verlust der Lizenz zur
Folge haben.

Die Folgenden sind lizensierte Händler:

Silverstar Merchants - Alle Güter
Faladron - Schreinerwaren
Drex - Gemischtwaren
Avrillon - Tränke und Kräuter
Rogan Silverbeard - Schmiedewaren
Georgius - Finer Garn
Dusty Bottoms - Schreinerwaren, Schneiderwaren

Lizenzen zur Herstellung]

Für 1000 Kupferlinge vermag ein Handwerker eine Lizenz zu erwerben für die Produktion eines einzelnen
Typs and Handwerksgütern. Eine separate Lizenz ist nötig für jede Sorte von Gütern. Der Hersteller hat ein
Produkt zur Begutachtung vorzulegen, um die Qualität zu sichern, ehe er die Lizenz verliehen bekommt.
Die Lizenz gestattet dem Hersteller, das varshikarische Wappen seinen Erzeugnissen beizulegen, um sie so
als Qualitätsprodukt, von Varshikar abgesegnet, feilbieten zu können. Jedwede Beschwerde gegen einen
Hersteller wird von einem zugewiesenen Handwerksmeister untersucht werden. Beschwerden, welche sich
erhärten sollten, werden den Verlust der Lizenz zur Folge haben.

Die Folgenden sind lizensierte Hersteller

Marie Tolong- Schneiderwaren (Stoff und Leder)
Jeremy Willowbrooks- Schreinerwaren
Athian Corulas- Goldschmiedewaren
Alicia Rothman- Schmiedewaren
Dusty Bottoms - Glaswaren
Ortrud Saskia Hübschlerin - Glaswaren
Thorin Solfgar - Schmiede-, Goldschmiede-, Schreiner- und Glaswaren
Lacy Dracu - Glaswaren
Rugh'Toh - Schneiderwaren (Leder)


Idividuen, welchen die Reise innerhalb unserer Landen untersagt ist:

Sherg Shenosss
Damien C.
Kyrie De Combs
Mitglieder des Tempels von Bjolmur
Grant Rothman

William Elderberry
Dominic Fisher
Dain Laiden

Baldur Rotfuchs


Freunde der Lande

Dies ist eine Liste von Solchen, welche zwar nicht selbst Bürger sind, jedoch mit jedwedem Respekt
behandelt werden sollten, den ihr einem Bürger entgegenbringen würdet.

Arkadia Missela
Ferrari Swifteye
Firunja Winterkalt
Sean San
Velin Draconin
Alexander von Hattingen
Bran Cathel
Dusty Bottoms
Gabon Corad
Brer Beothach
Ortrud Saskia


Regeln und Gesetze
(Rot = Abgeänderte Gesetze)

Auf die Steuer auf das Land von Varshikar wird für alle Reisenden in die varshikarische Stadt-
gemeinde verzichtet werden. Dennoch wird es immer noch eine Steuer geben für Jene, welche beim
Diebstahl varshikarischer Bestände angetroffen werden. Für diese, welche gern die Privilegien
zum Sammeln von Materialien und Arbeiten innerhalb Varshikars erlangen wollen, mögen bitte
Gryphius Messerzunge oder Nathaniel van Kain kontaktieren.

Da die alte Feste nun ihrer Gefahren entledigt wurde, und nun der freien Universität von Varshikar
Raum bietet, ist das bisherige Edikt, welches das Betreten untersagt, hinfällig geworden. Jedoch
sollte der Zugang über die ansässigen Lehrmeister erfolgen.

Angemerkt sei, dass all Jene, welche danach trachten, das Handwerk der Schmiedekunst zu erlernen,
von Athian Corulas eine vollständige Zusammenstellung von Schmiedewerkzeugen erwerben können, wie
auch die Rechte, Güter im Namen Varshikars zu schmieden und zu verkaufen, sobald ihre Fertigkeiten
ein angemessenes Niveau erreicht haben.

Varshikar ist ebenso auf der Suche nach, und auch willens, bei deren Ausbildung zu helfen:


Es könnten noch mehr Änderungen auftreten, welche hier auf dieser Wand verewigt werden.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:12 am
by Dolgan
So..i was banned? is something new for me....
But it could be interesting what for Problems i may caused in the past....

Second.... Nobody can ban me from land that was land of the dwarfs Goverment....


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:19 am
by Moskher Heszche

With all due respect, why is it that you now change this law after one of your sisters mortally wounded a small boy for trespassing?

The very same sister followed such an action by telling one of the Concubius that the Shenosss family alone rules the North. This, along with the fact that you accuse the leaders of the Concubius of a plot to open the tomb of Darlok, does not say much good for our alliance.

We, the Concubius, are the ones who act in matters of diplomacy, and most leaders of the isle that I routinely meet with in the name of Aristeaus speak no good things of dealing with yourself and Konstantin.

In fact, in one occasion when we spoke with an ambassador of the Triumverate, Konstantin, our religious leader, made lude comments to her. How do you think this makes our Varshikar look?

If this sort of treatment continues, I fear that my only action will be to advise the Concubius to walk away from the North, but we will not walk away happy. Perhaps it is that we will come back with friends.

My words should be considered the words of Aristeaus and Moirear Sian.

Your Servant,
Moskher Heszche of Varshikar,
Advisor to Moirear Sian, whom acts in Aristeaus' place

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:22 am
by Shukk
This is not my work.

- Shukk

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:30 am
by Moskher Heszche

Ah, I read more carefully now and I realize that the Concubius have been taken right out of the structure of the North.

Very well. We have the citizens. We have the allies. We have the contracts with our allies. Prepare for war, Shenosss!

All Concubius are to report to myself or Sian. The end of the horrid rule of bloody assassins and false priests as represented by the Shenosss family shall be now.

I make one first and last call for this false government to step down!

-Moskher Heszche of the Concubius

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:52 am
by Shukk
Oh, you want to fight?

As you wish, that can be done quickly.

- Shukk

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:54 pm
by Moirear Sian
The lad in his early twenties, nails up a parchment below the others:
  • I'm not participating in these fights.

    Tanora guided me here, and I had not seen anything until now.
    Now my eyes are open.
    Now I see more than before, and I let Tanora guide me on from here.

    May the Gods have mercy on us all.


He recklessly tosses the hammer into a corner and creates some obnoxious ruckus, as if meaning to round the noise from the hammering off. He grabs his staff in the same motion. Using the other hand, he shoulders a heavy travel bag and heads south over the deserts towards Troll's Bane, the island docks already clearly forming in his mind.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:31 pm
by Lysu Davanum
Then I suppose you cannot be called leader of the Concubius anymore. If there are no objections, I wish to make Moskher our rightfull leader till maybe someday Aristeaus return. And I will be happy to help him in this hard position.


~Proud member of the Concubius~

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:39 pm
by Fooser
*A paper is torn, only showing the top that was near the pin*

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:52 pm
by Sherg
Tanora gave us holy sign.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:20 pm
by Sass



Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:44 pm
by Shukk
All things Shukk got on this island she left behind. She left all her family behind, and everything else. Just her hammer she had on her back, to prove her loyality to Zelphia with the carves on it. "This travel will be my last one", she thought and jumped into the cold sea. This time, she won't come back. She looked upon the light she saw the last days - "This light will guide me... It is time to visit him... My time here is made".

And without a note, without a word or letter to anyone else then their family she left the island and swims away, right into one direction: The direction of the light; the lizard king's hall.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:06 pm
by Varshikar
You notice some changes made upon the original document

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:34 pm
by Sherg
Atleast let me explain myself.


Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:03 pm
by Varshikar
You shall have your say before the council. A date shall be organised which fits to all.


You notice some changes made upon the original document

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:05 am
by Varshikar

Some small changes are made, along with a new sentence:

Become a citizen of Varshikar now! Send a letter, or meet with any current citizen or advisor.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:52 pm
by Lysu Davanum
A request to have our newest asset added in the list too.
  • -Lofosh Ironbreaker

Or again, maybe people object.


Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:57 pm
by Lofosh Ironbreaker
Thank you Lysu, for this recommendation. Anyhow, I will be glad to be a part of this.

Lofosh Ironbreaker

The message seems to consist of runes, thus the dwarf accidentally forgot to write in ordinary language.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:55 am
by veralion
Vearlion steps out of his cave, and paces a short ways down south. He stands there, sword at his side, round shield strapped to his arm, and a staff in his opposite hand. At the end of the rock wall that leads to the huts and old ruins of the old northern settlement, that is being rebuilt, he stands and waits for his brothers, and is prepared to not let any other pass, as if he is claiming territory for his clan only...

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:09 am
by Moskher Heszche
Moskher leaves a note on the wall as he leaves the town.

In my absence, I find myself strapped for a suitable replacement. As such, I give all my votes into the capable hands of Aristeaus. He may either choose a temporary replacement to vote for me, or take two votes for himself, whichever he finds, in his wisdom, more suitable.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:53 am
by Fooser
The resouces will be re-counted soon.


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:00 am
by Varshikar
A few small changes.


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:46 am
by Fooser
-Resources recounted
-Some more small changes


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:38 am
by GorgeBloodstench
Gorge writes on the town wall:

Since when does Aristeauses dink he be king of land?! Gorge nub remember him ever bein' crowned king!

Land still belongs too da four owners: Arist, CHIEF VERALION, and nub know bout Shukk, she be gone it look like.

Chief still here! Land nub be Arist land yet!

It nub be Arist's to give! He can't give da land to anyone because it nub be his.


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:48 am
by Athian
then consider me taking over as partial owner of the ladn i'll be happy to work with all of you who are activly present. if you don't like that then come bring it up with me in person and i'll be happy to make it all clear for you.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:58 am
by Alexandra

If Veralion has a problem with this arrangement he can contact myself or Athian, and we shall be happy to adress his concerns. However untill he addresses his concerns we shall assume he has none.

Also as Aristeause was chosen to be the leader, he is well with in his rights to announce a steward to look after the land while he is away. This is only temporary. However as Athian is in charge and he has asked me to be the ambassador, and untill Aristeause returns, we are dedicated to the reconstruction of the city.

You only mentioned three land owners, also you appear not to keep up with the politics of your own land, as Shukk was displaced as leader many months ago.

Alexandra Corulas, ambasdor of Varshikar

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:44 am
by veralion
Land on da west side of rock line be Skulls Land. Anyone der or in da' cave, wes drinks yous blood. Oomies will nub treat me name n' Skulls wif such foulness.
Any objections, yous can sees our blades! It start Skulls land, it stay Skull land! Nub cross border!!
Oomies will pays for tinking dey steal from Chief n' Clan.

Veralion, Cheiftan of the Bloodskull Clan

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:34 pm
by Alexandra

As far as I am aware, no one has stolen from you, and no body here has insulted your name. If you feel you have been ofended in anyway please tell us how, and we shall address the problem imediatly. However if you still wish to be independant, then I shall warn you know, that any hostil action against our people will resul in a breakdown of peaceful negociations.

Alexandra Corulas

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:45 pm
by Athian

Dear me old friend, i hadn't realized i'd done something so cross against you. I understand caliming your own boarders and i understand protecting your people even more the question is as i leader are you able to distingush when your ordered violence is no longer an act of self defense. Do as you will with your hole in the ground because to be blunt i don't think anyone cares enough to have designs on your land. Paranoia can be a very dangerous thing for a leader. and i'd very much appreciate if you would send your compliants to myself or another working on the reconstruction and not just leave bloody messages on our parchments

Athian Corulas.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:49 am
by GorgeBloodstench
You idiot Athian and 'Alex'

You both be dumies! You dink dat we goin' to let yoo steal ours lands that we got from months of war? We Won' let you take our lands!

We agree to da four leaders long times ago. Now it be 2 leaders. We nub agreed do dat!

We skulls takes it all back now!

You can move out yoos dum equipment and hind ends, before me get out der wit me axe!

Yoo can leave right now and go make yoos own towns somewhere else.

Dis be our land. Nub yours.

Yoo nub can have it. All skulls will eat yoo ups if yoo try take it from us!

Dis nub what we agreed to. We nub like Athian, and nub want stoopid oomies on our lands.