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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:27 am
by Moirear Sian
No resistance.

Lungs call out for air. What air?

The sacrifice had ended.

Delivered to the waters... to wash away the curse. To wash away the shield that had consisted of anger and of blood.

Heart began to pound against chest again.

But without fear...

Flowing deeper. And deeper. Waves crashed overhead, colors of turquoise light green blue scintillating through the dark nothing of closing eyes. Sian sensed a school of fish gathering around him, swarming away, while he sank deeper, and deeper.

Senses weakened as lungs cried out louder.


No... resistance. None.

Deceptive silence encased him like a shell. Bubbles rushing up around him back up to the surface from whence he had sunken.

Words that had burnt themselves into memory now formed clearly within his mind. The last, final words of the sacrifice he had whispered to Her faces, which had sealed his fate.
The last words he had uttered before he completely delivered himself to Her waves.

  • May the rivers of life come full circle,
    May eternity be where you flow.
    May you count me among thy saints-
    Teeming thy love as we go...
He sank deeper.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:39 am
by Belegi
Belegi has watched Sian´s ritual at the Tanora shrine for quite a long time. Suddenly, the human jumped into the water, surrendering his body to the sea.

Yelling out, she immediatly sees the danger. Not being able to swin, she hesitates to follow the human into the floods but makes her way back to the human´s hometown to call for aid...

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:48 am
by Moirear Sian
Eyes shot wide open, as they stared into the darkness above, or below.
It mattered not anymore, the two had become one.
Sanity slipped slowly like life slipped away.
And he began to remember those fateful dark days from the past...

Holding the head of their enemies triumphantly into the air, then realizing how he beheld the head of his own father, as the viser fell from the helmet.

Sinking deeper...

How he drew the blades from his friends' bodies, blood splashing into face as his countenance fell and he slew friend and foe alike.

Sinking deeper...

How he had escaped onto the ship, just but a stowaway, feeding off the very rats and scum that had infested it.

Sinking deeper...

And the tides that had ended the path - vanquished the ship - nearly killed him -
and had washed him back onto these new shores.

Sian gazed through the haze of the bubbles, as his body sunk deeper into darkness.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:42 am
by Gwynnether

Gwynnether was near the coal-mine as she heared Belegis calls from a distance. She needed some seconds to realise what she was shouting. And as if stung by an adder she started to ran towards the shrine... unfixing her armor while running.

She wasted no second after she doffed her armor and jumped into the water and dived for Sian.

At the first second she didn't saw anything in the water. So she dived up again to catch some breath and then back down.

Then she was able to grab something under her. It was an arm. She pulled him upward.

She gasped as she came to the surface again and lugged Sian to the shore.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:53 am
by Moirear Sian
Sian is half-naked, dressed only in drenched black pants and heavy boots. The tattoo of a wolf's head and crossed claws adorns his bare back, around his shoulders.

His body feels cold and lifeless.

But... there's something there. Some spark of life left. A single heartbeat.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:53 am
by Reverence
A figure watches the lone man...
People rush to his aid...

This is a decision of his own,, if he is denied he will be forever denied.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:17 am
by Moirear Sian
Sian has been seen in town again.

But something is different about him.

It can only be recognized by a strange glint that has entered his pale-blue eyes.