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Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:27 am
by Caynwyn
Having her 9th rune, Cay waits for the Elder to come and give her another lesson by a hidden garden. Slowly her head lowers toward the table and eyelids close in much needed sleep as immediately a strange dream overtakes her in the form of a story.
Slasthulphus was a sprite from the Plane of Earth who escaped and took the form of an elf to live on Gobaith. He built the garden in the forest across the road from the harbor where he used his sprite powers to grow rare and unusual fruits and vegetables that he would wheel into town to sell. The Plane of Earth is so perfectly balanced that even the smallest sprite has a role. The Elder Tree spirit came searching for him, which caused massive overgrowth and Trollsbane was nearly buried in plants and the elves were gleeful. Slasthulphus was eventually released to live as an elf and he was a member of the Druids as well as the forester of Trollsbane for a time, but since then he's grown distant and donated his garden to the Druids so that he knew it'd be taken care of for the long periods that he's away.

(( thanks Aegohl for that story! ))

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:30 am
by Caynwyn
Having spent a long time at Sirani Islands gathering herbs, Cay finally walks into town and stops in her tracks staring at the altar prominently displayed with eyes widened in disbelief until her gaze raises to the cherry tree. Beginning to smile giving the tree a slight nod whispering "Ushura" she begins to take all the flowers from her bag painstakingly gathered over many days, and lays them on the altar. Eventually the altar was so covered with flowers it was impossible to see anything but the tree behind it as she steps back nodding enjoying her handiwork. Turning on her way mumbling "some things are better covered with flowers", Cay begins her long journey back to Sirani.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:39 am
by Felbion Lijawyn
Honorable druids,

an elfess was assaulted today on the lands of Vanima. She was able to send out a note asking for help and me aswell as several other people got there to try our best. She had a wound on her head, some bruises along her arm and an arrow that had been shot almost through her foot. Non of us were medicos so I gathered the little experience I had and tried my best to help her. I wrapped some cloth around her head tightly to stop the bleeding from the wound on her head and the man known as Felix and me pushed out the arrow and poured some healing potion into the wound, making her drink the rest of the bottle. I do not know if what we did was the right treatment, but I hope it was. We placed her in one of the beds in the basement of Vanima and I burnt some Sibanac to make her more comfortable so she would be able to rest.

It would be nice if a medico from your ranks could go and take a look at her as soon as possible. Should any payment be nessecary, please send me a note.

~Felbion Lijawyn
Dean of Old Common
Free Scribes of Gobaith

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:04 am
by Caynwyn
Cay makes the long walk to the harbor to get her herbs stored in the depot then turns toward the Free Druid board for any news. Reading the note quickly she begins to smile at a certain name written then nods to herself.

Felix knew what to do, but I will go look at her also.

Waiting for the ferry to arrive she mutters to herself...

I hope Azuros comes back soon, it would be nice to give medico classes with him.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:22 pm
by Jaiyra el'Brahminn
Be greeted Free Druids

After witnessing several injuries and being unable to render assistance I wish to learn to be a medico. Please consider me for the next classes.


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:14 am
by Free Druids
The Free Druids would like to remind all on Gobaith that we are, and will always remain neutral as in our codex. We also offer basic healing classes for medico's yet anyone needing more extensive healing feel free to call a druid.
As in the past we again offer to assist in any healing needed for prisoners, and guards in any town and will bring our own supplies.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:05 am
by Copper Dragon
I would also like to request to learn to be a medco as well.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:52 am
by Caynwyn
A parchment is posted on the hospital door written in large cursive writing, only a few words are still in block lettering.

A beginning medico class will be given in a few days (( Monday November 29th 9:30A CST or 3:30P GMT.... and Monday 7P CST or 1A GMT )) covering items the druids keep in the hospital for medico's, and basic wound care.

Items to bring: A ham, scissors and a needle.

Bandages and pastes for wound care will be supplied.

A second medico class covering broken bones, transport of the wounded, and infection will be announced for a later date.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:59 am
by Free Druids
A parchment with the logo of the Free Druids is posted prominently in each town.

Citizens, it has come to our attention there is more then the average lice in plants and possibly some people have acquired the dreaded bugs so we will post remedies here for all to use.

Use a mild poison to wash hair and clothes killing the bugs, this can be obtained from a druid, medico or NOT drink this.

Have a good friend to pick the nits (eggs) out of hair on your head after washing it thoroughly (they are smaller then the head of a pin, white and stick to the hair follicle). If your friend hasn't the time, cut the hair shorter, wash it, then have them pick the nits out. If you have no friend, shave the head and use the mild poison on scalp and clothes. Any questions on procedure, address to the druids.

Repeat this procedure in one week just to be safe. Lice are caught from plants, can also be on animals and can be caught from those infected so be sure to take all precautions.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:14 pm
by Caynwyn
A note written partially in block letters as if the writer was so agitated she forgot some placed on the board using an empty pen to hold it in place.

We have a special request and I need to talk to the other druids, please let me know when we can meet?



Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:51 pm
by Owain
I wish to speak with someone in order to present my application to The Free Druids.
Through my life, I have wandered lands unknown and fate has brought me to this isle.
I have basic knowledge of potions but enough for me to have survived in the wilderness.
I am able to identify various herbs and their properties and use them to make different potions, be it a potion which will cure cuts and grazes or a potion that will help you regain lost energy through use of magic.
Over time I have picked up many skills to identify quality of herbs and could easily tell a good broth from a bad one.

Please send word through any means.

-Owain Glyndwr

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:27 am
by Caynwyn
Deep in the forest Cay hears the rustling of leaves high in the trees as hand goes to her forehead blocking out some of the sun while gaze travels up. Suddenly a single feather floats to the ground followed by a parchment. Running over to first pick up the feather, she again attempts to find the bird muttering to herself.

That is the most elusive bird on Gobaith, if I could only get one glimpse!

Finally picking up the parchment she reads it carefully before taking a pen from her bag to write on the back...having no parchment of her own.

Owain Glyndwr,

I would be pleased to meet with you and further discuss the Free Druids. It may take me a little time to travel from the forest yet I should be near the hospital when I arrive back in Trolls Bane.


Signing the parchment at the bottom, Cay whispers with a warm smile at a pleasant memory..

Perhaps he will see Rainny, Fianna or Azuros before I return. It would be good for him to meet us all.

A halfling begins to laugh at a rabbit hopping near the board appearing quite tired as if traveled a long distance. He reaches down to take the parchment tied with ribbon that is now slightly worn and dirty having been dragged on the ground. After pinning it to the board, he turns around searching for the rabbit to either give some food or possibly prepare another dish yet it seems to have disappeared.

(( RL things keeping from getting ig for a week or so will send a PM ))

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:49 am
by Rainny
Owain is accepted as an Apprentice of our circle. Welcome him.


Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:11 am
by Owain
At the base of the tallest oak, Owain takes his time drawing a dagger from behind his back.
Upon expecting it one may be able to se a very strong reflection, as if the blade was made and finely polished by the gods themselves.
Plunging it into the tree Owain nods and at once vanishes. The only trace is that of the dagger, embedded into the tree.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:37 am
by Sirith-Rym
A piece of parchment is hung on a tree in the forests Southwest of Troll's Bane.

Dear Druids of Gobaith,

I currently have in my possession a large number of herbs I am hoping to trade. I thought you all might be interested.

Here is a list of the herbs I am trading:

Con Blossoms
Meadow Rhabarbs
Oneleaved Fourberrys
Fire Roots
Life Roots
Wolverine Ferns
Water Blossoms
Pious Berries
Sulfur Weeds
Reek Leaves

And here are the herbs I am looking for in return:
Blue Birdsberries
Gossamer Weeds
Grey Thistles

Please send a dove to the Magic Academy if you would like to trade with me. ((PM))


Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:36 pm
by Keelin

I am new here to life on Gobaith and I would very much like to join the free druids. I am a peaceful sort, and eager to learn.

Keelin Aithne

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:37 am
by H.Banestone
"How can I send them a letter, if I cannot write... I hope that Owain keeps his word and warns them of my coming." The man thought to himself.
"He said they don't like weapons, so I should not flash them." - He unstrapped the large metal and leather rack of belts and holsters, and placed it in his depot.
"Yet, on the other hand, I do not want to lie to them about who I am or deceive them of what I can do." He decided to leave a single sword at his belt, and tied it with a peace knot, attaching blade to sheath - a method making it difficult to untie and draw the blade quickly, and an old sign of a warrior coming in peace.
Making those preparations, Haldrom began his journey north, into the woods in direction of the druid house, to seek the Free Druids.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:58 pm
by H.Banestone
Having met Cay and doing as she said, Haldrom decided to draw his letter to the druids in a picture, just like Cay suggested.
A letter arrives to the druid house with the following drawing in its parchment. ... dsight.png

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:24 pm
by Jupiter
Someones pins a simple note on the board.

It would have been a question of good manners to contact us before Troll's Bane.

I await a letter.

Merung Harbes
The Druids of the Forest

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:47 pm
by Caynwyn
Merung Harbes
The Druids of the Forest

According to the recollection of some in the Free Druids you had indicated a long while ago before your sojourn to the mainlands that the Druid of the Forest wasn't interested in the hospital anymore. Excuse us for not considering contacting you under the impression that was still the case. If you would like to keep the hospital under the Druid of the Forest leadership this is fine with us, we will look at other ideas. I am sorry I can't personally meet you at the moment however wish to in the future.

Caynwyn Braedes
Free Druid

Cay adds a parchment on the Free Druid board and also sends a dove to Merung.. the words carefully written in the best cursive she is able to.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:59 pm
by Jupiter
Obviously the recollection was wrong. Otherwise we wouldn't had rebuilt every time it got damaged (which happend in the history of Troll's Bane more than once).

However, if you have any questions concerning the hospital, we can meet - also for other dealings. Normally, it is more usefull to speak to the people bodily than guessing what they could have or couldn't have said.

Merung Harbes
Druids of the Forest

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:12 pm
by Bodho
A small and young halfling can be seen walking around the guildboard and searching for something. After a few moments it seems he finally found what was of interest. The halfling kneels down and opens his bag, carefully he takes a parchment out and glances over the written. With a pleased look he pins the parchment at the board, smiling happily about his work.

Dear ~Free Druids~,

I came to this small island to follow in my fathers footsteps and become a druid. Many rumors on the mainland are talking about the great work the druids and medicos of Gobaith are doing. So I've decided to try my luck and hired on a ship.
If it's wished I'll tell you more about myself and my aims but prefered in person.



Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:32 am
by Caynwyn
A small parchment is written underneath the previous. There are old smudges and even footsteps on it with a large tear as if having gotten lost or blown off by the wind, then found and repinned to the board.


I will send you a dove as soon as I can.


Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:34 am
by Visraak
A small dove flies next to the board and drops a note from it's beak

Dear Free Druids
I wish to learn the ways of the druid, as said in a message I sent recently, and help people as an apprentice, or in time, druid.
I am willing to learn.

~Kildan Bruldstone
The dove sees that it's work is done, and flies back to it's owner

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:10 am
by Owain
Owain pulls the message off the board, and studies the name. After a few moments he repins it and makes for Troll's Bane muttering. "Let's see what this Kildan is like..."

((PM me for a meeting.))

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:28 am
by Owain
I would like to speak with another teacher reguarding my lessons.
I studied under the Druid Rainny but my effors to locate her over the last six months have been in vain.
Though during that time I have had the chance to experiment with different powders and recipes and have mastered quite a few.

-Owain Glyndwr

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:17 am
by Caynwyn
Gently opening the parchment which appeared to have passed through many carriers, folded and refolded with a few small smudges before finally reaching her, Cay smiles recognizing the signature and sends a dove back knowing it may take awhile to arrive.

((sent a PM))

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:21 am
by Caynwyn
A few parchments are placed at the harbor, Greenbriar, Trolls Bane and a couple of trees in the forests.

It may be best if you are in need of a druid to send a parchment to the harbor and just ask for a Free Druid since the doves occasionally get lost hunting one of us in the forest.

Apparently the authoress neglected to sign the parchment however it does prominently display the emblem of the Free Druids.

(( probably best to post here ))

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:44 pm
by Caynwyn
There is a parchment hanging on the door to the hospital leaving plenty of room under the message.

I would like to know how many are interested in a medico class. Please sign your name or leave a print including three best times you can meet at the hospital.

Re: ~Free Druids~

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:47 am
by Arcatius
A piece of parchment is left on the hospital door, is is written in sub-[ar handwriting but not sloppy handwriting
My name is Christophe, and I am interested in learning the ways of medico. My visits to town are not frequent but I am willing to meet for instruction.

((I am a college student and I can really only log in reliably during the weekends. I can try to accommodate a teaching schedule, but my schedule changes every 28 days. If you give me a meeting time, I will try to work that in.))