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Verschobene Zusammenkunft

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:51 pm
by Q-wert
Today's gathering of the House of the Sea Serpent as well as the arms practice following it had been postponed by one threeday upon humble request of the Fifth House. Following gatherings and practices in the next time will not be moved, unless the defence and security of the Realm and its faith demand for such.
Die heutige Zusammenkunft des Hauses der Seeschlange, wie die darauf folgende Waffenübung wurde auf die höfliche Bitte des Fünften Hauses um einen Dreitag verschogen. Die darauf folgende Versammlungen und Übungen werden in nächster Zeit nicht verschoben, es sei denn die Verteidigung und die Sicherheit des Reiches und seines Glaubens verlangen dies.

Anhänger des Dritten Hauses mögen Holz und Nahrung für die anstehenden Aufgaben des Hauses sammeln, wenn die Pflichten der Reichsverteidigung gegen beide Invasionen Zeit hierfür lassen. Diese werden in der Zusammenkunft des kommenden Dreitages erläutert und koordiniert.

Members of the Third House may gather wood as well as food for the upcoming tasks of the House, if their duties of defending the Realm against both invasions leave time for such. These will be explained and coordinated in the gathering next threeday.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:11 pm
by Lia
Ich wurde heute von dem violetten Licht , was seit einigen Tagen immer wieder erscheint, getroffen und gewisser Maßen entführt.
Von einem mehräugigen Beholder wurde mir eine Aufgabe gestellt dessen Wahl mich entweder umbringen würde oder mich sicher nach Hause bringt.
Wie man sieht habe ich offensichtlich die richtige Entscheidung getroffen. Mir scheint das Jene Kreatur einige Tests an verschiedenen Leuten ausführen möchte.
Warum konnte ich nicht in Erfahrung bringen, er war nicht bereit auch nur auf eine meiner Fragen einzugehen. Sondern beließ es lediglich beim beobachten.

Jägerin des Hauses der Seeschlange
Ritter aus Cadomyr

Befehler bezüglich der Lichter im Himmel

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:40 am
by Q-wert
The Templewarrior now also had the questionable honour of being taken by the light that appeared over the Realm. He attacked the creature he was taken to, caused as much damage to the structure of the place as possible with his unsuitable equipment and left when there was nothing left to destroy.

The House of the Sea Serpent hereby order until the end of the month every citizen of the Realm not carrying pickaxe and portal book with them to run for cover, should strange lights appear in the sky. Should one be taken by the light, they are to cause as much damage to the structure of the place they are taken to as possible and retreat with the use of the portal. Refusal of cooperation with the beholder is recommended.

May the Ushak-Skath bless those taken by the light,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who will be found in the safety of the library during the attacks.

Richtspruch über Rok Kré Ho

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:09 pm
by Q-wert
The Orc Rok Kré Ho, former friend and ally to the Temple of the Holy Land of Zyathis, is hereby judged guilty of allegiance to the God of Blood after forfeiting the chance of redemption given to him, witnessed by High Priestess Zelphyra. Rok Kré Ho is expelled from the realm of Cadomyr for as long as he does not repent from his heretic faith and turns to the respectable Gods instead. Until then he is also to be slain, should he dare to set foot on the soil of the Realm.

Der Ork Rok Kré Ho, ehemaliger Freund und Verbündeter des Tempels des Heiligen Landes Zyathis, wird hiermit nach dem Ausschlagen einer zweiten Chance der Gefolgschaft des Blutgottes für schuldig befunden, bezeugt von Hohenpriesterin Zelphyra. Rok Kré Ho ist des Reiches Cadomyrs verwiesen so lange er nicht von seinem herätischem Glauben abweicht und sich an die respektablen Götter wendet. Bis dahin ist er zu erschlagen, sollte er es wagen Fuß auf den Boden des Reiches zu setzen.

Für Reinheit des Glaubens im Reich,

For purity of faith in the Realm,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who truly wonders as to why one would follow a God so detrimental to a peaceful life.

Gesicherter Tempel

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:34 pm
by Q-wert
During the last arms practice the House of the Sea Serpent has fortified the shallow waters and bridges leading to the temple of Sirani, repurposing some of the barricades the House had previously deployed for the defence of the now secure cornerstone of candour. Together with the fortifications a small camp was set up to allow for better use of the temple island as a position to rest and tend to the wounded.
By order of the Baron Templewarrior the iron gate leading to the island is to be kept shut when no one requires passage and the islands west of the temple to be kept clear from the undead. For as long as the invaders apply the same tactics they have been using for the last months and orders are followed, the temple of Sirani now should be safe from the invading undead.

For purity of faith in the Realm,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who, while being glad that the lovely shrine maidens are safe now, it still takes an armed escort to reach their company.

Neuigkeiten vom Berg

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:06 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent has scouted the area around Mount Letma right after the latest rumbling coming from the mountain before it continued the battle against the invading undead forces. The entrance previously sealed by the House is now fully collapsed and sealed by solid frozen lava. The former entrance however does sport two intricately ornated red portals, which one can not enter.
The undead invaders use these portals to deploy red skeletons similar in number and type as with the portals before.

The House moved some of the barricades forward on the seaward front, now all islands between the old harbour of the Realm and the temple of Sirani are included in the area blocked to the invaders. While the skirmishes between faithful defenders and undead do continue, this does bring all islands of the delta west of the two main streams of the Kantabi back under unquestioned control of the Realm.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

Neues von der Nordfront

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:46 pm
by Q-wert
Presumably driven back by the lengthy battles and repeatedly conquested command post the orcish invaders have given up their former staging point and moved back to a hastily fortified position in the northeast corner of the desert, utilizing the old fortress as a natural barrier. While the overall spread of their forces remains roughly the same, they are now lacking a command post to coordinate their efforts and the focus of their invasion has moved slightly eastwards with a larger concentration around their base camp.

Recent encounters have shown small numbers of undead forces fighting alongside the orcish invaders, sharing appearance arment and fighting style with the undead coming from the mountain.

Members of the House of the Sea Serpent are to continue skirmishes to contain control and weaken numbers of the undead as well as orcish invaders on either front as they have during the last weeks.

May the Ushak-Skath bless the faithful defenders of the Realm,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who does have the impression of these battles to have no end in the near future.

Der Gräfin Unverschämtheit und Brot für das Reich

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:18 pm
by Q-wert
On the latest push of the Fifth House
The Baron Templewarrior and the House of the Sea Serpent take note that the Countess seems unable to tell south (to where the Baron Templewarrior charged) from east (where the portals were) and blames lack of discipline under her command on the Baron Templewarriors covering of the retreat of her expedition force. Her not not noticing the Baron Templewarrior to have been the one to slay the undead encircling her when she passed out in the midst of battle while her force was being overrun is nothing the House faults her for.

Previous battles at the mountain have shown that smaller, coordinated units with an emphasis on archers and one subcommander per unit work best when dealing with creatures of number and strength as deployed by the undead invaders. With the experience from these previous battles the Third House recommends to follow this tactic in favour of a loose and widespread close combat formation for further larger offensives on the southern front.

Regardless of the push of the Fifth House the Third House will continue to keep up the fight south and north as described in previous papers.

Königlicher Befehl: Nahrung für das Reich - Royal Command: Food for the Realm
Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Queen of Cadomyr and Chosen of the Goddess has tasked the House of the Sea Serpent to secure trading deals for food supplies and to distribute them to the citizens of the Realm over the course of 15 months, starting with the upcoming Ronas.
Ihre Majestät Rosaline Edwards, Königin Cadomyrs und Erwählte der Göttin hat das Haus der Seeschlange damit beauftragt Handelsabkommen für Nahrungsmittel zu sichern und die dadurch erworbenen Güter über einen Zeitraum von 15 Monate, beginnend mit Ronas, an die Bürger des Reiches zu verteilen.

Beständige Reichsbürger welche von ihren Pflichten gebunden sind, wie Torwächter Milenus oder die zahlreichen Tutoren und Händler werden ihren Anteil vom Dritten Haus zugeliefert bekommen.

Permanent citizens of the Realm busy with their tasks, such as gate guardian Milenus or the many tutors and merchants will have their share delivered to them by the Third House.

Rations for the rest of the Realms citizens will be handed out during the dwarvenweekly arms practice of the Realm, beginning with the one of this dwarven week. Those citizens not able to make it to the practice may have a friend of them take another on their behalf.

Rationen für die restlichen Reichsbürger werden während der zwergenwöchtenlichen Waffenübung des Reiches ausgehändigt, beginnend mit der dieser Zwergenwoche. Jene die es nicht zu den Übungen schaffen können einen Freund eine Ration an ihrer statt ausgeben lassen.

Möge der Erstgeborenen die gläubigen Diener der Erwählten segnen,

May the Firstborn bless the faithful servants of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Put to paper by the grand Lettarius. Who undeniably is as busy as he is good looking.

Kopfgeld, Feinde und beglichene Schulden des Wüstenfuches

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:58 pm
by Q-wert
Southern Front: Bounty
As some members of the Fifth House have noticed, there apparently are some who disregard orders in regards of the defence against the undead invasion. The gate to the temple of Sirani is to be kept shut, if not required open for passage. When heading to the defence against the forces from Letma one is check the temple island for undead that might have been lead there or made it through the water and crush them, if there are any.
The House of the Sea Serpent offers one hundred coins of gold to the one bringing forth the head of the person luring undead to the temple and leaving them there to sully ground holy.

Outlaw Hew Keenaxe slain
The outlaw dwarf going by the name of Hew Keenaxe has been slain by the Baron Templewarrior for his allegiance with criminal, heretic and Enemy of the House Joomajin, continuous insults and lies, such as calling the Countess the Baron Templewarriors Mistress and claiming her to have forgiven his attack on the Baron Templewarrior, as well as refusal of following noble command.
Should incidents with those aligned with heretic Enemy Joomajin repeat themselves or humble Cadomyrian workers be harassed by them during their work on Pauldron Island, the House of the Sea Serpent will take initiative to liberate the island from its unrightful occupation.

Debt of the Desert Fox
The House of the Sea Serpent did cover the debt of the House of the Desert Fox towards the Galmarian Arcia for the fine food and drink provided for their ceremony celebrating the Realms victory over the heretic necromancer Phelmon. The Third House found the lack of reply to an invoice received for several months (a period all nobles were aware of that debt, according to the word of the Chosen One) to be an inacceptable stain on the honour of the Noble Houses.

For the glory of the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by the grandest and most hublest of scribes, Lettarius. Who wishes to point out to since taking the position as scribe of the House have written more words than anyone else in that period of time.

Bezüglich der getilgten Schulden des Wüstenfuchses

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:46 pm
by Q-wert
In response to the words of the Countess
In the last talk the Baron Templewarrior had with the Chosen One, Her Majesty stated the following in regards of the debt in question:

  • Countess Annabeth is responsible for the festivity held to celebrate the victory against heretic Pehlmon.
  • The debt in question is explicitly one of Countess Annabeth.
  • The debt in question may be covered by the Baron Templewarrior, if he so wishes.
The Chosen One speaking there to 'be' a debt makes it existent, as the word of the Chosen One is absolute. The House of the Sea Serpent does also believe that foreign goods should be paid for by Cadomyrian nobility, if they are not declared free by the one providing them, as foreigners are not subjects of the Chosen One. As foreign goods were provided at the festivities the Countess is responsible for by the Galmarian Arcia and such was approved by the chain of command put into place in form of Knight Starling, the Third House does find his request to be paid not unjust.

With the Baron Templewarrior having very much enjoyed the food and drink at the festivity, especially the water and the fish dishes which were brought in on short notice, he fails to understand the backlash against him for covering the debt, an action granted by the Chosen One Herself, by calling upon an old favour in stead of coin.

In the name of the Baron Templewarrior,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:52 am
by Q-wert
Geschenk des Wüstenfuchses - Gift of the Desert Fox
The House of the Sea Serpent does thank the House of the Desert Fox for the generous gift of a large quantiy of honour medals, plentyful supplies of food and an holy artifact of Zhambra. It accepts the humble apology that came along with it.
Das Haus der Seeschlange dankt dem Haus des Wüstenfuchses für das großzügiges Geschenk von zahlreichen Ehrenmedaillen, umfassenden Nahrungsvorräten und
einem heiligen Artefakt Zhambras. Es nimmt die demütige Enschuldigung, welche mit diesem Geschenk kam, an.

Versiegelte Bresche - Sealed Breach
Weicher Grund und die Strömung des Kantabiflusses verursachten eine Lücke in den Barrikaden, welche den Tempel der Sirani schützen. Dies war die Stelle an der einzelne der untoten Invasoren durch die Verteidigung schlüpften. Die Lücke welche das Haus des Wüstenfuchses glaubte gefunden zu haben war nicht jene, welche es den Angreifern erlaubte heiligen Boden zu erreichen. Dennoch war es die Bekanntgabe dieser, die das Haus der Seeschlange veranlasste die Barrikaden auf das Genaueste zu überprüfen und den Verteidigungsring zu schließen.
Soft ground and the current of the Kantabi river had caused a gap in the southern barricades shielding the temple of Sirani. This had been where some of the undead invaders had slipped past the defences towards the temple. While the gap in the barricades the House of the Desert Fox thought to have found was not the one causing the breach, it was their announcement that caused the House of the Sea Serpent to closely reinspect the protection of the temple and close its ring of defence.

Hohe Räte - High Councils
The House of the Sea Serpent will host further High Councils at the highest sun of the 18th of Malas and 16th of Tanos for the Noble Houses to listen to concerns and peditions brought forth by subjects of the Chosen One.
Das Haus der Seeschlange wird weitere Hohe Räte zu höchsten Sonne des achtzehnten Malas and sechzehnten Tanos halten, bei welchem die Edlen Häuser den Anliegen und Gesuchen der Untertanen der Erwählten Gehör schenken werden.

Für Mutter Zelphia, Ihren Erstgeborenen und Ihre Erwählte,

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and Her Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the grand Lettarius. Who will leave a certain anouncement to the men of the Desert Fox.

Kopfgeld, Richtspruch und Reise des Baron Tempelkriegers

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 10:51 pm
by Q-wert
Bounty and Sentence to 'Ralph'
The House of the Sea Serpent hereby offers 50 coins of gold to whomever it is that brings forth alive the thief who called himself 'Ralph' two arms practices before the last one. This individual is a human male with tanned skin, dark eyes, regular statue, slightly loose tounge and preference for knives. His scent is described as salty with a distinctive note of rosin and old pork. Ralph dared to steal from the Baron Templewarrior and while the sum taken is insubstantial, the gesture to take from a woundedly resting noble in stead of offering aid is intolerable.

The individual who called itself 'Ralph' is hereby sentenced to a severed right hand and five thousand blocks of stone in the prison mine for his latest deed. Upon his capture the Third House will hold court to determine and judge all further deeds done by him against the Realm.

Journey of the Baron Templewarrior
As most should already be aware, the Baron Templewarrior embarks on a mission to the Old World for one threeweek, starting at the upcoming 8th of Findo. As of such, the next gathering of the House as well as the following arms practice are postponed for once. To make up for the missed practice and rations, rations handed out on the arms practice after the Baron Templewarriors return will be tripled. In addition, every attending archer who fought at the mountain during the Baron Templewarriors absence will receive three thousand of the Houses finest arrows.

May warm rain fall upon the just and righteous,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Masterfully calligraphed letter by letter by the grand scribe Lettarius. Whom education to properly word old Albarian grammar hath not passeth by. But while there is beauty in the implied supremacy of humankind the old wording of the new tounge stands for, he prefers to keep his words in the more cosmopolitan style of the former colonies.

Alte Feinde und neue Taten

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 9:54 am
by Q-wert
Return of Enemy Dreadheart
The Third House thanks the House of the Desert Fox for sharing their knowledge of the return of the outlawed slaver and heretic Ulquiorra Dreadhart also going by the name of 'Bob'.
To refresh memories, this individual is banned from Galmair and Runewick and named Enemy of both Houses, Desert Fox and Sea Serpent for numerous atrocities. As of now he is told to have joined forces with the outlaws under heretic Enemy Joomajin (banned from Galmair and Runewick, Enemy of Sea Serpent) at the unrightfully occupied pauldron island.
While fighting these heretics is no prioritized low by the House of the Sea Serpent, citizens of al settlements able with the sword are strongly encouraged to slay them on sight when- and wherever they find these heretics.

Abend der Fische und Geschichten - Evening of Fish and Tales
Da das Haus der Seeschlange in juengster Zeit die weit größte Last des Kampfes gegen die untoten Invasoren aus dem Vulkan Letma trug, werden seine Mitglieder bei einem ruhigen Abend zusammenkommen um zu ruhen, Fisch zu speisen und alten Geschichten zu lauschen. Diese Versammlung wird am vierundzwanzigsten Naras an statt der üblichen Zusammenkunft gehalten.
As the House of the Sea Serpent recently has carried the vast majority of the battle against the invading undead forces from the volcano of Letma, it will hold a quiet evening for all its members and friends to come together, rest, eat fish and listen to old tales. This gathering will be held at the 24th of Naras in stead of the regular Gathering of the House.
The (dwarven-)weekly Arms Practice will be held one threeday later in that dwarven week.

Die (zwergen-)wöchentliche Waffenübung wird in dieser Zwergenwoche an einem Dreitag später abgehalten.

Entfernen des Ritualplatzes - Clearing the Ritual Site
Lange genug hat der Ritualplatz vor den Toren des Reiches hat die Lande der Erwählten befleckt. Das Haus der Seeschlange bricht zur höchsten Sonne des neunten Naras auf um diese Beleidigung der Gläubigen aus der Welt zu schaffen. Freiwillige aller Loyalitäten willig dem Befehl des Hauses zu folgen werden willkommen geheißen.
The ritual site in front of the gates of the Realm has tainted the lands of the Chosen One for long enough. The House of the Sea Serpent will set out to clear this insult to the faithful at the highest sun of the 9th of Naras. Vulunteers of all allegiances willing to follow command are welcome to assist.

For purity of faith in the Realm,
Für die Reinheit des Glaubens im Reiche,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Calligraphed by the magnificent, the grand, the unmistakeable Lettarius.

Richtspruch über Slug' Gnar

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:36 am
by Q-wert
The orc known as Slug' Gnar is hereby found guilty of the worship of the Fallen God. He had been given one chance to turn from his twisted ways, as is the will of Tanora, which he used to insult the Cadomyrian nobility and spout further heresy about Gods having abandoned the mortals. Witnesses were plenty as he spoke his heresy right in the middle of the market place.

He has been sent into the arms of the Grey Lady as part of his judgement and, should he have survived, is to be slain on sight should he ever dare to lay foot on ground of the Realm of Cadomyr again without having repented from his heretic belief.

For purity of faith in the Realm of the Chosen of Zelphia,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the most courageous Lettarius. Who prefers Moshran worshipping orcs to stay as far from the library as possible.

Feinde des Hauses und deren Urteil

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:54 pm
by Q-wert
Kill Order: Dreadheart
From now on the criminal and outlaw known as 'Ulquiorra Dreadhart' is from now on to be slain on sight by any Cadomyrian having reached the rank of Knight, wherever he is found. The only exception to this command is land owned (and acknowledged by the Realm) by the settlements of Runewick or Galmair when official command is given to 'not' slay him in that location.

Sentence and Trial of Jefferson Gray
For raising arms against Cadomyrian Noblilty upon Cadomyrian ground without legal right or reason the Galmarian Jefferson Gray is to appear for his trial at the highest sun of the 16th Tanos the 11th Cycle in the city hall of Cadomyr. Not appearing to the trial is considered admittance of guilt. Galmarian officials are granted the right to come as well as speak in his name.

Furthermore, by the Noble right bestowed upon Baron Ssar'ney, the Galmarian Jefferson Gray is sentenced to ten thousand stones for assisting the wanted criminal Ulquiorra Dreadhart in the form of practice in arms, witnessed by Templeguardian Xanthe. These stones may be delivered to the House of the Sea Serpent in the form of bricks burnt, stones cut or worked off in the prison mine.
The amount of stones is doubled each time he is found on Cadomyrian lands for any other reason than appearing for trial or sentence until his debt is paid off. Should the amount of stones reach or surpass 80000 stones (equalling being seen in the Realm three times), he is to be slain on sight on Cadomyrian ground.

The House of the Sea Serpent wishes for word from Galmarian officials wither the actions of Jefferson Gray and those that accompanied him at the third day of Mas on the tenth cycle (namely attacking a Noble and very likely letting loose three eyed mummies as well as multiplying them, were the will of the Don.

The Galmarian Jefferson Gray is hereby named enemy of the House of the Sea Serpent.

Following the absolute law of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Written by Lettarius. Who believes that priorites of the Baron have just changed for a bit.

Consortion with demons, necromancy, leading an attack against the Realm, repeated attacks against Cadomyrian subjects as well as unrightful assumption of Royal authority are hereby added to the charges against the Galmarian Jefferson Grey.

Postscriptum II
Further additions to the charges are heresy and questioning the rule of the Chosen One.

Bann, Wachsamkeit und ehemalige Verräter

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:01 pm
by Q-wert
Bann von Dreadheart - Ban of Dreadheart
Auf vermehrte Nachfrage der Reichsbürger ist der Gesetzlose, welcher als 'Ulquiorra Dreadhart' bekannt ist, nun zusätzlich der Tore des Reiches verwiesen. Die Order ihn auf Sicht zu erschlagen, wo immer er auch gefunden wird, besteht weiterhin.
Upon popular request of Cadomyrian citizens the outlaw known as 'Ulquiorra Dreadhart' is now also formally banned from the walls of the Realm. The order to slay him wherever he is found does still apply.

Wohnung Wachsamkeit - Flat Vigilance
The right to inhabit the flat 'vigilance' is hereby granted to Knight of the Realm Tas'Ad'Kazar until a quartermaster is appointed. Once such happens he is to contact the quartermaster for just payment of rent due.
Das recht die Wohnung 'Wachsamkeit' bis zur Ernennung eines Quartiermeisters zu beziehen ist hiermit dem Reichsritter Tas'Ad'Kazar erteilt. Sobald eine Ernennung stattfand hat er den Quartiermeister für die gerechte Zahlung der Miete zu kontaktieren.

Betreffend des ehemaligen Verräters Dranis - Regarding former Traitor Dranis
Da es der Pfad Tanoras ist 'eine' Chance auf Rehabilitation zu gewähren und der ehemalige Verräter Dranis in den nächten des Blutes für das Reich stritt, wird er nicht länger als Verräter angesehen und darf ebenso die Tore des Reiches passieren. Jedoch wird ihm aufgrund des dürftigen Enthusiasmus das Reich bis zur letzten Woche zu unterstützen und auf Wunsch der Hohenpriesterin der Zugang zum cadomyrischen Tempel der Tanora verweigert.
Die Entscheidung des Fünften Hauses den ehemaligen Verräter unter ihre Fittiche zu nehmen ist ohne Widerspruch des Dritten Hauses zur Kenntnis genommen.

As it is the way of Tanora to grant once chance of redemption and the former traitor Dranis has fought for the Realm during the nights of blood, he no longer is considered a traitor to the House and is also allowed passage of the gates of the Realm. However, due to his lacklustre enthusiasm to aid the Realm until the very last week given and the wish of the High Priestess, from now on entry to the Cadomyrian temple of Tanora is denied to him.
The decision of the Fifth House to take the former traitor under their wing is taken note of and unobjected by the Third House.

In service of the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,
Im Dienste des Reiches der Erwählten der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange
Written by the grand and most handsome Lettarius. Who wonders what all the overkill directed at the heretics is for, when a simple death sentence could be enough.

Richtspruch über Jefferson Gray

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:28 pm
by Q-wert
By not appearing to his trial and no Galmarian offical speaking on his behalf, the former Galmarian Jefferson Gray formally admitted guilt in all crimes accused. The crimes he was accused of and their penalties are as follows:
Durch Nichterscheinen seinerseits, wie eines potentiellen Galmarianischen Beamten, welcher an seiner Statt hätte sprechen können, gestah der ehemalige Galmarianer Jefferson Gray formell seine Schuld in allen Anklagepunkten ein. Die Anklagepunkte mit ihren zugehörigen Strafen sind wie folgt:

  • Erneuter Angriff auf den Reichsadel: Versklavung an die Reichskrone
  • Angriff auf Reichsbürger: Entfernen beider Hände
  • Anzweifeln der Regentschaft der Erwählten: Entfernen der Zunge
  • Königliche Amtsanmaßung: Entfernen des Skalps
  • Ketzerei: Ertränken (bis zum Tode, wenn noch nicht verstorben)
  • Nekromantie: Pfählen (bis zum Tode, wenn noch nicht verstorben)
  • Umgang mit Dämonen: Verbrennen (bis zum Tode, wenn noch nicht verstorben)
  • Anführen eines Angriffs gegen die Reichsmauern: Erweiterte Verbannung

  • Repeated Attack on Cadomyrian Nobility: Enslavement to the Crown of Cadomyr
  • Attacking Cadomyrian Citizens: Removal of both Hands
  • Questioning the Rule of the Chosen One: Removal of the Tounge
  • Unrightful Assumption of Royal Authority: Removal of the Scalp
  • Heresy: Drowning (until death, if not dead already)
  • Necromancy: Impaling (until death, if not dead already)
  • Consortion with Demons: Burning (until death, if not dead already)
  • Leading an Assault against the Walls of the Realm: Extended Ban

While formally still being in place, this sentence does practicly forfeit the the criminals previous sentence to the prison mine.
Obschon formell weiterhin gültig, ist der vorhergegangene Richtspruch über Gray, welcher ihn zu Minenarbeit verurteilte, durch den Diesigen praktisch obsolet.

Die erweiterte Verbannung beinhaltet die Verweigerung der Passage der Reichstore, wie den Befehl ihn auf Sicht zu töten, wo auch immer er sich befindet. Die einzige Ausnahme ist anerkannter fremder Boden, lokales Gesetz oder Autorität dies untersagen. Im Falle einer Gefangennahme, Auslieferung oder Aufgabe des Kriminellen ist eine der drei Todesstrafen (bevorzugt Ertränken) unverzüglich vor Ort anzuwenden. Der Körper ist dann vor die Tore des Reiches zu bringen, so dass die verbleibenden Strafen angewandt werden können.
The extended ban consists of denied passage of the Gates as well as an order to kill him on sight wherever he is found, unless on recognized foreign ground with the local law or command telling otherwise. In case of the criminals surrender or capture one of the three death sentences (preferably drowning) is to be applied on the spot. The body is then to be brought to the gates of the Realm so the remaining penalties can be applied.

Nach dem Gesetz zur Sklaverei wird der Kriminelle Gray mit dem Moment an dem die Strafe der Versklavung angewandt wird Reichsbürger und Eigentum der Erwählten. Da die Erwählte der Göttin nicht mit derart unfeinen Individuen belästigt werden sollte, soll diese Strafe zuletzt angewandt werden.
According to the Law of Slavery criminal Gray becomes a citizen of Cadomyr, owned by the Chosen One, at the moment the penalty of enslavement is applied. As the Chosen of the Goddess should not to be bothered with such unrefined individuals, this is to be the last penalty applied.

In the name of the Law of the Realm and for its Godsgiven Order,
Im Namen des Rechtes des Reiches und für seine göttergebene Ordnung,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who does now have a wonderful example of the phrase 'overkill' to add to the 'Lexicon of the Common Language and its Variations'.

Weitere Knochenentfernung und Viertes Kleines Schützenturnie

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:38 pm
by Q-wert
Entfernen des zweiten Ritualplatzes - Removal of the second Ritual Site
Unter dem Deckmantel einer nebeligen Nacht haben die Frevler des gefallenen Gottes vor einigen Tagen erneut einen Ritualplatz aus Gebein vor den Toren des Reiches errichtet. Zur höchsten Sonne des 11ten Ushos zieht das Haus der Seeschlange aus um diesen Makel vom Grund des Reiches zu tilgen. Einjede fromme und hilsfbereite Hand ist gern gesehen.
Some days ago, under the cover of a misty night the heretics of the Fallen God have set up another ritual site of bones in front of the gates of the Realm. At the highest sun of the 11th of Ushos the House of the Sea Serpent sets out to purge this stain upon the ground of the Realm. All faithful and helpful hands will be most welcome to join.

Kleines Turnier der Schützen - Small Tourney of Archers
The House of the Sea Serpent will hold the fourth tourney of archers at the late morning of the 7th of Siros. The procedure will be equal to the last tourney oft he same manner held by the House. The shooting match will, just as last time, take place in the practice hall. There will be three rounds. Each attendee may repeat their shot once each round, although the second shot overrules the first. Every attendee may bring their own bow and munition to the competition. The attendee with the most rounds won wins the shooting match. In case of a tie, a fourth round between the best archers will determine the victor.
Das Haus der Seeschlange hält das vierte Turnier der Schützen zum späten Morgen des 7. Siros. Die Prozedur wird identisch mit dem letztmaligen Turnier des Hauses ablaufen.
Das Wettschießen wird, wie zuletzt, in der Übungshalle des Reiches stattfinden. Es wird drei Runden geben. Jeder Teilnehmer mag seinen Schuss je Runde einmal wiederholen, jedoch verfällt in jenem Fall die Wertung für den Ersten. Ein jeder Teilnehmer mag einen eigenen Bogen mit eigener Munition mitbringen und verwenden. Der Teilnehmer mit den meisten gewonnen Runden siegt. Im Falle eines Gleichstands entscheidet eine vierte Runde über den Sieger des Turniers.

Mitglieder des Hauses der Seeschlange sind wie zum letzten Turnier nicht augeschlossen. Ebenso ist es nicht nötig sich im Vorhinein einzuschreiben.
As for the previous tourneys, Members of the House of the Sea Serpent may participate. There is no need of prior enlisting for participation.

((Rolling will be, as always, done on . The rolls will be 3d100 and need to be lower or equal the characters (skill+bow level+%gem level on bow) to succeed. Highest succeeding roll wins the round. Levels of bows used must be equal or lower than the characters skill. In case you want to roll yourself or watch, register (doesn't cost a thing and there won't be any spam) and poke me in the irc before we start. I'll be around 30 minutes prior.))

For the glory of the Realm and Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Chosen of the Goddess,
Für den Ruhm des Rechtes des Reiches und Ihre Majestät Rosaline Edwards, Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange

Handdrawn by handsome Lettarius. Who wonders what made the Count Templewarrior decide to hold the tourney in spite of his initially voiced intent to halt such events until the end of the invasions, over a year ago.

Scheidung der Familie Stoneridge Lynch

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:11 pm
by Q-wert
Upon request of Samantha Stoneridge and due to recent events during which Azure Wolfsword Lynch willingly endangered wife and child and ultimately cooperated with the enemy of the Realm at the expense of his family, the marriage of Samantha Stoneridge and Azure Wolfsword Lynch, once joined by High Priestess Zelphyra of the Third House, is hereby dissolved.

Samantha Stoneridge may keep all things taken from the former household and is granted the sole custody of her daughter Phoenix Ava Stoneridge (formerly Lynch). All and any rights Azure Wolfsword Lynch had towards his former family are forfeit, as are all rights of support his former family had towards him.

As wished by Samantha Stoneridge, the right of custody of her child Phoenix Ava Stoneridge (formerly Lynch) is to be handed to the aunt of the child, Evie Pryler, should the faithful be unable to prevent an early death of Samantha Stoneridge before the child coming of age with her 16th birthday. In the case of the childs aunt being unable to care for her, Phoenix Ava Stoneridge (formerly Lynch) will be raised as foster child along the children of the Count Templewarrior.

Phoenix Ava Stoneridge (formely Lynch) is hereby granted protection of the House of the Sea Serpent until her 16th birthday or the day the person holding the right of her custody asks for the protection to end, formally declaring every action against her an action against the House for this period of time.

The House of the Sea Serpent reminds that by law of the Realm objection from another Noble House would bring this sentence to court to be judged by the Chosen One, should there be anyone left unsatisfied by it.

In the name of the Realms law and for the holy bond between mother and child,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Handdrawn by handsome Lettarius. Who does give his best wishes for the new live ahead of lovely Miss Stoneridge.

Ultimatum bezüglich des Blutschamanen Zunnak

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:57 pm
by Q-wert
During the last gathering of the Third House a report was voiced, speaking of an orcish shaman going by the name of Zunnak (or one of similar sound) who preaches the fallen God to be worthy of worship and all other Young Gods to be his emissaries. This shaman is hereby given until the end of Sinos to introduce and explain himself and his teachings to the Count Templewarrior. Failiure to comply with this order will be considered worship of the Fallen God forfeiting the chance one is to give heretics before striking them down. In last mentioned case he is sentenced to be slain on sight, should he be found on ground neutral or of the Realm.

For purity of faith in the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Put to paper by the grand and handsome Lettarius. Who writes and writes, more and of higher quality than any other has ever written.

Spende an den Reichschatz

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:52 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent handed over 2220 coins of gold as well as sizable collection of valuables to the Royal treasury. As of such, at the moment of this publication, this is at the largest donation ever made in recorded history of the New World.

Das Haus der Seeschlange überantwortete über 2220 Goldmünzen wie eine großzügige Auswahl an Wertgegenständen an die königliche Schatzkammer. Damit ist diese Spende zum Zeitpunkt dieser Bakanntmachung die Größte, welche jemals in der neuen Welt getätigt wurde.

Für Ruhm und Stärke des Reiches der Erwählten,
For glory and strength of the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Put to paper by the grand and handsome Lettarius. Who already knows what he will spend his share of gems on.

Fall der Uhuru Pryler, Räte, Zermonien und geplante Offensiv

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:06 pm
by Q-wert
On the case of Uhuru Pryler assisting Kahramesz
Upon searching the archives of the Realm, the scribes of the House of the Sea Serpent stumbled upon old sentences concerning the Galmarian Uhuru Prlyer in regards of assisting Kahramesz, priest of the Fallen God, and assaulting a knight of the Realm without legal right. There had been an investigation into the matter, lead by late Countess Annabeth, which unfortunately faded into oblivion before the Noble Houses were founded. This allowed Miss Pryler to sneak into service of the Realm for a short period of time during the activity of the criminal warband of the 'Free Men', against the will of the Chosen One.

The most recent written official words on the matter state the following:

  • Oxiana, Left Hand of the Don, grants permission to take Uhuru Pryler into custody on ground foreign to Galmair.
  • Uhuru Pryler is only allowed to enter the Realm of Cadomyr after asking for permission until the investigation is completed.
  • Any other warrants concerning the incident of Uhuru Pryler assisting a priest of the Fallen God are put to halt until the investigation is completed.

The House of the Sea Serpent does hereby take over the investigation and by noble right of the Count Templewarrior the second is refined to "Uhuru Pryler is only allowed to set foot on Cadomyrian ground with written permission granted by either of the Noble Houses, until the investigation is completed.". Entering the Realm without such will be considered admittance of guilt, the penalty for aiding the forces of the Fallen God being death.

There will be a trial ending the investigation at the beginning of the next High Council with Count Templewarrior Ssar'ney as judge. The trial will, as usual, follow protocol of the High Council. Not appearing to the trial will be considered admittance of guilt. With the accused Uhuru Prlyer being Galmarian, Galmarian officials are granted the right to send someone to appear and speak in her stead at the trial. Until then witnesses and those involved in the investigation thus far are encouraged to bring forth reports and evidence so judgement will not have to be based on records predating the House of the Sea Serpent.

Uhuru Prlyer is hereby granted right to enter the Realm of Cadomyr during the day of the trial.

High Councils
The House of the Sea Serpent hosts further High Councils at the highest sun of the 10th of Findos of the 11th cycle after the Return of the Old Gods and the the same daytime of the 05th Zhas of the 12th cycle after the Return of the Old Gods. As usual, citizens of the Realm and foreign officials may publicly bring forth petitions, questions and concerns to the Noble Houses of the Realm during these events. Traditionally these gatherings are used to hear the commonfolks voice for the course of the Realm for the time to come.

Honour Ceremony for the Battle of Letma
The House of the Sea Serpent will host a small ceremony at the highest sun of the 19th Eldas of the 11th cycle to honour those who helped slay undead invaders in the thousands during the moths-spanning competition of the House. Food and drink will be provided for all guests.

Attack on Snakehead Mountain
While mostly bound with the battle against the invaders pouring into the east of the Realm, the House of the Sea Serpent will gather its forces at the highest sun of the 16th of Irmas in front of the Reams gates to instead strike agains the cult of the Fallen God which took residence in Snakehead Mountain. Allies and friends of the House, as well as devout followers of the patron deities of Cadomyr are most warmly invited to join the attack.

For justice and purity of faith in the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent

Written by whom? Lettarius, the grandest of scribes, of course! Who, as his magnificent work, is not unpleasing to the eye for the ladies.

Urteil von Kriegsmeister Watkan

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:03 pm
by Q-wert
The dwarf Watkan, claiming to hold the titles of Battlelord of the Grey Mountains and Thane of Karak Norn, is hereby found guilty of multiple assaults on citizens of the Realm, insulting the Realm of the Chosen One and attempted fraud against the Cadomyrian Nobility.

Should the criminal offer himself over by the end of the month of Malas of the 11th Cycle, he is sentenced to thirty thousand stones in the prison mine and then handed over to Galmair to pay for crimes committed there.
Should he fail in such by the time given, he is to be slain on sight on ground Cadomyrian or neutral.

As Watkan claims to be of nobility, the Count Templewarrior grants the dwarven battlemaster the right to challenge this sentence in a personal duel or field battle.
The Count Templewarrior wishes it to be known that he expects Watkan to make use of this right, should there be even a hint of spine and honour in him.

The House of the Sea Serpent expresses its gratitude to the Galmarian orc Krukk for providing the criminals identiy.

For Mother Zelphia, Her Firstborn and Her Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Count of the House of the Sea Serpent


By the grand Lettarius. Who expects a delightful footnote in the history of the Third House, should the dwarfs claims hold any substance.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:01 am
by Vwtqn
((Krukk was never given the name Watkan))

Idle threats notwithstanding.

S'harted of the pit of snakes is under review for assault and battery. Assault defined as committing actions reasonably known to have the effect of leading to another party's apprehension of harm. Battery formed by offensive contact without consent, violating the dignity of individuals.

Additionally charged for an attempt to discourage the exercising of every being's Eldan-given constitutional freedom rights.

Finally, due to efforts to uphold a tyrannical and unelected dictatorship that supports the institution of slavery: Cadomyrian Imbecility will be given over to have their guilt assessed by a jury of, for, and by the people.

Judgment and penalties temporarily withheld.

Aufgaben und baldige Geschehnisse

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:18 pm
by Q-wert
Meisterrang von Jägers Blavorr und Rüstkammer - Mastery of Hunter Blavorr and Armoury
The House of the Sea Serpent is proud to announce Hunter Alberich Blavorr having reached the mastery of smithing. He is currently tasked with replenishing the armoury of the House. Any member requiring new smithed equipment may directly turn to him or (as before) ask the Count Templewarrior, who is overseeing the armoury.
Das Haus der Seeschlange ist stolz bekanntzugeben, dass Jäger Alberich Blavorr kürzlich den Meisterrang des Schmiedes erlangte. Er ist nun mit dem Aufbestücken der Rüstkammer des Hauses betraut. Ein jedes Mitglied, welches neue geschmiedete Ausrüstung benötigt mag sich direkt an ihn oder (wie zuvor) an den, die Rüstkammer verwaltenden, Graf Tempelkrieger wenden.

Hausaufgabe: Gewinnung reinen Wassers - House Task: Aquiring pure Water
In Vorbereitung des geplanten Vorstoßes zur vollständigen Rückgewinnung der Tempelinsel der Sirani sucht das Haus der Seeschlange eine große Menge an reinem Wasser zu erlangen. Alle Mitglieder mit freier Zeit und Muße werden angehalten diese zum Fischen und zum Gewinn von reinen Wasserelementen zu nutzen. Zusätzlich wird das Haus der Seeschlange solch Elemente ankaufen, Angebote mögen persönlich oder per Bote zugetragen werden.
In preparation of the planned push to fully retake the temple island of Sirani the House of the Sea Serpent seeks to acquire a large quantity of pure water. All members able to spare time and effort are encouraged to spend it fishing and gaining pure water elements. Furthermore, the House seeks to purchase additional of these elements, offers may be made in person or via messenger.

Des Wüstenfuchs Turnier - Tourney of the Desert Fox
The House of the Sea Serpent endorses the tourney Baron K'shire of the Desert Fox prepares and wholehartedly advises devout warriors of all levels of ability to enlist. Details can be found in the recently published paper of the Baron.
Das Haus der Seeschlange befürwortet das Turnier, welches Baron K'shire des Wüstenfuchses vorbereitet und empfiehlt frommen Kriegern jeder Kampfstärke vollem Herzens den Eintrag zur Teilnahme. Details finden sich in der kürzlich veröffentlichten Bekanntmachung des Barons.

Baldige Ereignisse - Upcoming Events
Das Haus der Seeschlange wünscht an die folgenden Ereignisse zu erinnern und wünscht um rege Teilnahme seiner Mitglieder:
The House of the Sea Serpent wishes to remind of the following events, looking forward to active participation of its members:

For glory and strength of the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,
Für Ruhm und Stärke des Reiches der Erwählten der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange

Handdrawn by Lettarius. Who put up one of the pamphlets against the House above this announcement for the bemusement of the people.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:50 pm
by GolfLima
Werte Mitglieder des Hauses der Seeschlange,
dear inhabitants of the House of the Sea Serpent,

eine weitere Möglichkeit mit dem Segen der Götter an reines Wasser zu kommen ist es Lehm zu schaufeln.
another way to get pure water is to dig clay with the mercy of the gods.


(( sorry for the bad translation ))

Urteil über Uhuru Pryler

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:33 pm
by Q-wert
Conclusion of the case of Uhuru Pryler
In the longest trial the Realm has seen thus far the Galmarian Uhuru Prlyer has been found innocent of heresy, as lent no significant aid to the heretic Kahramesz, and guilty of striking the former Knight Vern Burnhammer, as no party denied her doing so, although she has been in a state allowing for easy manipulation at the time in question. With every statement made taken into consideration, the offended Vern Burnhammer is granted two unopposed strikes of sharp blade of his choosing against Uhuru Pryler waring armour of her choosing, once the offended Vern Burnhammer regains his title of Knight of the Realm.

The House notes recent exchanges regarding the trial with the acting Galmarian government to have been most pleasant.
Uhuru Prylers statement of the Family Pryler to never ever again aid the Realm of Cadomyr has been noted.

For tradition and justice of the Realm of the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

Masterfully calligraphed letter by letter by the grand scribe Lettarius. Who can not but note the red haired of the Prlyer-sisters to be as pleasing to the eye as annoying to listen to.

Der Kampf gegen die Häresie

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:31 pm
by Q-wert
Ketzerische Umtriebe - Heretic Activities
Prior to the upcoming nights of blood the heretics around Enemy Dreadheart have taken up activity again, assaulting citizens of all settlements, threatening their leadership and even staging a brief attack onto the Runewickian bridge. All attacks on citizens of Cadomyr have been repelled to this point. The Count Templewarrior himself had been ambushed by all listed enemies of the House at once, fighting his way out unharmed.
Vor den nahenden Nächten des Blutes sind die Ketzer um Feind Dreadheart erneut aktiv geworden. Bürger aller Siedlungen wurden angegriffen und Stadführungen gedroht. Selbst ein flüchtiger Angriff auf die Brücke Runewicks fand statt. Alle Angriffe auf Reichsbürger wurden bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt zurückgeschlagen. Der Graf Tepelkrieger selbst gerat in einen Hinterhalt aller gelisteten Feinde des Hauses auf einmal, focht sich jedoch unverletzt aus der Situation.

Am selben Tage setzte der Feuerdämon, welcher gemeinhin als 'Prea' bezeichnet wird, Teile der Zinnen des Reiches in Flammen, worauf eine gekrönte Gestalt mit gewisser Ähnlichkeit mit der Erwählten in den Flammen erschien. Das Haus ließ die Flammen löschen, welche lediglich Ruß und eine verbrannte Krone hinterliesen. Die Erwählte erfreut sich natürlich bester Gesundheit und die Krone konnte als billiges Imitat identifiziert werden.
At the same day the fire demon commonly referred to as 'Prea' set fire to parts of the Cadomyrian battlement with a crowned figure bearing similarity to the Chosen One appearing in the flames. The House had the fire put out, from which only smears and a charred crown remained. The Chosen One of course is alive and well and the crown has been identified as a cheap imitation.

Furthermore, the supposedly last living member an group supposedly calling themself 'Nekrotika' was beheaded and burnt by the House for conducting an ritual of necromancy in the desert of Cadomyr. According to reports the by-effect of the ritual, a sudden shudder of cold, could be felt as far as the great wall in the North. With the Realms library containing only limited information on the group, the House of the Sea Serpent is willing to pay for finds on the 'Nekrotica' from abroad.
Weiterhin wurde das vermutlich letzte lebende Mitglied einer Gruppierung welche sich 'Nekrotika' nannte vom Haus für das Durchführen eines nekromantischen Rituals in der Wüste geköpft und verbrannt. Der Nebeneffekt des Rituals, ein plötzliches kaltes Schaudern, war Berichten nach bis zur großen Mauer des Nordens zu spüren. Da die Bibliothek des Reiches nur spärliche Einträge über jene Gruppe enthält ist das Haus der Seeschlange gerne bereit Funde über die 'Nekrotika' von außerhalb einzukaufen.

Da das Haus der Seeschlange nicht erwartet, dass das Hoch an ketzerischen Aktivitäten in den nächsten paar Dreiwochen zurückgehen wird, ruft es die frommen Diener der Erwählten zur Standfestigkeit auf.
Die Jagd auf die Ketzerei wird vom Haus fortgesetzt, wie es auch dem Spruch des Grafen Tempelkrieger treu bleiben wird: "Verhandlungen mit Dämonen und Ketzern sind keine Option."

As the House of the Sea Serpent expects activities of those opposing the will of the Chosen One to not quiet down in the next few dwarven weeks it calls the devout servants of the Chosen One to remain steadfast.
The hunt on heresy will be continued by the House as it will stay true to the Count Templewariors saying: "One negotiates not with heretics and demons."

Schutz der Kinder von Robberhauf el Luatselay - Protection of the children of Robberhauf el Luatselay
Upon request of their mother, the House of the Sea Serpent takes the children of the Familiy Robberhauf el Luatselay into protection until further notice. For the duration of their protection they will be housed and educated in Cadomyr and any actions against them be considered actions against the Third House for matters legal.
Auf Wunsch der Mutter nimmt das Haus der Seeschlange die Kinder der Familie Familiy Robberhauf el Luatselay bis auf weiteres in seinen Schutz. Für die Dauer des Schutzes sieht das Haus zu ihrer Unterbringung und Ausbildung in Cadomyr. Ebenso werden jegliche Taten gegen die Schützlinge des Hauses vor dem Gesetz als Taten gegen das Haus angesehen.

Für die Reinheit des Glaubens im Reich,
For the purity of faith in the Realm,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

This piece has been delivered by no one less than Lettarius, the grandest of scribes, himself. Who shall gladly put the Count Templewarriors illiterate contempt for the faithless into refined piece of cultural art.

Befreiung von Novize Attós

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:57 pm
by Q-wert
Rescue of the Novice - Befreiung des Novizen
As some might have noticed, Novice Attós of the House of the Sea Serpent had been captured by the enemy, with a demanded ransom of 100 coins of gold. As the House of the Sea Serpent negotiates not with heretics, the Novice was rescued by the Hunters of the House.
Wie manchem vielleicht bekannt wurde Novize Attós vom Hause der Seeschlange vom Feind entführt, welcher ein Lösegeld von 100 Goldstücken forderte. Da das Haus der Seeschlange nicht mit Ketzern verhandelt, wurde der Novize von den Jägern des Hauses gerettet.

Ebenso händigte das Haus der Seeschlange 100 Goldmünzen, wie die Rüstung Dreadhearts, welche in einer der jüngsten der zahlreichen Niederlagen des Ketzers gegen den Graf Tempelkrieger gewonnen wurde, an die königliche Schatzkammer.

The Third House also handed 100 coins of gold to the Royal treasury, along with the armour of Dreadheart which was gained at the most recent of the heretics defeats against the Count Templewarrior.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent

Schuldspruch von Caswir Drakull

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:11 pm
by Q-wert
Das Galmarianische individum, welches gemeinhin als Caswir Drakull bekannt ist, ist hiermit der wiederholten Verweigerung des edlen Befehls von Baron S'rrt K'shire vom Hause des Wüstenfuchses, wie dem Diebstahl königlichem Reichsguts, für schuldig befunden. Das Urteil bezüglich der Verweigerung edlem Befehls, Prügel durch loyale Reichsbürger, wurde bereits ausgeführt. Drakulls Diebstahl von königlichem Reichsgut wird zu gegebener Zeit gerechte Strafe erfahren.
The Galmarian individual known as Caswir Drakull is hereby found guilty of repeated refusal of the Noble Command from Baron S'rrt K'shire of the House of the Desert Fox as well as theft of Royal property of the Realm. The sentence for refusal of Noble Command, a beating from the loyal citizens of the Realm, has already been carried out. Drakulls theft of Royal property of the Realm will receive just sentence in time due.

The item stolen was retrieved from the thief after his escape to and attack on the Baron on Galmarian ground. Foreign complaints may be handed to the respective diplomats.
Der entwendete Gegenstand wurde geborgen nachdem der Dieb auf den Boden Galmairs flüchtete und dort den Baron angriff. Fremde Beschwerden mögen an die entsprechenden Diplomaten gehändigt werden.

Seit an Seit mit dem Hause des Wüstenfuchses stehend,

Standing side on side with the House of the Desert Fox,
  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

By no lesser one than the grand Lettarius. Who does expect a lot of exciting correspondence in the weeks to come.